34,346 research outputs found

    Review of the mathematical foundations of data fusion techniques in surface metrology

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    The recent proliferation of engineered surfaces, including freeform and structured surfaces, is challenging current metrology techniques. Measurement using multiple sensors has been proposed to achieve enhanced benefits, mainly in terms of spatial frequency bandwidth, which a single sensor cannot provide. When using data from different sensors, a process of data fusion is required and there is much active research in this area. In this paper, current data fusion methods and applications are reviewed, with a focus on the mathematical foundations of the subject. Common research questions in the fusion of surface metrology data are raised and potential fusion algorithms are discussed

    MScMS-II: an innovative IR-based indoor coordinate measuring system for large-scale metrology applications

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    According to the current great interest concerning large-scale metrology applications in many different fields of manufacturing industry, technologies and techniques for dimensional measurement have recently shown a substantial improvement. Ease-of-use, logistic and economic issues, as well as metrological performance are assuming a more and more important role among system requirements. This paper describes the architecture and the working principles of a novel infrared (IR) optical-based system, designed to perform low-cost and easy indoor coordinate measurements of large-size objects. The system consists of a distributed network-based layout, whose modularity allows fitting differently sized and shaped working volumes by adequately increasing the number of sensing units. Differently from existing spatially distributed metrological instruments, the remote sensor devices are intended to provide embedded data elaboration capabilities, in order to share the overall computational load. The overall system functionalities, including distributed layout configuration, network self-calibration, 3D point localization, and measurement data elaboration, are discussed. A preliminary metrological characterization of system performance, based on experimental testing, is also presente

    Cross-calibration of Time-of-flight and Colour Cameras

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    Time-of-flight cameras provide depth information, which is complementary to the photometric appearance of the scene in ordinary images. It is desirable to merge the depth and colour information, in order to obtain a coherent scene representation. However, the individual cameras will have different viewpoints, resolutions and fields of view, which means that they must be mutually calibrated. This paper presents a geometric framework for this multi-view and multi-modal calibration problem. It is shown that three-dimensional projective transformations can be used to align depth and parallax-based representations of the scene, with or without Euclidean reconstruction. A new evaluation procedure is also developed; this allows the reprojection error to be decomposed into calibration and sensor-dependent components. The complete approach is demonstrated on a network of three time-of-flight and six colour cameras. The applications of such a system, to a range of automatic scene-interpretation problems, are discussed.Comment: 18 pages, 12 figures, 3 table

    The infrared imaging spectrograph (IRIS) for TMT: on-instrument wavefront sensors and NFIRAOS interface

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    The InfraRed Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS) is a first light client science instrument for the TMT observatory that operates as a client of the NFIRAOS facility multi-conjugate adaptive optics system. This paper reports on the concept study and baseline concept design of the On-Instrument WaveFront Sensors (OIWFS) and NFIRAOS interface subsystems of the IRIS science instrument, a collaborative effort by NRC-HIA, Caltech, and TMT AO and Instrument teams. This includes work on system engineering, structural and thermal design, sky coverage modeling, patrol geometry, probe optics and mechanics design, camera design, and controls design.Comment: 17 pages, 12 figures, SPIE7735-28

    Effect of Hydrodynamic Force on Microcantilever Vibrations: Applications to Liquid-Phase Chemical Sensing

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    At the microscale, cantilever vibrations depend not only on the microstructure’s properties and geometry but also on the properties of the surrounding medium. In fact, when a microcantilever vibrates in a fluid, the fluid offers resistance to the motion of the beam. The study of the influence of the hydrodynamic force on the microcantilever’s vibrational spectrum can be used to either (1) optimize the use of microcantilevers for chemical detection in liquid media or (2) extract the mechanical properties of the fluid. The classical method for application (1) in gas is to operate the microcantilever in the dynamic transverse bending mode for chemical detection. However, the performance of microcantilevers excited in this standard out-of-plane dynamic mode drastically decreases in viscous liquid media. When immersed in liquids, in order to limit the decrease of both the resonant frequency and the quality factor, and improve sensitivity in sensing applications, alternative vibration modes that primarily shear the fluid (rather than involving motion normal to the fluid/beam interface) have been studied and tested: these include in-plane vibration modes (lateral bending mode and elongation mode). For application (2), the classical method to measure the rheological properties of fluids is to use a rheometer. However, such systems require sampling (no in-situ measurements) and a relatively large sample volume (a few milliliters). Moreover, the frequency range is limited to low frequencies (less than 200Hz). To overcome the limitations of this classical method, an alternative method based on the use of silicon microcantilevers is presented. The method, which is based on the use of analytical equations for the hydrodynamic force, permits the measurement of the complex shear modulus of viscoelastic fluids over a wide frequency range

    Technology needs of advanced Earth observation spacecraft

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    Remote sensing missions were synthesized which could contribute significantly to the understanding of global environmental parameters. Instruments capable of sensing important land and sea parameters are combined with a large antenna designed to passively quantify surface emitted radiation at several wavelengths. A conceptual design for this large deployable antenna was developed. All subsystems required to make the antenna an autonomous spacecraft were conceptually designed. The entire package, including necessary orbit transfer propulsion, is folded to package within the Space Transportation System (STS) cargo bay. After separation, the antenna, its integral feed mast, radiometer receivers, power system, and other instruments are automatically deployed and transferred to the operational orbit. The design resulted in an antenna with a major antenna dimension of 120 meters, weighing 7650 kilograms, and operating at an altitude of 700 kilometers

    Design project 1968/9: management report

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    1. INTRODUCTION The design of an automatic assembly machine with versatility in application was undertaken as a group project by post-graduate students attending a course in production technology. This report summarises the work clone and conclusions reached during the project. In addition there are available five other reports which describe the designing of different areas of the machine in full detail (refs. 1 to 6). There is also the report of a technical survey which was carried out to investigate industrial requirements for automatic assembly. In order that this report may serve as a guide, a summary of the content of each of the other reports is included