6 research outputs found

    Social interactions impact on product and service development

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    Digital marketing has enabled a new style of consumerism. Nowadays consumers play active roles in product designing and service development. Social media and user-generated content give consumers possibilities to have some interactions regarding the new or existing product. This gives new opportunities to developers and empowers costumers to be involved in product and service development more than they used to be. While traditional marketing literature typically illustrates consumers as passive recipients this paper will show that digital marketing gives them chance to be actively involved in product and service development, tries to define how social interactions effects development and offers a conceptual model for future research. From the literature, it has emerged that social influence has a big impact on product and service development. This study will be important mostly for those companies who try to implement digital technologies now, as for companies who already adopted these technologies some time ago but they still can't find benefits from it. In the academic field, this paper will help researchers for their future work. Marketing inferences are drawn, and direction for future research is developed in the entire manuscript.Internal Grant Agency of FaME through TBU in Zlin [IGA/FaME/2020/002

    Dynamic Optimization of Original Innovator Based on Product Life-Cycle

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    技术创新,特别是率先创新使企业拥有时间和产品竞争力上的优势,获得了先入优势;另一方面,模仿创新减少了企业的研发成本,更能满足顾客的需求,从而可以获得更高的成功率,使模仿创新企业获得了后入优势。从时间角度看,在模仿创新企业的产品进入市场以前,率先创新企业的原始创新产品在市场中处于完全垄断地位,随后转变为与模仿创新企业进行的产品竞争,为在竞争中获得更大的优势,创新企业将会选择对原始创新产品进行升级换代,由此可根据市场中的产品竞争形势将产品生命周期分成不同的多个阶段。另外,无论面对怎样的竞争形势,企业都面临着利润最大化的目标,或是不考虑后续影响的眼前利润最大化,或是整个产品生命周期的总利润最大化。 ...Technological innovation, especially original innovation helps enterprises gain the advantage of the time and the competitiveness of products, seize the initiative. On the other hand, imitating innovation has the advantage of cost reduction of corporate R&D and meeting customer needs better, which leads to a higher success rate and makes imitation innovative enterprises obtain a post-market advant...学位:管理学硕士院系专业:管理学院管理科学系_管理科学与工程学号:1772009115094

    Taking Stock of the Digital Revolution: A Critical Analysis and Agenda for Digital, Social Media, and Mobile Marketing Research

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    Marketing has been revolutionized due to the rise of digital media and new forms of electronic communication. In response, academic researchers have attempted to explain consumer- and firm-related phenomena related to digital, social media, and mobile marketing (DSMM). This paper presents a critical historical analysis of, and forward-looking agenda for, this work. First, we assess marketing’s contribution to understanding DSMM since 2000. Extant research falls under three eras, and a fourth era currently underway. Era 1 focused on digital tools and platforms as consumer and marketer decision aids. Era 2 studied online communications channels (e.g., online forums) as word of mouth marketing “laboratories,” capturing the potential of DSMM for social information transmission. Era 3 embraced the notion of “connected consumers” by considering various antecedents and consequences of socially interconnected consumers in marketplaces. Era 4, currently starting, considers mobile marketing and brings psychological and social theories to bear on emergent DSMM issues. Second, we critique the DSMM literature and advance a series of recommendations for future research. While we find much to applaud, we argue that several problems limit the relevance of this research moving forward and suggest ways to alleviate these concerns moving forward


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    Peer-to-peer information sharing has fundamentally changed customer decision-making process. Recent developments in information technologies have enabled digital sharing platforms to influence various granular aspects of the information sharing process. Despite the growing importance of digital information sharing, little research has examined the optimal design choices for a platform seeking to maximize returns from information sharing. My dissertation seeks to fill this gap. Specifically, I study novel interventions that can be implemented by the platform at different stages of the information sharing. In collaboration with a leading for-profit platform and a non-profit platform, I conduct three large-scale field experiments to causally identify the impact of these interventions on customers’ sharing behaviors as well as the sharing outcomes. The first essay examines whether and how a firm can enhance social contagion by simply varying the message shared by customers with their friends. Using a large randomized field experiment, I find that i) adding only information about the sender’s purchase status increases the likelihood of recipients’ purchase; ii) adding only information about referral reward increases recipients’ follow-up referrals; and iii) adding information about both the sender’s purchase as well as the referral rewards increases neither the likelihood of purchase nor follow-up referrals. I then discuss the underlying mechanisms. The second essay studies whether and how a firm can design unconditional incentive to engage customers who already reveal willingness to share. I conduct a field experiment to examine the impact of incentive design on sender’s purchase as well as further referral behavior. I find evidence that incentive structure has a significant, but interestingly opposing, impact on both outcomes. The results also provide insights about senders’ motives in sharing. The third essay examines whether and how a non-profit platform can use mobile messaging to leverage recipients’ social ties to encourage blood donation. I design a large field experiment to causally identify the impact of different types of information and incentives on donor’s self-donation and group donation behavior. My results show that non-profits can stimulate group effect and increase blood donation, but only with group reward. Such group reward works by motivating a different donor population. In summary, the findings from the three studies will offer valuable insights for platforms and social enterprises on how to engineer digital platforms to create social contagion. The rich data from randomized experiments and complementary sources (archive and survey) also allows me to test the underlying mechanism at work. In this way, my dissertation provides both managerial implication and theoretical contribution to the phenomenon of peer-to-peer information sharing

    Disseny d'un model d'avaluació de resultats de l'activitat de màrqueting per a empreses competint al mercat català i amb relació contractual amb els seus clients

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    L’objectiu de la tesi doctoral és el de desenvolupar un model que permeti valorar de forma objectiva les actuacions en matèria de màrqueting portades a terme per una organització. Aquest model està constituït per un conjunt de variables descriptives i quantitatives, anomenades variables de control, juntament amb una metodologia de càlcul i un sistema d’indicadors integrat que facilita la traçabilitat de les inversions de màrqueting i explicita la relació causa-efecte entre aquestes i el valor generat per a l’organització. El model s’utilitza per a valorar dades reals d’organitzacions que operin al mercat català i que compleixin la condició de basar la relació amb els seus clients en un model contractual (com veurem més endavant, és inviable aplicar un model comú per a tot tipus d’empresa). L’objectiu, doncs, és la valoració de l’acompliment dels seus objectius en relació als seus actius de mercat (marca i valor de client) i la creació d’un model específic, no generalitzable, per a aquest tipus d’empreses. Un segon objectiu d’aquest treball és l’anàlisi de les principals publicacions especialitzades referents des d’un punt de vista global i local, proposant en primer lloc una terminologia clara en relació a l’activitat de màrqueting, l’acompliment dels seus objectius i la conceptualització d’actius de mercat, i analitzant, en segon, l’impacte d’aquests àmbits i la seva evolució en els últims quinze anys. Alguns estudis previs (Llonch et al., 2002; Ambler i Xiucun, 2003; entre d’altres) es centren a comparar empreses per sectors, funcionalitats i països. És probable, com apunta Llonch et al. (2002) al fer això, que casuístiques atribuïbles a diferències geogràfiques i nacionals es tractin erròniament com a empresarials. A tal efecte, aquest estudi elimina la variabilitat per país i sector (parcialment, aquest darrer), proposant un model acotat, tal com recomanen Ambler et al., (2001), Llonch et al (2002), entre d’altres, que pugui servir de referència en la metodologia i en la validesa conceptual, i no tant en els resultats del model en un context més genèric. Pauwels (2009) demostra la relació entre la creació d’un model predefinit de variables i la millora del càlcul de l’eficiència en la despesa en màrqueting, pel que la creació d’aquest model integrat té l’objectiu d’esdevenir una eina de Gestió del Rendiment Corporatiu (GRC, en endavant1) (Bauer, 2004) aplicada a la gestió de màrqueting i els seus actius. Aquesta particularització del GRC rep el nom de Gestió del Rendiment de Màrqueting (GRM, en endavant2) (Ambler, 2000) i el seu objectiu és el d’augmentar la usabilitat i faciliti la generació d’informació per a la presa de decisions de la línia directiva de les organitzacions. L’abast de la tesi és el de crear el model des d’una perspectiva d’avaluació de l’activitat de màrqueting per part de la línia directiva, i no pas el desenvolupament informàtic d’una eina de suport a la presa de decisions ja que això, com apunten diversos autors (Dover, 2004; Schiff, 2008) i es tractarà amb més profunditat en el capítol 5, implicaria un nivell de personalització per cada empresa que no és objectiu d’aquesta tesi.The thes is aims to develop a practical model to asses m arketing perform ance within an organization. The model is basically structured around control metrics both from a qualitative and quantitatve approach, together with an integrated system of key performance indicators that enables marketing accountability through different organisational divisions, thus stating a solid cause/effect relationship between marketing activities and the value created for the organisation. The aformentioned model is used to assess marketing activites for catalan com panies with a contract-based customer relationship. Final assessment includes also a dynamic valuation of the company's market as sets . A second objective of the thes is is to review the current state of the art of marketing assessment literature from specialized journals both from a global and a local pers pective, defining a comprehensive list of related terms about marketing performance measurement, market-asset description and valuation and an accurate analysis about its evolution throughout the last 15 years.Postprint (published version