508 research outputs found

    Feature Based Control of Compact Disc Players

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    Fingerprint Image-Quality Estimation and its Application to Multialgorithm Verification

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    Signal-quality awareness has been found to increase recognition rates and to support decisions in multisensor environments significantly. Nevertheless, automatic quality assessment is still an open issue. Here, we study the orientation tensor of fingerprint images to quantify signal impairments, such as noise, lack of structure, blur, with the help of symmetry descriptors. A strongly reduced reference is especially favorable in biometrics, but less information is not sufficient for the approach. This is also supported by numerous experiments involving a simpler quality estimator, a trained method (NFIQ), as well as the human perception of fingerprint quality on several public databases. Furthermore, quality measurements are extensively reused to adapt fusion parameters in a monomodal multialgorithm fingerprint recognition environment. In this study, several trained and nontrained score-level fusion schemes are investigated. A Bayes-based strategy for incorporating experts past performances and current quality conditions, a novel cascaded scheme for computational efficiency, besides simple fusion rules, is presented. The quantitative results favor quality awareness under all aspects, boosting recognition rates and fusing differently skilled experts efficiently as well as effectively (by training).Comment: Published at IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Securit

    Metalik yansımalı yĂŒzeylerde otomatik çizik tespiti için görĂŒntĂŒ iƟleme sistemi.

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    In industry, problems due to human error, mechanical flaws and transportation may occur; besides, they need to be detected in fast and efficient ways. In order to eliminate failure of human inspection, automated systems come in action, usually image processing involved. This thesis work, targets one common mass production problem on specular surfaces, i.e. scratch detection. To achieve this, we have implemented two different prototypes. The low-cost system is based on basic line detection, and the mid-end system depends on learning based detection. Both systems are implemented on embedded platforms and performance comparisons are done. Detailed analysis is carried out on computational cost and detection performance. This real-world episode is done on a mechanical prototype in laboratory environmentM.S. - Master of Scienc

    Automatic defect detection in video archives - Application to Montreux Jazz Festival Digital Archives

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    Archival of audio-visual databases has become an important discipline in multimedia. Various defects are typically present in such archives. Among those, one can mention recording related defects such as interference between audio and video signals, optical related artifacts, recording and play out artifacts such as horizontal lines, and dropouts, as well as those due to digitization such as diagonal lines. An automatic or semi-automatic detection to identify such defects is useful, especially for large databases. In this paper, we propose two automatic algorithms for detection of horizontal and diagonal lines, as well as dropouts that are among the most typical artifacts encountered. We then evaluate the performance of these algorithms by making use of ground truth scores obtained by human subjects

    Recent Advances in Signal Processing

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    The signal processing task is a very critical issue in the majority of new technological inventions and challenges in a variety of applications in both science and engineering fields. Classical signal processing techniques have largely worked with mathematical models that are linear, local, stationary, and Gaussian. They have always favored closed-form tractability over real-world accuracy. These constraints were imposed by the lack of powerful computing tools. During the last few decades, signal processing theories, developments, and applications have matured rapidly and now include tools from many areas of mathematics, computer science, physics, and engineering. This book is targeted primarily toward both students and researchers who want to be exposed to a wide variety of signal processing techniques and algorithms. It includes 27 chapters that can be categorized into five different areas depending on the application at hand. These five categories are ordered to address image processing, speech processing, communication systems, time-series analysis, and educational packages respectively. The book has the advantage of providing a collection of applications that are completely independent and self-contained; thus, the interested reader can choose any chapter and skip to another without losing continuity

    Artificial intelligence for advanced manufacturing quality

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    100 p.This Thesis addresses the challenge of AI-based image quality control systems applied to manufacturing industry, aiming to improve this field through the use of advanced techniques for data acquisition and processing, in order to obtain robust, reliable and optimal systems. This Thesis presents contributions onthe use of complex data acquisition techniques, the application and design of specialised neural networks for the defect detection, and the integration and validation of these systems in production processes. It has been developed in the context of several applied research projects that provided a practical feedback of the usefulness of the proposed computational advances as well as real life data for experimental validation

    Contributions to adaptive equalization and timing recovery for optical storage systems

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    Sur la Restauration et l'Edition de Vidéo : Détection de Rayures et Inpainting de ScÚnes Complexes

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    The inevitable degradation of visual content such as images and films leads to the goal ofimage and video restoration. In this thesis, we look at two specific restoration problems : the detection ofline scratches in old films and the automatic completion of videos, or video inpainting as it is also known.Line scratches are caused when the film physically rubs against a mechanical part. This origin resultsin the specific characteristics of the defect, such as verticality and temporal persistence. We propose adetection algorithm based on the statistical approach known as a contrario methods. We also proposea temporal filtering step to remove false alarms present in the first detection step. Comparisons withprevious work show improved recall and precision, and robustness with respect to the presence of noiseand clutter in the film.The second part of the thesis concerns video inpainting. We propose an algorithm based on theminimisation of a patch-based functional of the video content. In this framework, we address the followingproblems : extremely high execution times, the correct handling of textures in the video and inpaintingwith moving cameras. We also address some convergence issues in a very simplified inpainting context.La degradation inĂ©vitable des contenus visuels (images, films) conduit nĂ©cessairementĂ  la tĂąche de la restauration des images et des vidĂ©os. Dans cetre thĂšse, nous nous intĂ©resserons Ă deux sous-problĂšmes de restauration : la dĂ©tection des rayures dans les vieux films, et le remplissageautomatique des vidĂ©os (“inpainting vidĂ©o en anglais).En gĂ©nĂ©ral, les rayures sont dues aux frottements de la pellicule du film avec un objet lors de laprojection du film. Les origines physiques de ce dĂ©faut lui donnent des caractĂ©ristiques trĂšs particuliers.Les rayures sont des lignes plus ou moins verticales qui peuvent ĂȘtre blanches ou noires (ou parfois encouleur) et qui sont temporellement persistantes, c’est-Ă -dire qu’elles ont une position qui est continuedans le temps. Afin de dĂ©tecter ces dĂ©fauts, nous proposons d’abord un algorithme de dĂ©tection basĂ©sur un ensemble d’approches statistiques appelĂ©es les mĂ©thodes a contrario. Cet algorithme fournitune dĂ©tection prĂ©cise et robuste aux bruits et aux textures prĂ©sentes dans l’image. Nous proposonsĂ©galement une Ă©tape de filtrage temporel afin d’écarter les fausses alarmes de la premiĂšre Ă©tape dedĂ©tection. Celle-ci amĂ©liore la prĂ©cision de l’algorithme en analysant le mouvement des dĂ©tections spatiales.L’ensemble de l’algorithme (dĂ©tection spatiale et filtrage temporel) est comparĂ© Ă  des approchesde la littĂ©rature et montre un rappel et une prĂ©cision grandement amĂ©liorĂ©s.La deuxiĂšme partie de cette thĂšse est consacrĂ©e Ă  l’inpainting vidĂ©o. Le but ici est de remplirune rĂ©gion d’une vidĂ©o avec un contenu qui semble visuellement cohĂ©rent et convaincant. Il existeune plĂ©thore de mĂ©thodes qui traite ce problĂšme dans le cas des images. La littĂ©rature dans le casdes vidĂ©os est plus restreinte, notamment car le temps d’exĂ©cution reprĂ©sente un vĂ©ritable obstacle.Nous proposons un algorithme d’inpainting vidĂ©o qui vise l’optimisation d’une fonctionnelle d’énergiequi intĂšgre la notion de patchs, c’est-Ă -dire des petits cubes de contenu vidĂ©o. Nous traitons d’abord leprobl’‘eme du temps d’exĂ©cution avant d’attaquer celui de l’inpainting satisfaisant des textures dans lesvidĂ©os. Nous traitons Ă©galement le cas des vidĂ©os dont le fond est en mouvement ou qui ont Ă©tĂ© prisesavec des camĂ©ras en mouvement. Enfin, nous nous intĂ©ressons Ă  certaines questions de convergencede l’algorithme dans des cas trĂšs simplifiĂ©s

    Statistical decision methods in the presence of linear nuisance parameters and despite imaging system heteroscedastic noise: Application to wheel surface inspection

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    International audienceThis paper proposes a novel method for fully automatic anomaly detection on objects inspected using an imaging system. In order to address the inspection of a wide range of objects and to allow the detection of any anomaly, an original adaptive linear parametric model is proposed; The great flexibility of this adaptive model offers highest accuracy for a wide range of complex surfaces while preserving detection of small defects. In addition, because the proposed original model remains linear it allows the application of the hypothesis testing theory to design a test whose statistical performances are analytically known. Another important novelty of this paper is that it takes into account the specific heteroscedastic noise of imaging systems. Indeed, in such systems, the noise level depends on the pixels’ intensity which should be carefully taken into account for providing the proposed test with statistical properties. The proposed detection method is then applied for wheels surface inspection using an imaging system. Due to the nature of the wheels, the different elements are analyzed separately. Numerical results on a large set of real images show both the accuracy of the proposed adaptive model and the sharpness of the ensuing statistical test

    MSFC Skylab Apollo Telescope Mount experiment systems mission evaluation

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    A detailed evaluation is presented of the Skylab Apollo Telescope Mount experiments performance throughout the eight and one-half month Skylab Mission. Descriptions and the objectives of each instrument are included. The anomalies experienced, the causes, and corrective actions taken are discussed. Conclusions, based on evaluation of the performance of each instrument, are presented. Examples of the scientific data obtained, as well as a discussion of the quality and quantity of the data, are presented
