1 research outputs found

    Multi-Face: Self-supervised Multiview Adaptation for Robust Face Clustering in Videos

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    Robust face clustering is a key step towards computational understanding of visual character portrayals in media. Face clustering for long-form content such as movies is challenging because of variations in appearance and lack of large-scale labeled video resources. However, local face tracking in videos can be used to mine samples belonging to same/different persons by examining the faces co-occurring in a video frame. In this work, we use this idea of self-supervision to harvest large amounts of weakly labeled face tracks in movies. We propose a nearest-neighbor search in the embedding space to mine hard examples from the face tracks followed by domain adaptation using multiview shared subspace learning. Our benchmarking on movie datasets demonstrate the robustness of multiview adaptation for face verification and clustering. We hope that the large-scale data resources developed in this work can further advance automatic character labeling in videos