300 research outputs found

    Modeling Time-Series and Spatial Data for Recommendations and Other Applications

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    With the research directions described in this thesis, we seek to address the critical challenges in designing recommender systems that can understand the dynamics of continuous-time event sequences. We follow a ground-up approach, i.e., first, we address the problems that may arise due to the poor quality of CTES data being fed into a recommender system. Later, we handle the task of designing accurate recommender systems. To improve the quality of the CTES data, we address a fundamental problem of overcoming missing events in temporal sequences. Moreover, to provide accurate sequence modeling frameworks, we design solutions for points-of-interest recommendation, i.e., models that can handle spatial mobility data of users to various POI check-ins and recommend candidate locations for the next check-in. Lastly, we highlight that the capabilities of the proposed models can have applications beyond recommender systems, and we extend their abilities to design solutions for large-scale CTES retrieval and human activity prediction. A significant part of this thesis uses the idea of modeling the underlying distribution of CTES via neural marked temporal point processes (MTPP). Traditional MTPP models are stochastic processes that utilize a fixed formulation to capture the generative mechanism of a sequence of discrete events localized in continuous time. In contrast, neural MTPP combine the underlying ideas from the point process literature with modern deep learning architectures. The ability of deep-learning models as accurate function approximators has led to a significant gain in the predictive prowess of neural MTPP models. In this thesis, we utilize and present several neural network-based enhancements for the current MTPP frameworks for the aforementioned real-world applications.Comment: Ph.D. Thesis (2022

    Knowledge Modelling and Learning through Cognitive Networks

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    One of the most promising developments in modelling knowledge is cognitive network science, which aims to investigate cognitive phenomena driven by the networked, associative organization of knowledge. For example, investigating the structure of semantic memory via semantic networks has illuminated how memory recall patterns influence phenomena such as creativity, memory search, learning, and more generally, knowledge acquisition, exploration, and exploitation. In parallel, neural network models for artificial intelligence (AI) are also becoming more widespread as inferential models for understanding which features drive language-related phenomena such as meaning reconstruction, stance detection, and emotional profiling. Whereas cognitive networks map explicitly which entities engage in associative relationships, neural networks perform an implicit mapping of correlations in cognitive data as weights, obtained after training over labelled data and whose interpretation is not immediately evident to the experimenter. This book aims to bring together quantitative, innovative research that focuses on modelling knowledge through cognitive and neural networks to gain insight into mechanisms driving cognitive processes related to knowledge structuring, exploration, and learning. The book comprises a variety of publication types, including reviews and theoretical papers, empirical research, computational modelling, and big data analysis. All papers here share a commonality: they demonstrate how the application of network science and AI can extend and broaden cognitive science in ways that traditional approaches cannot

    Exploiting the conceptual space in hybrid recommender systems: a semantic-based approach

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    Tesis doctoral inédita. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Escuela Politécnica Superior, octubre de 200

    Change blindness: eradication of gestalt strategies

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    Arrays of eight, texture-defined rectangles were used as stimuli in a one-shot change blindness (CB) task where there was a 50% chance that one rectangle would change orientation between two successive presentations separated by an interval. CB was eliminated by cueing the target rectangle in the first stimulus, reduced by cueing in the interval and unaffected by cueing in the second presentation. This supports the idea that a representation was formed that persisted through the interval before being 'overwritten' by the second presentation (Landman et al, 2003 Vision Research 43149–164]. Another possibility is that participants used some kind of grouping or Gestalt strategy. To test this we changed the spatial position of the rectangles in the second presentation by shifting them along imaginary spokes (by ±1 degree) emanating from the central fixation point. There was no significant difference seen in performance between this and the standard task [F(1,4)=2.565, p=0.185]. This may suggest two things: (i) Gestalt grouping is not used as a strategy in these tasks, and (ii) it gives further weight to the argument that objects may be stored and retrieved from a pre-attentional store during this task

    Towards accurate multi-person pose estimation in the wild

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    In this thesis we are concerned with the problem of articulated human pose estimation and pose tracking in images and video sequences. Human pose estimation is a task of localising major joints of a human skeleton in natural images and is one of the most important visual recognition tasks in the scenes containing humans with numerous applications in robotics, virtual and augmented reality, gaming and healthcare among others. Articulated human pose tracking requires tracking multiple persons in the video sequence while simultaneously estimating full body poses. This task is important for analysing surveillance footage, activity recognition, sports analytics, etc. Most of the prior work focused on the pose estimation of single pre-localised humans whereas here we address a case with multiple people in real world images which entails several challenges such as person-person overlaps in highly crowded scenes, unknown number of people or people entering and leaving video sequences. The first contribution is a multi-person pose estimation algorithm based on the bottom-up detection-by-grouping paradigm. Unlike the widespread top-down approaches our method detects body joints and pairwise relations between them in a single forward pass of a convolutional neural network. Multi-person parsing is performed by optimizing a joint objective based on a multicut graph partitioning framework. Secondly, we extend our pose estimation approach to articulated multi-person pose tracking in videos. Our approach performs multi-target tracking and pose estimation in a holistic manner by optimising a single objective. We further simplify and refine the formulation which allows us to reach close to the real-time performance. Thirdly, we propose a large scale dataset and a benchmark for articulated multi-person tracking. It is the first dataset of video sequences comprising complex multi-person scenes and fully annotated tracks with 2D keypoints. Our fourth contribution is a method for estimating 3D body pose using on-body wearable cameras. Our approach uses a pair of downward facing, head-mounted cameras and captures an entire body. This egocentric approach is free of limitations of traditional setups with external cameras and can estimate body poses in very crowded environments. Our final contribution goes beyond human pose estimation and is in the field of deep learning of 3D object shapes. In particular, we address the case of reconstructing 3D objects from weak supervision. Our approach represents objects as 3D point clouds and is able to learn them with 2D supervision only and without requiring camera pose information at training time. We design a differentiable renderer of point clouds as well as a novel loss formulation for dealing with camera pose ambiguity.In dieser Arbeit behandeln wir das Problem der Schätzung und Verfolgung artikulierter menschlicher Posen in Bildern und Video-Sequenzen. Die Schätzung menschlicher Posen besteht darin die Hauptgelenke des menschlichen Skeletts in natürlichen Bildern zu lokalisieren und ist eine der wichtigsten Aufgaben der visuellen Erkennung in Szenen, die Menschen beinhalten. Sie hat zahlreiche Anwendungen in der Robotik, virtueller und erweiterter Realität, in Videospielen, in der Medizin und weiteren Bereichen. Die Verfolgung artikulierter menschlicher Posen erfordert die Verfolgung mehrerer Personen in einer Videosequenz bei gleichzeitiger Schätzung vollständiger Körperhaltungen. Diese Aufgabe ist besonders wichtig für die Analyse von Video-Überwachungsaufnahmen, Aktivitätenerkennung, digitale Sportanalyse etc. Die meisten vorherigen Arbeiten sind auf die Schätzung einzelner Posen vorlokalisierter Menschen fokussiert, wohingegen wir den Fall mehrerer Personen in natürlichen Aufnahmen betrachten. Dies bringt einige Herausforderungen mit sich, wie die Überlappung verschiedener Personen in dicht gedrängten Szenen, eine unbekannte Anzahl an Personen oder Personen die das Sichtfeld der Video-Sequenz verlassen oder betreten. Der erste Beitrag ist ein Algorithmus zur Schätzung der Posen mehrerer Personen, welcher auf dem Paradigma der Erkennung durch Gruppierung aufbaut. Im Gegensatz zu den verbreiteten Verfeinerungs-Ansätzen erkennt unsere Methode Körpergelenke and paarweise Beziehungen zwischen ihnen in einer einzelnen Vorwärtsrechnung eines faltenden neuronalen Netzwerkes. Die Gliederung in mehrere Personen erfolgt durch Optimierung einer gemeinsamen Zielfunktion, die auf dem Mehrfachschnitt-Problem in der Graphenzerlegung basiert. Zweitens erweitern wir unseren Ansatz zur Posen-Bestimmung auf das Verfolgen mehrerer Personen und deren Artikulation in Videos. Unser Ansatz führt eine Verfolgung mehrerer Ziele und die Schätzung der zugehörigen Posen in ganzheitlicher Weise durch, indem eine einzelne Zielfunktion optimiert wird. Desweiteren vereinfachen und verfeinern wir die Formulierung, was unsere Methode nah an Echtzeit-Leistung bringt. Drittens schlagen wir einen großen Datensatz und einen Bewertungsmaßstab für die Verfolgung mehrerer artikulierter Personen vor. Dies ist der erste Datensatz der Video-Sequenzen von komplexen Szenen mit mehreren Personen beinhaltet und deren Spuren komplett mit zwei-dimensionalen Markierungen der Schlüsselpunkte versehen sind. Unser vierter Beitrag ist eine Methode zur Schätzung von drei-dimensionalen Körperhaltungen mittels am Körper tragbarer Kameras. Unser Ansatz verwendet ein Paar nach unten gerichteter, am Kopf befestigter Kameras und erfasst den gesamten Körper. Dieser egozentrische Ansatz ist frei von jeglichen Limitierungen traditioneller Konfigurationen mit externen Kameras und kann Körperhaltungen in sehr dicht gedrängten Umgebungen bestimmen. Unser letzter Beitrag geht über die Schätzung menschlicher Posen hinaus in den Bereich des tiefen Lernens der Gestalt von drei-dimensionalen Objekten. Insbesondere befassen wir uns mit dem Fall drei-dimensionale Objekte unter schwacher Überwachung zu rekonstruieren. Unser Ansatz repräsentiert Objekte als drei-dimensionale Punktwolken and ist im Stande diese nur mittels zwei-dimensionaler Überwachung und ohne Informationen über die Kamera-Ausrichtung zur Trainingszeit zu lernen. Wir entwerfen einen differenzierbaren Renderer für Punktwolken sowie eine neue Formulierung um mit uneindeutigen Kamera-Ausrichtungen umzugehen

    Designing Embodied Interactive Software Agents for E-Learning: Principles, Components, and Roles

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    Embodied interactive software agents are complex autonomous, adaptive, and social software systems with a digital embodiment that enables them to act on and react to other entities (users, objects, and other agents) in their environment through bodily actions, which include the use of verbal and non-verbal communicative behaviors in face-to-face interactions with the user. These agents have been developed for various roles in different application domains, in which they perform tasks that have been assigned to them by their developers or delegated to them by their users or by other agents. In computer-assisted learning, embodied interactive pedagogical software agents have the general task to promote human learning by working with students (and other agents) in computer-based learning environments, among them e-learning platforms based on Internet technologies, such as the Virtual Linguistics Campus (www.linguistics-online.com). In these environments, pedagogical agents provide contextualized, qualified, personalized, and timely assistance, cooperation, instruction, motivation, and services for both individual learners and groups of learners. This thesis develops a comprehensive, multidisciplinary, and user-oriented view of the design of embodied interactive pedagogical software agents, which integrates theoretical and practical insights from various academic and other fields. The research intends to contribute to the scientific understanding of issues, methods, theories, and technologies that are involved in the design, implementation, and evaluation of embodied interactive software agents for different roles in e-learning and other areas. For developers, the thesis provides sixteen basic principles (Added Value, Perceptible Qualities, Balanced Design, Coherence, Consistency, Completeness, Comprehensibility, Individuality, Variability, Communicative Ability, Modularity, Teamwork, Participatory Design, Role Awareness, Cultural Awareness, and Relationship Building) plus a large number of specific guidelines for the design of embodied interactive software agents and their components. Furthermore, it offers critical reviews of theories, concepts, approaches, and technologies from different areas and disciplines that are relevant to agent design. Finally, it discusses three pedagogical agent roles (virtual native speaker, coach, and peer) in the scenario of the linguistic fieldwork classes on the Virtual Linguistics Campus and presents detailed considerations for the design of an agent for one of these roles (the virtual native speaker)

    Sonic interactions in virtual environments

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    This book tackles the design of 3D spatial interactions in an audio-centered and audio-first perspective, providing the fundamental notions related to the creation and evaluation of immersive sonic experiences. The key elements that enhance the sensation of place in a virtual environment (VE) are: Immersive audio: the computational aspects of the acoustical-space properties of Virutal Reality (VR) technologies Sonic interaction: the human-computer interplay through auditory feedback in VE VR systems: naturally support multimodal integration, impacting different application domains Sonic Interactions in Virtual Environments will feature state-of-the-art research on real-time auralization, sonic interaction design in VR, quality of the experience in multimodal scenarios, and applications. Contributors and editors include interdisciplinary experts from the fields of computer science, engineering, acoustics, psychology, design, humanities, and beyond. Their mission is to shape an emerging new field of study at the intersection of sonic interaction design and immersive media, embracing an archipelago of existing research spread in different audio communities and to increase among the VR communities, researchers, and practitioners, the awareness of the importance of sonic elements when designing immersive environments