7,532 research outputs found

    Grey matter volume correlates with virtual water maze task performance in boys with androgen excess

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    Major questions remain about the specific role of testosterone in human spatial navigation. We tested 10 boys (mean age 11.65 years) with an extremely rare disorder of androgen excess (Familial Male Precocious Puberty, FMPP) and 40 healthy boys (mean age 12.81 years) on a virtual version of the Morris Water Maze task. In addition, anatomical magnetic resonance images were collected for all patients and a subsample of the controls (n=21) after task completion. Behaviourally, no significant differences were found between both groups. However, in the MRI analyses, grey matter volume (GMV) was correlated with performance using voxel-based morphometry (VBM). Group differences in correlations of performance with GMV were apparent in medial regions of the prefrontal cortex as well as the middle occipital gyrus and the cuneus. By comparison, similar correlations for both groups were found in the inferior parietal lobule. These data provide novel insight into the relation between testosterone and brain development and suggest that morphological differences in a spatial navigation network covary with performance in spatial ability. Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of IBRO

    The influence of microsatellite polymorphisms in sex steroid receptor genes ESR1, ESR2 and AR on sex differences in brain structure.

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    The androgen receptor (AR), oestrogen receptor alpha (ESR1) and oestrogen receptor beta (ESR2) play essential roles in mediating the effect of sex hormones on sex differences in the brain. Using Voxel-based morphometry (VBM) and gene sizing in two independent samples (discovery n ​= ​173, replication ​= ​61), we determine the common and unique influences on brain sex differences in grey (GM) and white matter (WM) volume between repeat lengths (n) of microsatellite polymorphisms AR(CAG)n, ESR1(TA)n and ESR2(CA)n. In the hypothalamus, temporal lobes, anterior cingulate cortex, posterior insula and prefrontal cortex, we find increased GM volume with increasing AR(CAG)n across sexes, decreasing ESR1(TA)n across sexes and decreasing ESR2(CA)n in females. Uniquely, AR(CAG)n was positively associated with dorsolateral prefrontal and orbitofrontal GM volume and the anterior corona radiata, left superior fronto-occipital fasciculus, thalamus and internal capsule WM volume. ESR1(TA)n was negatively associated with the left superior corona radiata, left cingulum and left inferior longitudinal fasciculus WM volume uniquely. ESR2(CA)n was negatively associated with right fusiform and posterior cingulate cortex uniquely. We thus describe the neuroanatomical correlates of three microsatellite polymorphisms of steroid hormone receptors and their relationship to sex differences

    Arterial stiffness and brain health : investigating the impact of sex-related differences

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    Introduction: Il est bien établi que les maladies vasculaires, cérébrovasculaires et cardiovasculaires se manifestent différemment chez les hommes que chez les femmes. La rigidité artérielle (RA), un prédicteur indépendant de la maladie cardiovasculaire (MCV), a été associée à des changements de la réactivité cérébrovasculaire (RCV) et à un déclin cognitif lors du vieillissement. Plus précisément, les personnes âgées ayant une RA plus élevée présentent un déclin plus marqué au niveau des tâches exécutives. Une diminution des fonctions exécutives (FE) est également liée à une réduction de la RCV chez les personnes âgées. Cependant, il est important de noter que la relation entre la RA et la RCV est plus complexe. Certaines études montrent une diminution de la RCV associée avec une RA plus élevée, tandis que d’autres rapportent une RCV préservée avec une RA élevée. De plus, des travaux récents suggèrent que les différences de concentration en hématocrit (HCT) pourraient avoir une incidence sur les mesures de RA. Ici, nous avons étudié le rôle possible du sexe et de l'HCT sur ces relations hémodynamiques. Méthodes: Des acquisitions ont été effectuées chez 48 adultes âgés en bonne santé (31 femmes, 63 ± 5 ans) dans un scanneur d’imagerie par résonance magnétique (IRM) 3T. Des données de marquage de spin artériel pseudo-continu utilisant des lectures à double écho ont été collectées pendant un défi d'hypercapnie (changement de CO2 de 5mmHg, pendant deux blocs de 2 minutes). La RCV a été calculée comme étant le % de changement du signal de débit sanguin cérébral (% ∆CBF) par changement de mmHg dans le CO2 à la fin de l’expiration. Les données de vitesse d’onde de pouls (VOP) aortique ont été acquises à l’aide d’une série de contraste de phase cine encodée par la vitesse durant 60 phases cardiaques avec un encodage en vélocité de 180cm/s dans le plan. La VOP dans l'arcade aortique a été calculée entre l'aorte ascendante et descendante. Les analyses statistiques ont été effectuées à l'aide de SPSS. Résultats: Un test de modération contrôlant pour l’âge et le volume des hyperintensités de la matière blanche a révélé un effet direct significatif de la VOP sur la RCV (β = 1,630, IC à 95% [.654, 2,607), ainsi que de la VOP sur la FE (β = -. 998, IC 95% [-1,697, -,299]). Le sexe a modéré la relation entre VOP et RCV (β = -1,013, IC 95% [-1,610, -,4169]), et VOP et FE (β = .447, IC 95% [.020, .875]). En outre, il existait un effet significatif de l’HCT sur les différences de sexe observées dans l’effet de modération (VOP * SEXE) sur la FE (β = -0,7680, SE = 0,3639, IC 95% [-1,5047, -0,0314], p = 0,0414). Conclusion: Nos résultats indiquent que les relations entre la VOP, la RCV et la FE sont complexes et que le sexe et l’HCT modulentces relations. L’influence des variations hormonales (p. ex. la ménopause) sur ces relations devrait être étudiée dans le futur et pourrait permettre de personnaliser les stratégies de prévention des MCV.Introduction: It is well established that sex differences exist in the manifestation of vascular, cerebrovascular and cardiovascular disease. Arterial stiffness (AS), an independent predictor of cardiovascular disease (CVD), has been associated with changes in cerebrovascular reactivity (CVR) and cognitive decline in aging. Specifically, older adults with increased AS show a steeper decline on executive function (EF) tasks. Decreased EF is also linked with reduction in CVR among older adults. Interestingly, the relationship between AS and CVR is more complex, where some works show decreased CVR with increased AS, and others demonstrate preserved CVR with higher AS. In addition, recent work suggests that measurements of AS may be affected by differences in the concentration of hematocrit (HCT). Here, we investigated the possible role of sex and HCT on these hemodynamic relationships. Methods: Acquisitions were completed in 48 healthy older adults (31 females, 63 ± 5 years) on a 3T MRI. Pseudo-continuous arterial spin labeling using dual-echo readouts were collected during a hypercapnia challenge (5mmHg CO2 change, during two, 2 min blocks). CVR was calculated as the %∆CBF signal per mmHg change in end-tidal CO2. Aortic PWV data was acquired using a cine phase contrast velocity encoded series during 60 cardiac phases with a velocity encoding of 180cm/s through plane. PWV in the aortic arch was computed between ascending and descending aorta. Statistical analyses were done using SPSS. Results: A moderation model test controlling for age and white matter hyperintensity volume revealed a significant direct effect of PWV on CVR (β=1.630, 95% CI [.654, 2.607), as well as PWV on EF (β=-.998, 95% CI [-1.697, -.299]). Sex moderated the relationship between PWV and CVR (β=-1.013, 95% CI [-1.610, -.4169]), and PWV and EF (β=.447, 95% CI [.020, .875]). In addition, there was a significant effect of HCT on the sex differences observed in the moderation effect (PWV*SEX) on EF (β=-0.7680, SE = 0.3639 ,95% CI [-1.5047, -0.0314], p=0.0414). Conclusion: Together, our results indicate that the relationships between PWV, CVR and EF is complex and in part mediated by sex and HCT. Future work should investigate the role of hormone variations (e.g., menopause) on these relationships to better personalize CVD prevention strategies

    Morphological Differences in Adolescent Female to Male Transsexuals before Cross-Hormone Treatment

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    Early-onset gender identity disorder (EO-GID) describes a strong and persistent development of cross-gender identification. Using structural magnetic resonance imaging (sMRI) and blood samples, we studied 13 female to male patients with EO-GID and compared them to 11 biological female controls. We found that the EO-GID group in comparison to its control group showed several significant differences in regional brain volumes. These include an increase in cerebral gray matter and a decrease in volume of cerebellar white matter in the mid anterior and posterior part of the corpus callosum. Furthermore, we showed statistically significant relationships between hormone levels and regional brain volume. These include relationships between the free thyroid hormone thyroxine (T4) and volumes of the frontal lobe, the temporal lobe and cerebral white matter; between sex-hormone binding globulin (SHGB) and the frontal lobe; as well as between thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) and cerebral gray matter. The results of regression analyses indicate that brain volume (outcome variables) decreases with the lower thyroid hormone levels (predictor variables). We propose that abnormal hormonal development of thyroid hormones influences white matter volume in our EO-GID group. Such an abnormal development further might affect both structural and functional properties of the brain

    A Comparative, Developmental, and Clinical Perspective of Neurobehavioral Sexual Dimorphisms

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    Women and men differ in a wide variety of behavioral traits and in their vulnerability to developing certain mental disorders. This review endeavors to explore how recent preclinical and clinical research findings have enhanced our understanding of the factors that underlie these disparities. We start with a brief overview of some of the important genetic, molecular, and hormonal determinants that contribute to the process of sexual differentiation. We then discuss the importance of animal models in studying the mechanisms responsible for sex differences in neuropsychiatric disorders (e.g., drug dependence) – with a special emphasis on experimental models based on the neurodevelopmental and “three hits” hypotheses. Next, we describe the most common brain phenotypes observed in vivo with magnetic resonance imaging. We discuss the challenges in interpreting these phenotypes vis-à-vis the underlying neurobiology and revisit the known sex differences in brain structure from birth, through adolescence, and into adulthood. This is followed by a presentation of pertinent clinical and epidemiological data that point to important sex differences in the prevalence, course, and expression of psychopathologies such as schizophrenia, and mood disorders including major depression and posttraumatic stress disorder. Recent evidence implies that mood disorders and psychosis share some common genetic predispositions and neurobiological bases. Therefore, modern research is emphasizing dimensional representation of mental disorders and conceptualization of schizophrenia and major depression as a continuum of cognitive deficits and neurobiological abnormalities. Herein, we examine available evidence on cerebral sexual dimorphism to verify if sex differences vary quantitatively and/or qualitatively along the psychoses-depression continuum. Finally, sex differences in the prevalence of posttraumatic disorder and drug abuse have been described, and we consider the genomic and molecular data supporting these differences

    Brain structure and function in primary adrenal insufficiency

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    Individuals with primary adrenal insufficiency (PAI), i.e., congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) and autoimmune Addison’s disease (AAD), suffer from impaired production of the adrenal gland hormones cortisol and aldosterone, and in the case of AAD, also androgens. Replacement medication for these hormones is sub-optimal due to the difficulties in replicating the natural rhythms of cortisol secretion. The hormones are known to affect brain function via many mechanisms, and both pre- and postnatal hormone dysregulation may affect cognitive functioning, brain structure and brain function. Therefore, studying brain health in PAI is of interest and is needed to optimise treatment and patient wellbeing. The present thesis investigated brain structure related to cognitive functioning in individuals with CAH, and cognitive functioning, brain structure and resting-state functional connectivity in individuals with AAD. We found that individuals with CAH have impairments in white matter microstructure, as well as cortical thinning of the frontoparietal network that was related to weaker performance on a visuospatial working memory task. On the other hand, individuals with AAD performed equally to control subjects on most measures of cognitive functions assessed with standardized tests during the lab-visit, but they self-reported executive function problems in daily life, which were related to experienced mental fatigue. As opposed to individuals with CAH, those with AAD did not have profound differences in the structure of the brain, apart from smaller total brain volumes. However, they displayed increased resting-state functional connectivity, particularly in primary visual regions and the orbitofrontal cortex. Our results suggest that the effects of adrenal hormone insufficiency affect individuals with CAH and AAD differently. This difference may be related to the onset of the disease, which is from conception for those with CAH and in adolescence or adulthood for those with AAD. Long-term follow-up studies are needed to assess whether the observed differences contribute to increased cognitive decline later in life and how to optimise replacement medication to sustain brain health

    Alterations in pain during adolescence and puberty

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    During adolescence and puberty, alterations in pain, both experimental and clinical, are observed. In addition, adolescents undergo extensive biopsychosocial changes as they transition from childhood to adulthood. However, a better understanding of how the biopsychosocial changes during adolescence impact pain is needed to improve pain management and develop targeted pain interventions for adolescents. This review synthesizes the literature on alterations in pain during adolescence in humans, describes the potential biopsychosocial factors impacting pain during adolescence, and suggests future research directions to advance the understanding of the impact of adolescent development on pain