609 research outputs found

    Neural oscillatory signatures of auditory and audiovisual illusions

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    Questions of the relationship between human perception and brain activity can be approached from different perspectives: in the first, the brain is mainly regarded as a recipient and processor of sensory data. The corresponding research objective is to establish mappings of neural activity patterns and external stimuli. Alternatively, the brain can be regarded as a self-organized dynamical system, whose constantly changing state affects how incoming sensory signals are processed and perceived. The research reported in this thesis can chiefly be located in the second framework, and investigates the relationship between oscillatory brain activity and the perception of ambiguous stimuli. Oscillations are here considered as a mechanism for the formation of transient neural assemblies, which allows efficient information transfer. While the relevance of activity in distinct frequency bands for auditory and audiovisual perception is well established, different functional architectures of sensory integration can be derived from the literature. This dissertation therefore aims to further clarify the role of oscillatory activity in the integration of sensory signals towards unified perceptual objects, using illusion paradigms as tools of study. In study 1, we investigate the role of low frequency power modulations and phase alignment in auditory object formation. We provide evidence that auditory restoration is associated with a power reduction, while the registration of an additional object is reflected by an increase in phase locking. In study 2, we analyze oscillatory power as a predictor of auditory influence on visual perception in the sound-induced flash illusion. We find that increased beta-/ gamma-band power over occipitotemporal electrodes shortly before stimulus onset predicts the illusion, suggesting a facilitation of processing in polymodal circuits. In study 3, we address the question of whether visual influence on auditory perception in the ventriloquist illusion is reflected in primary sensory or higher-order areas. We establish an association between reduced theta-band power in mediofrontal areas and the occurrence of illusion, which indicates a top-down influence on sensory decision-making. These findings broaden our understanding of the functional relevance of neural oscillations by showing that different processing modes, which are reflected in specific spatiotemporal activity patterns, operate in different instances of sensory integration.Fragen nach dem Zusammenhang zwischen menschlicher Wahrnehmung und Hirnaktivität können aus verschiedenen Perspektiven adressiert werden: in der einen wird das Gehirn hauptsächlich als Empfänger und Verarbeiter von sensorischen Daten angesehen. Das entsprechende Forschungsziel wäre eine Zuordnung von neuronalen Aktivitätsmustern zu externen Reizen. Dieser Sichtweise gegenüber steht ein Ansatz, der das Gehirn als selbstorganisiertes dynamisches System begreift, dessen sich ständig verändernder Zustand die Verarbeitung und Wahrnehmung von sensorischen Signalen beeinflusst. Die Arbeiten, die in dieser Dissertation zusammengefasst sind, können vor allem in der zweitgenannten Forschungsrichtung verortet werden, und untersuchen den Zusammenhang zwischen oszillatorischer Hirnaktivität und der Wahrnehmung von mehrdeutigen Stimuli. Oszillationen werden hier als ein Mechanismus für die Formation von transienten neuronalen Zusammenschlüssen angesehen, der effizienten Informationstransfer ermöglicht. Obwohl die Relevanz von Aktivität in verschiedenen Frequenzbändern für auditorische und audiovisuelle Wahrnehmung gut belegt ist, können verschiedene funktionelle Architekturen der sensorischen Integration aus der Literatur abgeleitet werden. Das Ziel dieser Dissertation ist deshalb eine Präzisierung der Rolle oszillatorischer Aktivität bei der Integration von sensorischen Signalen zu einheitlichen Wahrnehmungsobjekten mittels der Nutzung von Illusionsparadigmen. In der ersten Studie untersuchen wir die Rolle von Leistung und Phasenanpassung in niedrigen Frequenzbändern bei der Formation von auditorischen Objekten. Wir zeigen, dass die Wiederherstellung von Tönen mit einer Reduktion der Leistung zusammenhängt, während die Registrierung eines zusätzlichen Objekts durch einen erhöhten Phasenangleich widergespiegelt wird. In der zweiten Studie analysieren wir oszillatorische Leistung als Prädiktor von auditorischem Einfluss auf visuelle Wahrnehmung in der sound-induced flash illusion. Wir stellen fest, dass erhöhte Beta-/Gamma-Band Leistung über occipitotemporalen Elektroden kurz vor der Reizdarbietung das Auftreten der Illusion vorhersagt, was auf eine Begünstigung der Verarbeitung in polymodalen Arealen hinweist. In der dritten Studie widmen wir uns der Frage, ob ein visueller Einfluss auf auditorische Wahrnehmung in der ventriloquist illusion sich in primären sensorischen oder übergeordneten Arealen widerspiegelt. Wir weisen einen Zusammenhang von reduzierter Theta-Band Leistung in mediofrontalen Arealen und dem Auftreten der Illusion nach, was einen top-down Einfluss auf sensorische Entscheidungsprozesse anzeigt. Diese Befunde erweitern unser Verständnis der funktionellen Bedeutung neuronaler Oszillationen, indem sie aufzeigen, dass verschiedene Verarbeitungsmodi, die sich in spezifischen räumlich-zeitlichen Aktivitätsmustern spiegeln, in verschiedenen Phänomenen von sensorischer Integration wirksam sind

    The neurophysiology of intersensory selective attention and task switching

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    Our ability to selectively attend to certain aspects of the world and ignore others is fundamental to our day-to-day lives. The need for selective attention stems from capacity limitations inherent in our perceptual and cognitive processing architecture. Because not every elemental piece of our environment can be fully processed in parallel, the nervous system must prioritize processing. This prioritization is generally referred to as selective attention. Meanwhile, we are faced with a world that is constantly in flux, such that we have to frequently shift our attention from one piece of the environment to another and from one task to another. This process is generally referred to as task-switching. Neural oscillations in the alpha band (~8-14 Hz) have been shown to index the distribution of selective attention, and there is increasing evidence that oscillations in this band are in fact utilized by the nervous system to suppress distracting, task-irrelevant information. In order to elaborate on what is known of the function of alpha oscillations as well as current models of both intersensory selective attention and task switching, I investigated the dynamics of alpha amplitude modulations within the context of intersenory selective attention and task switching in neurologically typical young adults. Participants were alternately cued to attend to either the visual or auditory aspect of a compound audio-visual stimulus while high-density electroencephalography was recorded. It is typically found that alpha power increases over parieto-occipital cortices when attention is directed away from the visual modality and to the auditory modality. I report evidence that alpha oscillations play a role in task-switching (e.g., when switching from attending the visual task versus repeating this task), specifically as biasing signals, that may operate to re-weight competition among two tasks-sets. I further investigated the development of these same processes in school-aged children and adolescents. While exhibiting typical patterns of alpha modulations relevant to selective attention, Young school-aged children (8-12 years), compared to older participants, did not demonstrate specific task switching modulation of alpha oscillations, suggesting that this process does not fully develop until late adolescence. Finally, children and adolescents on the autism spectrum failed altogether to exhibit differentiation of alpha power between attend-visual and attend-auditory conditions--an effect present in age and IQ matched controls--suggesting that ASD individuals may have a deficit in the overall top-down deployment of alpha oscillatory biasing signals. This could result in an inability to ignore distracting information in the environment, leading to an overwhelming, disordered experience of the world, resulting in profound effects on the both social interaction and cognitive development. Altogether, these findings add to growing evidence that alpha oscillations serve as domain general biasing signals and are integral to our flexible goal-oriented behavior. Furthermore, the flexible use of these biasing signals in selective attention and task switching develops over a protracted period, and appears to be aberrant in autism spectrum disorder

    The spatial localization of targeted alpha modulations in concurrent EEG-fMRI during visual entrainment

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    New insights on the ventral attention network::active suppression and involuntary recruitment during a bimodal task

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    International audienceDetection of unexpected, yet relevant events is essential in daily life. fMRI studies have revealed the involvement of the ventral attention network (VAN), including the temporo-parietal junction (TPJ), in such process. In this MEG study with 34 participants (17 women), we used a bimodal (visual/auditory) attention task to determine the neuronal dynamics associated with suppression of the activity of the VAN during top-down attention and its recruitment when information from the unattended sensory modality is involuntarily integrated. We observed an anticipatory power increase of alpha/beta oscillations (12–20 Hz, previously associated with functional inhibition) in the VAN following a cue indicating the modality to attend. Stronger VAN power increases were associated with better task performance, suggesting that the VAN suppression prevents shifting attention to distractors. Moreover, the TPJ was synchronized with the frontal eye field in that frequency band, indicating that the dorsal attention network (DAN) might participate in such suppression. Furthermore, we found a 12–20 Hz power decrease and enhanced synchronization, in both the VAN and DAN, when information between sensory modalities was congruent, suggesting an involvement of these networks when attention is involuntarily enhanced due to multisensory integration. Our results show that effective multimodal attentional allocation includes the modulation of the VAN and DAN through upper-alpha/beta oscillations. Altogether these results indicate that the suppressing role of alpha/beta oscillations might operate beyond sensory regions

    Lower Beta: A Central Coordinator of Temporal Prediction in Multimodal Speech

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    How the brain decomposes and integrates information in multimodal speech perception is linked to oscillatory dynamics. However, how speech takes advantage of redundancy between different sensory modalities, and how this translates into specific oscillatory patterns remains unclear. We address the role of lower beta activity (~20 Hz), generally associated with motor functions, as an amodal central coordinator that receives bottom-up delta-theta copies from specific sensory areas and generate top-down temporal predictions for auditory entrainment. Dissociating temporal prediction from entrainment may explain how and why visual input benefits speech processing rather than adding cognitive load in multimodal speech perception. On the one hand, body movements convey prosodic and syllabic features at delta and theta rates (i.e., 1–3 Hz and 4–7 Hz). On the other hand, the natural precedence of visual input before auditory onsets may prepare the brain to anticipate and facilitate the integration of auditory delta-theta copies of the prosodic-syllabic structure. Here, we identify three fundamental criteria based on recent evidence and hypotheses, which support the notion that lower motor beta frequency may play a central and generic role in temporal prediction during speech perception. First, beta activity must respond to rhythmic stimulation across modalities. Second, beta power must respond to biological motion and speech-related movements conveying temporal information in multimodal speech processing. Third, temporal prediction may recruit a communication loop between motor and primary auditory cortices (PACs) via delta-to-beta cross-frequency coupling. We discuss evidence related to each criterion and extend these concepts to a beta-motivated framework of multimodal speech processing

    Sensorimotor Modulations by Cognitive Processes During Accurate Speech Discrimination: An EEG Investigation of Dorsal Stream Processing

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    Internal models mediate the transmission of information between anterior and posterior regions of the dorsal stream in support of speech perception, though it remains unclear how this mechanism responds to cognitive processes in service of task demands. The purpose of the current study was to identify the influences of attention and working memory on sensorimotor activity across the dorsal stream during speech discrimination, with set size and signal clarity employed to modulate stimulus predictability and the time course of increased task demands, respectively. Independent Component Analysis of 64–channel EEG data identified bilateral sensorimotor mu and auditory alpha components from a cohort of 42 participants, indexing activity from anterior (mu) and posterior (auditory) aspects of the dorsal stream. Time frequency (ERSP) analysis evaluated task-related changes in focal activation patterns with phase coherence measures employed to track patterns of information flow across the dorsal stream. ERSP decomposition of mu clusters revealed event-related desynchronization (ERD) in beta and alpha bands, which were interpreted as evidence of forward (beta) and inverse (alpha) internal modeling across the time course of perception events. Stronger pre-stimulus mu alpha ERD in small set discrimination tasks was interpreted as more efficient attentional allocation due to the reduced sensory search space enabled by predictable stimuli. Mu-alpha and mu-beta ERD in peri- and post-stimulus periods were interpreted within the framework of Analysis by Synthesis as evidence of working memory activity for stimulus processing and maintenance, with weaker activity in degraded conditions suggesting that covert rehearsal mechanisms are sensitive to the quality of the stimulus being retained in working memory. Similar ERSP patterns across conditions despite the differences in stimulus predictability and clarity, suggest that subjects may have adapted to tasks. In light of this, future studies of sensorimotor processing should consider the ecological validity of the tasks employed, as well as the larger cognitive environment in which tasks are performed. The absence of interpretable patterns of mu-auditory coherence modulation across the time course of speech discrimination highlights the need for more sensitive analyses to probe dorsal stream connectivity

    Tactile expectancy modulates occipital alpha oscillations in early blindness

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    Alpha oscillatory activity is thought to contribute to visual expectancy through the engagement of task-relevant occipital regions. In early blindness, occipital alpha oscillations are systematically reduced, suggesting that occipital alpha depends on visual experience. However, it remains possible that alpha activity could serve expectancy in non-visual modalities in blind people, especially considering that previous research has shown the recruitment of the occipital cortex for non-visual processing. To test this idea, we used electroencephalography to examine whether alpha oscillations reflected a differential recruitment of task-relevant regions between expected and unexpected conditions in two haptic tasks (texture and shape discrimination). As expected, sensor-level analyses showed that alpha suppression in parieto-occipital sites was significantly reduced in early blind individuals compared with sighted participants. The source reconstruction analysis revealed that group differences originated in the middle occipital cortex. In that region, expected trials evoked higher alpha desynchronization than unexpected trials in the early blind group only. Our results support the role of alpha rhythms in the recruitment of occipital areas in early blind participants, and for the first time we show that although posterior alpha activity is reduced in blindness, it remains sensitive to expectancy factors. Our findings therefore suggest that occipital alpha activity is involved in tactile expectancy in blind individuals, serving a similar function to visual anticipation in sighted populations but switched to the tactile modality. Altogether, our results indicate that expectancy-dependent modulation of alpha oscillatory activity does not depend on visual experience. Significance statement: Are posterior alpha oscillations and their role in expectancy and anticipation dependent on visual experience? Our results show that tactile expectancy can modulate posterior alpha activity in blind (but not sighted) individuals through the engagement of occipital regions, suggesting that in early blindness, alpha oscillations maintain their proposed role in visual anticipation but subserve tactile processing. Our findings bring a new understanding of the role that alpha oscillatory activity plays in blindness, contrasting with the view that alpha activity is task unspecific in blind populations

    Attention shapes our expectations and perceptions: The neural mechanisms of top-down attention during adulthood and development

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    Top-down attention is the focusing of attention at one\u27s will through knowledge regarding a current task. There is evidence that top-down attention involves the modulation of sensory cortices by higher order regions. However, the mechanisms of top-down attention across sensory modalities, its influence on early sensory inputs, as well as interactions with motivational systems remain unclear. We performed the following set of electrophysiological experiments in typically developed adults and adolescents to examine these areas. 1) The supramodal attentional theory holds that parietally-based attentional mechanisms are shared across sensory modalities. We tested the supramodal theory by examining if lateralized parieto-occipital alpha-band activity, an established metric of top-down spatial attention, was observed in an audiospatial and visuospatial task. In support of the supramodal theory, we observed similar anticipatory alpha-band processes across auditory and visual tasks, but we also found an interaction of supramodal and sensory-specific attentional control processes. 2) There is evidence that top-down attention influences information immediately upon its arrival to sensory cortices, although there is debate in this area. In the current work, volitionally-driven top-down attention was engaged toward one of several overlapping surfaces in an illusion, in which the perceived brightness of the attended surface was enhanced. We observed the attentional enhancement of early visual evoked potentials, indicating that top-down attention shapes the earliest activations in visual cortices. 3) It is well known that motivation impacts attention, but the neural bases of these interactions remain unclear. We examined how level of interest in stimuli influenced top-down spatial attention mechanisms in typically-developing adolescents. Motivation enhanced established attentional processes during the anticipation of high vs. low interest stimuli, but also independently influenced frontal and parieto-occipital activations. These findings provide potential implications to inform clinical measures to improve impaired attentional processes in clinical populations (e.g. individuals with autism spectrum disorders). In sum, these studies revealed the powerful influence of top-down attentional control and its interacting systems on neural activations through several stages of anticipatory and post-stimulus processing during development and adulthood

    Neural dynamics of selective attention to speech in noise

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    This thesis investigates how the neural system instantiates selective attention to speech in challenging acoustic conditions, such as spectral degradation and the presence of background noise. Four studies using behavioural measures, magneto- and electroencephalography (M/EEG) recordings were conducted in younger (20–30 years) and older participants (60–80 years). The overall results can be summarized as follows. An EEG experiment demonstrated that slow negative potentials reflect participants’ enhanced allocation of attention when they are faced with more degraded acoustics. This basic mechanism of attention allocation was preserved at an older age. A follow-up experiment in younger listeners indicated that attention allocation can be further enhanced in a context of increased task-relevance through monetary incentives. A subsequent study focused on brain oscillatory dynamics in a demanding speech comprehension task. The power of neural alpha oscillations (~10 Hz) reflected a decrease in demands on attention with increasing acoustic detail and critically also with increasing predictiveness of the upcoming speech content. Older listeners’ behavioural responses and alpha power dynamics were stronger affected by acoustic detail compared with younger listeners, indicating that selective attention at an older age is particularly dependent on the sensory input signal. An additional analysis of listeners’ neural phase-locking to the temporal envelopes of attended speech and unattended background speech revealed that younger and older listeners show a similar segregation of attended and unattended speech on a neural level. A dichotic listening experiment in the MEG aimed at investigating how neural alpha oscillations support selective attention to speech. Lateralized alpha power modulations in parietal and auditory cortex regions predicted listeners’ focus of attention (i.e., left vs right). This suggests that alpha oscillations implement an attentional filter mechanism to enhance the signal and to suppress noise. A final behavioural study asked whether acoustic and semantic aspects of task-irrelevant speech determine how much it interferes with attention to task-relevant speech. Results demonstrated that younger and older adults were more distracted when acoustic detail of irrelevant speech was enhanced, whereas predictiveness of irrelevant speech had no effect. All findings of this thesis are integrated in an initial framework for the role of attention for speech comprehension under demanding acoustic conditions
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