11 research outputs found

    Refinement-Based Verification of the FreeRTOS Scheduler in VCC

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    We describe our experience with verifying the scheduler-related functionality of FreeRTOS, a popular open-source embedded real-time operating system. We propose a methodology for carrying out refinement-based proofs of functional correctness of abstract data types in the popular code-level verifier VCC. We then apply this methodology to carry out a full machine-checked proof of the functional correctness of the FreeRTOS scheduler. We describe the bugs found during this exercise, the fixes made, and the effort involved

    Efficient Refinement Checking in VCC

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    We propose a methodology for carrying out refinement proofs across declarative abstract models and concrete implementations in C, using the VCC verification tool. The main idea is to first perform a systematic translation from the top-level abstract model to a ghost implementation in VCC. Subsequent refinement proofs between successively refined abstract models and between abstract and concrete implementations are carried out in VCC. We propose an efficient technique to carry out these refinement checks in VCC. We illustrate our methodology with a case study in which we verify a simplified C implementation of an RTOS scheduler, with respect to its abstract Z specification. Overall, our methodology leads to efficient and automatic refinement proofs for complex systems that would typically be beyond the capability of tools such as Z/Eves or Rodin

    Program Verification of FreeRTOS Using Microsoft Dafny

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    FreeRTOS is a popular real-time and embedded operating system. Real-time software requires code reviews, software tests, and other various quality assurance activities to ensure minimal defects. This free and open-source operating system has claims of robustness and quality [26]. Real-time and embedded software is found commonly in systems directly impacting human life and require a low defect rate. In such critical software, traditional quality assurance may not suce in minimizing software defects. When traditional software quality assurance is not enough for defect removal, software engineering formal methods may help minimize defects. A formal method such as program verication is useful for proving correctness in real-time software. Microsoft Research created Dafny for proving program correctness. It contains a programming language with specication constructs. A program verication tool such as Dafny allows for proving correctness of FreeRTOS\u27s modules. We propose using Dafny to verify the correctness of FreeRTOS\u27 scheduler and supporting AP

    Analyzing FreeRTOS Scheduling Behaviors with the Spin Model Checker

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    FreeRTOS is a real-time operating system with configurable scheduling policies. Its portability and configurability make FreeRTOS one of the most popular real-time operating systems for embedded devices. We formally analyze the FreeRTOS scheduler on ARM Cortex-M4 processor in this work. Specifically, we build a formal model for the FreeRTOS ARM Cortex-M4 port and apply model checking to find errors in our models for FreeRTOS example applications. Intriguingly, several errors are found in our application models under different scheduling policies. In order to confirm our findings, we modify application programs distributed by FreeRTOS and reproduce assertion failures on the STM32F429I-DISC1 board

    Formally modelling and verifying the FreeRTOS real-time operating system

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    Formal methods is an alternative way to develop software, which applies math- ematical techniques to software design and verification. It ensures logical consistency between the requirements and the behaviour of the software, because each step in the development process, i.e., abstracting the requirements, design, refinement and implementation, is verified by mathematical techniques. However, in ordinary software development, the correctness of the software is tested at the end of the development process, which means it is limited and incomplete. Thus formal methods provides higher quality software than ordinary software devel- opment. At the same time, real-time operating systems are playing increasingly more important roles in embedded applications. Formal verification of this kind of software is therefore of strong interest. FreeRTOS has a wide community of users: it is regarded by many as the de facto standard for micro-controllers in embedded applications. This project formally specifies the behaviour of FreeRTOS in Z, and its consistency is ver- ified using the Z/Eves theorem prover. This includes a precise statement of the preconditions for all API commands. Based on this model, (a) code-level annotations for verifying task related API are produced with Microsoft’s Verifying C Complier (VCC); and (b) an abstract model for extension of FreeRTOS to multi-core architectures is specified with the Z notation. This work forms the basis of future work that is refinement of the models to code to produce a verified implementation for both single and multi-core platforms

    Scaling Up Automated Verification: A Case Study and a Formalization IDE for Building High Integrity Software

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    Component-based software verification is a difficult challenge because developers must specify components formally and annotate implementations with suitable assertions that are amenable to automation. This research investigates the intrinsic complexity in this challenge using a component-based case study. Simultaneously, this work also seeks to minimize the extrinsic complexities of this challenge through the development and usage of a formalization integrated development environment (F-IDE) built for specifying, developing, and using verified reusable software components. The first contribution is an F-IDE built to support formal specification and automated verification of object-based software for the integrated specification and programming language RESOLVE. The F-IDE is novel, as it integrates a verifying compiler with a user-friendly interface that provides a number of amenities including responsive editing for model-based mathematical contracts and code, assistance for design by contract, verification, responsive error handling, and generation of property-preserving Java code that can be run within the F-IDE. The second contribution is a case study built using the F-IDE that involves an interplay of multiple artifacts encompassing mathematical units, component interfaces, and realizations. The object-based interfaces involved are specified in terms of new mathematical models and non-trivial theories designed to encapsulate data structures and algorithms. The components are designed to be amenable to modular verification and analysis

    Cryogenic fibre-fed laser metrology

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    Cryogenic cooling is a fundamental requirement for broadband far-infrared spectroscopic instrumentation to benefit from state-of-the-art far-infrared detectors. The precision to which the moving cryogenic components of the instrument can be measured and controlled affects its ability to recover the spectrum and exacts a low power robust position metrology system. This thesis explores a number of laser-based position metrology solutions and shows that a fibre-fed range-resolved interferometer meets the stringent precision and low power requirements of a metrology system for future space missions. Two cryogenic fibre-fed range-resoled interferometers are theoretically discussed and subsequently constructed; the first using the Clarke transform to decode three-phase signals, and the second based on sinusoidal laser frequency modulation. Experimental results of room and cryogenic (<4 K) temperature testing for both systems are presented. Lessons learned, suggested improvements, and the employment of a range-resolved interferometer for cryogenic accelerometry, lunar seismology, and other applications are discussed

    Programming Languages and Systems

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    This open access book constitutes the proceedings of the 28th European Symposium on Programming, ESOP 2019, which took place in Prague, Czech Republic, in April 2019, held as Part of the European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software, ETAPS 2019