11,271 research outputs found

    CHORUS Deliverable 2.2: Second report - identification of multi-disciplinary key issues for gap analysis toward EU multimedia search engines roadmap

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    After addressing the state-of-the-art during the first year of Chorus and establishing the existing landscape in multimedia search engines, we have identified and analyzed gaps within European research effort during our second year. In this period we focused on three directions, notably technological issues, user-centred issues and use-cases and socio- economic and legal aspects. These were assessed by two central studies: firstly, a concerted vision of functional breakdown of generic multimedia search engine, and secondly, a representative use-cases descriptions with the related discussion on requirement for technological challenges. Both studies have been carried out in cooperation and consultation with the community at large through EC concertation meetings (multimedia search engines cluster), several meetings with our Think-Tank, presentations in international conferences, and surveys addressed to EU projects coordinators as well as National initiatives coordinators. Based on the obtained feedback we identified two types of gaps, namely core technological gaps that involve research challenges, and “enablers”, which are not necessarily technical research challenges, but have impact on innovation progress. New socio-economic trends are presented as well as emerging legal challenges

    An Audit Tool to Assess Implementation of Standard 8 of the Children’s National Service Framework: A Scoping Study

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    Austrian higher education institutions' idiosyncrasies and technology transfer system

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    The aim of this paper is to present the findings of a PhD research (Heinzl, 2007) conducted on the Universities of Applied Sciences in Austria. The research is to establish an idiosyncrasy model for Universities of Applied Sciences in Austria showing the effects of their idiosyncrasies on the ability to successfully conduct technology transfer. Research applied in the study is centred on qualitative methods as major emphasis is placed on theory building. The study pursues a stepwise approach for the establishment of the idiosyncrasy model. In the first step, an initial technology transfer model and list of idiosyncrasies are established based on a synthesis of findings from secondary research. In the second step, these findings are enhanced by the means of empirical research including problem-centred expert interviews, a focus group and participant observation. In the third step, the idiosyncrasies are matched with the factors conducive for technology transfer and focused interviews have been conducted for this purpose. The findings show that idiosyncrasies of Universities of Applied Sciences have remarkable effects on their technology transfer abilities. This paper presents four of the models that emerge from the PhD research: Generic Technology Transfer Model (Section 5.1); Idiosyncrasies Model for the Austrian Universities of Applied Sciences (Section 5.2); Idiosyncrasies-Technology Transfer Effects Model (Section 5.3); Idiosyncrasies-Technology Transfer Cumulated Effects Model (Section 5.3). The primary and secondary research methods employed for this study are: literature survey, focus groups, participant observation, and interviews. The findings of the research contribute to a conceptual design of a technology transfer system which aims to enhance the higher education institutions' technology transfer performance

    The Role of Evidence in Establishing Trust in Repositories

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    This article arises from work by the Digital Curation Centre (DCC) Working Group examining mechanisms to roll out audit and certification services for digital repositories in the United Kingdom. Our attempt to develop a program for applying audit and certification processes and tools took as its starting point the RLG-NARA Audit Checklist for Certifying Digital Repositories. Our intention was to appraise critically the checklist and conceive a means of applying its mechanics within a diverse range of repository environments. We were struck by the realization that while a great deal of effort has been invested in determining the characteristics of a 'trusted digital repository', far less effort has concentrated on the ways in which the presence of the attributes can be demonstrated and their qualities measured. With this in mind we sought to explore the role of evidence within the certification process, and to identify examples of the types of evidence (e.g., documentary, observational, and testimonial) that might be desirable during the course of a repository audit.

    Using the soil and water assessment tool to simulate the pesticide dynamics in the data scarce Guayas River Basin, Ecuador

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    Agricultural intensification has stimulated the economy in the Guayas River basin in Ecuador, but also affected several ecosystems. The increased use of pesticides poses a serious threat to the freshwater ecosystem, which urgently calls for an improved knowledge about the impact of pesticide practices in this study area. Several studies have shown that models can be appropriate tools to simulate pesticide dynamics in order to obtain this knowledge. This study tested the suitability of the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) to simulate the dynamics of two different pesticides in the data scarce Guayas River basin. First, we set up, calibrated and validated the model using the streamflow data. Subsequently, we set up the model for the simulation of the selected pesticides (i.e., pendimethalin and fenpropimorph). While the hydrology was represented soundly by the model considering the data scare conditions, the simulation of the pesticides should be taken with care due to uncertainties behind essential drivers, e.g., application rates. Among the insights obtained from the pesticide simulations are the identification of critical zones for prioritisation, the dominant areas of pesticide sources and the impact of the different land uses. SWAT has been evaluated to be a suitable tool to investigate the impact of pesticide use under data scarcity in the Guayas River basin. The strengths of SWAT are its semi-distributed structure, availability of extensive online documentation, internal pesticide databases and user support while the limitations are high data requirements, time-intensive model development and challenging streamflow calibration. The results can also be helpful to design future water quality monitoring strategies. However, for future studies, we highly recommend extended monitoring of pesticide concentrations and sediment loads. Moreover, to substantially improve the model performance, the availability of better input data is needed such as higher resolution soil maps, more accurate pesticide application rate and actual land management programs. Provided that key suggestions for further improvement are considered, the model is valuable for applications in river ecosystem management of the Guayas River basin

    Good governance and territorial marketing – two sides of the same coin? Development of market orientation through governance mechanisms in local government.

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    The scope of the paper is to discuss the role of good governance in improving responsiveness of local government to the needs of the selected target markets (investors, tourists, students). The criteria of good governance and governance indicators are analysed with regard of their applicability in building customer orientation of local authorities i.e. increasing market intelligence, disseminating knowledge about current and prospect users of the territory and fostering organizational culture conducive of gathering, sharing and applying market information for satisfying local demand. The objective is to assess usefulness of governance mechanisms in improving marketing management process (i.e. analysis, planning, implementation and control) of the local authorities towards selected groups of target customers (investors, tourists, students). The paper will create the analytical framework for the future research in selected Polish cities. The main good governance rules will be tested both from the governors’ perspectives and from the customer one. The issues below should be taken into consideration n terms of governors’ performance: ñ€± focusing on the organisation’s purpose and on outcomes for citizens and service users ñ€± performing effectively in clearly defined functions and roles ñ€± promoting values for the whole organisation and demonstrating the values of good governance through behaviour ñ€± taking informed, transparent decisions and managing risk ñ€± developing the capacity and capability of the governing body to be effective ñ€± engaging stakeholders and making accountability real Different approaches to public service quality at the operational level and territorial marketing at the strategic level as well as methodologies of measuring governance will be taken into account as a theoretical background.

    Development of an Automated Physician Review Classification System: A hybrid Machine Learning Approach

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    Patients are increasingly turning to physician rating websites to help them make important healthcare decisions, such as selecting primary care doctors, specialists, and supplementary medical care providers. Previous research has identified a variety of topics and themes that emerge on these review platforms. However, there is little or no work that has been done to create an automated classifier that automatically categorizes these reviews into distinct topics after they have been explored in this context. Building such an automated classifier could assist IS developers and other stakeholders in automatically classifying patient reviews and understanding patient needs. Furthermore, using design science research we strategize how such machine learning systems can be built using design guidelines in turn having the potential to be generalized to other specific contextual problem spaces. Our work focuses on laying the foundation to design guidelines that need to be followed while building automated systems in specific contexts

    11th German Conference on Chemoinformatics (GCC 2015) : Fulda, Germany. 8-10 November 2015.

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