17 research outputs found

    A Systematic Review of the Literature of the Techniques to Perform Transformations in Software Engineering / Uma revisão sistemática da literatura das técnicas para realizar transformações na engenharia de software

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    Along with software evolution, developers may do repetitive edits. These edits can be identical or similar to different codebase locations, which may occur as developers add features, refactor, or fix a bug. Since some of these edits are not present in Integrated Development Environments (IDEs), they are often performed manually, which is time-consuming and error-prone. In order to help developers to apply repetitive edits, some techniques were proposed. In this work, we present a systematic review of the literature of the techniques to do transformations in software engineering. As a result, this systematic review returned 51 works ranging from the domains programming-by-examples, linked editing, API usage, bug fixing, complex refactoring, and complex transformations, which can be used to help tools' designer in the proposition of new approaches.  Along with software evolution, developers may do repetitive edits. These edits can be identical or similar to different codebase locations, which may occur as developers add features, refactor, or fix a bug. Since some of these edits are not present in Integrated Development Environments (IDEs), they are often performed manually, which is time-consuming and error-prone. In order to help developers to apply repetitive edits, some techniques were proposed. In this work, we present a systematic review of the literature of the techniques to do transformations in software engineering. As a result, this systematic review returned 51 works ranging from the domains programming-by-examples, linked editing, API usage, bug fixing, complex refactoring, and complex transformations, which can be used to help tools' designer in the proposition of new approaches.

    ParaSCAN: A Static Profiler to Help Parallelization

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    Parallelizing software often starts by profiling to identify program paths that are worth parallelizing. Static profiling techniques, e.g. hot paths, can be used to identify parallelism opportunities for programs that lack representative inputs and in situations where dynamic techniques aren\u27t applicable, e.g. parallelizing compilers and refactoring tools. Existing static techniques for identification of hot paths rely on path frequencies. Relying on path frequencies alone isn\u27t sufficient for identifying parallelism opportunities. We propose a novel automated approach for static profiling that combines both path frequencies and computational weight of the paths. We apply our technique called ParaSCAN to parallelism recommendation, where it is highly effective. Our results demonstrate that ParaSCAN\u27s recommendations cover all the parallelism manually identified by experts with 85% accuracy and in some cases also identifies parallelism missed by the experts

    An automated refactoring approach to improve IoT software quality

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    Internet of Things (IoT) software should provide good support for IoT devices as IoT devices are growing in quantity and complexity. Communication between IoT devices is largely realized in a concurrent way. How to ensure the correctness of concurrent access becomes a big challenge to IoT software development. This paper proposes a general refactoring framework for fine-grained read-write locking and implements an automatic refactoring tool to help developers convert built-in monitors into fine-grained ReentrantReadWriteLocks. Several program analysis techniques, such as visitor pattern analysis, alias analysis, and side-effect analysis, are used to assist with refactoring. Our tool is tested by several real-world applications including HSQLDB, Cassandra, JGroups, Freedomotic, and MINA. A total of 1072 built-in monitors are refactored into ReentrantReadWriteLocks. The experiments revealed that our tool can help developers with refactoring for ReentrantReadWriteLocks and save their time and energy.This research is supported by the Guangdong Province Key Research and Development Plan (2019B010137004), the National Key research and Development Plan (2018YEB1004003), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (U1636215,61871140,61872100), in part by the Scientific Research Foundation of Hebei Educational Department under Grant ZD2019093, in part by the Fundamental Research Foundation of Hebei Province under Grant 18960106D, and Guangdong Province Universities and Colleges Pearl River Scholar Funded Scheme (2019)

    Enabling Additional Parallelism in Asynchronous JavaScript Applications

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    JavaScript is a single-threaded programming language, so asynchronous programming is practiced out of necessity to ensure that applications remain responsive in the presence of user input or interactions with file systems and networks. However, many JavaScript applications execute in environments that do exhibit concurrency by, e.g., interacting with multiple or concurrent servers, or by using file systems managed by operating systems that support concurrent I/O. In this paper, we demonstrate that JavaScript programmers often schedule asynchronous I/O operations suboptimally, and that reordering such operations may yield significant performance benefits. Concretely, we define a static side-effect analysis that can be used to determine how asynchronous I/O operations can be refactored so that asynchronous I/O-related requests are made as early as possible, and so that the results of these requests are awaited as late as possible. While our static analysis is potentially unsound, we have not encountered any situations where it suggested reorderings that change program behavior. We evaluate the refactoring on 20 applications that perform file- or network-related I/O. For these applications, we observe average speedups ranging between 0.99% and 53.6% for the tests that execute refactored code (8.1% on average)

    How do programs become more concurrent? A story of program transformations

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    ABSTRACT In the multi-core era, programmers need to resort to parallelism if they want to improve program performance. Thus, a major maintenance task will be to make sequential programs more concurrent. Must concurrency be designed into a program, or can it be retrofitted later? What are the most common transformations to retrofit concurrency into sequential programs? Are these transformations random, or do they belong to certain categories? How can we automate these transformations? To answer these questions we analyzed the source code of five open-source Java projects and looked at a total of 14 versions. We analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively the concurrency-related transformations. We found that these transformations belong to four categories: transformations that improve the responsiveness, the throughput, the scalability, or correctness of the applications. In 73.9% of these transformations, concurrency was retrofitted on existing program elements. In 20.5% of the transformations, concurrency was designed into new program elements. Our findings educate software developers on how to parallelize sequential programs, and provide hints for tool vendors about what transformations are worth automating

    Study and Refactoring of Android Asynchronous Programming

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    To avoid unresponsiveness, a core part of mobile development is asynchronous programming. Android provides several async constructs that developers can use. However, developers can still use the inappropriate async constructs, which result in memory leaks, lost results, and wasted energy. Fortunately, refactoring tools can eliminate these problems by transforming async code to use the appropriate constructs. In this paper we conducted a formative study on a corpus of 611 widely-used Android apps to map the asynchronous landscape of Android apps, understand how developers retrofit asynchrony, and learn about barriers encountered by developers. Based on this study, we designed, implemented, and evaluated ASYNCDROID, a refactoring tool which enables Android developers to transform existing improperly-used async constructs into correct constructs. Our empirical evaluation shows that ASYNCDROID is applicable, accurate, and saves developers effort. We submitted 30 refactoring patches, and developers consider that the refactorings are useful.Ope

    The ParaPhrase project : parallel patterns for adaptive heterogeneous multicore systems

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    Funding: This work has been supported by the European Union Framework 7 grant IST-2011-288570 “ParaPhrase: Parallel Patterns for Adaptive Heterogeneous Multicore Systems”This paper describes the ParaPhrase project, a new 3-year targeted research project funded under EU Framework 7 Objective 3.4 (Computer Systems) , starting in October 2011. ParaPhrase aims to follow a new approach to introducing parallelism using advanced refactoring techniques coupled with high-level parallel design patterns. The refactoring approach will use these design patterns to restructure programs defined as networks of software components into other forms that are more suited to parallel execution. The programmer will be aided by high-level cost information that will be integrated into the refactoring tools. The implementation of these patterns will then use a well-understood algorithmic skeleton approach to achieve good parallelism. A key ParaPhrase design goal is that parallel components are intended to match heterogeneous architectures, defined in terms of CPU/GPU combinations, for example. In order to achieve this, the ParaPhrase approach will map components at link time to the available hardware, and will then re-map them during program execution, taking account of multiple applications, changes in hardware resource availability, the desire to reduce communication costs etc. In this way, we aim to develop a new approach to programming that will be able to produce software that can adapt to dynamic changes in the system environment. Moreover, by using a strong component basis for parallelism, we can achieve potentially significant gains in terms of reducing sharing at a high level of abstraction, and so in reducing or even eliminating the costs that are usually associated with cache management, locking, and synchronisation.Postprin

    Refactoring Java programs for flexible locking

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