161 research outputs found

    WCET Optimizations and Architectural Support for Hard Real-Time Systems

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    As time predictability is critical to hard real-time systems, it is not only necessary to accurately estimate the worst-case execution time (WCET) of the real-time tasks but also desirable to improve either the WCET of the tasks or time predictability of the system, because the real-time tasks with lower WCETs are easy to schedule and more likely to meat their deadlines. As a real-time system is an integration of software and hardware, the optimization can be achieved through two ways: software optimization and time-predictable architectural support. In terms of software optimization, we fi rst propose a loop-based instruction prefetching approach to further improve the WCET comparing with simple prefetching techniques such as Next-N-Line prefetching which can enhance both the average-case performance and the worst-case performance. Our prefetching approach can exploit the program controlow information to intelligently prefetch instructions that are most likely needed. Second, as inter-thread interferences in shared caches can signi cantly a ect the WCET of real-time tasks running on multicore processors, we study three multicore-aware code positioning methods to reduce the inter-core L2 cache interferences between co-running real-time threads. One strategy focuses on decreasing the longest WCET among the co-running threads, and two other methods aim at achieving fairness in terms of the amount or percentage of WCET reduction among co-running threads. In the aspect of time-predictable architectural support, we introduce the concept of architectural time predictability (ATP) to separate timing uncertainty concerns caused by hardware from software, which greatly facilitates the advancement of time-predictable processor design. We also propose a metric called Architectural Time-predictability Factor (ATF) to measure architectural time predictability quantitatively. Furthermore, while cache memories can generally improve average-case performance, they are harmful to time predictability and thus are not desirable for hard real-time and safety-critical systems. In contrast, Scratch-Pad Memories (SPMs) are time predictable, but they may lead to inferior performance. Guided by ATF, we propose and evaluate a variety of hybrid on-chip memory architectures to combine both caches and SPMs intelligently to achieve good time predictability and high performance. Detailed implementation and experimental results discussion are presented in this dissertation

    Exploring Hybrid SPM-Cache Architectures to Improve Performance and Energy Efficiency for Real-time Computing

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    Real-time computing is not just fast computing but time-predictable computing. Many tasks in safety-critical embedded real-time systems have hard real-time characteristics. Failure to meet deadlines may result in the loss of life or in large damages. Known of Worst Case Execution Time (WCET) is important for reliability or correct functional behavior of the system. As multi-core processors are increasingly adopted in industry, it has become a great challenge to accurately bound the worst-case execution time (WCET) for real-time systems running on multi-core chips. This is particularly true because of the inter-thread interferences in accessing shared resources on multi-cores, such as shared L2 caches, which can significantly affect the performance but are very difficult to be estimate statically. We propose an approach to analyzing Worst Case Execution Time (WCET) for multi-core processors with shared L2 instruction caches by using a model checking based method. Our experiments indicate that compared to the static analysis technique based on extended ILP (Integer Linear Programming), our approach improves the tightness of WCET estimation more than 31.1% for the benchmarks we studied. However, due to the inherent complexity of multi-core timing analysis and the state explosion problem, the model checking based approach currently can only work with small real-time kernels for dual-core processors. At the same time, improving the average-case performance and energy efficiency has also been important for real-time systems. Recently, Hybrid SPM-Cache (HSC) architectures by combining caches and Scratch-Pad Memories (SPMs) have been increasingly used in commercial processors and research prototypes. Our research explores HSC architectures for real-time systems to reconcile time predictability, performance, and energy consumption. We study the energy dissipation of a number of hybrid on-chip memory architectures by combining both caches and Scratch-Pad Memories (SPM) without increasing the total on-chip memory size. Our experimental results indicate that with the equivalent total on-chip memory size, several hybrid SPM-Cache architectures are more energy-efficient than either pure software controlled SPMs or pure hardware-controlled caches. In particular, using the hybrid SPM-cache to store both instructions and data can achieve the best energy efficiency. However, the SPM allocation for the HSC architecture must be aware of the cache to harness the full potential of the HSC architecture. First, we propose and evaluate four SPM allocation strategies to reduce WCET for hybrid SPM-Caches with different complexities. These algorithms differ by whether or not they can cooperate with the cache or be aware of the WCET. Our evaluation shows that the cache aware and WCET-oriented SPM allocation can maximally reduce the WCET with minimum or even positive impact on the average-case execution time (ACET). Moreover, we explore four SPM allocation algorithms to maximize performance on the HSC architecture, including three heuristic-based algorithms, and an optimal algorithm based on model checking. Our experiments indicate that the Greedy Stack Distance based Allocation (GSDA) can run efficiently while achieving performance either the same as or close to the optimal results got by the Optimal Stack Distance based Allocation (OSDA). Last but not the least, we extend the two stack distance based allocation algorithms to GSDA-E and OSDA-E to minimize the energy consumption of the HSC architecture. Our experimental results show that the GSDA-E can also reduce the energy either the same as or close to the optimal results attained by the OSDA-E, while achieving performance close to the OSDA and GSDA

    WCET-Aware Scratchpad Memory Management for Hard Real-Time Systems

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    abstract: Cyber-physical systems and hard real-time systems have strict timing constraints that specify deadlines until which tasks must finish their execution. Missing a deadline can cause unexpected outcome or endanger human lives in safety-critical applications, such as automotive or aeronautical systems. It is, therefore, of utmost importance to obtain and optimize a safe upper bound of each task’s execution time or the worst-case execution time (WCET), to guarantee the absence of any missed deadline. Unfortunately, conventional microarchitectural components, such as caches and branch predictors, are only optimized for average-case performance and often make WCET analysis complicated and pessimistic. Caches especially have a large impact on the worst-case performance due to expensive off- chip memory accesses involved in cache miss handling. In this regard, software-controlled scratchpad memories (SPMs) have become a promising alternative to caches. An SPM is a raw SRAM, controlled only by executing data movement instructions explicitly at runtime, and such explicit control facilitates static analyses to obtain safe and tight upper bounds of WCETs. SPM management techniques, used in compilers targeting an SPM-based processor, determine how to use a given SPM space by deciding where to insert data movement instructions and what operations to perform at those program locations. This dissertation presents several management techniques for program code and stack data, which aim to optimize the WCETs of a given program. The proposed code management techniques include optimal allocation algorithms and a polynomial-time heuristic for allocating functions to the SPM space, with or without the use of abstraction of SPM regions, and a heuristic for splitting functions into smaller partitions. The proposed stack data management technique, on the other hand, finds an optimal set of program locations to evict and restore stack frames to avoid stack overflows, when the call stack resides in a size-limited SPM. In the evaluation, the WCETs of various benchmarks including real-world automotive applications are statically calculated for SPMs and caches in several different memory configurations.Dissertation/ThesisDoctoral Dissertation Computer Science 201

    Volatile STT-RAM Scratchpad Design and Data Allocation for Low Energy

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    [Abstract] On-chip power consumption is one of the fundamental challenges of current technology scaling. Cache memories consume a sizable part of this power, particularly due to leakage energy. STT-RAM is one of several new memory technologies that have been proposed in order to improve power while preserving performance. It features high density and low leakage, but at the expense of write energy and performance. This article explores the use of STT-RAM--based scratchpad memories that trade nonvolatility in exchange for faster and less energetically expensive accesses, making them feasible for on-chip implementation in embedded systems. A novel multiretention scratchpad partitioning is proposed, featuring multiple storage spaces with different retention, energy, and performance characteristics. A customized compiler-based allocation algorithm suitable for use with such a scratchpad organization is described. Our experiments indicate that a multiretention STT-RAM scratchpad can provide energy savings of 53% with respect to an iso-area, hardware-managed SRAM cache

    MemPool: A Scalable Manycore Architecture with a Low-Latency Shared L1 Memory

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    Shared L1 memory clusters are a common architectural pattern (e.g., in GPGPUs) for building efficient and flexible multi-processing-element (PE) engines. However, it is a common belief that these tightly-coupled clusters would not scale beyond a few tens of PEs. In this work, we tackle scaling shared L1 clusters to hundreds of PEs while supporting a flexible and productive programming model and maintaining high efficiency. We present MemPool, a manycore system with 256 RV32IMAXpulpimg "Snitch" cores featuring application-tunable functional units. We designed and implemented an efficient low-latency PE to L1-memory interconnect, an optimized instruction path to ensure each PE's independent execution, and a powerful DMA engine and system interconnect to stream data in and out. MemPool is easy to program, with all the cores sharing a global view of a large, multi-banked, L1 scratchpad memory, accessible within at most five cycles in the absence of conflicts. We provide multiple runtimes to program MemPool at different abstraction levels and illustrate its versatility with a wide set of applications. MemPool runs at 600 MHz (60 gate delays) in typical conditions (TT/0.80V/25{\deg}C) in 22 nm FDX technology and achieves a performance of up to 229 GOPS or 192 GOPS/W with less than 2% of execution stalls.Comment: 14 pages, 17 figures, 2 table

    Power-Efficient and Low-Latency Memory Access for CMP Systems with Heterogeneous Scratchpad On-Chip Memory

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    The gradually widening speed disparity of between CPU and memory has become an overwhelming bottleneck for the development of Chip Multiprocessor (CMP) systems. In addition, increasing penalties caused by frequent on-chip memory accesses have raised critical challenges in delivering high memory access performance with tight power and latency budgets. To overcome the daunting memory wall and energy wall issues, this thesis focuses on proposing a new heterogeneous scratchpad memory architecture which is configured from SRAM, MRAM, and Z-RAM. Based on this architecture, we propose two algorithms, a dynamic programming and a genetic algorithm, to perform data allocation to different memory units, therefore reducing memory access cost in terms of power consumption and latency. Extensive and intensive experiments are performed to show the merits of the heterogeneous scratchpad architecture over the traditional pure memory system and the effectiveness of the proposed algorithms

    Gestión de jerarquías de memoria híbridas a nivel de sistema

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    Tesis inédita de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Informática, Departamento de Arquitectura de Computadoras y Automática y de Ku Leuven, Arenberg Doctoral School, Faculty of Engineering Science, leída el 11/05/2017.In electronics and computer science, the term ‘memory’ generally refers to devices that are used to store information that we use in various appliances ranging from our PCs to all hand-held devices, smart appliances etc. Primary/main memory is used for storage systems that function at a high speed (i.e. RAM). The primary memory is often associated with addressable semiconductor memory, i.e. integrated circuits consisting of silicon-based transistors, used for example as primary memory but also other purposes in computers and other digital electronic devices. The secondary/auxiliary memory, in comparison provides program and data storage that is slower to access but offers larger capacity. Examples include external hard drives, portable flash drives, CDs, and DVDs. These devices and media must be either plugged in or inserted into a computer in order to be accessed by the system. Since secondary storage technology is not always connected to the computer, it is commonly used for backing up data. The term storage is often used to describe secondary memory. Secondary memory stores a large amount of data at lesser cost per byte than primary memory; this makes secondary storage about two orders of magnitude less expensive than primary storage. There are two main types of semiconductor memory: volatile and nonvolatile. Examples of non-volatile memory are ‘Flash’ memory (sometimes used as secondary, sometimes primary computer memory) and ROM/PROM/EPROM/EEPROM memory (used for firmware such as boot programs). Examples of volatile memory are primary memory (typically dynamic RAM, DRAM), and fast CPU cache memory (typically static RAM, SRAM, which is fast but energy-consuming and offer lower memory capacity per are a unit than DRAM). Non-volatile memory technologies in Si-based electronics date back to the 1990s. Flash memory is widely used in consumer electronic products such as cellphones and music players and NAND Flash-based solid-state disks (SSDs) are increasingly displacing hard disk drives as the primary storage device in laptops, desktops, and even data centers. The integration limit of Flash memories is approaching, and many new types of memory to replace conventional Flash memories have been proposed. The rapid increase of leakage currents in Silicon CMOS transistors with scaling poses a big challenge for the integration of SRAM memories. There is also the case of susceptibility to read/write failure with low power schemes. As a result of this, over the past decade, there has been an extensive pooling of time, resources and effort towards developing emerging memory technologies like Resistive RAM (ReRAM/RRAM), STT-MRAM, Domain Wall Memory and Phase Change Memory(PRAM). Emerging non-volatile memory technologies promise new memories to store more data at less cost than the expensive-to build silicon chips used by popular consumer gadgets including digital cameras, cell phones and portable music players. These new memory technologies combine the speed of static random-access memory (SRAM), the density of dynamic random-access memory (DRAM), and the non-volatility of Flash memory and so become very attractive as another possibility for future memory hierarchies. The research and information on these Non-Volatile Memory (NVM) technologies has matured over the last decade. These NVMs are now being explored thoroughly nowadays as viable replacements for conventional SRAM based memories even for the higher levels of the memory hierarchy. Many other new classes of emerging memory technologies such as transparent and plastic, three-dimensional(3-D), and quantum dot memory technologies have also gained tremendous popularity in recent years...En el campo de la informática, el término ‘memoria’ se refiere generalmente a dispositivos que son usados para almacenar información que posteriormente será usada en diversos dispositivos, desde computadoras personales (PC), móviles, dispositivos inteligentes, etc. La memoria principal del sistema se utiliza para almacenar los datos e instrucciones de los procesos que se encuentre en ejecución, por lo que se requiere que funcionen a alta velocidad (por ejemplo, DRAM). La memoria principal está implementada habitualmente mediante memorias semiconductoras direccionables, siendo DRAM y SRAM los principales exponentes. Por otro lado, la memoria auxiliar o secundaria proporciona almacenaje(para ficheros, por ejemplo); es más lenta pero ofrece una mayor capacidad. Ejemplos típicos de memoria secundaria son discos duros, memorias flash portables, CDs y DVDs. Debido a que estos dispositivos no necesitan estar conectados a la computadora de forma permanente, son muy utilizados para almacenar copias de seguridad. La memoria secundaria almacena una gran cantidad de datos aun coste menor por bit que la memoria principal, siendo habitualmente dos órdenes de magnitud más barata que la memoria primaria. Existen dos tipos de memorias de tipo semiconductor: volátiles y no volátiles. Ejemplos de memorias no volátiles son las memorias Flash (algunas veces usadas como memoria secundaria y otras veces como memoria principal) y memorias ROM/PROM/EPROM/EEPROM (usadas para firmware como programas de arranque). Ejemplos de memoria volátil son las memorias DRAM (RAM dinámica), actualmente la opción predominante a la hora de implementar la memoria principal, y las memorias SRAM (RAM estática) más rápida y costosa, utilizada para los diferentes niveles de cache. Las tecnologías de memorias no volátiles basadas en electrónica de silicio se remontan a la década de1990. Una variante de memoria de almacenaje por carga denominada como memoria Flash es mundialmente usada en productos electrónicos de consumo como telefonía móvil y reproductores de música mientras NAND Flash solid state disks(SSDs) están progresivamente desplazando a los dispositivos de disco duro como principal unidad de almacenamiento en computadoras portátiles, de escritorio e incluso en centros de datos. En la actualidad, hay varios factores que amenazan la actual predominancia de memorias semiconductoras basadas en cargas (capacitivas). Por un lado, se está alcanzando el límite de integración de las memorias Flash, lo que compromete su escalado en el medio plazo. Por otra parte, el fuerte incremento de las corrientes de fuga de los transistores de silicio CMOS actuales, supone un enorme desafío para la integración de memorias SRAM. Asimismo, estas memorias son cada vez más susceptibles a fallos de lectura/escritura en diseños de bajo consumo. Como resultado de estos problemas, que se agravan con cada nueva generación tecnológica, en los últimos años se han intensificado los esfuerzos para desarrollar nuevas tecnologías que reemplacen o al menos complementen a las actuales. Los transistores de efecto campo eléctrico ferroso (FeFET en sus siglas en inglés) se consideran una de las alternativas más prometedores para sustituir tanto a Flash (por su mayor densidad) como a DRAM (por su mayor velocidad), pero aún está en una fase muy inicial de su desarrollo. Hay otras tecnologías algo más maduras, en el ámbito de las memorias RAM resistivas, entre las que cabe destacar ReRAM (o RRAM), STT-RAM, Domain Wall Memory y Phase Change Memory (PRAM)...Depto. de Arquitectura de Computadores y AutomáticaFac. de InformáticaTRUEunpu

    Domain-specific Architectures for Data-intensive Applications

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    Graphs' versatile ability to represent diverse relationships, make them effective for a wide range of applications. For instance, search engines use graph-based applications to provide high-quality search results. Medical centers use them to aid in patient diagnosis. Most recently, graphs are also being employed to support the management of viral pandemics. Looking forward, they are showing promise of being critical in unlocking several other opportunities, including combating the spread of fake content in social networks, detecting and preventing fraudulent online transactions in a timely fashion, and in ensuring collision avoidance in autonomous vehicle navigation, to name a few. Unfortunately, all these applications require more computational power than what can be provided by conventional computing systems. The key reason is that graph applications present large working sets that fail to fit in the small on-chip storage of existing computing systems, while at the same time they access data in seemingly unpredictable patterns, thus cannot draw benefit from traditional on-chip storage. In this dissertation, we set out to address the performance limitations of existing computing systems so to enable emerging graph applications like those described above. To achieve this, we identified three key strategies: 1) specializing memory architecture, 2) processing data near its storage, and 3) message coalescing in the network. Based on these strategies, this dissertation develops several solutions: OMEGA, which employs specialized on-chip storage units, with co-located specialized compute engines to accelerate the computation; MessageFusion, which coalesces messages in the interconnect; and Centaur, providing an architecture that optimizes the processing of infrequently-accessed data. Overall, these solutions provide 2x in performance improvements, with negligible hardware overheads, across a wide range of applications. Finally, we demonstrate the applicability of our strategies to other data-intensive domains, by exploring an acceleration solution for MapReduce applications, which achieves a 4x performance speedup, also with negligible area and power overheads.PHDComputer Science & EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/163186/1/abrahad_1.pd

    Energy-efficient and high-performance lock speculation hardware for embedded multicore systems

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    Embedded systems are becoming increasingly common in everyday life and like their general-purpose counterparts, they have shifted towards shared memory multicore architectures. However, they are much more resource constrained, and as they often run on batteries, energy efficiency becomes critically important. In such systems, achieving high concurrency is a key demand for delivering satisfactory performance at low energy cost. In order to achieve this high concurrency, consistency across the shared memory hierarchy must be accomplished in a cost-effective manner in terms of performance, energy, and implementation complexity. In this article, we propose Embedded-Spec, a hardware solution for supporting transparent lock speculation, without the requirement for special supporting instructions. Using this approach, we evaluate the energy consumption and performance of a suite of benchmarks, exploring a range of contention management and retry policies. We conclude that for resource-constrained platforms, lock speculation can provide real benefits in terms of improved concurrency and energy efficiency, as long as the underlying hardware support is carefully configured.This work is supported in part by NSF under Grants CCF-0903384, CCF-0903295, CNS-1319495, and CNS-1319095 as well the Semiconductor Research Corporation under grant number 1983.001. (CCF-0903384 - NSF; CCF-0903295 - NSF; CNS-1319495 - NSF; CNS-1319095 - NSF; 1983.001 - Semiconductor Research Corporation


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    Accelerator-based -or heterogeneous- computing has become increasingly important in a variety of scenarios, ranging from High-Performance Computing (HPC) to embedded systems. While most solutions use sometimes custom-made components, most of today’s systems rely on commodity highend CPUs and/or GPU devices, which deliver adequate performance while ensuring programmability, productivity, and application portability. Unfortunately, pure general-purpose hardware is affected by inherently limited power-efficiency, that is, low GFLOPS-per-Watt, now considered as a primary metric. The many-core model and architectural customization can play here a key role, as they enable unprecedented levels of power-efficiency compared to CPUs/GPUs. However, such paradigms are still immature and deeper exploration is indispensable. This dissertation investigates customizability and proposes novel solutions for heterogeneous architectures, focusing on mechanisms related to coherence and network-on-chip (NoC). First, the work presents a non-coherent scratchpad memory with a configurable bank remapping system to reduce bank conflicts. The experimental results show the benefits of both using a customizable hardware bank remapping function and non-coherent memories for some types of algorithms. Next, we demonstrate how a distributed synchronization master better suits many-cores than standard centralized solutions. This solution, inspired by the directory-based coherence mechanism, supports concurrent synchronizations without relying on memory transactions. The results collected for different NoC sizes provided indications about the area overheads incurred by our solution and demonstrated the benefits of using a dedicated hardware synchronization support. Finally, this dissertation proposes an advanced coherence subsystem, based on the sparse directory approach, with a selective coherence maintenance system which allows coherence to be deactivated for blocks that do not require it. Experimental results show that the use of a hybrid coherent and non-coherent architectural mechanism along with an extended coherence protocol can enhance performance. The above results were all collected by means of a modular and customizable heterogeneous many-core system developed to support the exploration of power-efficient high-performance computing architectures. The system is based on a NoC and a customizable GPU-like accelerator core, as well as a reconfigurable coherence subsystem, ensuring application-specific configuration capabilities. All the explored solutions were evaluated on this real heterogeneous system, which comes along with the above methodological results as part of the contribution in this dissertation. In fact, as a key benefit, the experimental platform enables users to integrate novel hardware/software solutions on a full-system scale, whereas existing platforms do not always support a comprehensive heterogeneous architecture exploration
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