199 research outputs found

    Reliable and Efficient In-Memory Fault Tolerance of Large Language Model Pretraining

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    Extensive system scales (i.e. thousands of GPU/TPUs) and prolonged training periods (i.e. months of pretraining) significantly escalate the probability of failures when training large language models (LLMs). Thus, efficient and reliable fault-tolerance methods are in urgent need. Checkpointing is the primary fault-tolerance method to periodically save parameter snapshots from GPU memory to disks via CPU memory. In this paper, we identify the frequency of existing checkpoint-based fault-tolerance being significantly limited by the storage I/O overheads, which results in hefty re-training costs on restarting from the nearest checkpoint. In response to this gap, we introduce an in-memory fault-tolerance framework for large-scale LLM pretraining. The framework boosts the efficiency and reliability of fault tolerance from three aspects: (1) Reduced Data Transfer and I/O: By asynchronously caching parameters, i.e., sharded model parameters, optimizer states, and RNG states, to CPU volatile memory, Our framework significantly reduces communication costs and bypasses checkpoint I/O. (2) Enhanced System Reliability: Our framework enhances parameter protection with a two-layer hierarchy: snapshot management processes (SMPs) safeguard against software failures, together with Erasure Coding (EC) protecting against node failures. This double-layered protection greatly improves the survival probability of the parameters compared to existing checkpointing methods. (3) Improved Snapshotting Frequency: Our framework achieves more frequent snapshotting compared with asynchronous checkpointing optimizations under the same saving time budget, which improves the fault tolerance efficiency. Empirical results demonstrate that Our framework minimizes the overhead of fault tolerance of LLM pretraining by effectively leveraging redundant CPU resources.Comment: Fault Tolerance, Checkpoint Optimization, Large Language Model, 3D parallelis

    Servet: A Benchmark Suite for Autotuning on Multicore Clusters

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    This is a post-peer-review, pre-copyedit version of an article published in 2010 IEEE International Symposium on Parallel & Distributed Processing (IPDPS). Proceedings. The final authenticated version is available online at: http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/IPDPS.2010.5470358.[Abstract] MapReduce is a powerful tool for processing large data sets used by many applications running in distributed environments. However, despite the increasing number of computationally intensive problems that require low-latency communications, the adoption of MapReduce in High Performance Computing (HPC) is still emerging. Here languages based on the Partitioned Global Address Space (PGAS) programming model have shown to be a good choice for implementing parallel applications, in order to take advantage of the increasing number of cores per node and the programmability benefits achieved by their global memory view, such as the transparent access to remote data. This paper presents the first PGAS-based MapReduce implementation that uses the Unified Parallel C (UPC) language, which (1) obtains programmability benefits in parallel programming, (2) offers advanced configuration options to define a customized load distribution for different codes, and (3) overcomes performance penalties and bottlenecks that have traditionally prevented the deployment of MapReduce applications in HPC. The performance evaluation of representative applications on shared and distributed memory environments assesses the scalability of the presented MapReduce framework, confirming its suitability.Xunta de Galicia; INCITE08PXIB105161PRMinisterio de Ciencia e Innovación; TIN2007-67537-C03-02Ministerio de Educación; FPU; AP2008-0157

    On the conditions for efficient interoperability with threads: An experience with PGAS languages using Cray communication domains

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    Today's high performance systems are typically built from shared memory nodes connected by a high speed network. That architecture, combined with the trend towards less memory per core, encourages programmers to use a mixture of message passing and multithreaded programming. Unfortunately, the advantages of using threads for in-node programming are hindered by their inability to efficiently communicate between nodes. In this work, we identify some of the performance problems that arise in such hybrid programming environments and characterize conditions needed to achieve high communication performance for multiple threads: addressability of targets, separability of communication paths, and full direct reachability to targets. Using the GASNet communication layer on the Cray XC30 as our experimental platform, we show how to satisfy these conditions. We also discuss how satisfying these conditions is influenced by the communication abstraction, implementation constraints, and the interconnect messaging capabilities. To evaluate these ideas, we compare the communication performance of a thread-based node runtime to a process-based runtime. Without our GASNet extensions, thread communication is significantly slower than processes - up to 21x slower. Once the implementation is modified to address each of our conditions, the two runtimes have comparable communication performance. This allows programmers to more easily mix models like OpenMP, CILK, or pthreads with a GASNet-based model like UPC, with the associated performance, convenience and interoperability advantages that come from using threads within a node. © 2014 ACM

    Sirocco: cost-effective fine-grain distributed shared memory

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    Software fine-grain distributed shared memory (FGDSM) provides a simplified shared-memory programming interface with minimal or no hardware support. Originally software FGDSMs targeted uniprocessor-node parallel machines. This paper presents Sirocco, a family of software FGDSMs implemented on a network of low-cost SMPs. Sirocco takes full advantage of SMP nodes by implementing inter-node sharing directly in hardware and overlapping computation with protocol execution. To maintain correct shared-memory semantics, however SMP nodes require mechanisms to guarantee atomic coherence operations. Multiple SMP processors may also result in contention for shared resources and reduce performance. SMP nodes also impact the cost trade-off. While SMPs typically charge higher price-premiums, for a given system size SMP nodes substantially reduce networking hardware requirement as compared to uniprocessor nodes. In this paper, we ask the question “Are SMPs cost-effective building blocks for software FGDSM?” We present experimental measurements on Sirocco implementations ranging from an all-software system to a system with minimal hardware support. Together with simple cost models we show that low-cost SMP nodes: (i) result in competitive performance with uniprocessor nodes, (ii) substantially reduce hardware requirement and are more cost- effective than uniprocessor nodes, (iii) significantly benefit from hardware support for coherence operations, and (iv) are especially beneficial for FGDSMs with high-overhead coherence operation

    Compiler Optimization Techniques for OpenMP Programs

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    ATCOM: Automatically tuned collective communication system for SMP clusters.

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    Conventional implementations of collective communications are based on point-to-point communications, and their optimizations have been focused on efficiency of those communication algorithms. However, point-to-point communications are not the optimal choice for modern computing clusters of SMPs due to their two-level communication structure. In recent years, a few research efforts have investigated efficient collective communications for SMP clusters. This dissertation is focused on platform-independent algorithms and implementations in this area;There are two main approaches to implementing efficient collective communications for clusters of SMPs: using shared memory operations for intra-node communications, and over-lapping inter-node/intra-node communications. The former fully utilizes the hardware based shared memory of an SMP, and the latter takes advantage of the inherent hierarchy of the communications within a cluster of SMPs. Previous studies focused on clusters of SMP from certain vendors. However, the previously proposed methods are not portable to other systems. Because the performance optimization issue is very complicated and the developing process is very time consuming, it is highly desired to have self-tuning, platform-independent implementations. As proven in this dissertation, such an implementation can significantly outperform the other point-to-point based portable implementations and some platform-specific implementations;The dissertation describes in detail the architecture of the platform-independent implementation. There are four system components: shared memory-based collective communications, overlapping mechanisms for inter-node and intra-node communications, a prediction-based tuning module and a micro-benchmark based tuning module. Each component is carefully designed with the goal of automatic tuning in mind

    Architecture--Performance Interrelationship Analysis In Single/Multiple Cpu/Gpu Computing Systems: Application To Composite Process Flow Modeling

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    Current developments in computing have shown the advantage of using one or more Graphic Processing Units (GPU) to boost the performance of many computationally intensive applications but there are still limits to these GPU-enhanced systems. The major factors that contribute to the limitations of GPU(s) for High Performance Computing (HPC) can be categorized as hardware and software oriented in nature. Understanding how these factors affect performance is essential to develop efficient and robust applications codes that employ one or more GPU devices as powerful co-processors for HPC computational modeling. The present work analyzes and understands the intrinsic interrelationship of both hardware and software categories on computational performance for single and multiple GPU-enhanced systems using a computationally intensive application that is representative of a large portion of challenges confronting modern HPC. The representative application uses unstructured finite element computations for transient composite resin infusion process flow modeling as the computational core, characteristics and results of which reflect many other HPC applications via the sparse matrix system used for the solution of linear system of equations. This work describes these various software and hardware factors and how they interact to affect performance of computationally intensive applications enabling more efficient development and porting of High Performance Computing applications that includes current, legacy, and future large scale computational modeling applications in various engineering and scientific disciplines

    Scalable Lattice Boltzmann Solvers for CUDA GPU Clusters

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    International audienceThe lattice Boltzmann method (LBM) is an innovative and promising approach in computational fluid dynamics. From an algorithmic standpoint it reduces to a regular data parallel procedure and is therefore well-suited to high performance computations. Numerous works report efficient implementations of the LBM for the GPU, but very few mention multi-GPU versions and even fewer GPU cluster implementations. Yet, to be of practical interest, GPU LBM solvers need to be able to perform large scale simulations. In the present contribution, we describe an efficient LBM implementation for CUDA GPU clusters. Our solver consists of a set of MPI communication routines and a CUDA kernel specifically designed to handle three-dimensional partitioning of the computation domain. Performance measurement were carried out on a small cluster. We show that the results are satisfying, both in terms of data throughput and parallelisation efficiency


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    The current trend in High-Performance Computing (HPC) is to extract concurrency from clusters that include heterogeneous resources such as General Purpose Graphical Processing Units (GPGPUs) and Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGAs). Although these heterogeneous systems can provide substantial performance for massively parallel applications, much of the available computing resources are often under-utilized due to inefficient application mapping, load balancing, and tuning. While several performance prediction models exist to efficiently tune applications, they often require significant computing architecture knowledge for reliable prediction. In addition, they do not address multiple levels of design space abstraction and it is often difficult to choose a reliable prediction model for a given design. In this research, we develop a multi-level suite of performance prediction models for heterogeneous systems that primarily targets Synchronous Iterative Algorithms (SIAs). The modeling suite aims to produce accurate and straightforward application runtime prediction prior to the actual large-scale implementation. This suite addresses two levels of system abstraction: 1) low-level where partial knowledge of the application implementation is present along with the system specifications and 2) high-level where the implementation details are minimum and only high-level computing system specifications are given. The performance prediction modeling suite is developed using our proposed Synchronous Iterative GPGPU Execution (SIGE) model for GPGPU clusters, motivated by the RC Amenability Test for Scalable Systems (RATSS) model for FPGA clusters. The low-level abstraction for GPGPU clusters consists of a regression-based performance prediction framework that statistically abstracts system architecture characteristics, enabling performance prediction without detailed architecture knowledge. In this framework, the overall execution time of an application is predicted using regression models developed for host-device computations and network-level communications performed in the algorithm. We have used a family of Spiking Neural Network (SNN) models and an Anisotropic Diffusion Filter (ADF) algorithm as SIA case studies for verification of the regression-based framework and achieved over 90% prediction accuracy compared to the actual implementations for several GPGPU cluster configurations tested. The results establish the adequacy of the low-level abstraction model for advanced, fine-grained performance prediction and design space exploration (DSE). The high-level abstraction consists of the following two primary modeling approaches: qualitative modeling that uses existing subjective-analytical models for computation and communication; and quantitative modeling that predicts computation and communication performance by measuring hardware events associated with objective-analytical models using micro-benchmarks. The performance prediction provided by the high-level abstraction approaches, albeit coarse-grained, delivers useful insight into application performance on the chosen heterogeneous system. A blend of the two high-level modeling approaches, labeled as hybrid modeling, is explored for insightful preliminary performance prediction. The performance prediction models in the multi-level suite are verified and compared for their accuracy and ease-of-use, allowing developers to choose a model that best satisfies their design space abstraction. We also construct a roadmap that guides user from optimal Application-to-Accelerator (A2A) mapping to fine-grained performance prediction, thereby providing a hierarchical approach to optimal application porting on the target heterogeneous system. The end goal of this dissertation research is to offer the HPC community a thorough, non-architecture specific, performance prediction framework in the form of a hierarchical modeling suite that enables them to optimally utilize the heterogeneous resources