11 research outputs found

    Reducible configurations for the cycle double cover conjecture

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    AbstractA CDC (cycle double cover) of a graph G is a system (C1,…,Ck) of cycles in G such that each edge of G is contained in Ci for exactly two indices i (here a cycle is a subgraph in which each vertex has an even degree). The well-known CDC conjecture states that each bridgeless graph G has a CDC. In 1985, Goddyn proved that each minimal counterexample to the CDC conjecture has girth at least 7 (later, he even obtained the lower bound 10) by showing that each circuit C of length less than 7 is reducible, i.e. if G is a graph containing C and if G′ is obtained from G by replacing C by a certain smaller subgraph, then each CDC of G′ yields a CDC of G. Here we refine Goddyn's ideas and we present some algorithms for verifying such reduction properties. By implementing these algorithms on a computer, we can prove so far that each minimal counterexample of the CDC conjecture has girth at least 12 and we can show that each minimal counterexample of the 5-CDC conjecture (each bridgeless graph has a CDC consisting of only 5 cycles) has girth at least 10. Moreover, by using a recent result of Robertson et al. (preprint), we can prove without a computer that each bridgeless cubic graph not containing the Petersen graph as a minor has a 5-CDC which can be constructed in polynomial time. This partially settles a problem of Alspach et al. (Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 344 (1994) 131–154)

    Cubic graphs with large circumference deficit

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    The circumference c(G)c(G) of a graph GG is the length of a longest cycle. By exploiting our recent results on resistance of snarks, we construct infinite classes of cyclically 44-, 55- and 66-edge-connected cubic graphs with circumference ratio c(G)/V(G)c(G)/|V(G)| bounded from above by 0.8760.876, 0.9600.960 and 0.9900.990, respectively. In contrast, the dominating cycle conjecture implies that the circumference ratio of a cyclically 44-edge-connected cubic graph is at least 0.750.75. In addition, we construct snarks with large girth and large circumference deficit, solving Problem 1 proposed in [J. H\"agglund and K. Markstr\"om, On stable cycles and cycle double covers of graphs with large circumference, Disc. Math. 312 (2012), 2540--2544]


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    The Berge-Fulkerson conjecture, originally formulated in the language of mathematical programming, asserts that the edges of every bridgeless cubic (3-valent) graph can be covered with six perfect matchings in such a way that every edge is in exactly two of them. As with several other classical conjectures in graph theory, every counterexample to the Berge-Fulkerson conjecture must be a non-3-edge-colorable cubic graph. In contrast to Tutte's 5-flow conjecture and the cycle double conjecture, no nontrivial reduction is known for the Berge-Fulkerson conjecture. In the present paper, we prove that a possible minimum counterexample to the conjecture must be cyclically 5-edge-connected

    Generation of cubic graphs and snarks with large girth

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    We describe two new algorithms for the generation of all non-isomorphic cubic graphs with girth at least k5k\ge 5 which are very efficient for 5k75\le k \le 7 and show how these algorithms can be efficiently restricted to generate snarks with girth at least kk. Our implementation of these algorithms is more than 30, respectively 40 times faster than the previously fastest generator for cubic graphs with girth at least 6 and 7, respectively. Using these generators we have also generated all non-isomorphic snarks with girth at least 6 up to 38 vertices and show that there are no snarks with girth at least 7 up to 42 vertices. We present and analyse the new list of snarks with girth 6.Comment: 27 pages (including appendix

    Generation and Properties of Snarks

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    For many of the unsolved problems concerning cycles and matchings in graphs it is known that it is sufficient to prove them for \emph{snarks}, the class of nontrivial 3-regular graphs which cannot be 3-edge coloured. In the first part of this paper we present a new algorithm for generating all non-isomorphic snarks of a given order. Our implementation of the new algorithm is 14 times faster than previous programs for generating snarks, and 29 times faster for generating weak snarks. Using this program we have generated all non-isomorphic snarks on n36n\leq 36 vertices. Previously lists up to n=28n=28 vertices have been published. In the second part of the paper we analyze the sets of generated snarks with respect to a number of properties and conjectures. We find that some of the strongest versions of the cycle double cover conjecture hold for all snarks of these orders, as does Jaeger's Petersen colouring conjecture, which in turn implies that Fulkerson's conjecture has no small counterexamples. In contrast to these positive results we also find counterexamples to eight previously published conjectures concerning cycle coverings and the general cycle structure of cubic graphs.Comment: Submitted for publication V2: various corrections V3: Figures updated and typos corrected. This version differs from the published one in that the Arxiv-version has data about the automorphisms of snarks; Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series B. 201

    Circuits, Perfect Matchings and Paths in Graphs

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    We primarily consider the problem of finding a family of circuits to cover a bidgeless graph (mainly on cubic graph) with respect to a given weight function defined on the edge set. The first chapter of this thesis is going to cover all basic concepts and notations will be used and a survey of this topic.;In Chapter two, we shall pay our attention to the Strong Circuit Double Cover Conjecture (SCDC Conjecture). This conjecture was verified for some graphs with special structure. As the complement of two factor in cubic graph, the Berge-Fulkersen Conjecture was introduced right after SCDC Conjecture. In Chapter three, we shall present a series of conjectures related to perfect matching covering and point out their relationship.;In last chapter, we shall introduce the saturation number, in contrast to extremal number (or known as Turan Number), and describe the edge spectrum of saturation number for small paths, where the spectrum was consisted of all possible integers between saturation number and Turan number