211 research outputs found

    Wavelet-Coding for Radio over Fibre

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    Wavelet Based Semi-blind Channel Estimation For Multiband OFDM

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    This paper introduces an expectation-maximization (EM) algorithm within a wavelet domain Bayesian framework for semi-blind channel estimation of multiband OFDM based UWB communications. A prior distribution is chosen for the wavelet coefficients of the unknown channel impulse response in order to model a sparseness property of the wavelet representation. This prior yields, in maximum a posteriori estimation, a thresholding rule within the EM algorithm. We particularly focus on reducing the number of estimated parameters by iteratively discarding ``unsignificant'' wavelet coefficients from the estimation process. Simulation results using UWB channels issued from both models and measurements show that under sparsity conditions, the proposed algorithm outperforms pilot based channel estimation in terms of mean square error and bit error rate and enhances the estimation accuracy with less computational complexity than traditional semi-blind methods

    Enhanced Air-Interfaces for Fifth Generation Mobile Broadband Communication

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    In broadband wireless multicarrier communication systems, intersymbol interference (ISI) and intercarrier interference (ICI) should be reduced. In orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM), the cyclic prefix (CP) guarantees to reduce the ISI interference. However, the CP reduces spectral and power efficiency. In this thesis, iterative interference cancellation (IIC) with iterative decoding is used to reduce ISI and ICI from the received signal in multicarrier modulation (MCM) systems. Alternative schemes as well as OFDM with insufficient CP are considered; filter bank multicarrier (FBMC/Offset QAM) and discrete wavelet transform based multicarrier modulation (DWT-MCM). IIC is applied in these different schemes. The required components are calculated from either the hard decision of the demapper output or the estimated decoded signal. These components are used to improve the received signal. Channel estimation and data detection are very important parts of the receiver design of the wireless communication systems. Iterative channel estimation using Wiener filter channel estimation with known pilots and IIC is used to estimate and improve data detection. Scattered and interference approximation method (IAM) preamble pilot are using to calculate the estimated values of the channel coefficients. The estimated soft decoded symbols with pilot are used to reduce the ICI and ISI and improve the channel estimation. The combination of Multi-Input Multi-Output MIMO and OFDM enhances the air-interface for the wireless communication system. In a MIMO-MCM scheme, IIC and MIMO-IIC-based successive interference cancellation (SIC) are proposed to reduce the ICI/ISI and cross interference to a given antenna from the signal transmitted from the target and the other antenna respectively. The number of iterations required can be calculated by analysing the convergence of the IIC with the help of EXtrinsic Information Transfer (EXIT) charts. A new EXIT approach is proposed to provide a means to define performance for a given outage probability on quasi-static channels

    Source-channel coding for robust image transmission and for dirty-paper coding

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    In this dissertation, we studied two seemingly uncorrelated, but conceptually related problems in terms of source-channel coding: 1) wireless image transmission and 2) Costa ("dirty-paper") code design. In the first part of the dissertation, we consider progressive image transmission over a wireless system employing space-time coded OFDM. The space-time coded OFDM system based on a newly built broadband MIMO fading model is theoretically evaluated by assuming perfect channel state information (CSI) at the receiver for coherent detection. Then an adaptive modulation scheme is proposed to pick the constellation size that offers the best reconstructed image quality for each average signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). A more practical scenario is also considered without the assumption of perfect CSI. We employ low-complexity decision-feedback decoding for differentially space- time coded OFDM systems to exploit transmitter diversity. For JSCC, we adopt a product channel code structure that is proven to provide powerful error protection and bursty error correction. To further improve the system performance, we also apply the powerful iterative (turbo) coding techniques and propose the iterative decoding of differentially space-time coded multiple descriptions of images. The second part of the dissertation deals with practical dirty-paper code designs. We first invoke an information-theoretical interpretation of algebraic binning and motivate the code design guidelines in terms of source-channel coding. Then two dirty-paper code designs are proposed. The first is a nested turbo construction based on soft-output trellis-coded quantization (SOTCQ) for source coding and turbo trellis- coded modulation (TTCM) for channel coding. A novel procedure is devised to balance the dimensionalities of the equivalent lattice codes corresponding to SOTCQ and TTCM. The second dirty-paper code design employs TCQ and IRA codes for near-capacity performance. This is done by synergistically combining TCQ with IRA codes so that they work together as well as they do individually. Our TCQ/IRA design approaches the dirty-paper capacity limit at the low rate regime (e.g., < 1:0 bit/sample), while our nested SOTCQ/TTCM scheme provides the best performs so far at medium-to-high rates (e.g., >= 1:0 bit/sample). Thus the two proposed practical code designs are complementary to each other

    Estimation and detection techniques for doubly-selective channels in wireless communications

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    A fundamental problem in communications is the estimation of the channel. The signal transmitted through a communications channel undergoes distortions so that it is often received in an unrecognizable form at the receiver. The receiver must expend significant signal processing effort in order to be able to decode the transmit signal from this received signal. This signal processing requires knowledge of how the channel distorts the transmit signal, i.e. channel knowledge. To maintain a reliable link, the channel must be estimated and tracked by the receiver. The estimation of the channel at the receiver often proceeds by transmission of a signal called the 'pilot' which is known a priori to the receiver. The receiver forms its estimate of the transmitted signal based on how this known signal is distorted by the channel, i.e. it estimates the channel from the received signal and the pilot. This design of the pilot is a function of the modulation, the type of training and the channel. [Continues.

    Wavelet based image compression integrating error protection via arithmetic coding with forbidden symbol and map metric sequential decoding with ARQ retransmission

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    The phenomenal growth of digital multimedia applications has forced the communication

    Multiple symbol decoding of differential space-time codes

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    Multiple-symbol detection of space-time differential codes (MS-STDC) decodes N consecutive space-time symbols using maximum likelihood (ML) sequence detection to gain in performance over the conventional differential detection scheme. However its computational complexity is exponential in N . A fast algorithm for implementing the MD-STDC in block-fading channels with complexity O(N 4) is developed. Its performance in both block-fading and symbol-by-symbol fading channels is demonstrated through simulations. Set partitioning in hierarchical trees (SPIHT) coupled with rate compatible punctured convolution code (RCPC) and cyclic redundancy check (CRC) is employed as a generalized multiple description source coder with robustness to channel errors. We propose a serial concatenation of the above with a differential space-time code (STDC) and invoke an iterative joint source channel decoding procedure for decoding differentially space-time coded multiple descriptions. Experiments show a gain of up to 5 dB in PSNR with four iterations for image transmission in the absence of channel state information (CSI) at the receiver. A serial concatenation of SPIHT + RCPC/CRC is also considered with space-time codes (STC) instead of STDC. Experiments show a gain of up to 7 dB with four iterations in the absence of CS

    Multiple-Input Multiple-Output Detection Algorithms for Generalized Frequency Division Multiplexing

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    Since its invention, cellular communication has dramatically transformed personal lifes and the evolution of mobile networks is still ongoing. Evergrowing demand for higher data rates has driven development of 3G and 4G systems, but foreseen 5G requirements also address diverse characteristics such as low latency or massive connectivity. It is speculated that the 4G plain cyclic prefix (CP)-orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) cannot sufficiently fulfill all requirements and hence alternative waveforms have been in-vestigated, where generalized frequency division multiplexing (GFDM) is one popular option. An important aspect for any modern wireless communication system is the application of multi-antenna, i.e. MIMO techiques, as MIMO can deliver gains in terms of capacity, reliability and connectivity. Due to its channel-independent orthogonality, CP-OFDM straightforwardly supports broadband MIMO techniques, as the resulting inter-antenna interference (IAI) can readily be resolved. In this regard, CP-OFDM is unique among multicarrier waveforms. Other waveforms suffer from additional inter-carrier interference (ICI), inter-symbol interference (ISI) or both. This possibly 3-dimensional interference renders an optimal MIMO detection much more complex. In this thesis, weinvestigate how GFDM can support an efficient multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) operation given its 3-dimensional interference structure. To this end, we first connect the mathematical theory of time-frequency analysis (TFA) with multicarrier waveforms in general, leading to theoretical insights into GFDM. Second, we show that the detection problem can be seen as a detection problem on a large, banded linear model under Gaussian noise. Basing on this observation, we propose methods for applying both space-time code (STC) and spatial multiplexing techniques to GFDM. Subsequently, we propose methods to decode the transmitted signals and numerically and theoretically analyze their performance in terms of complexiy and achieved frame error rate (FER). After showing that GFDM modulation and linear demodulation is a direct application of Gabor expansion and transform, we apply results from TFA to explain singularities of the modulation matrix and derive low-complexity expressions for receiver filters. We derive two linear detection algorithms for STC encoded GFDM signals and we show that their performance is equal to OFDM. In the case of spatial multiplexing, we derive both non-iterative and iterative detection algorithms which base on successive interference cancellation (SIC) and minimum mean squared error (MMSE)-parallel interference cancellation (PIC) detection, respectively. By analyzing the error propagation of the SIC algorithm, we explain its significantly inferior performance compared to OFDM. Using feedback information from the channel decoder, we can eventually show that near-optimal GFDM detection can outperform an optimal OFDM detector by up to 3dB for high SNR regions. We conclude that GFDM, given the obtained results, is not a general-purpose replacement for CP-OFDM, due to higher complexity and varying performance. Instead, we can propose GFDM for scenarios with strong frequency-selectivity and stringent spectral and FER requirements
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