28 research outputs found

    Network reputation-based quality optimization of video delivery in heterogeneous wireless environments

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    The mass-market adoption of high-end mobile devices and increasing amount of video traffic has led the mobile operators to adopt various solutions to help them cope with the explosion of mobile broadband data traffic, while ensuring high Quality of Service (QoS) levels to their services. Deploying small-cell base stations within the existing macro-cellular networks and offloading traffic from the large macro-cells to the small cells is seen as a promising solution to increase capacity and improve network performance at low cost. Parallel use of diverse technologies is also employed. The result is a heterogeneous network environment (HetNets), part of the next generation network deployments. In this context, this thesis makes a step forward towards the “Always Best Experience” paradigm, which considers mobile users seamlessly roaming in the HetNets environment. Supporting ubiquitous connectivity and enabling very good quality of rich mobile services anywhere and anytime is highly challenging, mostly due to the heterogeneity of the selection criteria, such as: application requirements (e.g., voice, video, data, etc.); different device types and with various capabilities (e.g., smartphones, netbooks, laptops, etc.); multiple overlapping networks using diverse technologies (e.g., Wireless Local Area Networks (IEEE 802.11), Cellular Networks Long Term Evolution (LTE), etc.) and different user preferences. In fact, the mobile users are facing a complex decision when they need to dynamically select the best value network to connect to in order to get the “Always Best Experience”. This thesis presents three major contributions to solve the problem described above: 1) The Location-based Network Prediction mechanism in heterogeneous wireless networks (LNP) provides a shortlist of best available networks to the mobile user based on his location, history record and routing plan; 2) Reputation-oriented Access Network Selection mechanism (RANS) selects the best reputation network from the available networks for the mobile user based on the best trade-off between QoS, energy consumptions and monetary cost. The network reputation is defined based on previous user-network interaction, and consequent user experience with the network. 3) Network Reputation-based Quality Optimization of Video Delivery in heterogeneous networks (NRQOVD) makes use of a reputation mechanism to enhance the video content quality via multipath delivery or delivery adaptation

    Fast, area-efficient 32-bit LNS for computer arithmetic operations

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    PhD ThesisThe logarithmic number system has been proposed as an alternative to floating-point. Multiplication, division and square-root operations are accomplished with fixedpoint arithmetic, but addition and subtraction are considerably more challenging. Recent work has demonstrated that these operations too can be done with similar speed and accuracy to their floating-point equivalents, but the necessary circuitry is complex. In particular, it is dominated by the need for large lookup tables for the storage of a non-linear function. This thesis describes the architectures required to implement a newly design approach for producing fast and area-efficient 32-bit LNS arithmetic unit. The designs are structured based on two different algorithms. At first, a new cotransformation procedure is introduced in the singularity region whilst performing subtractions in which the technique capable to generate less total storage than the cotransformation method in the previous LNS architecture. Secondly, improvement to an existing interpolation process is proposed, that also reduce the total tables to an extent that allows their easy synthesis in logic. Consequently, the total delays in the system can be significantly reduced. According to the comparison analysis with previous best LNS design and floating-point units, it is shown that the new LNS architecture capable to offer significantly better in speed while sustaining its accuracy within floating-point limit. In addition, its implementation is more economical than previous best LNS system and almost equivalent with existing floating-point arithmetic unit.University Malaysia Perlis: Ministry of Higher Education, Malaysia

    Models and Methods for Network Selection and Balancing in Heterogeneous Scenarios

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    The outbreak of 5G technologies for wireless communications can be considered a response to the need for widespread coverage, in terms of connectivity and bandwidth, to guarantee broadband services, such as streaming or on-demand programs offered by the main television networks or new generation services based on augmented and virtual reality (AR / VR). The purpose of the study conducted for this thesis aims to solve two of the main problems that will occur with the outbreak of 5G, that is, the search for the best possible connectivity, in order to offer users the resources necessary to take advantage of the new generation services, and multicast as required by the eMBMS. The aim of the thesis is the search for innovative algorithms that will allow to obtain the best connectivity to offer users the resources necessary to use the 5G services in a heterogeneous scenario. Study UF that allows you to improve the search for the best candidate network and to achieve a balance that allows you to avoid congestion of the chosen networks. To achieve these two important focuses, I conducted a study on the main mathematical methods that made it possible to select the network based on QoS parameters based on the type of traffic made by users. A further goal was to improve the computational computation performance they present. Furthermore, I carried out a study in order to obtain an innovative algorithm that would allow the management of multicast. The algorithm that has been implemented responds to the needs present in the eMBMS, in realistic scenarios

    A high speed image transmission system for ultra-wideband wireless links

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    Thesis (M. Eng.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2009.Includes bibliographical references (p. 97-98).Ultra-wideband (UWB) communication is an emerging technology that offers short range, high data rate wireless transmission, with low power consumption and low consumer cost. Operating in the 3.1 GHz - 10.6 GHz frequency band with bandwidth above 500 MHz, it is an overlay technology that can co-exist with other narrowband services in the same frequency range, thus alleviating the problem of over-crowded spectrum. In particular, pulse-based UWB technologies allows for building of ultra-low power, medium- to long-range transceivers, at the expense of data transmission rate. This thesis presents a pulse-based, non-coherent UWB wireless image transmission platform. The system features a one-way wireless link. On the transmitter side, a host PC processes the images into transmittable packets in MATLAB, and sends them to the UWB radio through an interfacing FPGA module. On the receiver side, the UWB receiver radio receivers the packets, decodes the bits, and passes them back to the receiver host PC through another interfacing FPGA module. The receiver host PC collects the decoded bits and reconstructs the original image in MATLAB. The unidirectional wireless channel is complemented by a feedback path, provided through internet connection between the two host PCs. To improve usability, graphical user interfaces are setup on both host PCs. The overall system transmits 120 x 160 uncompressed bitmap images. It achieves a maximum payload data rate of 8 Mb/s.(cont.) It is able to transmit data reliably, with above 95% packet reception rate and below 2 x 10-5 bit error rate, for distances up to 16 meters. At 16 meters, the system has a maximum transmission data rate of 2.67 Mbps.by Helen He Liang.M.Eng

    Development of Low Power Image Compression Techniques

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    Digital camera is the main medium for digital photography. The basic operation performed by a simple digital camera is, to convert the light energy to electrical energy, then the energy is converted to digital format and a compression algorithm is used to reduce memory requirement for storing the image. This compression algorithm is frequently called for capturing and storing the images. This leads us to develop an efficient compression algorithm which will give the same result as that of the existing algorithms with low power consumption. As a result the new algorithm implemented camera can be used for capturing more images then the previous one. 1) Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) based JPEG is an accepted standard for lossy compression of still image. Quantisation is mainly responsible for the amount loss in the image quality in the process of lossy compression. A new Energy Quantisation (EQ) method proposed for speeding up the coding and decoding procedure while preserving image qu..

    Comparison of logarithmic and floating-point number systems implemented on Xilinx Virtex-II field-programmable gate arrays

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    The aim of this thesis is to compare the implementation of parameterisable LNS (logarithmic number system) and floating-point high dynamic range number systems on FPGA. The Virtex/Virtex-II range of FPGAs from Xilinx, which are the most popular FPGA technology, are used to implement the designs. The study focuses on using the low level primitives of the technology in an efficient way and so initially the design issues in implementing fixed-point operators are considered. The four basic operations of addition, multiplication, division and square root are considered. Carry- free adders, ripple-carry adders, parallel multipliers and digit recurrence division and square root are discussed. The floating-point operators use the word format and exceptions as described by the IEEE std-754. A dual-path adder implementation is described in detail, as are floating-point multiplier, divider and square root components. Results and comparisons with other works are given. The efficient implementation of function evaluation methods is considered next. An overview of current FPGA methods is given and a new piecewise polynomial implementation using the Taylor series is presented and compared with other designs in the literature. In the next section the LNS word format, accuracy and exceptions are described and two new LNS addition/subtraction function approximations are described. The algorithms for performing multiplication, division and powering in the LNS domain are also described and are compared with other designs in the open literature. Parameterisable conversion algorithms to convert to/from the fixed-point domain from/to the LNS and floating-point domain are described and implementation results given. In the next chapter MATLAB bit-true software models are given that have the exact functionality as the hardware models. The interfaces of the models are given and a serial communication system to perform low speed system tests is described. A comparison of the LNS and floating-point number systems in terms of area and delay is given. Different functions implemented in LNS and floating-point arithmetic are also compared and conclusions are drawn. The results show that when the LNS is implemented with a 6-bit or less characteristic it is superior to floating-point. However, for larger characteristic lengths the floating-point system is more efficient due to the delay and exponential area increase of the LNS addition operator. The LNS is beneficial for larger characteristics than 6-bits only for specialist applications that require a high portion of division, multiplication, square root, powering operations and few additions

    Implementation and Applications of Logarithmic Signal Processing on an FPGA

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    This thesis presents two novel algorithms for converting a normalised binary floating point number into a binary logarithmic number with the single-precision of a floating point number. The thesis highlights the importance of logarithmic number systems in real-time DSP applications. A real-time cross-correlation application where logarithmic signal processing is used to simplify the complex computation is presented. The first algorithm presented in this thesis comprises two stages. A piecewise linear approximation to the original logarithmic curve is performed in the first stage and a scaled-down normalised error curve is stored in the second stage. The algorithm requires less than 20 kbits of ROM and a maximum of three small multipliers. The architecture is implemented on Xilinx's Spartan3 and Spartan6 FPGA family. Synthesis results confirm that the algorithm operates at a frequency of 42.3 MHz on a Spartan3 device and 127.8 MHz on a Spartan6. Both solutions have a pipeline latency of two clocks. The operating speed increases to 71.4 MHz and 160 MHz respectively when the pipeline latencies increase to eight clocks. The proposed algorithm is further improved by using a PWL (Piece-Wise Linear) approximation of the transform curve combined with a PWL approximation of a scaled version of the normalized segment error. A hardware approach for reducing the memory with additional XOR gates in the second stage is also presented. The architecture presented uses just one 18k bit Block RAM (BRAM) and synthesis results indicate operating frequencies of 93 and 110 MHz when implemented on the Xilinx Spartan3 and Spartan6 devices respectively. Finally a novel prototype of an FPGA-based four channel correlation velocimetry system is presented. The system operates at a higher sampling frquency than previous published work and outputs the new result after every new sample it receives. The system works at a sampling frequency of 195.31 kHz and a sample resolution of 12 bits. The prototype system calculates a delay in a range of 0 to 2.6 ms with a resolution of 5.12 us

    Techniques for Efficient Implementation of FIR and Particle Filtering

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    Apprentissage automatique pour le codage cognitif de la parole

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    Depuis les années 80, les codecs vocaux reposent sur des stratégies de codage à court terme qui fonctionnent au niveau de la sous-trame ou de la trame (généralement 5 à 20 ms). Les chercheurs ont essentiellement ajusté et combiné un nombre limité de technologies disponibles (transformation, prédiction linéaire, quantification) et de stratégies (suivi de forme d'onde, mise en forme du bruit) pour construire des architectures de codage de plus en plus complexes. Dans cette thèse, plutôt que de s'appuyer sur des stratégies de codage à court terme, nous développons un cadre alternatif pour la compression de la parole en codant les attributs de la parole qui sont des caractéristiques perceptuellement importantes des signaux vocaux. Afin d'atteindre cet objectif, nous résolvons trois problèmes de complexité croissante, à savoir la classification, la prédiction et l'apprentissage des représentations. La classification est un élément courant dans les conceptions de codecs modernes. Dans un premier temps, nous concevons un classifieur pour identifier les émotions, qui sont parmi les attributs à long terme les plus complexes de la parole. Dans une deuxième étape, nous concevons un prédicteur d'échantillon de parole, qui est un autre élément commun dans les conceptions de codecs modernes, pour mettre en évidence les avantages du traitement du signal de parole à long terme et non linéaire. Ensuite, nous explorons les variables latentes, un espace de représentations de la parole, pour coder les attributs de la parole à court et à long terme. Enfin, nous proposons un réseau décodeur pour synthétiser les signaux de parole à partir de ces représentations, ce qui constitue notre dernière étape vers la construction d'une méthode complète de compression de la parole basée sur l'apprentissage automatique de bout en bout. Bien que chaque étape de développement proposée dans cette thèse puisse faire partie d'un codec à elle seule, chaque étape fournit également des informations et une base pour la prochaine étape de développement jusqu'à ce qu'un codec entièrement basé sur l'apprentissage automatique soit atteint. Les deux premières étapes, la classification et la prédiction, fournissent de nouveaux outils qui pourraient remplacer et améliorer des éléments des codecs existants. Dans la première étape, nous utilisons une combinaison de modèle source-filtre et de machine à état liquide (LSM), pour démontrer que les caractéristiques liées aux émotions peuvent être facilement extraites et classées à l'aide d'un simple classificateur. Dans la deuxième étape, un seul réseau de bout en bout utilisant une longue mémoire à court terme (LSTM) est utilisé pour produire des trames vocales avec une qualité subjective élevée pour les applications de masquage de perte de paquets (PLC). Dans les dernières étapes, nous nous appuyons sur les résultats des étapes précédentes pour concevoir un codec entièrement basé sur l'apprentissage automatique. un réseau d'encodage, formulé à l'aide d'un réseau neuronal profond (DNN) et entraîné sur plusieurs bases de données publiques, extrait et encode les représentations de la parole en utilisant la prédiction dans un espace latent. Une approche d'apprentissage non supervisé basée sur plusieurs principes de cognition est proposée pour extraire des représentations à partir de trames de parole courtes et longues en utilisant l'information mutuelle et la perte contrastive. La capacité de ces représentations apprises à capturer divers attributs de la parole à court et à long terme est démontrée. Enfin, une structure de décodage est proposée pour synthétiser des signaux de parole à partir de ces représentations. L'entraînement contradictoire est utilisé comme une approximation des mesures subjectives de la qualité de la parole afin de synthétiser des échantillons de parole à consonance naturelle. La haute qualité perceptuelle de la parole synthétisée ainsi obtenue prouve que les représentations extraites sont efficaces pour préserver toutes sortes d'attributs de la parole et donc qu'une méthode de compression complète est démontrée avec l'approche proposée.Abstract: Since the 80s, speech codecs have relied on short-term coding strategies that operate at the subframe or frame level (typically 5 to 20ms). Researchers essentially adjusted and combined a limited number of available technologies (transform, linear prediction, quantization) and strategies (waveform matching, noise shaping) to build increasingly complex coding architectures. In this thesis, rather than relying on short-term coding strategies, we develop an alternative framework for speech compression by encoding speech attributes that are perceptually important characteristics of speech signals. In order to achieve this objective, we solve three problems of increasing complexity, namely classification, prediction and representation learning. Classification is a common element in modern codec designs. In a first step, we design a classifier to identify emotions, which are among the most complex long-term speech attributes. In a second step, we design a speech sample predictor, which is another common element in modern codec designs, to highlight the benefits of long-term and non-linear speech signal processing. Then, we explore latent variables, a space of speech representations, to encode both short-term and long-term speech attributes. Lastly, we propose a decoder network to synthesize speech signals from these representations, which constitutes our final step towards building a complete, end-to-end machine-learning based speech compression method. The first two steps, classification and prediction, provide new tools that could replace and improve elements of existing codecs. In the first step, we use a combination of source-filter model and liquid state machine (LSM), to demonstrate that features related to emotions can be easily extracted and classified using a simple classifier. In the second step, a single end-to-end network using long short-term memory (LSTM) is shown to produce speech frames with high subjective quality for packet loss concealment (PLC) applications. In the last steps, we build upon the results of previous steps to design a fully machine learning-based codec. An encoder network, formulated using a deep neural network (DNN) and trained on multiple public databases, extracts and encodes speech representations using prediction in a latent space. An unsupervised learning approach based on several principles of cognition is proposed to extract representations from both short and long frames of data using mutual information and contrastive loss. The ability of these learned representations to capture various short- and long-term speech attributes is demonstrated. Finally, a decoder structure is proposed to synthesize speech signals from these representations. Adversarial training is used as an approximation to subjective speech quality measures in order to synthesize natural-sounding speech samples. The high perceptual quality of synthesized speech thus achieved proves that the extracted representations are efficient at preserving all sorts of speech attributes and therefore that a complete compression method is demonstrated with the proposed approach