44 research outputs found

    3D object reconstruction from line drawings.

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    Cao Liangliang.Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2005.Includes bibliographical references (leaves 64-69).Abstracts in English and Chinese.Chapter 1 --- Introduction and Related Work --- p.1Chapter 1.1 --- Reconstruction from Single Line Drawings and the Applications --- p.1Chapter 1.2 --- Optimization-based Reconstruction --- p.2Chapter 1.3 --- Other Reconstruction Methods --- p.2Chapter 1.3.1 --- Line Labeling and Algebraic Methods --- p.2Chapter 1.3.2 --- CAD Reconstruction --- p.3Chapter 1.3.3 --- Modelling from Images --- p.3Chapter 1.4 --- Finding Faces of Line Drawings --- p.4Chapter 1.5 --- Generalized Cylinder --- p.4Chapter 1.6 --- Research Problems and Our Contribution --- p.5Chapter 1.6.1 --- A New Criteria --- p.5Chapter 1.6.2 --- Recover Objects from Line Drawings without Hidden Lines --- p.6Chapter 1.6.3 --- Reconstruction of Curved Objects --- p.6Chapter 1.6.4 --- Planar Limbs Assumption and the Derived Models --- p.6Chapter 2 --- A New Criteria for Reconstruction --- p.8Chapter 2.1 --- Introduction --- p.8Chapter 2.2 --- Human Visual Perception and the Symmetry Measure --- p.10Chapter 2.3 --- Reconstruction Based on Symmetry and Planarity --- p.11Chapter 2.3.1 --- Finding Faces --- p.11Chapter 2.3.2 --- Constraint of Planarity --- p.11Chapter 2.3.3 --- Objective Function --- p.12Chapter 2.3.4 --- Reconstruction Algorithm --- p.13Chapter 2.4 --- Experimental Results --- p.13Chapter 2.5 --- Summary --- p.18Chapter 3 --- Line Drawings without Hidden Lines: Inference and Reconstruction --- p.19Chapter 3.1 --- Introduction --- p.19Chapter 3.2 --- Terminology --- p.20Chapter 3.3 --- Theoretical Inference of the Hidden Topological Structure --- p.21Chapter 3.3.1 --- Assumptions --- p.21Chapter 3.3.2 --- Finding the Degrees and Ranks --- p.22Chapter 3.3.3 --- Constraints for the Inference --- p.23Chapter 3.4 --- An Algorithm to Recover the Hidden Topological Structure --- p.25Chapter 3.4.1 --- Outline of the Algorithm --- p.26Chapter 3.4.2 --- Constructing the Initial Hidden Structure --- p.26Chapter 3.4.3 --- Reducing Initial Hidden Structure --- p.27Chapter 3.4.4 --- Selecting the Most Plausible Structure --- p.28Chapter 3.5 --- Reconstruction of 3D Objects --- p.29Chapter 3.6 --- Experimental Results --- p.32Chapter 3.7 --- Summary --- p.32Chapter 4 --- Curved Objects Reconstruction from 2D Line Drawings --- p.35Chapter 4.1 --- Introduction --- p.35Chapter 4.2 --- Related Work --- p.36Chapter 4.2.1 --- Face Identification --- p.36Chapter 4.2.2 --- 3D Reconstruction of planar objects --- p.37Chapter 4.3 --- Reconstruction of Curved Objects --- p.37Chapter 4.3.1 --- Transformation of Line Drawings --- p.37Chapter 4.3.2 --- Finding 3D Bezier Curves --- p.39Chapter 4.3.3 --- Bezier Surface Patches and Boundaries --- p.40Chapter 4.3.4 --- Generating Bezier Surface Patches --- p.41Chapter 4.4 --- Results --- p.43Chapter 4.5 --- Summary --- p.45Chapter 5 --- Planar Limbs and Degen Generalized Cylinders --- p.47Chapter 5.1 --- Introduction --- p.47Chapter 5.2 --- Planar Limbs and View Directions --- p.49Chapter 5.3 --- DGCs in Homogeneous Coordinates --- p.53Chapter 5.3.1 --- Homogeneous Coordinates --- p.53Chapter 5.3.2 --- Degen Surfaces --- p.54Chapter 5.3.3 --- DGCs --- p.54Chapter 5.4 --- Properties of DGCs --- p.56Chapter 5.5 --- Potential Applications --- p.59Chapter 5.5.1 --- Recovery of DGC Descriptions --- p.59Chapter 5.5.2 --- Deformable DGCs --- p.60Chapter 5.6 --- Summary --- p.61Chapter 6 --- Conclusion and Future Work --- p.62Bibliography --- p.6

    Implicit meshes:unifying implicit and explicit surface representations for 3D reconstruction and tracking

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    This thesis proposes novel ways both to represent the static surfaces, and to parameterize their deformations. This can be used both by automated algorithms for efficient 3–D shape reconstruction, and by graphics designers for editing and animation. Deformable 3–D models can be represented either as traditional explicit surfaces, such as triangulated meshes, or as implicit surfaces. Explicit surfaces are widely accepted because they are simple to deform and render, however fitting them involves minimizing a non-differentiable distance function. By contrast, implicit surfaces allow fitting by minimizing a differentiable algebraic distance, but they are harder to meaningfully deform and render. Here we propose a method that combines the strength of both representations to avoid their drawbacks, and in this way build robust surface representation, called implicit mesh, suitable for automated shape recovery from video sequences. This surface representation lets us automatically detect and exploit silhouette constraints in uncontrolled environments that may involve occlusions and changing or cluttered backgrounds, which limit the applicability of most silhouette based methods. We advocate the use of Dirichlet Free Form Deformation (DFFD) as generic surface deformation technique that can be used to parameterize objects of arbitrary geometry defined as explicit meshes. It is based on the small set of control points and the generalized interpolant. Control points become model parameters and their change causes model's shape modification. Using such parameterization the problem dimensionality can be dramatically reduced, which is desirable property for most optimization algorithms, thus makes DFFD good tool for automated fitting. Combining DFFD as a generic parameterization method for explicit surfaces and implicit meshes as a generic surface representation we obtained a powerfull tool for automated shape recovery from images. However, we also argue that any other avaliable surface parameterization can be used. We demonstrate the applicability of our technique to 3–D reconstruction of the human upper-body including – face, neck and shoulders, and the human ear, from noisy stereo and silhouette data. We also reconstruct the shape of a high resolution human faces parametrized in terms of a Principal Component Analysis model from interest points and automatically detected silhouettes. Tracking of deformable objects using implicit meshes from silhouettes and interest points in monocular sequences is shown in following two examples: Modeling the deformations of a piece of paper represented by an ordinary triangulated mesh; tracking a person's shoulders whose deformations are expressed in terms of Dirichlet Free Form Deformations

    Passive mosaic energy optimization: toward free-running school buildings

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    Reconeixement: els articles de l'editorial Elsevier es poden consultar en les seves URL: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.buildenv.2021.108058, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2020.122993, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.buildenv.2021.108407,Technic, economic, environmental, and architectural constraints in existing building stocks set an energy renovation framework not always compatible with passive strategies. In deep energy renovations, the first line of action ought to be the passive improvement of the building envelope. Nonetheless, building renovation strategies use energy metrics suited for conditioned mode rather than thermal performance in passive mode. The predominance of energy metrics is due to the belief that mechanical systems guarantee indoor comfort conditions. However, thermal comfort is a pressing challenge in spaces without local controls. Such is the case of classrooms in primary schools where children cannot regulate the indoor environment and have limited adaptation possibilities. It is best to foster a passive free-running operation in classrooms due to the occupants' higher sensitivity and preference toward environmental conditions. This thesis addressed the passive optimization in existing educational building stock in free-running operations, i.e., not relying on active systems to maintain indoor comfort conditions. Reliably predicting the performance of passive strategies is troublesome since it is a function of the building emplacement, materiality, occupancy, the range of renovation measures, and the sequence of interventions. Building-integrated agriculture systems improve the thermal performance of the building envelope while increasing food security, social cohesion and provide learning opportunities. The energy modelling of such strategies is not implemented fully in energy simulation engines and, thus, requires the inclusion of the plant's heat exchange in the building's thermal balance. Identifying an optimal renovation strategy requires holistic assessment models encompassing all sustainability dimensions and an iterative simulation process based on stochastic optimization algorithms. However, exiting optimization tools do not handle complex simulation routines like those required for building-integrated agriculture systems. This thesis is presented as an article compendium where each article develops a specific aspect of passive optimization for building stocks. The first article develops a reductive urban energy model tailored for free-running building stocks. This model was applied to primary educational building stocks in Barcelona and Quito with accurate results at the building and urban levels. The second and third articles address the assessment of building-integrated agriculture systems from a holistic sustainability perspective and an indoor comfort perspective. For the latter, energy simulation includes the plant's heat and mass exchange as a function of the crop's growth. A future article will present an integer-constraint optimization algorithm that finds the most suitable passive strategies for each surface in the building envelope based on their environmental exposure. This method and a proof-of-concept are presented in this thesis. This surface-by-surface optimization results in a passive renovation strategy mosaic tailored to each building stock.Las limitaciones técnicas, económicas, medioambientales y arquitectónicas del parque edilicio imponen estrategias de rehabilitación energética no siempre compatibles con actuaciones pasivas. En rehabilitaciones energéticas la primera línea de actuación debe ser la mejora pasiva de la envolvente del edificio. No obstante, los proyectos de renovación evalúan su eficacia en base a consumo energético en vez de desempeño térmico en modo pasivo. El predominio de índices energéticos se debe a la creencia de que los sistemas mecánicos garantizan las condiciones de confort interior. Sin embargo, en espacios sin controles activos locales, el confort es un desafío. Esto sucede en las aulas de las escuelas primarias donde los niños no pueden regular el ambiente interior y tienen limitadas posibilidades de adaptación. En las aulas se debe fomentar el funcionamiento pasivo debido a que los niños tienen mayor sensibilidad y preferencia hacia las condiciones ambientales. Esta tesis abordó la optimización pasiva del parque educativo existente desde una perspectiva de confort y sin depender en sistemas activos. Es desafiante predecir de manera confiable el desempeño de las estrategias pasivas ya que intervienen simultáneamente el emplazamiento del edificio, la materialidad, la ocupación, las estrategias de renovación y la secuencia de intervenciones. Los sistemas agrícolas integrados en edificios mejoran el rendimiento térmico de la envolvente del edificio al tiempo que aumentan la seguridad alimentaria, la cohesión social y brindan oportunidades de aprendizaje. El modelado energético de tales estrategias no está implementado en los motores de simulación energética y, por lo tanto, requiere la inclusión del intercambio de calor de las plantas en el balance térmico del edificio. Identificar una estrategia de renovación óptima requiere modelos de evaluación holísticos que abarquen todas las dimensiones de la sostenibilidad y un proceso de simulación iterativo basado en algoritmos de optimización estocástica. Sin embargo, las herramientas de optimización existentes no manejan rutinas de simulación complejas como las requeridas para modelar sistemas agrícolas integrados. Esta tesis se presenta como un compendio de artículos donde cada artículo desarrolla un aspecto específico de la optimización pasiva para el parque edilicio. El primer artículo desarrolla un modelo energético urbano reductivo especializado en parques edilicios no acondicionados. Este modelo se aplicó al parque de edificios escolares de Barcelona y Quito dando buenos resultados tanto a nivel de edificio como a nivel urbano. El segundo y tercer artículo abordan la evaluación de los sistemas agrícolas integrados en edificios desde una perspectiva de sostenibilidad holística y una perspectiva de confort interior. Para este último, la simulación energética incluyó el intercambio de calor y masa de la planta en función del crecimiento del cultivo. Un artículo futuro presentará un algoritmo de optimización con restricción de números enteros para encontrar las estrategias pasivas más adecuadas para cada superficie en la envolvente del edificio en función de su exposición ambiental. Este método y una prueba de concepto son presentados como parte de esta tesis. Esta optimización superficie por superficie da como resultado una estrategia tipo mosaico de renovación pasiva adaptada a cada edificio.Les limitacions tècniques, econòmiques, mediambientals i arquitectòniques del parc edificatori existent imposen estratègies de rehabilitació energètica no sempre compatible amb actuacions passives. En rehabilitacions energètiques, la primera línia d'actuació ha de ser la millora passiva de l'envolupant de l'edifici. No obstant això, els projectes de renovació avaluen la seva eficàcia sobre la base del consum energètic en comptes del rendiment tèrmic en mode passiu. El predomini d'índexs energètics és degut a la creença que els sistemes mecànics garanteixen les condicions de confort interior. Tot i això, en espais sense controls actius locals, el confort és un desafiament. Això passa a les aules de les escoles de primària on els nens no poden regular l'ambient interior i tenen limitades possibilitats d'adaptació. A les aules s'ha de fomentar el funcionament passiu pel fet que els nens tenen més sensibilitat i preferència cap a les condicions ambientals. Aquesta tesi va abordar l’optimització passiva del parc educatiu existent des d’una perspectiva de confort i sense dependre de sistemes actius. És problemàtic predir de manera fiable el rendiment de les estratègies passives ja que intervenen simultàniament l'emplaçament de l'edifici, la materialitat, l'ocupació, les estratègies de renovació i la seqüència d'intervencions. Els sistemes agrícoles integrats en edificis milloren el rendiment tèrmic de l'envolupant de l'edifici alhora que augmenten la seguretat alimentària, la cohesió social i ofereixen oportunitats d'aprenentatge. El modelatge energètic d'aquestes estratègies no està implementat als motors de simulació energètica i, per tant, requereix la inclusió de l'intercanvi de calor de les plantes al balanç tèrmic de l'edifici. Identificar una estratègia de renovació òptima requereix models d'avaluació holístic que abastin totes les dimensions de la sostenibilitat i un procés de simulació iteratiu basat en algorismes d'optimització estocàstica. Tot i això, les eines d'optimització existents no manegen rutines de simulació complexes com les requerides per modelar sistemes agrícoles integrats. Aquesta tesi es presenta com un compendi d’articles on cada article desenvolupa un aspecte específic de l’optimització passiva per al parc edilici. El primer article desenvolupa un model energètic urbà reductiu especialitzat en parcs edilicis no condicionats. Aquest model es va aplicar al parc d´edificis escolars de Barcelona i Quito donant bons resultats tant a nivell d´edifici com a nivell urbà. El segon i el tercer article aborden l'avaluació dels sistemes agrícoles integrats en edificis des d'una perspectiva de sostenibilitat holística i una perspectiva de confort interior. Per a aquest darrer, la simulació energètica va incloure l’intercanvi de calor i massa de la planta en funció del creixement del cultiu. Un article futur presentarà un algorisme d'optimització de restriccions enteres per trobar les estratègies passives més adequades per a cada superfície a l'envolupant de l'edifici en funció de la seva exposició ambiental. Aquest mètode i una prova de concepte es presenten en aquesta tesi. Aquesta optimització superfície per superfície dóna com a resultat una estratègia mosaic de renovació passiva adaptada a cada edificiPostprint (published version

    Circular economy in the european construction sector: a review of strategies for implementation in building renovation

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    Building renovation was declared a key point for sustainable development, however, the renovation rate of residential buildings in the European Union is insufficient to meet the climate and energy targets set. This paper analyses the main circular economy models used in the construction sector, as well as the situation of the building renovation market, to set a framework for circular economy models in building renovation. Of all the existing strategies in this sector, design, material recovery, building renovation and end-of-life actions would be the best, respectively. It also includes a market analysis consisting of a literature review covering PEST perspectives (political, economic, social and technical) and a SWOT analysis (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats), concluding with a market gap analysis. The results of these analyses allow the development of a series of suggestions and strategies to be followed in order to solve the main barriers that hinder the implementation of the circular economy in the building´s renovation sector. © 2022 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland

    Scenario analysis of retrofit strategies for reducing energy consumption in Norwegian office buildings

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    Thesis (S.M.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, 2006.Includes bibliographical references (p. 218-224).Model buildings were created for simulation to describe typical office buildings from different construction periods. A simulation program was written to predict the annual energy consumption of the buildings in their original state and after performing retrofit projects. A scenario analysis was performed to determine the most effective retrofit techniques. This information was used to determine to what degree the national energy consumption of office buildings could be reduced through demand side management. The results of the analysis showed that it was possible to reduce the annual energy consumption of the office buildings to a minimum of about 70 km,. If all buildings in the country were to perform these retrofits, the total energy consumption of office buildings would be reduced by about 75%. The most economical choices of retrofit projects for reducing energy consumption were elements of the controls system and the HVAC system. Retrofits to the windows were also beneficial though more costly. Retrofits to the other facade elements and the other energy services system were shown to produce small changes in annual energy consumption for the required investment cost.by Lisa A. Engblom.S.M

    A methodology for evaluating the cost-effectiveness of residential building stocks retrofits in Italy and Denmark

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    Buildings are at the centre of our social and economic activity. Not only do we spend most of our lives in buildings, we also spend most of our money on buildings. The built environment is not only the largest industrial sector in economic terms, it is also the largest in terms of resource flow1. The rising energy costs, the growing concern about environmental issues and the approaching exhaustion of world energy resources are urging the entire European Community and the several national governments to improve energy management. Special attention is usually paid to public administrations, as European and national legislations often point out that these bodies must provide energy efficiency measures, as well as for the reasons mentioned above, also in order to represent an example for the entire community and for citizens as well. But it is also very important to find out how to foster and encourage energy efficiency improvements and saving measures in private dwellings to achieve the double advantage of reducing the global energy consumption level within the private sector and increasing investments, favoring the creation of additional cash flows as well. The possible combination of such multiple benefits makes the building sector a crucial field for policy makers at EU and national levels. Hence a policy framework that supports national markets in unlocking these potentials is strongly needed. With overall European policy aimed at significantly decarbonizing its economy by 80% to 95% by 2050, the building sector must undoubtedly play a key role. And any strategy to tackle the challenge in this field will clearly require both a significant amount of financial investments and long-term political commitments. The main goal of the present research is to propose an optimized methodology and cost effective decision-making process - based on the main facts emerging from the adoption of the key energy policies and financial instruments currently in force at European level (particularly in Italy and Denmark) - also to outline the next policy steps in improving the energy performance of buildings. After a global overview of the policies adopted at European level, the analysis focuses on the two different regulations implemented at the national level by Italy and Denmark. Furthermore, to define the best mixture of energy retrofit measures for the different geographical areas of Italy - applying a methodology based on simple and available data to improve residential buildings' energy efficiency - the work started with the analysis of the several reports produced by ENEA (the Italian Research Agency for Energy Efficiency) since year 2007. These were based on the data collection performed in order to assess the effectiveness of the Italian government’s financial policies established to support energy saving actions in private dwellings. The first steps of such a top-down analysis are then carried out both through manual cost/benefit spreadsheets, as well as with the implementation of a linear programming analysis tool. The study defines different linear programming models, depicting different optimization problems (e.g. energy saving maximization vs. retrofit cost minimization), along with the respective different background scenarios. Such investigations are therefore carried out through the implementation and development of Dantzig's simplex algorithm. Moreover, to carry out a global comparison between the overall Italian and Danish situations, also achieving a deeper single-dwelling-focused analysis, further studies are developed through a Building Energy Optimization tool, implementing the EnergyPlus dynamic energy simulation software. Thence, the research moves on to a more specific analysis, shifting to a bottom-up approach and involving in the enquiry a comparison between the different assessment settings (climatic, political, economic, cultural) depicted both by Italy and Denmark. Two different dwelling models are defined for the above countries, focusing the analysis on those building typologies most representative of such European nations and thence different retrofit solutions are depicted and analyzed. The results obtained by means of this dynamic assessment are then used to group the respective energy savings vs. retrofit cost considerations within a global cost-effectiveness assessment. Finally, some “guidelines” are outlined to address the challenge of renovating the existing building stock, also in order to keep pace with the aims of both the nations and the European Union

    A methodology for evaluating the cost-effectiveness of residential building stocks retrofits in Italy and Denmark

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    Buildings are at the centre of our social and economic activity. Not only do we spend most of our lives in buildings, we also spend most of our money on buildings. The built environment is not only the largest industrial sector in economic terms, it is also the largest in terms of resource flow1. The rising energy costs, the growing concern about environmental issues and the approaching exhaustion of world energy resources are urging the entire European Community and the several national governments to improve energy management. Special attention is usually paid to public administrations, as European and national legislations often point out that these bodies must provide energy efficiency measures, as well as for the reasons mentioned above, also in order to represent an example for the entire community and for citizens as well. But it is also very important to find out how to foster and encourage energy efficiency improvements and saving measures in private dwellings to achieve the double advantage of reducing the global energy consumption level within the private sector and increasing investments, favoring the creation of additional cash flows as well. The possible combination of such multiple benefits makes the building sector a crucial field for policy makers at EU and national levels. Hence a policy framework that supports national markets in unlocking these potentials is strongly needed. With overall European policy aimed at significantly decarbonizing its economy by 80% to 95% by 2050, the building sector must undoubtedly play a key role. And any strategy to tackle the challenge in this field will clearly require both a significant amount of financial investments and long-term political commitments. The main goal of the present research is to propose an optimized methodology and cost effective decision-making process - based on the main facts emerging from the adoption of the key energy policies and financial instruments currently in force at European level (particularly in Italy and Denmark) - also to outline the next policy steps in improving the energy performance of buildings. After a global overview of the policies adopted at European level, the analysis focuses on the two different regulations implemented at the national level by Italy and Denmark. Furthermore, to define the best mixture of energy retrofit measures for the different geographical areas of Italy - applying a methodology based on simple and available data to improve residential buildings' energy efficiency - the work started with the analysis of the several reports produced by ENEA (the Italian Research Agency for Energy Efficiency) since year 2007. These were based on the data collection performed in order to assess the effectiveness of the Italian government’s financial policies established to support energy saving actions in private dwellings. The first steps of such a top-down analysis are then carried out both through manual cost/benefit spreadsheets, as well as with the implementation of a linear programming analysis tool. The study defines different linear programming models, depicting different optimization problems (e.g. energy saving maximization vs. retrofit cost minimization), along with the respective different background scenarios. Such investigations are therefore carried out through the implementation and development of Dantzig's simplex algorithm. Moreover, to carry out a global comparison between the overall Italian and Danish situations, also achieving a deeper single-dwelling-focused analysis, further studies are developed through a Building Energy Optimization tool, implementing the EnergyPlus dynamic energy simulation software. Thence, the research moves on to a more specific analysis, shifting to a bottom-up approach and involving in the enquiry a comparison between the different assessment settings (climatic, political, economic, cultural) depicted both by Italy and Denmark. Two different dwelling models are defined for the above countries, focusing the analysis on those building typologies most representative of such European nations and thence different retrofit solutions are depicted and analyzed. The results obtained by means of this dynamic assessment are then used to group the respective energy savings vs. retrofit cost considerations within a global cost-effectiveness assessment. Finally, some “guidelines” are outlined to address the challenge of renovating the existing building stock, also in order to keep pace with the aims of both the nations and the European Union

    Active haptic exploration for 3D shape reconstruction.

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    by Fung Wai Keung.Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1996.Includes bibliographical references (leaves 146-151).Acknowledgements --- p.viiiAbstract --- p.1Chapter 1 --- Overview --- p.3Chapter 1.1 --- Tactile Sensing in Human and Robot --- p.4Chapter 1.1.1 --- Human Hands and Robotic Hands --- p.4Chapter 1.1.2 --- Mechanoreceptors in skin and Tactile Sensor Arrays --- p.7Chapter 1.2 --- Motivation --- p.12Chapter 1.3 --- Objectives --- p.13Chapter 1.4 --- Related Work --- p.14Chapter 1.4.1 --- Using Vision Alone --- p.15Chapter 1.4.2 --- Integration of Vision and Touch --- p.15Chapter 1.4.3 --- Using Touch Sensing Alone --- p.17Chapter --- Ronald S. Fearing's Work --- p.18Chapter --- Peter K. Allen's Work --- p.22Chapter 1.5 --- Outline --- p.26Chapter 2 --- Geometric Models --- p.27Chapter 2.1 --- Introduction --- p.27Chapter 2.2 --- Superquadrics --- p.27Chapter 2.2.1 --- 2D Superquadrics --- p.27Chapter 2.2.2 --- 3D Superquadrics --- p.29Chapter 2.3 --- Model Recovery of Superquadric Models --- p.31Chapter 2.3.1 --- Problem Formulation --- p.31Chapter 2.3.2 --- Least Squares Optimization --- p.33Chapter 2.4 --- Free-Form Deformations --- p.34Chapter 2.4.1 --- Bernstein Basis --- p.36Chapter 2.4.2 --- B-Spline Basis --- p.38Chapter 2.5 --- Other Geometric Models --- p.41Chapter 2.5.1 --- Generalized Cylinders --- p.41Chapter 2.5.2 --- Hyperquadrics --- p.42Chapter 2.5.3 --- Polyhedral Models --- p.44Chapter 2.5.4 --- Function Representation --- p.45Chapter 3 --- Sensing Strategy --- p.54Chapter 3.1 --- Introduction --- p.54Chapter 3.2 --- Sensing Algorithm --- p.55Chapter 3.2.1 --- Assumption of objects --- p.55Chapter 3.2.2 --- Haptic Exploration Procedures --- p.56Chapter 3.3 --- Contour Tracing --- p.58Chapter 3.4 --- Tactile Sensor Data Preprocessing --- p.59Chapter 3.4.1 --- Data Transformation and Sensor Calibration --- p.60Chapter 3.4.2 --- Noise Filtering --- p.61Chapter 3.5 --- Curvature Determination --- p.64Chapter 3.6 --- Step Size Determination --- p.73Chapter 4 --- 3D Shape Reconstruction --- p.80Chapter 4.1 --- Introduction --- p.80Chapter 4.2 --- Correspondence Problem --- p.81Chapter 4.2.1 --- Affine Invariance Property of B-splines --- p.84Chapter 4.2.2 --- Point Inversion Problem --- p.87Chapter 4.3 --- Parameter Triple Interpolation --- p.91Chapter 4.4 --- 3D Object Shape Reconstruction --- p.94Chapter 4.4.1 --- Heuristic Approach --- p.94Chapter 4.4.2 --- Closed Contour Recovery --- p.97Chapter 4.4.3 --- Control Lattice Recovery --- p.102Chapter 5 --- Implementation --- p.105Chapter 5.1 --- Introduction --- p.105Chapter 5.2 --- Implementation Tool - MATLAB --- p.105Chapter 5.2.1 --- Optimization Toolbox --- p.107Chapter 5.2.2 --- Splines Toolbox --- p.108Chapter 5.3 --- Geometric Model Implementation --- p.109Chapter 5.3.1 --- FFD Examples --- p.111Chapter 5.4 --- Shape Reconstruction Implementation --- p.112Chapter 5.5 --- 3D Model Reconstruction Examples --- p.120Chapter 5.5.1 --- Example 1 --- p.120Chapter 5.5.2 --- Example 2 --- p.121Chapter 6 --- Conclusion --- p.128Chapter 6.1 --- Future Work --- p.129Appendix --- p.133Bibliography --- p.14

    A New Bayesian Inference Calibration Platform for Building Energy and Environment Predictions

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    Buildings account for nearly 40% of total global energy consumption. It is predicted that by 2050 the combined energy consumptions of the residential and commercial sectors will have increased to 22% of the world's total delivered energy. Moreover, requirements for indoor health, safety, thermal comfort, and air quality have become more demanding due to more intensive and frequent extreme climate events, such as heatwaves and cold waves. Such issues have become challenging for the building energy and environment field, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. Computer simulations play a crucial role in achieving a safe, healthy, comfortable, and sustainable indoor environment. As an integral step in the development of the building models, model calibration can significantly affect simulation results, model accuracy, and model-based decision-making. Conventional calibration methods, however, are often deterministic. As a result, the uncertainties that have been investigated for a building computer model, and those from the inputs have not been given adequate attention and are thus worth studying in more depth. Bayesian Inference is one of the most effective approaches to calibrating computer models with uncertainties. Several studies have explored its application in building energy modeling, but a comprehensive application in the general field of building energy and environment has not been adequate. This thesis started with a comprehensive literature review of Bayesian Inference calibration focusing on building energy modeling. Then, a systematic Bayesian calibration workflow and a new platform were developed. As well as a general study of its application for the predictions of building energy performance, the thesis investigated how to use the platform to calibrate thermal models of buildings and indoor air quality models. To solve the issue of the computing cost of Bayesian Inference, another calibration and prediction method, Ensemble Kalman Filter (EnKF), was proposed and applied to the estimation of ventilation performance and predictions of free cooling load. The conclusion includes a summary of the contributions of this thesis and suggestions for future work