882 research outputs found

    Simultaneous learning of instantaneous and time-delayed genetic interactions using novel information theoretic scoring technique

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    BACKGROUND: Understanding gene interactions is a fundamental question in systems biology. Currently, modeling of gene regulations using the Bayesian Network (BN) formalism assumes that genes interact either instantaneously or with a certain amount of time delay. However in reality, biological regulations, both instantaneous and time-delayed, occur simultaneously. A framework that can detect and model both these two types of interactions simultaneously would represent gene regulatory networks more accurately. RESULTS: In this paper, we introduce a framework based on the Bayesian Network (BN) formalism that can represent both instantaneous and time-delayed interactions between genes simultaneously. A novel scoring metric having firm mathematical underpinnings is also proposed that, unlike other recent methods, can score both interactions concurrently and takes into account the reality that multiple regulators can regulate a gene jointly, rather than in an isolated pair-wise manner. Further, a gene regulatory network (GRN) inference method employing an evolutionary search that makes use of the framework and the scoring metric is also presented. CONCLUSION: By taking into consideration the biological fact that both instantaneous and time-delayed regulations can occur among genes, our approach models gene interactions with greater accuracy. The proposed framework is efficient and can be used to infer gene networks having multiple orders of instantaneous and time-delayed regulations simultaneously. Experiments are carried out using three different synthetic networks (with three different mechanisms for generating synthetic data) as well as real life networks of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, E. coli and cyanobacteria gene expression data. The results show the effectiveness of our approach

    Simultaneous learning of instantaneous and time-delayed genetic interactions using novel information theoretic scoring technique

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    Background: Understanding gene interactions is a fundamental question in systems biology. Currently, modeling of gene regulations using the Bayesian Network (BN) formalism assumes that genes interact either instantaneously or with a certain amount of time delay. However in reality, biological regulations, both instantaneous and time-delayed, occur simultaneously. A framework that can detect and model both these two types of interactions simultaneously would represent gene regulatory networks more accurately. Results: In this paper, we introduce a framework based on the Bayesian Network (BN) formalism that can represent both instantaneous and time-delayed interactions between genes simultaneously. A novel scoring metric having firm mathematical underpinnings is also proposed that, unlike other recent methods, can score both interactions concurrently and takes into account the reality that multiple regulators can regulate a gene jointly, rather than in an isolated pair-wise manner. Further, a gene regulatory network (GRN) inference method employing an evolutionary search that makes use of the framework and the scoring metric is also presented. Conclusion: By taking into consideration the biological fact that both instantaneous and time-delayed regulations can occur among genes, our approach models gene interactions with greater accuracy. The proposed framework is efficient and can be used to infer gene networks having multiple orders of instantaneous and time-delayed regulations simultaneously. Experiments are carried out using three different synthetic networks (with three different mechanisms for generating synthetic data) as well as real life networks of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, E. coli and cyanobacteria gene expression data. The results show the effectiveness of our approach

    Cognitive Impairments in Schizophrenia as Assessed Through Activation and Connectivity Measures of Magnetoencephalography (MEG) Data

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    The cognitive dysfunction present in patients with schizophrenia is thought to be driven in part by disorganized connections between higher-order cortical fields. Although studies utilizing electroencephalography (EEG), PET and fMRI have contributed significantly to our understanding of these mechanisms, magnetoencephalography (MEG) possesses great potential to answer long-standing questions linking brain interactions to cognitive operations in the disorder. Many experimental paradigms employed in EEG and fMRI are readily extendible to MEG and have expanded our understanding of the neurophysiological architecture present in schizophrenia. Source reconstruction techniques, such as adaptive spatial filtering, take advantage of the spatial localization abilities of MEG, allowing us to evaluate which specific structures contribute to atypical cognition in schizophrenia. Finally, both bivariate and multivariate functional connectivity metrics of MEG data are useful for understanding how these interactions in the brain are impaired in schizophrenia, and how cognitive and clinical outcomes are affected as a result. We also present here data from our own laboratory that illustrates how some of these novel functional connectivity measures, specifically imaginary coherence (IC), are quite powerful in relating disconnectivity in the brain to characteristic behavioral findings in the disorder

    A Survey on Evolutionary Algorithm Based Hybrid Intelligence in Bioinformatics

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    Dynamic inverse problem solution considering non-homogeneous source distribution with frequency spatio temporal constraints applied to brain activity reconstruction

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    Para reconstruir la actividad cerebral es necesario estimular la ubicación de las fuentes activas del cerebro. El método de localización de fuentes usando electroencefalogramas es usado para esta tarea por su alta resolución temporal. Este método de resolver un problema inverso mal planteado, el cual no tiene una solución única debido al que el números de variables desconocidas es mas grande que el numero de variables conocidas. por lo tanto el método presenta una baja resolución espacial..

    Dynamic inverse problem solution considering non-homogeneous source distribution with frequency spatio temporal constraints applied to brain activity reconstruction

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    Para reconstruir la actividad cerebral es necesario estimular la ubicación de las fuentes activas del cerebro. El método de localización de fuentes usando electroencefalogramas es usado para esta tarea por su alta resolución temporal. Este método de resolver un problema inverso mal planteado, el cual no tiene una solución única debido al que el números de variables desconocidas es mas grande que el numero de variables conocidas. por lo tanto el método presenta una baja resolución espacial..


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    This is a practical book on MEG that covers a wide range of topics. The book begins with a series of reviews on the use of MEG for clinical applications, the study of cognitive functions in various diseases, and one chapter focusing specifically on studies of memory with MEG. There are sections with chapters that describe source localization issues, the use of beamformers and dipole source methods, as well as phase-based analyses, and a step-by-step guide to using dipoles for epilepsy spike analyses. The book ends with a section describing new innovations in MEG systems, namely an on-line real-time MEG data acquisition system, novel applications for MEG research, and a proposal for a helium re-circulation system. With such breadth of topics, there will be a chapter that is of interest to every MEG researcher or clinician

    Identification and control of dynamical systems

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    Practical methods, based upon linear systems theory, are explored for applications to nonlinear phenomena and are extended to a larger class of problems. An algorithm for stabilizing, characterizing, and tracking unstable steady states and periodic orbits in multidimensional dynamical systems is developed and applied to stabilize and characterize an unstable four-cell flame front of the Kuramoto-Sivashinsky equation with six unstable degrees of freedom. A new method is presented for probing chemical reaction mechanisms experimentally with perturbations and measurements of the response. Time series analysis and the methods of linear control theory are used to determine the Jacobian matrix of a reaction at a stable stationary state subjected to random perturbations. The method is demonstrated with time series of a model system, and its performance in the presence of noise is examined. A new theory based on the construction of a multitude of linear models, each serving to represent one small region of the phase space, is presented together. Details of its implementation are presented in predicting chaotic Kuramoto-Sivashinsky wave fronts, demonstrating how it overcomes some of the problems associated with high dimensionality phase spaces. Motivated by the relationship between nonlinear prediction methods and the capabilities of neural systems, we demonstrate the possible role of nonlinear phenomena in the morphogenesis of neural tracts

    Learning and adaptation in brain machine interfaces

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    Balancing subject learning and decoder adaptation is central to increasing brain machine interface (BMI) performance. We addressed these complementary aspects in two studies: (1) a learning study, in which mice modulated “beta” band activity to control a 1D auditory cursor, and (2) an adaptive decoding study, in which a simple recurrent artificial neural network (RNN) decoded intended saccade targets of monkeys. In the learning study, three mice successfully increased beta band power following trial initiations, and specifically increased beta burst durations from 157 ms to 182 ms, likely contributing to performance. Though the task did not explicitly require specific movements, all three mice appeared to modulate beta activity via active motor control and had consistent vibrissal motor cortex multiunit activity and local field potential relationships with contralateral whisker pad electromyograms. The increased burst durations may therefore by a direct result of increased motor activity. These findings suggest that only a subset of beta rhythm phenomenology can be volitionally modulated (e.g. the tonic “hold” beta), therefore limiting the possible set of successful beta neuromodulation strategies. In the adaptive decoding study, RNNs decoded delay period activity in oculomotor and working memory regions while monkeys performed a delayed saccade task. Adaptive decoding sessions began with brain-controlled trials using pre-trained RNN models, in contrast to static decoding sessions in which 300-500 initial eye-controlled training trials were performed. Closed loop RNN decoding performance was lower than predicted by offline simulations. More consistent delay period activity and saccade paths across trials were associated with higher decoding performance. Despite the advantage of consistency, one monkey’s delay period activity patterns changed over the first week of adaptive decoding, and the other monkey’s saccades were more erratic during adaptive decoding than during static decoding sessions. It is possible that the altered session paradigm eliminating eye-controlled training trials led to either frustration or exploratory learning, causing the neural and behavioral changes. Considering neural control and decoder adaptation of BMIs in these studies, future work should improve the “two-learner” subject-decoder system by better modeling the interaction between underlying brain states (and possibly their modulation) and the neural signatures representing desired outcomes