581 research outputs found

    Enabling virtual radio functions on software defined radio for future wireless networks

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    Today's wired networks have become highly flexible, thanks to the fact that an increasing number of functionalities are realized by software rather than dedicated hardware. This trend is still in its early stages for wireless networks, but it has the potential to improve the network's flexibility and resource utilization regarding both the abundant computational resources and the scarce radio spectrum resources. In this work we provide an overview of the enabling technologies for network reconfiguration, such as Network Function Virtualization, Software Defined Networking, and Software Defined Radio. We review frequently used terminology such as softwarization, virtualization, and orchestration, and how these concepts apply to wireless networks. We introduce the concept of Virtual Radio Function, and illustrate how softwarized/virtualized radio functions can be placed and initialized at runtime, allowing radio access technologies and spectrum allocation schemes to be formed dynamically. Finally we focus on embedded Software-Defined Radio as an end device, and illustrate how to realize the placement, initialization and configuration of virtual radio functions on such kind of devices

    A Framework for the Design and Analysis of High-Performance Applications on FPGAs using Partial Reconfiguration

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    The field-programmable gate array (FPGA) is a dynamically reconfigurable digital logic chip used to implement custom hardware. The large densities of modern FPGAs and the capability of the on-thely reconfiguration has made the FPGA a viable alternative to fixed logic hardware chips such as the ASIC. In high-performance computing, FPGAs are used as co-processors to speed up computationally intensive processes or as autonomous systems that realize a complete hardware application. However, due to the limited capacity of FPGA logic resources, denser FPGAs must be purchased if more logic resources are required to realize all the functions of a complex application. Alternatively, partial reconfiguration (PR) can be used to swap, on demand, idle components of the application with active components. This research uses PR to swap components to improve the performance of the application given the limited logic resources available with smaller but economical FPGAs. The swap is called ”resource sharing PR”. In a pipelined design of multiple hardware modules (pipeline stages), resource sharing PR is a technique that uses PR to improve the performance of pipeline bottlenecks. This is done by reconfiguring other pipeline stages, typically those that are idle waiting for data from a bottleneck, into an additional parallel bottleneck module. The target pipeline of this research is a two-stage “slow-toast” pipeline where the flow of data traversing the pipeline transitions from a relatively slow, bottleneck stage to a fast stage. A two stage pipeline that combines FPGA-based hardware implementations of well-known Bioinformatics search algorithms, the X! Tandem algorithm and the Smith-Waterman algorithm, is implemented for this research; the implemented pipeline demonstrates that characteristics of these algorithm. The experimental results show that, in a database of unknown peptide spectra, when matching spectra with 388 peaks or greater, performing resource sharing PR to instantiate a parallel X! Tandem module is worth the cost for PR. In addition, from timings gathered during experiments, a general formula was derived for determining the value of performing PR upon a fast module

    Software-Defined Radio Demonstrators: An Example and Future Trends

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    Software-defined radio requires the combination of software-based signal processing and the enabling hardware components. In this paper, we present an overview of the criteria for such platforms and the current state of development and future trends in this area. This paper will also provide details of a high-performance flexible radio platform called the maynooth adaptable radio system (MARS) that was developed to explore the use of software-defined radio concepts in the provision of infrastructure elements in a telecommunications application, such as mobile phone basestations or multimedia broadcasters

    Building Programmable Wireless Networks: An Architectural Survey

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    In recent times, there have been a lot of efforts for improving the ossified Internet architecture in a bid to sustain unstinted growth and innovation. A major reason for the perceived architectural ossification is the lack of ability to program the network as a system. This situation has resulted partly from historical decisions in the original Internet design which emphasized decentralized network operations through co-located data and control planes on each network device. The situation for wireless networks is no different resulting in a lot of complexity and a plethora of largely incompatible wireless technologies. The emergence of "programmable wireless networks", that allow greater flexibility, ease of management and configurability, is a step in the right direction to overcome the aforementioned shortcomings of the wireless networks. In this paper, we provide a broad overview of the architectures proposed in literature for building programmable wireless networks focusing primarily on three popular techniques, i.e., software defined networks, cognitive radio networks, and virtualized networks. This survey is a self-contained tutorial on these techniques and its applications. We also discuss the opportunities and challenges in building next-generation programmable wireless networks and identify open research issues and future research directions.Comment: 19 page

    Rapid prototyping and validation of FS-FBMC dynamic spectrum radio with simulink and ZynqSDR

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    This paper presents the research carried out in developing and targeting a novel real-time Dynamic Spectrum Access (DSA) Frequency Spread Filter Bank Multicarrier (FS-FBMC) transmitter prototype to programmable ‘ZynqSDR’ Software Defined Radio (SDR) hardware, and introduces a series of experiments used to validate the design’s ‘cognitive’ DSA capabilities. This transmitter is a proof of concept, that uses DSA techniques to enable Secondary Users (SUs) to access the band traditionally used for FM Radio broadcasting (88-108 MHz), and establish data communication channels in vacant parts of the FM Radio Primary User (PU) spectrum using a multicarrier modulation scheme with a Non Contiguous (NC) channel mask. Once implemented on the hardware, the transmitter is subjected to various FM Radio environments sampled from around Central Scotland, and it is demonstrated that it can dynamically adapt its NC transmitter mask in real time to protect the FM Radio signals it detects. A video is presented of this dynamic on-hardware spectral reconfiguration, and the reader is encouraged to view the video to appreciate the responsiveness of the design. An investigation into potential FBMC guardband sizes is carried out, with initial findings indicating a guardband of 200 kHz (either side of an FM Radio station) is required in order to prevent interference with the PUs. This paper also demonstrates the capabilities of the MATLAB®/ Simulink ZynqSDR workflow, and provides a case study and reference design that we feel other researchers working in this field can benefit from

    FPGA based technical solutions for high throughput data processing and encryption for 5G communication: A review

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    The field programmable gate array (FPGA) devices are ideal solutions for high-speed processing applications, given their flexibility, parallel processing capability, and power efficiency. In this review paper, at first, an overview of the key applications of FPGA-based platforms in 5G networks/systems is presented, exploiting the improved performances offered by such devices. FPGA-based implementations of cloud radio access network (C-RAN) accelerators, network function virtualization (NFV)-based network slicers, cognitive radio systems, and multiple input multiple output (MIMO) channel characterizers are the main considered applications that can benefit from the high processing rate, power efficiency and flexibility of FPGAs. Furthermore, the implementations of encryption/decryption algorithms by employing the Xilinx Zynq Ultrascale+MPSoC ZCU102 FPGA platform are discussed, and then we introduce our high-speed and lightweight implementation of the well-known AES-128 algorithm, developed on the same FPGA platform, and comparing it with similar solutions already published in the literature. The comparison results indicate that our AES-128 implementation enables efficient hardware usage for a given data-rate (up to 28.16 Gbit/s), resulting in higher efficiency (8.64 Mbps/slice) than other considered solutions. Finally, the applications of the ZCU102 platform for high-speed processing are explored, such as image and signal processing, visual recognition, and hardware resource management

    Design of an Adaptable Run-Time Reconfigurable Software-Defined Radio Processing Architecture

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    Processing power is a key technical challenge holding back the development of a high-performance software defined radio (SDR). Traditionally, SDR has utilized digital signal processors (DSPs), but increasingly complex algorithms, higher data rates, and multi-tasking needs have exceed the processing capabilities of modern DSPs. Reconfigurable computers, such as field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs), are popular alternatives because of their performance gains over software for streaming data applications like SDR. However, FPGAs have not yet realized the ideal SDR because architectures have not fully utilized their partial reconfiguration (PR) capabilities to bring needed flexibility. A reconfigurable processor architecture is proposed that utilizes PR in reconfigurable computers to achieve a more sophisticated SDR. The proposed processor contains run-time swappable blocks whose parameters and interconnects are programmable. The architecture is analyzed for performance and flexibility and compared with available alternate technologies. For a sample QPSK algorithm, hardware performance gains of at least 44x are seen over modern desktop processors and DSPs while most of their flexibility and extensibility is maintained

    Wireless Cloud Architecture Based on Thin Clients and Ontologies

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    Recently, several researchers have discovered the need for radios to use description techniques for the objects in the wireless realm. The concept of RF field-programmable analog array (FPAA) was also proposed recently and the lack of hardware abstractions was identified as a problem. We propose a hardware abstraction for RF FPAAs, which enables an open RF-digital interface. We advance the concept of wireless thin clients. These clients are connected to the cloud using the open RF-digital interface. We describe the architecture of a comprehensive wireless ontology

    Reconfiguration of field programmable logic in embedded systems

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