17 research outputs found

    Realism in the design process and credibility of a simulation-based virtual laboratory

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    The credibility of an instructional simulation is a most important issue in distance education, where it may replace hands-on activities. This credibility is based in large part upon verisimilitude, a perception strongly influenced by the simulation’s realism. This paper presents a case study encompassing the design process of a simulation-based virtual laboratory, which was guided by a realism principle, and an investigation of its credibility among potential users. We found that many characteristics of the environment associated with the design principle did favour its credibility, but that others had widely varying, even opposite effects among users. User’s prior experience was shown to play a crucial but intricate role in verisimilitude and credibility judgements


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    Kenaikan titik didih (KTD) merupakan salah satu topik Sifat Koligatif Larutan, dalam Kimia Fisika yang didasarkan pada eksperimen. Oleh karena itu eksperimen merupakan bagian penting dalam pembelajaran topik ini. Pada umumnya pembelajaran KTD pada mahasiswa Pendidikan kimia hanya dilakukan secara teoretik sehingga belum mendukung pemahaman dan keterampilan eksperimental mahasiswa terkait topik ini. Pemanfaatan simulasi eksperimen dapat mengatasi keterbatasan ini namun simulasi yang telah dikembangkan saat ini tidak sesuai dengan eksperimen sebenarnya sehingga tidak dapat dijadikan alternatif pelaksanaan eksperimen KTD. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan Computer Simulated Experiment pada topik KTD (CSE-KTD) sebagai alternatif pelaksanaan eksperimen dan implementasinya untuk meningkatkan keterampilan Experimental Problem Solving (EPS) dan penguasaan konsep mahasiswa. Penelitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan exploratory mixed methods design. Hasil penelitian kualitatif dijadikan dasar pengembangan CSE-KTD untuk kemudian diujikan secara kuantitatif. Hasil uji kualitas CSE menunjukkan bahwa simulasi eksperimen ini sudah memenuhi aspek kualitas multimedia pembelajaran dan konten. Hasil implementasi menunjukkan peningkatan keterampilan EPS pada aspek mengorganisasi masalah dan menjalankan strategi pemecahan masalah dengan EPS maksimal yang diperoleh berada pada tingkat developing dan N_Gain sebagian besar mahasiswa berada pada kategori sedang. Untuk penguasaan konsep sebagian besar nilai N_Gain yang diperoleh masih pada kategori rendah. Penguasaan konsep hanya terbatas pada konsep mendidih dan titik didih bukan pada KTD. Pembelajaran dengan metode Independent Learning menggunakan CSE-KTD telah dapat menfasilitasi mahasiswa menyelesaikan tahapan pre-eksperimen dan eksperimen dengan baik, namun belum maksimal dalam membantu mahasiswa untuk menyelesaikan tahapan evaluasi strategi pemecahan masalah pada post-eksperimen. Boiling point elevation (BPE) is one of the topics of Colligative Properties of Solutions, in Physical Chemistry that is based on experiments. Therefore experiments playing important role in learning this topic. In general, undergraduate chemistry education students just learn it theoretically so that do not support their conceptual dan experiment skill about this topic. The existing Computer Simulated Experiment (CSE) on this topic is not in accordance with the actual experiment, so it cannot be used as an alternative to carrying out the BPE experiment. This study aims to develop a CSE of BPE (CSE-BPE) as an alternative to conducting experiments and implementing it to improve Experimental Problem Solving skills and concepts mastery of undergraduate chemistry education students. The study was conducted using an exploratory mixed methods design. The results of the qualitative research were used as the basis for the development of CSE-KTD to then be tested quantitatively. The results of the CSE quality test show that it meets the quality aspects of learning multimedia and content. The implementation results showed an increase in EPS skills in organizing problems and implementing problem-solving strategies with the maximum EPS obtained at the development level and the N_Gain values of most students were in the medium category. The N_Gain values obtained are mostly in the low category for mastering the concept. Concept mastery is limited to the concept of boiling and boiling point, not to BPE. The Independent Learning method by using CSE-BPE has been able to facilitate students in completing the pre-experimental and experimental stages well, but it has not been maximal in helping students to complete the evaluation stages of problem-solving strategies in the post-experiment

    Visualizations Out of Context: Addressing Pitfalls of Real-Time Realistic Hazard Visualizations

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    Realistic 3D hazard visualizations based on advanced Geographic Information Systems (GIS) may be directly driven by hydrodynamic and wind model outputs (e.g., ADCIRC, the ADvanced CIRCulation Model) and hazard impact modeling (e.g., predicting damage to structures and infrastructure). These methods create new possibilities for representing hazard impacts and support the development of near-real-time hazard forecasting and communication tools. This paper considers the wider implications of using these storm visualizations in light of current frameworks in the context of landscape and urban planning and cartography that have addressed the use of realistic 3D visualizations. Visualizations used outside of engagement processes organized by experts risk misleading the public and may have consequences in terms of feelings of individual self-efficacy or perception of scientists behind the visualizations. In addition to summarizing the implications of using these visualizations outside of recommended practices, a research agenda is proposed to guide the development of real-time realistic and semi-realistic visualizations for future use in hazard communication. Development of a clearer use-case for real-time visualization capabilities is an essential first step if such work is to continue

    Requerimientos para el diseño de la experiencia de inmersión en laboratorios virtuales

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    Los laboratorios virtuales son medios muy efectivos en el desarrollo de competencias profesionales. En su desarrollo se suele mimetizar la realidad en busca de una mejor experiencia de inmersión con el diseño de ambientes e interfaces hiperrealistas, lo que redunda en una gran complejidad y altos costos asociados a su implementación. El presente estudio propone un grupo de requerimientos a considerar en el diseño y producción de laboratorios virtuales, con foco en la experiencia de inmersión en contextos no inmersivos. Estos requerimientos consideran el diseño desde una perspectiva holística a favor de una experiencia de inmersión que considere dimensiones como la autenticidad didáctica, externa e interna en correspondencia con su relevancia, apego a la realidad y coherencia. Para ello se llevan a cabo dos ciclos de investigación. En el primero se sistematizan tres proyectos de investigación en el desarrollo de laboratorios virtuales y se definen los requerimientos. Estos se someten a criterio de expertos en la segunda fase a través del método Delphi, lo que permite mejorar y validar la propuesta. Se llega, finalmente, a la definición de 22 requerimientos de diseño que propician la experiencia de inmersión en el desarrollo de laboratorios virtuales, los que pueden resultar de gran utilidad para desarrolladores y docentes vinculados tanto a su producción como a su aplicación educativa

    Sanal basma testi tasarımı ve uygulaması

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    06.03.2018 tarihli ve 30352 sayılı Resmi Gazetede yayımlanan “Yükseköğretim Kanunu İle Bazı Kanun Ve Kanun Hükmünde Kararnamelerde Değişiklik Yapılması Hakkında Kanun” ile 18.06.2018 tarihli “Lisansüstü Tezlerin Elektronik Ortamda Toplanması, Düzenlenmesi ve Erişime Açılmasına İlişkin Yönerge” gereğince tam metin erişime açılmıştır

    Generic skills in design teams : literature review

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    Recent developments in networked three dimensional (3D) virtual worlds, and the proliferation of high bandwidth communications technology, have the potential to dramatically improve collaboration in the construction industry. This research project focuses on the early stages of a construction project in which the models for the project are developed and revised. The project investigates three aspects of collaboration in virtual environments: 1. The processes that enable effective collaboration using high bandwidth information communication technology (ICT); 2. The models that allow for multiple disciplines to share their views in a synchronous virtual environment; 3. The generic skills used by individuals and teams when engaging with high bandwidth information communication technology. The third aspect of the project, listed above, led by the University of Newcastle, explores the domain of People and the extent to which they contribute to the effectiveness of virtual teams. This report relates, primarily, to this aspect

    Evaluating the Impact of the Physical Fidelity of the Learning Environment on Skill Acquisition, Retention, and Application

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    Simulations are believed to support learning outcomes by increasing student engagement and providing a more immersive and interactive learning environment. Research into the effectiveness of simulations as learning tools has found tangible benefits, including increased learner engagement and conceptual gains Simulations also offer the benefits of a safer and more accessible learning environment, where students can practice until the point of proficiency. While simulations have been used extensively in workforce education, there is a limited research that compares learning outcomes – affective, skill-based, and cognitive – when learning in the physical environment is substituted with learning in a simulated environment, particularly for technical skills. Educators and researchers have questioned whether simulations provide learners with the same quality of education as learning in a physical environment. Simulations lack the nuances that exist in the real world and may also oversimplify a complex system. Its ideal representation of a system may create issues for learners when they encounter issues in the real world environment that they never experienced in the simulation. Consequently, learners may doubt that the principles demonstrated in a simulation are applicable in the real world. Proponents of physical laboratories argue that simulations limits students from experiencing hands-on manipulation of real materials and that they lack the necessary detail and realism to effectively teach proper laboratory technique. This research works to fill this gap by investigating how individuals transfer learning in simulated environments to the real world. Affective, cognitive and skill-based learning outcomes were used to evaluate acquisition, transfer and retention. There are three primary aims of this research. The first aim was to identify how the physical fidelity of the learning environment impacted learning outcomes, including transfer, and whether the goal orientation and cognitive ability of the learner influenced the relationship between the physical fidelity of the learning environment and learning outcomes. The second aim of this research was to understand the mechanisms through which the physical fidelity of the learning environment impacted proficiency outcomes. The third aim of the study was to understand how the physical fidelity of the learning environment impacted retention. The findings from these aims offer substantive contributions about how simulations affect learning, transfer, and retention outcomes. This research has implications for the design and implementation of simulated environments in engineering and technical disciplines, specifically courses delivered in an online setting. Whether positive or negative, these results can help identify potential issues and provide insight on what aspects of the transition from learning in simulations to working in the real world create the greatest stumbling blocks for students