79,620 research outputs found
Forecasting with high uncertainty and long-time horizons still challenges researchers and practitioners. A widely adopted method in knowledge sharing and forecasting based on experts is the Delphi method and its offspring, the Real-Time Delphi. While the traditional Delphi method already is intensely investigated, the Real-Time Delphi is still evolving, and no dominant design has been found yet. A problem arising in both variants of the Delphi method, are high drop-out rates between rounds. This paper applies a design science research approach to motivate the need for social design elements from literature and derives design principles for Real-Time Delphi platform. Based on the design, we implement and evaluate a prototype in an online experiment as well as an IT artifact in a field study. We find significant supporting evidence, that (the promise of) positive social reputation increases commitment, and therefore subsequent platform engagement of our Real-Time Delphi survey. Our findings, therefore, contribute valuable design knowledge for Real-Time Delphi platforms. Moreover, we provide advice on how to raise retention in knowledge sharing systems
Study on National Skills Outlook(2018)
This study aims to conduct Korea measuring the qualitative level of labor supply, that is, National Skills Outlook by the Korea Research Institute for Vocational Education & Training(KRIVET). This study can contribute to large-scale skills forecasting, as it attempts to identify both quantitative and qualitative data on needed skills, and the sample includes the employer survey with all industries. Moreover, this study can be a highly significant inquiry, as it identifies qualitative forecasting data on skills required in the future by applying the real-time Delphi technique.
We used the real-time Delphi method for qualitative forecasting of skill demand. In general, the method is known to produce reliable results by collecting expert opinions and combining those opinions into group consensus, thereby avoiding any negative psychological phenomena(bandwagon effect, group noise, halo-effect, etc.) that may occur during face-to-face interviews with experts(Baek, 2012). Thus, this technique involves collecting and aggregating opinions of experts and organizational members and deriving group judgments. It is therefore mainly used for forecasting, and it is particularly used widely for qualitative forecasting(Tessaring, 1998; Wilson, 2001.) The Delphi method was integrated into the abovementioned NCVER model.
A Delphi survey is usually conducted through mail by using written documents. Specifically, a prepared questionnaire is sent to a panel of selected experts. When questionnaires are collected, the researcher edits and summarizes the results and returns the revised questionnaire to each respondent. To realize the advantages of online survey, the real-time Delphi method was used to survey the employers in this study.
Characteristics of Real-Time, Non-Critical Incident Debriefing Practices in the Emergency Department.
INTRODUCTION: Benefits of post-simulation debriefings as an educational and feedback tool have been widely accepted for nearly a decade. Real-time, non-critical incident debriefing is similar to post-simulation debriefing; however, data on its practice in academic emergency departments (ED), is limited. Although tools such as TeamSTEPPS® (Team Strategies and Tools to Enhance Performance and Patient Safety) suggest debriefing after complicated medical situations, they do not teach debriefing skills suited to this purpose. Anecdotal evidence suggests that real-time debriefings (or non-critical incident debriefings) do in fact occur in academic EDs;, however, limited research has been performed on this subject. The objective of this study was to characterize real-time, non-critical incident debriefing practices in emergency medicine (EM).
METHODS: We conducted this multicenter cross-sectional study of EM attendings and residents at four large, high-volume, academic EM residency programs in New York City. Questionnaire design was based on a Delphi panel and pilot testing with expert panel. We sought a convenience sample from a potential pool of approximately 300 physicians across the four sites with the goal of obtaining \u3e100 responses. The survey was sent electronically to the four residency list-serves with a total of six monthly completion reminder emails. We collected all data electronically and anonymously using SurveyMonkey.com; the data were then entered into and analyzed with Microsoft Excel.
RESULTS: The data elucidate various characteristics of current real-time debriefing trends in EM, including its definition, perceived benefits and barriers, as well as the variety of formats of debriefings currently being conducted.
CONCLUSION: This survey regarding the practice of real-time, non-critical incident debriefings in four major academic EM programs within New York City sheds light on three major, pertinent points: 1) real-time, non-critical incident debriefing definitely occurs in academic emergency practice; 2) in general, real-time debriefing is perceived to be of some value with respect to education, systems and performance improvement; 3) although it is practiced by clinicians, most report no formal training in actual debriefing techniques. Further study is needed to clarify actual benefits of real-time/non-critical incident debriefing as well as details on potential pitfalls of this practice and recommendations for best practices for use
Telah dibuat suatu desain dan implementasi perangkat lunak pembuatan software monitoring mesin penetas telur menggunakan sensor SHT 11 dengan Borland Delphi 7.0 dan database menggunakan MySQL. Manfaat dari sistem adalah sebagai sistem informasi pemantau status maupun keadaan mesin secara real time dengan jarak jauh dalam satu komputer. Sehingga data-data kejadian yang dialami mesin dapat terekam dan data yang tersimpan dapat diakses setiap saat. Pembuatan software monitoring mesin penetas telur dibuat dengan menggunakan sensor SHT 11 dan perangkat lunak Borland Delphi 7.0 yang digunakan untuk menampilkan hasil pemantauan dari sensor. Implementasi perangkat lunak ini dapat mengolah dan menyimpan data hasil pemantauan dalam tabel yang terdapat pada MySQL. Perangkat lunak ini juga mampu menampilkan data hasil pengukuran dalam bentuk grafik temperatur terhadap waktu dan kelembaban terhadap waktu secara real time, serta mencetak data hasil pemantauan menggunakan printer. Selain itu sistem monitoring ini juga dapat melakukan pemantauan jarak jauh.
Kata Kunci: Penetas telur, Sensor, Monitor, Real tim
The Future of Customs in the EU 2040: Results from a Real-time Delphi survey
A Real-time Delphi survey was carried out within the project The Future of Customs in the EU 2040: a foresight study performed by the European Commission Joint Research Centre on behalf of the European Commission's Directorate-General for Taxation and Customs Union (DG TAXUD). The Real-time Delphi survey method is a structured expert survey methodology used to gather opinions on different possible developments in the long-term future on a given topic. This type of surveys is a useful way to elicit, collect and synthesise the opinions of a large group of experts and to give ideas to start a debate. In the survey the participants were asked to react to 16 statements formulated as if they were taking place in the year 2040. They cover different issues related to customs, such as the role of customs, trade, digital and technological development, human resources, and corruption and fraud.JRC.I.2-Foresight, Modelling, Behavioural Insights & Design for Polic
uma abordagem Design Science Research
Afonso, C. M., Serra, M., Almeida, C. M., & Antonio, N. (2021). Desenvolvimento de questionários de Delphi em Tempo Real no LimeSurvey: uma abordagem Design Science Research. In A. Rocha, R. Goncalves, F. G. Penalvo, & J. Martins (Eds.), Proceedings of CISTI 2021 - 16th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (pp. 1-6). (Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies, CISTI). IEEE Computer Society Press. https://doi.org/10.23919/CISTI52073.2021.9476554The use of the Delphi method is based due to its consistent establishment throughout the years in the research area. Currently, the maturity associated to the existent information systems and technologies are responsible for the evolution of the classic Delph method into a Real-Time Delphi method (RTD). It basically reduces to one the characteristic formal rounds associated to the classical method and shortens the time required. These new features lead to a growing interest and use of Real-Time Delphi questionnaires by researchers and professionals. Although this is a recurrent trend, it is not possible to identify the existence of a non-proprietary online survey creation solution with features to allow generating and applying Real-Time Delphi questionnaires. In this context and to respond to a research need it was necessary to develop a technological adaptation of the software LimeSurvey, an open-source online questionnaire management system to be able to create three RealTime Delphi questionnaires. These three questionnaires will allow the conception of a pairing model amidst food and beverage. To achieve the proposed objective, we used a literature review related to the Real-Time Delphi subject and the methodology of Design Science Research which will result an artifact, in this case an adaptation of LimeSurvey for the creation of Real-Time Delphi questionnaires. The results from this work are an adaptation and utilization of the open-source code from the LimeSurvey software and the creation of three RTD questionnaires for research purposes in the creation of a pairing model amidst food and wine.authorsversionpublishe
Telah dibuat suatu sistem monitoring kelembaban tanah menggunakan komunikasi Serial RS-232 dengan Delphi 7.0 dan Database menggunakan MySQL sebagai sistem informasi pemantau keadaan kelembaban tanah secara real time dengan jarak jauh pada komputer. Sehingga data untuk kelembaban tanah dapat terekam dan data yang tersimpan dapat diakses setiap saat.
Setiap tanah yang akan diukur kelembaban tanahnya akan memberikan informasi kepada Mikrokontroler dengan sensor yang sudah disediakan, kemudian setiap Mikrokontroler akan memberi informasi kepada komputer jika Mikrokontroler merasa dipanggil. Sistem ini menggunakan sensor H5V6 dengan komunikasi serial. Dari data yang dikirimkan Mikrokontroler ke komputer kemudian diolah oleh software yang dibuat dengan Delphi 7.0 sehingga dapat dilihat berapa presentase dari kelembaban tanah tersebut. Sistem ini juga dilengkapi dengan laporan berdasarkan tanggal, waktu, dan besarnya presentase kelembaban tanah di komputer. Selain dapat menyimpan data, program Delphi 7.0 ini menampilkan presentase kelembaban tanah dalam bentuk grafik.
Pada pembuatan sistem monitoring ini, didapatkan hasil pengujian yaitu data yang tertampil pada komputer sesuai dengan data yang terukur pada objek dengan tingkat kesesuaian data sebesar 100%.
Kata Kunci: sensor H5V6, Delphi 7.0, MySQ
Patient Monitor for SpO2 and Temperature Parameters
Patient monitor is an apparatus used to monitor the patient\u27s condition in real-time, hence the patient\u27s physiological conditions can be identified at that time. The purpose of this study is to design a patient monitor for SpO2 and temperature parameters based on computer with Delphi progaming. In this work, the author developed patient monitor with two parameters (SpO2 and Temperature). The workings of this tool are very simple by installing the finger sensor on the finger and the temperature sensor in the armpit area will then be detected by the two sensors that will be displayed on the PC and LCD Characters, analog data from the ADC Atmega is received by the personal computer (PC) via Bluetooth HC -05 and values per parameter are also displayed on the Character LCD. After measuring, get an error in the tool, the biggest SpO2 error of this tool is 1.02% and get the smallest error of 0.8%. And for the biggest error of Temperature of 1.02% and the smallest error of 0.8%
Citizen participation and awareness raising in coastal protected areas. A case study from Italy
In this chapter, part of the research carried out within the SECOA project
(www.projectsecoa.eu) is presented. Attention is devoted to methods and tools used for
supporting the participatory process in a case of environmental conflict related to the definition
of boundaries of a coastal protected area: the Costa Teatina National Park, in Abruzzo, central
Italy. The Costa Teatina National Park was established by the National Law 93/2001. Its territory
includes eight southern Abruzzo municipalities and covers a stretch of coastline of approximately
60 km. It is a coastal protected area, which incorporates land but not sea, characterized by the
presence of important cultural and natural assets. The Italian Ministry of Environment (1998)
defines the area as “winding and varied, with the alternation of sandy and gravel beaches, cliffs,
river mouths, areas rich in indigenous vegetation and cultivated lands (mainly olives), dunes and
forest trees”. The park boundaries were not defined by the law that set it up, and their
determination has been postponed to a later stage of territorial negotiation that has not ended yet
(Montanari and Staniscia, 2013). The definition of the park boundaries, indeed, has resulted in an
intense debate between citizens and interest groups who believe that environmental protection
does not conflict with economic growth and those who believe the opposite. That is why the
process is still in act and a solution is far from being reached. In this chapter, the methodology
and the tools used to involve the general public in active participation in decision making and to
support institutional players in conflict mitigation will be presented. Those tools have also proven
to be effective in the dissemination of information and transfer of knowledge. Results obtained
through the use of each instrument will not be presented here since this falls outside the purpose
of the present essay. The chapter is organized as follows: in the first section the importance of the
theme of citizen participation in decision making will be highlighted; the focus will be on
participation in the processes of ICZM, relevant to the management of coastal protected areas. In
the second section a review of the most commonly used methods in social research is presented;
advantages and disadvantages of each of them will be highlighted. In particular, the history and
the evolution of the Delphi method and its derivatives are discussed; focus will be on the
dissemination value of the logic underlying such iterative methods. In the third section the tools
used in the case of the Costa Teatina National Park will be presented; strengths and weaknesses
will be highlighted and proposals for their improvement will be advanced. Discussion and
conclusions follow
Consensus definition and diagnostic criteria for neonatal encephalopathy-study protocol for a real-time modified delphi study
BACKGROUND: 'Neonatal encephalopathy' (NE) describes a group of conditions in term infants presenting in the earliest days after birth with disturbed neurological function of cerebral origin. NE is aetiologically heterogenous; one cause is peripartum hypoxic ischaemia. Lack of uniformity in the terminology used to describe NE and its diagnostic criteria creates difficulty in the design and interpretation of research and complicates communication with families. The DEFINE study aims to use a modified Delphi approach to form a consensus definition for NE, and diagnostic criteria.METHODS: Directed by an international steering group, we will conduct a systematic review of the literature to assess the terminology used in trials of NE, and with their guidance perform an online Real-time Delphi survey to develop a consensus diagnosis and criteria for NE. A consensus meeting will be held to agree on the final terminology and criteria, and the outcome disseminated widely.DISCUSSION: A clear and consistent consensus-based definition of NE and criteria for its diagnosis, achieved by use of a modified Delphi technique, will enable more comparability of research results and improved communication among professionals and with families.IMPACT: The terms Neonatal Encephalopathy and Hypoxic Ischaemic Encephalopathy tend to be used interchangeably in the literature to describe a term newborn with signs of encephalopathy at birth. This creates difficulty in communication with families and carers, and between medical professionals and researchers, as well as creating difficulty with performance of research. The DEFINE project will use a Real-time Delphi approach to create a consensus definition for the term 'Neonatal Encephalopathy'. A definition formed by this consensus approach will be accepted and utilised by the neonatal community to improve research, outcomes, and parental experience.</p
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