98 research outputs found

    Automatic extraction of mobility activities in microblogs

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    Tese de Mestrado Integrado. Engenharia Informática e Computação. Faculdade de Engenharia. Universidade do Porto. 201

    DIR 2011: Dutch_Belgian Information Retrieval Workshop Amsterdam

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    The Lexicon of Fear

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    This article examines how Chinese practices of security governmentality are enacted in everyday online censorship and surveillance/dataveillance of word flows in the Chinese internet. Our analysis of crowdsourced lists of filtered words on the Sina Weibo microblog shows that search engine filtering is based on a two-layer system where short-lived political incidents tend to be filtered for brief periods of time, while words that are conducive to building oppositional awareness tend to be censored more continuously. This indicates a distinction between ‘bad’ and ‘dangerous’ circulations of information from the viewpoint of Chinese internet censorship. Our findings also point out, perhaps counterintuitively, that the ruling Chinese Communist Party is much more inclined to filter words associated with itself than the opposition, or protests, which are usually regarded as the foci of Chinese internet censorship efforts. Our explanation for this is that through surveillance and censorship, the post-totalitarian party-state protects its political hard core against dangerous circulation by trying to prevent public discourse on its leaders and key opponents from going viral. The Chinese online politics of insecurity makes this feasible in a post-totalitarian political order.</p

    Modelling input texts: from Tree Kernels to Deep Learning

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    One of the core questions when designing modern Natural Language Processing (NLP) systems is how to model input textual data such that the learning algorithm is provided with enough information to estimate accurate decision functions. The mainstream approach is to represent input objects as feature vectors where each value encodes some of their aspects, e.g., syntax, semantics, etc. Feature-based methods have demonstrated state-of-the-art results on various NLP tasks. However, designing good features is a highly empirical-driven process, it greatly depends on a task requiring a significant amount of domain expertise. Moreover, extracting features for complex NLP tasks often requires expensive pre-processing steps running a large number of linguistic tools while relying on external knowledge sources that are often not available or hard to get. Hence, this process is not cheap and often constitutes one of the major challenges when attempting a new task or adapting to a different language or domain. The problem of modelling input objects is even more acute in cases when the input examples are not just single objects but pairs of objects, such as in various learning to rank problems in Information Retrieval and Natural Language processing. An alternative to feature-based methods is using kernels which are essentially non-linear functions mapping input examples into some high dimensional space thus allowing for learning decision functions with higher discriminative power. Kernels implicitly generate a very large number of features computing similarity between input examples in that implicit space. A well-designed kernel function can greatly reduce the effort to design a large set of manually designed features often leading to superior results. However, in the recent years, the use of kernel methods in NLP has been greatly under-estimated primarily due to the following reasons: (i) learning with kernels is slow as it requires to carry out optimization in the dual space leading to quadratic complexity; (ii) applying kernels to the input objects encoded with vanilla structures, e.g., generated by syntactic parsers, often yields minor improvements over carefully designed feature-based methods. In this thesis, we adopt the kernel learning approach for solving complex NLP tasks and primarily focus on solutions to the aforementioned problems posed by the use of kernels. In particular, we design novel learning algorithms for training Support Vector Machines with structural kernels, e.g., tree kernels, considerably speeding up the training over the conventional SVM training methods. We show that using the training algorithms developed in this thesis allows for training tree kernel models on large-scale datasets containing millions of instances, which was not possible before. Next, we focus on the problem of designing input structures that are fed to tree kernel functions to automatically generate a large set of tree-fragment features. We demonstrate that previously used plain structures generated by syntactic parsers, e.g., syntactic or dependency trees, are often a poor choice thus compromising the expressivity offered by a tree kernel learning framework. We propose several effective design patterns of the input tree structures for various NLP tasks ranging from sentiment analysis to answer passage reranking. The central idea is to inject additional semantic information relevant for the task directly into the tree nodes and let the expressive kernels generate rich feature spaces. For the opinion mining tasks, the additional semantic information injected into tree nodes can be word polarity labels, while for more complex tasks of modelling text pairs the relational information about overlapping words in a pair appears to significantly improve the accuracy of the resulting models. Finally, we observe that both feature-based and kernel methods typically treat words as atomic units where matching different yet semantically similar words is problematic. Conversely, the idea of distributional approaches to model words as vectors is much more effective in establishing a semantic match between words and phrases. While tree kernel functions do allow for a more flexible matching between phrases and sentences through matching their syntactic contexts, their representation can not be tuned on the training set as it is possible with distributional approaches. Recently, deep learning approaches have been applied to generalize the distributional word matching problem to matching sentences taking it one step further by learning the optimal sentence representations for a given task. Deep neural networks have already claimed state-of-the-art performance in many computer vision, speech recognition, and natural language tasks. Following this trend, this thesis also explores the virtue of deep learning architectures for modelling input texts and text pairs where we build on some of the ideas to model input objects proposed within the tree kernel learning framework. In particular, we explore the idea of relational linking (proposed in the preceding chapters to encode text pairs using linguistic tree structures) to design a state-of-the-art deep learning architecture for modelling text pairs. We compare the proposed deep learning models that require even less manual intervention in the feature design process then previously described tree kernel methods that already offer a very good trade-off between the feature-engineering effort and the expressivity of the resulting representation. Our deep learning models demonstrate the state-of-the-art performance on a recent benchmark for Twitter Sentiment Analysis, Answer Sentence Selection and Microblog retrieval

    Technology in the 21st Century: New Challenges and Opportunities

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    Although big data, big data analytics (BDA) and business intelligence have attracted growing attention of both academics and practitioners, a lack of clarity persists about how BDA has been applied in business and management domains. In reflecting on Professor Ayre's contributions, we want to extend his ideas on technological change by incorporating the discourses around big data, BDA and business intelligence. With this in mind, we integrate the burgeoning but disjointed streams of research on big data, BDA and business intelligence to develop unified frameworks. Our review takes on both technical and managerial perspectives to explore the complex nature of big data, techniques in big data analytics and utilisation of big data in business and management community. The advanced analytics techniques appear pivotal in bridging big data and business intelligence. The study of advanced analytics techniques and their applications in big data analytics led to identification of promising avenues for future research

    Translation-based Ranking in Cross-Language Information Retrieval

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    Today's amount of user-generated, multilingual textual data generates the necessity for information processing systems, where cross-linguality, i.e the ability to work on more than one language, is fully integrated into the underlying models. In the particular context of Information Retrieval (IR), this amounts to rank and retrieve relevant documents from a large repository in language A, given a user's information need expressed in a query in language B. This kind of application is commonly termed a Cross-Language Information Retrieval (CLIR) system. Such CLIR systems typically involve a translation component of varying complexity, which is responsible for translating the user input into the document language. Using query translations from modern, phrase-based Statistical Machine Translation (SMT) systems, and subsequently retrieving monolingually is thus a straightforward choice. However, the amount of work committed to integrate such SMT models into CLIR, or even jointly model translation and retrieval, is rather small. In this thesis, I focus on the shared aspect of ranking in translation-based CLIR: Both, translation and retrieval models, induce rankings over a set of candidate structures through assignment of scores. The subject of this thesis is to exploit this commonality in three different ranking tasks: (1) "Mate-ranking" refers to the task of mining comparable data for SMT domain adaptation through translation-based CLIR. "Cross-lingual mates" are direct or close translations of the query. I will show that such a CLIR system is able to find in-domain comparable data from noisy user-generated corpora and improves in-domain translation performance of an SMT system. Conversely, the CLIR system relies itself on a translation model that is tailored for retrieval. This leads to the second direction of research, in which I develop two ways to optimize an SMT model for retrieval, namely (2) by SMT parameter optimization towards a retrieval objective ("translation ranking"), and (3) by presenting a joint model of translation and retrieval for "document ranking". The latter abandons the common architecture of modeling both components separately. The former task refers to optimizing for preference of translation candidates that work well for retrieval. In the core task of "document ranking" for CLIR, I present a model that directly ranks documents using an SMT decoder. I present substantial improvements over state-of-the-art translation-based CLIR baseline systems, indicating that a joint model of translation and retrieval is a promising direction of research in the field of CLIR

    Profiling Users and Knowledge Graphs on the Web

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    Profiling refers to the process of collecting useful information or patterns about something. Due to the growth of the web, profiling methods play an important role in different applications such as recommender systems. In this thesis, we first demonstrate how knowledge graphs (KGs) enhance profiling methods. KGs are databases for entities and their relations. Since KGs have been developed with the objective of information discovery, we assume that they can assist profiling methods. To this end, we develop a novel profiling method using KGs called Hierarchical Concept Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency (HCF-IDF), which combines the strength of traditional term weighting method and semantics in a KG. HCF-IDF represents documents as a set of entities and their weights. We apply HCF-IDF to two applications that recommends researchers and scientific publications. Both applications show HCF-IDF captures topics of documents. As key result, the method can make competitive recommendations based on only the titles of scientific publications, because it reveals relevant entities using the structure of KGs. While the KGs assist profiling methods, we present how profiling methods can improve the KGs. We show two methods that enhance the integrity of KGs. The first method is a crawling strategy that keeps local copies of KGs up-to-date. We profile the dynamics of KGs using a linear regression model. The experiment shows that our novel crawling strategy based on the linear regression model performs better than the state of the art. The second method is a change verification method for KGs. The method classifies each incoming change into a correct or incorrect one to mitigate administrators who check the validity of a change. We profile how topological features influence on the dynamics of a KG. The experiment demonstrates that the novel method using the topological features can improve change verification. Therefore, profiling the dynamics contribute to the integrity of KGs

    Analyzing fluctuation of topics and public sentiment through social media data

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    Over the past decade years, Internet users were expending rapidly in the world. They form various online social networks through such Internet platforms as Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. These platforms provide a fast way that helps their users receive and disseminate information and express personal opinions in virtual space. When dealing with massive and chaotic social media data, how to accurately determine what events or concepts users are discussing is an interesting and important problem. This dissertation work mainly consists of two parts. First, this research pays attention to mining the hidden topics and user interest trend by analyzing real-world social media activities. Topic modeling and sentiment analysis methods are proposed to classify the social media posts into different sentiment classes and then discover the trend of sentiment based on different topics over time. The presented case study focuses on COVID-19 pandemic that started in 2019. A large amount of Twitter data is collected and used to discover the vaccine-related topics during the pre- and post-vaccine emergency use period. By using the proposed framework, 11 vaccine-related trend topics are discovered. Ultimately the discovered topics can be used to improve the readability of confusing messages about vaccines on social media and provide effective results to support policymakers in making their policy their informed decisions about public health. Second, using conventional topic models cannot deal with the sparsity problem of short text. A novel topic model, named Topic Noise based-Biterm Topic Model with FastText embeddings (TN-BTMF), is proposed to deal with this problem. Word co-occurrence patterns (i.e. biterms) are dirctly generated in BTM. A scoring method based on word co-occurrence and semantic similarity is proposed to detect noise biterms. In th
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