6 research outputs found

    SOA-RTDBS: A service oriented architecture (SOA) supporting real time database systems

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    With the increase of complexity in Real-time Database Systems (RTDBS), the amount of data that needs to be managed has also increased. Adoption of a RTDBS as a tightly integrated part of the SOA development process can give significant benefits with respect to data management. However, the variability of data management requirements in different systems, and its heterogeneity may require a distinct database configuration. We addressed the challenges that face RTDB managers who intend to adopt RTDBS in SOA market; we also introduce a service oriented approach to RTDBS analytics and describe how this is used to measure and to monitor the security system. A SOA approach for generating RTDBS configurations suitable for resource-constrained real-time systems using Service Oriented Architecture tools to assist developers with design and analysis of services of developed or new systems was also explored

    Tolerância a falhas em sistemas de comunicação de tempo-real flexíveis

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    Nas últimas décadas, os sistemas embutidos distribuídos, têm sido usados em variados domínios de aplicação, desde o controlo de processos industriais até ao controlo de aviões e automóveis, sendo expectável que esta tendência se mantenha e até se intensifique durante os próximos anos. Os requisitos de confiabilidade de algumas destas aplicações são extremamente importantes, visto que o não cumprimento de serviços de uma forma previsível e pontual pode causar graves danos económicos ou até pôr em risco vidas humanas. A adopção das melhores práticas de projecto no desenvolvimento destes sistemas não elimina, por si só, a ocorrência de falhas causadas pelo comportamento não determinístico do ambiente onde o sistema embutido distribuído operará. Desta forma, é necessário incluir mecanismos de tolerância a falhas que impeçam que eventuais falhas possam comprometer todo o sistema. Contudo, para serem eficazes, os mecanismos de tolerância a falhas necessitam ter conhecimento a priori do comportamento correcto do sistema de modo a poderem ser capazes de distinguir os modos correctos de funcionamento dos incorrectos. Tradicionalmente, quando se projectam mecanismos de tolerância a falhas, o conhecimento a priori significa que todos os possíveis modos de funcionamento são conhecidos na fase de projecto, não os podendo adaptar nem fazer evoluir durante a operação do sistema. Como consequência, os sistemas projectados de acordo com este princípio ou são completamente estáticos ou permitem apenas um pequeno número de modos de operação. Contudo, é desejável que os sistemas disponham de alguma flexibilidade de modo a suportarem a evolução dos requisitos durante a fase de operação, simplificar a manutenção e reparação, bem como melhorar a eficiência usando apenas os recursos do sistema que são efectivamente necessários em cada instante. Além disto, esta eficiência pode ter um impacto positivo no custo do sistema, em virtude deste poder disponibilizar mais funcionalidades com o mesmo custo ou a mesma funcionalidade a um menor custo. Porém, flexibilidade e confiabilidade têm sido encarados como conceitos conflituais. Isto deve-se ao facto de flexibilidade implicar a capacidade de permitir a evolução dos requisitos que, por sua vez, podem levar a cenários de operação imprevisíveis e possivelmente inseguros. Desta fora, é comummente aceite que apenas um sistema completamente estático pode ser tornado confiável, o que significa que todos os aspectos operacionais têm de ser completamente definidos durante a fase de projecto. Num sentido lato, esta constatação é verdadeira. Contudo, se os modos como o sistema se adapta a requisitos evolutivos puderem ser restringidos e controlados, então talvez seja possível garantir a confiabilidade permanente apesar das alterações aos requisitos durante a fase de operação. A tese suportada por esta dissertação defende que é possível flexibilizar um sistema, dentro de limites bem definidos, sem comprometer a sua confiabilidade e propõe alguns mecanismos que permitem a construção de sistemas de segurança crítica baseados no protocolo Controller Area Network (CAN). Mais concretamente, o foco principal deste trabalho incide sobre o protocolo Flexible Time-Triggered CAN (FTT-CAN), que foi especialmente desenvolvido para disponibilizar um grande nível de flexibilidade operacional combinando, não só as vantagens dos paradigmas de transmissão de mensagens baseados em eventos e em tempo, mas também a flexibilidade associada ao escalonamento dinâmico do tráfego cuja transmissão é despoletada apenas pela evolução do tempo. Este facto condiciona e torna mais complexo o desenvolvimento de mecanismos de tolerância a falhas para FTT-CAN do que para outros protocolos como por exemplo, TTCAN ou FlexRay, nos quais existe um conhecimento estático, antecipado e comum a todos os nodos, do escalonamento de mensagens cuja transmissão é despoletada pela evolução do tempo. Contudo, e apesar desta complexidade adicional, este trabalho demonstra que é possível construir mecanismos de tolerância a falhas para FTT-CAN preservando a sua flexibilidade operacional. É também defendido nesta dissertação que um sistema baseado no protocolo FTT-CAN e equipado com os mecanismos de tolerância a falhas propostos é passível de ser usado em aplicações de segurança crítica. Esta afirmação é suportada, no âmbito do protocolo FTT-CAN, através da definição de uma arquitectura tolerante a falhas integrando nodos com modos de falha tipo falha-silêncio e nodos mestre replicados. Os vários problemas resultantes da replicação dos nodos mestre são, também eles, analisados e várias soluções são propostas para os obviar. Concretamente, é proposto um protocolo que garante a consistência das estruturas de dados replicadas a quando da sua actualização e um outro protocolo que permite a transferência dessas estruturas de dados para um nodo mestre que se encontre não sincronizado com os restantes depois de inicializado ou reinicializado de modo assíncrono. Além disto, esta dissertação também discute o projecto de nodos FTT-CAN que exibam um modo de falha do tipo falha-silêncio e propõe duas soluções baseadas em componentes de hardware localizados no interface de rede de cada nodo, para resolver este problema. Uma das soluções propostas baseiase em bus guardians que permitem a imposição de comportamento falhasilêncio nos nodos escravos e suportam o escalonamento dinâmico de tráfego na rede. A outra solução baseia-se num interface de rede que arbitra o acesso de dois microprocessadores ao barramento. Este interface permite que a replicação interna de um nodo seja efectuada de forma transparente e assegura um comportamento falha-silêncio quer no domínio temporal quer no domínio do valor ao permitir transmissões do nodo apenas quando ambas as réplicas coincidam no conteúdo das mensagens e nos instantes de transmissão. Esta última solução está mais adaptada para ser usada nos nodos mestre, contudo também poderá ser usada nos nodos escravo, sempre que tal se revele fundamental.Distributed embedded systems (DES) have been widely used in the last few decades in several application fields, ranging from industrial process control to avionics and automotive systems. In fact, it is expectable that this trend will continue over the years to come. In some of these application domains the dependability requirements are of utmost importance since failing to provide services in a timely and predictable manner may cause important economic losses or even put human life in risk. The adoption of the best practices in the design of distributed embedded systems does not fully avoid the occurrence of faults, arising from the nondeterministic behavior of the environment where each particular DES operates. Thus, fault-tolerance mechanisms need to be included in the DES to prevent possible faults leading to system failure. To be effective, fault-tolerance mechanisms require an a priori knowledge of the correct system behavior to be capable of distinguishing them from the erroneous ones. Traditionally, when designing fault-tolerance mechanisms, the a priori knowledge means that all possible operational modes are known at system design time and cannot adapt nor evolve during runtime. As a consequence, systems designed according to this principle are either fully static or allow a small number of operational modes only. Flexibility, however, is a desired property in a system in order to support evolving requirements, simplify maintenance and repair, and improve the efficiency in using system resources by using only the resources that are effectively required at each instant. This efficiency might impact positively on the system cost because with the same resources one can add more functionality or one can offer the same functionality with fewer resources. However, flexibility and dependability are often regarded as conflicting concepts. This is so because flexibility implies the ability to deal with evolving requirements that, in turn, can lead to unpredictable and possibly unsafe operating scenarios. Therefore, it is commonly accepted that only a fully static system can be made dependable, meaning that all operating conditions are completely defined at pre-runtime. In the broad sense and assuming unbounded flexibility this assessment is true, but if one restricts and controls the ways the system could adapt to evolving requirements, then it might be possible to enforce continuous dependability. This thesis claims that it is possible to provide a bounded degree of flexibility without compromising dependability and proposes some mechanisms to build safety-critical systems based on the Controller Area Network (CAN). In particular, the main focus of this work is the Flexible Time-Triggered CAN protocol (FTT-CAN), which was specifically developed to provide such high level of operational flexibility, not only combining the advantages of time- and event-triggered paradigms but also providing flexibility to the time-triggered traffic. This fact makes the development of fault-tolerant mechanisms more complex in FTT-CAN than in other protocols, such as TTCAN or FlexRay, in which there is a priori static common knowledge of the time-triggered message schedule shared by all nodes. Nevertheless, as it is demonstrated in this work, it is possible to build fault-tolerant mechanisms for FTT-CAN that preserve its high level of operational flexibility, particularly concerning the time-triggered traffic. With such mechanisms it is argued that FTT-CAN is suitable for safetycritical applications, too. This claim was validated in the scope of the FTT-CAN protocol by presenting a fault-tolerant system architecture with replicated masters and fail-silent nodes. The specific problems and mechanisms related with master replication, particularly a protocol to enforce consistency during updates of replicated data structures and another protocol to transfer these data structures to an unsynchronized node upon asynchronous startup or restart, are also addressed. Moreover, this thesis also discusses the implementations of fail-silence in FTTCAN nodes and proposes two solutions, both based on hardware components that are attached to the node network interface. One solution relies on bus guardians that allow enforcing fail-silence in the time domain. These bus guardians are adapted to support dynamic traffic scheduling and are fit for use in FTT-CAN slave nodes, only. The other solution relies on a special network interface, with duplicated microprocessor interface, that supports internal replication of the node, transparently. In this case, fail-silence can be assured both in the time and value domain since transmissions are carried out only if both internal nodes agree on the transmission instant and message contents. This solution is well adapted for use in the masters but it can also be used, if desired, in slave nodes

    Reliability Mechanisms for Controllers in Real-Time Cyber-Physical Systems

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    Cyber-physical systems (CPSs) are real-world processes that are controlled by computer algorithms. We consider CPSs where a centralized, software-based controller maintains the process in a desired state by exchanging measurements and setpoints with process agents (PAs). As CPSs control processes with low-inertia, e.g., electric grids and autonomous cars, the controller needs to satisfy stringent real-time constraints. However, the controllers are susceptible to delay and crash faults, and the communication network might drop, delay or reorder messages. This degrades the quality of control of the physical process, failure of which can result in damage to life or property. Existing reliability solutions are either not well-suited for real-time CPSs or impose serious restrictions on the controllers. In this thesis, we design, implement and evaluate reliability mechanisms for real-time CPS controllers that require minimal modifications to the controller itself. We begin by abstracting the execution of a CPS using events in the CPS, and the two inherent relations among those events, namely network and computation relations. We use these relations to introduce the intentionality relation that uses these events to capture the state of the physical process. Based on the intentionality relation, we define three correctness properties namely, state safety, optimal selection and consistency, that together provide linearizability (one-copy equivalence) for CPS controllers. We propose intentionality clocks and Quarts, and prove that they provide linearizability. To provide consistency, Quarts ensures agreement among controller replicas, which is typically achieved using consensus. Consensus can add an unbounded-latency overhead. Quarts leverages the properties specific to CPSs to perform agreement using pre-computed priorities among sets of received measurements, resulting in a bounded-latency overhead with high availability. Using simulation, we show that availability of Quarts, with two replicas, is more than an order of magnitude higher than consensus. We also propose Axo, a fault-tolerance protocol that uses active replication to detect and recover faulty replicas, and provide timeliness that requires delayed setpoints be masked from the PAs. We study the effect of delay faults and the impact of fault-tolerance with Axo, by deploying Axo in two real-world CPSs. Then, we realize that the proposed reliability mechanisms also apply to unconventional CPSs such as software defined networking (SDN), where the controlled process is the routing fabric of the network. We show that, in SDN, violating consistency can cause implementation of incorrect routing policies. Thus, we use Quarts and intentionality clocks, to design and implement QCL, a coordination layer for SDN controllers that guarantees control-plane consistency. QCL also drastically reduces the response time of SDN controllers when compared to consensus-based techniques. In the last part of the thesis, we address the problem of reliable communication between the software agents, in a wide-area network that can drop, delay or reorder messages. For this, we propose iPRP, an IP-friendly parallel redundancy protocol for 0 ms repair of packet losses. iPRP requires fail-independent paths for high-reliability. So, we study the fail-independence of Wi-Fi links using real-life measurements, as a first step towards using Wi-Fi for real-time communication in CPSs

    Reliable and Robust Cyber-Physical Systems for Real-Time Control of Electric Grids

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    Real-time control of electric grids is a novel approach to handling the increasing penetration of distributed and volatile energy generation brought about by renewables. Such control occurs in cyber-physical systems (CPSs), in which software agents maintain safe and optimal grid operation by exchanging messages over a communication network. We focus on CPSs with a centralized controller that receives measurements from the various resources in the grid, performs real-time computations, and issues setpoints. Long-term deployment of such CPSs makes them susceptible to software agent faults, such as crashes and delays of controllers and unresponsiveness of resources, and to communication network faults, such as packet losses, delays, and reordering. CPS controllers must provide correct control in the presence of external non-idealities, i.e., be robust, and in the presence of controller faults, i.e., be reliable. In this thesis, we design, test, and deploy solutions that achieve these goals for real-time CPSs. We begin by abstracting a CPS for electric grids into four layers: the control layer, the network layer, the sensing and actuation layer, and the physical layer. Then, we provide a model for the components in each layer, and for the interactions among them. This enables us to formally define the properties required for reliable and robust CPSs. We propose two mechanisms, Robuster and intentionality clocks, for making a single controller robust to unresponsive resources and non-ideal network conditions. These mechanisms enable the controller to compute and issue setpoints even when some measurements are missing, rather than to have to wait for measurements from all resources. We show that our proposed mechanisms guarantee grid safety and outperform state-of-the-art alternatives. Then, we propose Axo: a framework for crash- and delay-fault tolerance via active replication of the controller. Axo ensures that faults in the controller replicas are masked from the resources, and it provides a mechanism for detecting and recovering faulty replicas. We prove the reliable validity and availability guarantees of Axo and derive the bounds on its detection and recovery time. We showcase the benefits of Axo via a stability analysis of an inverted pendulum system. Solutions based on active replication must guarantee that the replicas issue consistent setpoints. Traditional consensus-based schemes for achieving this are not suitable for real-time CPSs, as they incur high latency and low availability. We propose Quarts, an agreement mechanism that guarantees consistency and a low bounded latency- overhead. We show, via extensive simulations, that Quarts provides an availability at least an order of magnitude higher than state-of-the-art solutions. In order to test the effect of our proposed solutions on electric grids, we developed T-RECS, a virtual commissioning tool for software-based control of electric grids. T-RECS enables us to test the proper functioning of the software agents both in ideal and faulty conditions. This provides insight into the effect of faults on the grid and helps us to evaluate the impact of our reliability solutions. We show how our proposed solutions fit together, and that they can be used to design a reliable and robust CPS for real-time control of electric grids. To this end, we study a CPS with COMMELEC, a real-time control framework for electric grids via explicit power setpoints. We analyze the reliability issues..

    Rule based replication strategy for heterogeneous, autonomous information systems

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    Bei der regelbasierten Replikationsstrategie RegRess erfolgt die Koordination der Schreib- und Lesezugriffe auf die Replikate mittels Replikationsregeln. Diese Regeln werden in der eigens entwickelten Regelsprache RRML formuliert, wobei fachliche und technische Anforderungen berücksichtigt werden können. Vor jedem Zugriff auf die Replikate wird eine Inferenz dieser Regeln durchgeführt, um die betroffenen Replikate zu bestimmen. Dadurch wird unterschiedlichstes Konsistenzverhalten von RegRess realisiert, insbesondere werden temporäre Inkonsistenzen toleriert. Eine Regelmenge mit für einen Anwendungsfall spezifizierten Regeln bildet die Konfiguration von RegRess. Weil in den Regeln Systemzustände berücksichtigt werden können, kann zur Laufzeit das Verhalten angepasst werden. Somit handelt es sich bei RegRess um eine konfigurierbare, adaptive Replikationsstrategie. Zur Realisierung von RegRess dient der Replikationsmanager KARMA, der einen Regelinterpreter für die RRML beinhaltet.At the rule based replication strategy RegRess the coordination of the write and read accesses is carried out on the replicas by means of replication rules. These rules are formulated in the specifically developed rule language RRML, in which functional and technical requirements can be taken into account. An inference of these rules is carried out in front of every access to the replicas to determine the replicas concerned. The most different consistency behaviour is realized by recourse through this, temporary inconsistencies particularly are tolerated. An amount of rule with rules specified for an application case forms the configuration of RegRess. Because in the rules system states can be taken into account, the behaviour can be adapted to the running time. Therefore RegRess is a configurable, adaptive replication strategy. The replication manager KARMA who contains a rule interpreter for the RRML serves for the realization of RegRess

    The drivers of Corporate Social Responsibility in the supply chain. A case study.

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    Purpose: The paper studies the way in which a SME integrates CSR into its corporate strategy, the practices it puts in place and how its CSR strategies reflect on its suppliers and customers relations. Methodology/Research limitations: A qualitative case study methodology is used. The use of a single case study limits the generalizing capacity of these findings. Findings: The entrepreneur’s ethical beliefs and value system play a fundamental role in shaping sustainable corporate strategy. Furthermore, the type of competitive strategy selected based on innovation, quality and responsibility clearly emerges both in terms of well defined management procedures and supply chain relations as a whole aimed at involving partners in the process of sustainable innovation. Originality/value: The paper presents a SME that has devised an original innovative business model. The study pivots on the issues of innovation and eco-sustainability in a context of drivers for CRS and business ethics. These values are considered fundamental at International level; the United Nations has declared 2011 the “International Year of Forestry”