156 research outputs found

    Reduced Fuel Emissions through Connected Vehicles and Truck Platooning

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    Vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) and vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communication enable the sharing, in real time, of vehicular locations and speeds with other vehicles, traffic signals, and traffic control centers. This shared information can help traffic to better traverse intersections, road segments, and congested neighborhoods, thereby reducing travel times, increasing driver safety, generating data for traffic planning, and reducing vehicular pollution. This study, which focuses on vehicular pollution, used an analysis of data from NREL, BTS, and the EPA to determine that the widespread use of V2V-based truck platooning—the convoying of trucks in close proximity to one another so as to reduce air drag across the convoy—could eliminate 37.9 million metric tons of CO2 emissions between 2022 and 2026

    A Review of Model Predictive Controls Applied to Advanced Driver-Assistance Systems

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    Advanced Driver-Assistance Systems (ADASs) are currently gaining particular attention in the automotive field, as enablers for vehicle energy consumption, safety, and comfort enhancement. Compelling evidence is in fact provided by the variety of related studies that are to be found in the literature. Moreover, considering the actual technology readiness, larger opportunities might stem from the combination of ADASs and vehicle connectivity. Nevertheless, the definition of a suitable control system is not often trivial, especially when dealing with multiple-objective problems and dynamics complexity. In this scenario, even though diverse strategies are possible (e.g., Equivalent Consumption Minimization Strategy, Rule-based strategy, etc.), the Model Predictive Control (MPC) turned out to be among the most effective ones in fulfilling the aforementioned tasks. Hence, the proposed study is meant to produce a comprehensive review of MPCs applied to scenarios where ADASs are exploited and aims at providing the guidelines to select the appropriate strategy. More precisely, particular attention is paid to the prediction phase, the objective function formulation and the constraints. Subsequently, the interest is shifted to the combination of ADASs and vehicle connectivity to assess for how such information is handled by the MPC. The main results from the literature are presented and discussed, along with the integration of MPC in the optimal management of higher level connection and automation. Current gaps and challenges are addressed to, so as to possibly provide hints on future developments

    Planning The Velocity of a Parallel Hybrid Electric in Vehicle-to-vehicle Autonomous Driving: an Optimization-based Approach

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    Improved numerical tools are required to foster flexible and effective advancement of innovative electrified and highly automated road vehicles. This paper proposes an optimization-based approach to off-line plan the longitudinal velocity of a hybrid electric vehicle (HEV) when travelling as Ego vehicle in a vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) autonomous driving scenario. A parallel P2 hybrid powertrain layout is retained along with the corresponding on-board supervisory controller. A mathematical formulation for the optimal V2V autonomous driving control problem is provided and consequently solved with an optimization method based on dynamic programming (DP). The implemented DP formulation particularly exploits information about the overall longitudinal speed profile of a Lead vehicle in a predefined driving mission to determine the velocity profile of the Ego vehicle. Optimization constraints involve maintaining the inter-vehicular distance value within allowed limits while aiming at minimizing both the magnitude of Ego vehicle acceleration events and the overall Ego vehicle fuel consumption as predicted according to the on-board hybrid supervisory control logic. Simulation results for different driving missions demonstrate that, using the proposed DP formulation, the Ego vehicle can achieve both smoother speed profiles and improved fuel economy by some percentage points in V2V autonomous driving compared to the retained Lead vehicle embedding the same HEV powertrain layout

    Real-time energy optimization of HEVs under-connected environment: a benchmark problem and receding horizon-based solution

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    [EN] In this paper, we propose a benchmark problem for the challengers aiming to energy efficiency control of hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs) on a road with slope. Moreover, it is assumed that the targeted HEVs are in the connected environment with the obtainment of real-time information of vehicle-to-everything (V2X), including geographic information, vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) information and vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) information. The provided simulator consists of an industrial-level HEV model and a traffic scenario database obtained through a commercial traffic simulator, where the running route is generated based on real-world data with slope and intersection position. The benchmark problem to be solved is the HEVs powertrain control using traffic information to fulfill fuel economy improvement while satisfying the constraints of driving safety and travel time. To show the HEV powertrain characteristics, a case study is given with the speed planning and energy management strategy.Xu, F.; Tsunogawa, H.; Kako, J.; Hu, X.; Eben Li, S.; Shen, T.; Eriksson, L.... (2022). Real-time energy optimization of HEVs under-connected environment: a benchmark problem and receding horizon-based solution. Control Theory and Technology. 20:145-160. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11768-022-00086-y14516020Zhou, Q., Zhao, D., Shuai, B., Li, Y., Williams, H., & Xu, H. (2021). Knowledge implementation and transfer with an adaptive learning network for real-time power management of the plug-in hybrid vehicle. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 32(12), 5298–5308. https://doi.org/10.1109/TNNLS.2021.3093429Xu, F., & Shen, T. (2021). Decentralized optimal merging control with optimization of energy consumption for connected hybrid electric vehicles. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems. https://doi.org/10.1109/TITS.2021.3054903Zhuang, W., Li, S., Zhang, X., et al. (2020). A survey of powertrain configuration studies on hybrid electric vehicles. Applied Energy, 262, 114553.Wang, S., Chen, K., Zhao, F., & Hao, H. (2019). Technology pathways for complying with corporate average fuel consumption regulations up to 2030: A case study of China. Applied Energy, 241, 257–277.Zhang, J., Shen, T., & Kako, J. (2020). Short-term optimal energy management of power-split hybrid electric vehicles under velocity tracking control. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 69(1), 182–193.Asaei, B. (2010). A fuzzy-genetic algorithm approach for finding a new HEV control strategy idea. 1st Power Electronic and Drive Systems and Technologies Conference, pp. 224 – 229. Tehran, Iran.Wu, J., Zhang, C. H., & Cui, N. X. (2008). PSO algorithm-based parameter optimization for HEV powertrain and its control strategy. International Journal of Automotive Technology, 9(1), 53–59.Lin, C. C., Peng, H., Grizzle, J. W., & Kang, J.-M. (2003). Power management strategy for a parallel hybrid electric truck. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 11(6), 839–849.Luján, J. M., Guardiola, C., Pla, B., & Reig, A. (2018). Analytical optimal solution to the energy management problem in series hybrid electric vehicles. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 67(8): 6803 – 6813.Larsson, V., Johannesson, L., & Egardt, B. (2014). Analytic solutions to the dynamic programming subproblem in hybrid vehicle energy management. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 64(4), 1458–1467.Serrao, L., Onori, S., & Rizzoni, G. (2009). ECMS as a realization of Pontryagin’s minimum principle for HEV control. American Control Conference, pp. 3964-3969. St. Louis, MO, USA.Kim, N., Cha, S., & Peng, H. (2011). Optimal equivalent fuel consumption for hybrid electric vehicles. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 20(3), 817–825.Rezaei, A., Burl, J. B., Solouk, A., Zhou, B., et al. (2017). Catch energy saving opportunity (CESO), an instantaneous optimal energy management strategy for series hybrid electric vehicles. Applied Energy, 208, 655–665.Xie, S., Hu, X., Qi, S., & Lang, K. (2018). An artificial neural network-enhanced energy management strategy for plug-in hybrid electric vehicles. Energy, 163, 837–848.Zhang, J., & Shen, T. (2016). Real-time fuel economy optimization with nonlinear MPC for PHEVs. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 24(6), 2167–2175.Sciarretta, A., Serrao, L., Dewangan, P. C., et al. (2014). A control benchmark on the energy management of a plug-in hybrid electric vehicle. Control Engineering Practice, 29, 287–298.Lars, E. (2019). An overview of various control benchmarks with a focus on automotive control. Control Theory and Technology, 17(2), 121–130.Moura, S. J., Fathy, H. K., Callaway, D. S., & Stein, J. L. (2010). A stochastic optimal control approach for power management in plug-in hybrid electric vehicles. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 19(3), 545–555.Sun, C., Hu, X., Moura, S. J., & Sun, F. (2014). Velocity predictors for predictive energy management in hybrid electric vehicles. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 23(3), 1197–1204.Xiang, C., Ding, F., Wang, W., & He, W. (2017). Energy management of a dual-mode power-split hybrid electric vehicle based on velocity prediction and nonlinear model predictive control. Applied Energy, 189, 640–653.Sun, C., Sun, F., & He, H. (2017). Investigating adaptive-ECMS with velocity forecast ability for hybrid electric vehicles. Applied Energy, 185, 1644–1653.Zhang, F., Hu, X., Langari, R., & Cao, D. (2019). Energy management strategies of connected HEVs and PHEVs: Recent progress and outlook. Progress in Energy and Combustion Science, 73, 235–256.Yang, C., Zha, M., Wang, W., Liu, K., & Xiang, C. (2020). Efficient energy management strategy for hybrid electric vehicles/plug-in hybrid electric vehicles: Review and recent advances under intelligent transportation system. IET Intelligent Transport Systems, 14(7), 702–711. https://doi.org/10.1049/iet-its.2019.0606Zhang, J., Xu, F., Zhang, Y., & Shen, T. (2019). ELM-based driver torque demand prediction and real-time optimal energy management strategy for HEVs. Neural Computing and Applications, 32: 14411C14429.Zhang, B., Zhang, J., Xu, F., & Shen, T. (2020). Optimal control of power-split hybrid electric powertrains with minimization of energy consumption. Applied Energy, 266, 114873.Zhang, F., Xi, J., & Langari, R. (2016). Real-time energy management strategy based on velocity forecasts using V2V and V2I communications. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 18(2), 416–430.Li, J., Zhou, Q., He, Y., et al. (2019). Dual-loop online intelligent programming for driver-oriented predict energy management of plug-in hybrid electric vehicles. Applied Energy, 253, 113617.Qi, X., Wu, G., Hao, P., Boriboonsomsin, K., & Barth, M. J. (2017). Integrated-connected eco-driving system for PHEVs with co-optimization of vehicle dynamics and powertrain operations. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2(1), 2–13.Uebel, S., Murgovski, N., Ba¨\ddot{\rm a}ker, B., & Sjo¨\ddot{\rm o}berg, J. (2019). A two-level mpc for energy management including velocity control of hybrid electric vehicles. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 68(6): 5494–5505.Chen, B., Evangelou, S. A., & Lot, R. (2019). Hybrid electric vehicle two-step fuel efficiency optimization with decoupled energy management and speed control. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 68(12), 11492–11504.Wang, S., & Lin, X. (2020). Eco-driving control of connected and automated hybrid vehicles in mixed driving scenarios. Applied Energy, 271, 115233.Zhang, J., & Xu, F. (2020). Real-time optimization of energy consumption under adaptive cruise control for connected HEVs. Control Theory and Technology, 18(2), 182–192.Fu, Q., Xu, F., Shen, T., & Takai, K. (2020). Distributed optimal energy consumption control of HEVs under MFG-based speed consensus. Control Theory and Technology, 18(2), 193–203.Chen, B., Evangelou, S. A., & Lot, R. (2019). Series hybrid electric vehicle simultaneous energy management and driving speed optimization. IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 24(6), 2756–2767.Hu, Q., Amini, M. R., Feng, Y., Yang, Z., Wang, H., Kolmanovsky, I., & Seeds, J. B. (2020). Engine and aftertreatment co-optimization of connected HEVs via multi-range vehicle speed planning and prediction. SAE Technical Paper, -01-0590.Xu, F., & Shen, T. (2020). Look-ahead prediction-based real-time optimal energy management for connected HEVs. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 69(3), 2537–2551.Xu, F., & Shen, T. (2019). MPC-based optimal control for diesel engine coupled with lean NOx trap system. SICE Journal of Control, Measurement, and System Integration, 12(3), 94–101

    Development of predictive energy management strategies for hybrid electric vehicles

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    2017 Fall.Includes bibliographical references.Studies have shown that obtaining and utilizing information about the future state of vehicles can improve vehicle fuel economy (FE). However, there has been a lack of research into the impact of real-world prediction error on FE improvements, and whether near-term technologies can be utilized to improve FE. This study seeks to research the effect of prediction error on FE. First, a speed prediction method is developed, and trained with real-world driving data gathered only from the subject vehicle (a local data collection method). This speed prediction method informs a predictive powertrain controller to determine the optimal engine operation for various prediction durations. The optimal engine operation is input into a high-fidelity model of the FE of a Toyota Prius. A tradeoff analysis between prediction duration and prediction fidelity was completed to determine what duration of prediction resulted in the largest FE improvement. Results demonstrate that 60-90 second predictions resulted in the highest FE improvement over the baseline, achieving up to a 4.8% FE increase. A second speed prediction method utilizing simulated vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communication was developed to understand if incorporating near-term technologies could be utilized to further improve prediction fidelity. This prediction method produced lower variation in speed prediction error, and was able to realize a larger FE improvement over the local prediction method for longer prediction durations, achieving up to 6% FE improvement. This study concludes that speed prediction and prediction-informed optimal vehicle energy management can produce FE improvements with real-world prediction error and drive cycle variability, as up to 85% of the FE benefit of perfect speed prediction was achieved with the proposed prediction methods

    Novel Internet of Vehicles Approaches for Smart Cities

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    Smart cities are the domain where many electronic devices and sensors transmit data via the Internet of Vehicles concept. The purpose of deploying many sensors in cities is to provide an intelligent environment and a good quality of life. However, different challenges still appear in smart cities such as vehicular traffic congestion, air pollution, and wireless channel communication aspects. Therefore, in order to address these challenges, this thesis develops approaches for vehicular routing, wireless channel congestion alleviation, and traffic estimation. A new traffic congestion avoidance approach has been developed in this thesis based on the simulated annealing and TOPSIS cost function. This approach utilizes data such as the traffic average travel speed from the Internet of Vehicles. Simulation results show that the developed approach improves the traffic performance for the Sheffield the scenario in the presence of congestion by an overall average of 19.22% in terms of travel time, fuel consumption and CO2 emissions as compared to other algorithms. In contrast, transmitting a large amount of data among the sensors leads to a wireless channel congestion problem. This affects the accuracy of transmitted information due to the packets loss and delays time. This thesis proposes two approaches based on a non-cooperative game theory to alleviate the channel congestion problem. Therefore, the congestion control problem is formulated as a non-cooperative game. A proof of the existence of a unique Nash equilibrium is given. The performance of the proposed approaches is evaluated on the highway and urban testing scenarios. This thesis also addresses the problem of missing data when sensors are not available or when the Internet of Vehicles connection fails to provide measurements in smart cities. Two approaches based on l1 norm minimization and a relevance vector machine type optimization are proposed. The performance of the developed approaches has been tested involving simulated and real data scenarios
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