204 research outputs found

    Feasibility of Geiger-mode avalanche photodiodes in CMOS standard technologies for tracker detectors

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    The next generation of particle colliders will be characterized by linear lepton colliders, where the collisions between electrons and positrons will allow to study in great detail the new particle discovered at CERN in 2012 (presumably the Higgs boson). At present time, there are two alternative projects underway, namely the ILC (International Linear Collider) and CLIC (Compact LInear Collider). From the detector point of view, the physics aims at these particle colliders impose such extreme requirements, that there is no sensor technology available in the market that can fulfill all of them. As a result, several new detector systems are being developed in parallel with the accelerator. This thesis presents the development of a GAPD (Geiger-mode Avalanche PhotoDiode) pixel detector aimed mostly at particle tracking at future linear colliders. GAPDs offer outstanding qualities to meet the challenging requirements of ILC and CLIC, such as an extraordinary high sensitivity, virtually infinite gain and ultra-fast response time, apart from compatibility with standard CMOS technologies. In particular, GAPD detectors enable the direct conversion of a single particle event onto a CMOS digital pulse in the sub-nanosecond time scale without the utilization of either preamplifiers or pulse shapers. As a result, GAPDs can be read out after each single bunch crossing, a unique quality that none of its competitors can offer at the moment. In spite of all these advantages, GAPD detectors suffer from two main problems. On the one side, there exist noise phenomena inherent to the sensor, which induce noise pulses that cannot be distinguished from real particle events and also worsen the detector occupancy to unacceptable levels. On the other side, the fill-factor is too low and gives rise to a reduced detection efficiency. Solutions to the two problems commented that are compliant with the severe specifications of the next generation of particle colliders have been thoroughly investigated. The design and characterization of several single pixels and small arrays that incorporate some elements to reduce the intrinsic noise generated by the sensor are presented. The sensors and the readout circuits have been monolithically integrated in a conventional HV-CMOS 0.35 μm process. Concerning the readout circuits, both voltage-mode and current-mode options have been considered. Moreover, the time-gated operation has also been explored as an alternative to reduce the detected sensor noise. The design and thorough characterization of a prototype GAPD array, also monolithically integrated in a conventional 0.35 μm HV-CMOS process, is presented in the thesis as well. The detector consists of 10 rows x 43 columns of pixels, with a total sensitive area of 1 mm x 1 mm. The array is operated in a time-gated mode and read out sequentially by rows. The efficiency of the proposed technique to reduce the detected noise is shown with a wide variety of measurements. Further improved results are obtained with the reduction of the working temperature. Finally, the suitability of the proposed detector array for particle detection is shown with the results of a beam-test campaign conducted at CERN-SPS (European Organization for Nuclear Research-Super Proton Synchrotron). Apart from that, a series of additional approaches to improve the performance of the GAPD technology are proposed. The benefits of integrating a GAPD pixel array in a 3D process in terms of overcoming the fill-factor limitation are examined first. The design of a GAPD detector in the Global Foundries 130 nm/Tezzaron 3D process is also presented. Moreover, the possibility to obtain better results in light detection applications by means of the time-gated operation or correction techniques is analyzed too.Aquesta tesi presenta el desenvolupament d’un detector de píxels de GAPDs (Geiger-mode Avalanche PhotoDiodes) dedicat principalment a rastrejar partícules en futurs col•lisionadors lineals. Els GAPDs ofereixen unes qualitats extraordinàries per satisfer els requisits extremadament exigents d’ILC (International Linear Collider) i CLIC (Compact LInear Collider), els dos projectes per la propera generació de col•lisionadors que s’han proposat fins a dia d’avui. Entre aquestes qualitats es troben una sensibilitat extremadament elevada, un guany virtualment infinit i una resposta molt ràpida, a part de ser compatibles amb les tecnologies CMOS estàndard. En concret, els detectors de GAPDs fan possible la conversió directa d’un esdeveniment generat per una sola partícula en un senyal CMOS digital amb un temps inferior al nanosegon. Com a resultat d’aquest fet, els GAPDs poden ser llegits després de cada bunch crossing (la col•lisió de les partícules), una qualitat única que cap dels seus competidors pot oferir en el moment actual. Malgrat tots aquests avantatges, els detectors de GAPDs pateixen dos grans problemes. D’una banda, existeixen fenòmens de soroll inherents al sensor, els quals indueixen polsos de soroll que no poden ser distingits dels esdeveniments reals generats per partícules i que a més empitjoren l’ocupació del detector a nivells inacceptables. D’altra banda, el fill-factor (és a dir, l’àrea sensible respecte l’àrea total) és molt baix i redueix l’eficiència detectora. En aquesta tesi s’han investigat solucions als dos problemes comentats i que a més compleixen amb les especificacions altament severes dels futurs col•lisionadors lineals. El detector de píxels de GAPDs, el qual ha estat monolíticament integrat en un procés HV-CMOS estàndard de 0.35 μm, incorpora circuits de lectura en mode voltatge que permeten operar el sensor en l’anomenat mode time-gated per tal de reduir el soroll detectat. L’eficiència de la tècnica proposada queda demostrada amb la gran varietat d’experiments que s’han dut a terme. Els resultats del beam-test dut a terme al CERN indiquen la capacitat del detector de píxels de GAPDs per detectar partícules altament energètiques. A banda d’això, també s’han estudiat els beneficis d’integrar un detector de píxels de GAPDs en un procés 3D per tal d’incrementar el fill-factor. L’anàlisi realitzat conclou que es poden assolir fill-factors superiors al 90%

    Dynamic Range Extension of a SPAD Imager Using Non-Uniformity Correction Techniques

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    The extraordinary sensitivity of single-photon avalanche diodes (SPADs) makes these devices the ideal option for vision systems aimed at low-light applications. Nevertheless, there exist large dark count rate and photon detection probability non-uniformities, which reduce the dynamic range of the detector. As a result, the capability to create image contrast is severely damaged or even lost. This paper presents the implementation of a correction algorithm to compensate for the mentioned non-uniformities and thus extend the contrast of the generated images. To demonstrate its efficiency, the proposed technique is applied to real images obtained with a fabricated SPAD image sensor. An increase of more than 3 b of contrast is obtained.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Dynamic range extension of SiPM detectors with the time-gated operation

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    The silicon photomultiplier (SiPM) is a novel detector technology that has undergone a fast development in the last few years, owing to its single-photon resolution and ultra-fast response time. However, the typical high dark count rates of the sensor may prevent the detection of low intensity radiation fluxes. In this article, the time-gated operation with short active periods in the nanosecond range is proposed as a solution to reduce the number of cells fired due to noise and thus increase the dynamic range. The technique is aimed at application fields that function under a trigger command, such as gated fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy

    Single-Photon Avalanche Diodes in CMOS Technologies for Optical Communications

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    As optical communications may soon supplement Wi-Fi technologies, a concept known as visible light communications (VLC), low-cost receivers must provide extreme sensitivity to alleviate attenuation factors and overall power usage within communications link budgets. We present circuits with an advantage over conventional optical receivers, in that gain can be applied within the photodiode thus reducing the need for amplification circuits. To achieve this, single-photon avalanche diodes (SPADs) can be implemented in complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) technologies and have already been investigated in several topologies for VLC. The digital nature of SPADs removes the design effort used for low-noise, high-gain but high-bandwidth analogue circuits. We therefore present one of these circuit topologies, along with some common design and performance metrics. SPAD receivers are however not yet mature prompting research to take low-level parameters up to the communications level

    Enabling Technologies for Next Generation Ultraviolet Astrophysics, Planetary, and Heliophysics Missions

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    Our study sought to create a new paradigm in UV instrument design, detector technology, and optics that will form the technological foundation for a new generation of ultraviolet missions. This study brought together scientists and technologists representing the broad community of astrophysicists, planetary and heliophysics physicists, and technologists working in the UV. Next generation UV missions require major advances in UV instrument design, optics and detector technology. UV offers one of the few remaining areas of the electromagnetic spectrum where this is possible, by combining improvements in detector quantum efficiency (5-10x), optical coatings and higher-performance wide-field spectrometers (5-10x), and increasing multiplex advantage (100-1000x). At the same time, budgets for future missions are tightly constrained. Attention has begun to turn to small and moderate class missions to provide new observational capabilities on timescales that maintain scientific vitality. Developments in UV technology offer a comparatively unique opportunity to conceive of small (Explorer) and moderate (Probe, Discovery, New Millennium) class missions that offer breakthrough science. Our study began with the science, reviewing the breakthrough science questions that compel the development of new observational capabilities in the next 10-20 years. We invented a framework for highlighting the objectives of UV measurement capabilities: following the history of baryons from the intergalactic medium to stars and planets. In astrophysics, next generation space UV missions will detect and map faint emission and tomographically map absorption from intergalactic medium baryons that delineate the structure of the Universe, map the circum-galactic medium that is the reservoir of galaxy-building gas, map the warm-hot ISM of our Galaxy, explore star-formation within the Local group and beyond, trace gas in proto-planetary disks and extended atmospheres of exoplanets, and record the transient UV universe. Solar system planetary atmospheric physics and chemistry, aurorae, surface composition and magnetospheric environments and interactions will be revealed using UV spectroscopy. UV spectroscopy may even detect life on an exoplanet. Our study concluded that with UV technology developments within reach over the next 5- 10 years, we can conceive moderate-class missions that will answer many of the compelling science questions driving the field. We reviewed the science measurement requirements for these pioneering new areas and corresponding technology requirements. We reviewed and evaluated the emerging technologies, and developed a figure of merit based on potential science impact, state of readiness, required investment, and potential for highly leveraged progress in a 5-10 year horizon. From this we were able to develop a strategy for technology development. Some of this technology development will be subject to funding calls from federal agencies. A subset form a portfolio of highly promising technologies that are ideal for funding from a KISS Development Program. One of our study’s principal conclusions was that UV detector performance drives every aspect of the scientific capability of future missions, and that two highly flexible detector technologies were at the tipping point for major breakthroughs. These are Gen-2 borosilicate Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD) coated microchannel plate detectors with GaN photocathodes, and ALDantireflection (AR) coated, delta-doped photon-counting CCD detectors. Both offer the potential for QE>50% combined with large formats and pixel counts, low background, and sky-limited photon-counting performance over the 100-300 nm band. Ramped AR coatings for spectroscopic detectors could achieve QE’s as high as 80%! A second conclusion was that UV coatings are on the threshold of a major breakthrough. UV coatings permeate every aspect of telescope and instrument design. Efficient, robust, ultra-thin and highly uniform reflective coatings applied with Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD) offer the possibility of high-performance, wide-field, highly-multiplexed UV spectrometers and a broadband reach covering the scientifically critical 100-120 nm range (home of 50% of all atomic and molecular resonance lines). Our study concluded that UV coating advances made possible by ALD is the principle technology advance that will enable a joint UV-optical general astrophysics and exoEarth imaging flagship mission. A third conclusion was that the revolution in micro- and nano-fabrication technology offers a cornucopia of new possibilities for revolutionary UV technology developments in the near future. An immediate example is the application of new microlithography techniques to patterning UV diffraction gratings that are highly efficient and designed to enable wide-field, high-resolution spectroscopy. These techniques could support the development of new detectors that could discriminate optical and UV photons and potentially energy-resolving detection. Relatively modest investments in technology development over the next 5-10 years could provide advances in detectors, coatings, diffractive elements, and filters that would result in an effective increase in science capability of 100-1000! The study brought together a diverse community, led to many new ideas and collaborations, and brought cohesion and common purpose to UV practitioners. This will have a lasting and positive impact on the future of our field


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    In this book some recent advances in development of photodetectors and photodetection systems for specific applications are included. In the first section of the book nine different types of photodetectors and their characteristics are presented. Next, some theoretical aspects and simulations are discussed. The last eight chapters are devoted to the development of photodetection systems for imaging, particle size analysis, transfers of time, measurement of vibrations, magnetic field, polarization of light, and particle energy. The book is addressed to students, engineers, and researchers working in the field of photonics and advanced technologies

    A portable device for time-resolved fluorescence based on an array of CMOS SPADs with integrated microfluidics

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    [eng] Traditionally, molecular analysis is performed in laboratories equipped with desktop instruments operated by specialized technicians. This paradigm has been changing in recent decades, as biosensor technology has become as accurate as desktop instruments, providing results in much shorter periods and miniaturizing the instrumentation, moving the diagnostic tests gradually out of the central laboratory. However, despite the inherent advantages of time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy applied to molecular diagnosis, it is only in the last decade that POC (Point Of Care) devices have begun to be developed based on the detection of fluorescence, due to the challenge of developing high-performance, portable and low-cost spectroscopic sensors. This thesis presents the development of a compact, robust and low-cost system for molecular diagnosis based on time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy, which serves as a general-purpose platform for the optical detection of a variety of biomarkers, bridging the gap between the laboratory and the POC of the fluorescence lifetime based bioassays. In particular, two systems with different levels of integration have been developed that combine a one-dimensional array of SPAD (Single-Photon Avalanch Diode) pixels capable of detecting a single photon, with an interchangeable microfluidic cartridge used to insert the sample and a laser diode Pulsed low-cost UV as a source of excitation. The contact-oriented design of the binomial formed by the sensor and the microfluidic, together with the timed operation of the sensors, makes it possible to dispense with the use of lenses and filters. In turn, custom packaging of the sensor chip allows the microfluidic cartridge to be positioned directly on the sensor array without any alignment procedure. Both systems have been validated, determining the decomposition time of quantum dots in 20 nl of solution for different concentrations, emulating a molecular test in a POC device.[cat] Tradicionalment, l'anàlisi molecular es realitza en laboratoris equipats amb instruments de sobretaula operats per tècnics especialitzats. Aquest paradigma ha anat canviant en les últimes dècades, a mesura que la tecnologia de biosensor s'ha tornat tan precisa com els instruments de sobretaula, proporcionant resultats en períodes molt més curts de temps i miniaturitzant la instrumentació, permetent així, traslladar gradualment les proves de diagnòstic fora de laboratori central. No obstant això i malgrat els avantatges inherents de l'espectroscòpia de fluorescència resolta en el temps aplicada a la diagnosi molecular, no ha estat fins a l'última dècada que s'han començat a desenvolupar dispositius POC (Point Of Care) basats en la detecció de la fluorescència, degut al desafiament que suposa el desenvolupament de sensors espectroscòpics d'alt rendiment, portàtils i de baix cost. Aquesta tesi presenta el desenvolupament d'un sistema compacte, robust i de baix cost per al diagnòstic molecular basat en l'espectroscòpia de fluorescència resolta en el temps, que serveixi com a plataforma d'ús general per a la detecció òptica d'una varietat de biomarcadors, tancant la bretxa entre el laboratori i el POC dels bioassaigs basats en l'anàlisi de la pèrdua de la fluorescència. En particular, s'han desenvolupat dos sistemes amb diferents nivells d'integració que combinen una matriu unidimensional de píxels SPAD (Single-Photon Avalanch Diode) capaços de detectar un sol fotó, amb un cartutx microfluídic intercanviable emprat per inserir la mostra, així com un díode làser UV premut de baix cost com a font d'excitació. El disseny orientat a la detecció per contacte de l'binomi format pel sensor i la microfluídica, juntament amb l'operació temporitzada dels sensors, permet prescindir de l'ús de lents i filtres. Al seu torn, l'empaquetat a mida de l'xip sensor permet posicionar el cartutx microfluídic directament sobre la matriu de sensors sense cap procediment d'alineament. Tots dos sistemes han estat validats determinant el temps de descomposició de "quantum dots" en 20 nl de solució per a diferents concentracions, emulant així un assaig molecular en un dispositiu POC

    Miniaturized Silicon Photodetectors

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    Silicon (Si) technologies provide an excellent platform for the design of microsystems where photonic and microelectronic functionalities are monolithically integrated on the same substrate. In recent years, a variety of passive and active Si photonic devices have been developed, and among them, photodetectors have attracted particular interest from the scientific community. Si photodiodes are typically designed to operate at visible wavelengths, but, unfortunately, their employment in the infrared (IR) range is limited due to the neglectable Si absorption over 1100 nm, even though the use of germanium (Ge) grown on Si has historically allowed operations to be extended up to 1550 nm. In recent years, significant progress has been achieved both by improving the performance of Si-based photodetectors in the visible range and by extending their operation to infrared wavelengths. Near-infrared (NIR) SiGe photodetectors have been demonstrated to have a “zero change” CMOS process flow, while the investigation of new effects and structures has shown that an all-Si approach could be a viable option to construct devices comparable with Ge technology. In addition, the capability to integrate new emerging 2D and 3D materials with Si, together with the capability of manufacturing devices at the nanometric scale, has led to the development of new device families with unexpected performance. Accordingly, this Special Issue of Micromachines seeks to showcase research papers, short communications, and review articles that show the most recent advances in the field of silicon photodetectors and their respective applications