588 research outputs found

    Computing Optimal Coverability Costs in Priced Timed Petri Nets

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    We consider timed Petri nets, i.e., unbounded Petri nets where each token carries a real-valued clock. Transition arcs are labeled with time intervals, which specify constraints on the ages of tokens. Our cost model assigns token storage costs per time unit to places, and firing costs to transitions. We study the cost to reach a given control-state. In general, a cost-optimal run may not exist. However, we show that the infimum of the costs is computable.Comment: 26 pages. Contribution to LICS 201

    Modified Optimal Energy and Initial Memory of Fractional Continuous-Time Linear Systems

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    Fractional systems with Riemann-Liouville derivatives are considered. The initial memory value problem is posed and studied. We obtain explicit steering laws with respect to the values of the fractional integrals of the state variables. The Gramian is generalized and steering functions between memory values are characterized.Comment: Submitted 30/Nov/2009; Revised (major revision) 24/April/2010; Accepted (after minor revision) 22/July/2010; for publication in Signal Processin

    Positive fractional linear systems

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    Some recent developments in theory of fractional positive and cone linear systems

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    The overview of some recent developments and new results in the theory of fractional positive and cone one-dimensional (1D) and two-dimensional (2D) linear systems are presented in the article. The state equations and their solution for the fractional continuous-time and discrete-time linear systems are given. Necessary and sufficient conditions for the internal and external positivity of the fractional linear systems are established. The reachability of the fractional linear systems is addressed. A new notation of the cone systems is introduced and methods for computation of such systems are proposed. Positive fractional 2D linear systems are intoduced. Necessary and sufficient conditions for the positivity and reachability are established. The considerations are illustrated with many examples of 1D and 2D linear systems.Запропоновано огляд та деякі нові результати у теорії фракційних додатніх та конусних одновимірних (1D) та двовимірних (2D) лінійних систем. Подано рівняння стану та їхнє розв’язання для фракційних неперервних та дискретних лінійних систем. Встановлено необхідні та достатні умови для внутрішньої та зовнішньої додатності фракційних лінійних систем. Показано їхню досяжність. Запропоновано нову форму запису конусних систем та методи, придатні для комп’ютерного розрахунку таких систем. Представлено додатні фракційні 2D лінійні системи. Встановлено необхідні та достатні умови для додатності та досяжності. Теоретичні виклади проілюстровано чисельними прикладами 1D та 2D лінійних систем.Предложены анализ состояния вопроса и некоторые новые результаты, полученные в теории фракционных положительных и конусных одномерных (1D) и двумерных (2D) линейных систем. Приведены уравнения состояния и их решения для фракционных непрерывных и дискретных линейных систем. Выявлены необходимые и достаточные условия для внутренней и внешней положительности фракционных линейных систем. Показана их достижимость. Предложена новая форма записи конусных систем, а также методы их компьютерного расчета. Представлены положительные фракционные 2D линейные системы. Установлены необходимые и достаточные условия для положительности и достижимости. Теоретические выкладки иллюстрированы численными примерами 1D и 1D линейных систем

    Weak Alternating Timed Automata

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    Alternating timed automata on infinite words are considered. The main result is a characterization of acceptance conditions for which the emptiness problem for these automata is decidable. This result implies new decidability results for fragments of timed temporal logics. It is also shown that, unlike for MITL, the characterisation remains the same even if no punctual constraints are allowed

    A survey on fuzzy fractional differential and optimal control nonlocal evolution equations

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    We survey some representative results on fuzzy fractional differential equations, controllability, approximate controllability, optimal control, and optimal feedback control for several different kinds of fractional evolution equations. Optimality and relaxation of multiple control problems, described by nonlinear fractional differential equations with nonlocal control conditions in Banach spaces, are considered.Comment: This is a preprint of a paper whose final and definite form is with 'Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics', ISSN: 0377-0427. Submitted 17-July-2017; Revised 18-Sept-2017; Accepted for publication 20-Sept-2017. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1504.0515

    Controllability and Observability of Linear Nabla Discrete Fractional Systems

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    The main purpose of this thesis to examine the controllability and observability of the linear discrete fractional systems. First we introduce the problem and continue with the review of some basic definitions and concepts of fractional calculus which are widely used to develop the theory of this subject. In Chapter 3, we give the unique solution of the fractional difference equation involving the Riemann-Liouville operator of real order between zero and one. Additionally we study the sequential fractional difference equations and describe the way to obtain the state-space repre- sentation of the sequential fractional difference equations. In Chapter 4, we study the controllability and observability of time-invariant linear nabla fractional systems.We investigate the time-variant case in Chapter 5 and we define the state transition matrix in fractional calculus. In the last chapter, the results are summarized and directions for future work are stated