89 research outputs found

    A survey on vehicular communication for cooperative truck platooning application

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    Platooning is an application where a group of vehicles move one after each other in close proximity, acting jointly as a single physical system. The scope of platooning is to improve safety, reduce fuel consumption, and increase road use efficiency. Even if conceived several decades ago as a concept, based on the new progress in automation and vehicular networking platooning has attracted particular attention in the latest years and is expected to become of common implementation in the next future, at least for trucks.The platoon system is the result of a combination of multiple disciplines, from transportation, to automation, to electronics, to telecommunications. In this survey, we consider the platooning, and more specifically the platooning of trucks, from the point of view of wireless communications. Wireless communications are indeed a key element, since they allow the information to propagate within the convoy with an almost negligible delay and really making all vehicles acting as one. Scope of this paper is to present a comprehensive survey on connected vehicles for the platooning application, starting with an overview of the projects that are driving the development of this technology, followed by a brief overview of the current and upcoming vehicular networking architecture and standards, by a review of the main open issues related to wireless communications applied to platooning, and a discussion of security threats and privacy concerns. The survey will conclude with a discussion of the main areas that we consider still open and that can drive future research directions.(c) 2022 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Inc. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)

    Cooperative control of autonomous connected vehicles from a Networked Control perspective: Theory and experimental validation

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    Formation control of autonomous connected vehicles is one of the typical problems addressed in the general context of networked control systems. By leveraging this paradigm, a platoon composed by multiple connected and automated vehicles is represented as one-dimensional network of dynamical agents, in which each agent only uses its neighboring information to locally control its motion, while it aims to achieve certain global coordination with all other agents. Within this theoretical framework, control algorithms are traditionally designed based on an implicit assumption of unlimited bandwidth and perfect communication environments. However, in practice, wireless communication networks, enabling the cooperative driving applications, introduce unavoidable communication impairments such as transmission delay and packet losses that strongly affect the performances of cooperative driving. Moreover, in addition to this problem, wireless communication networks can suffer different security threats. The challenge in the control field is hence to design cooperative control algorithms that are robust to communication impairments and resilient to cyber attacks. The work aim is to tackle and solve these challenges by proposing different properly designed control strategies. They are validated both in analytical, numerical and experimental ways. Obtained results confirm the effectiveness of the strategies in coping with communication impairments and security vulnerabilities

    Nachweislich sichere Bewegungsplanung für autonome Fahrzeuge durch Echtzeitverifikation

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    This thesis introduces fail-safe motion planning as the first approach to guarantee legal safety of autonomous vehicles in arbitrary traffic situations. The proposed safety layer verifies whether intended trajectories comply with legal safety and provides fail-safe trajectories when intended trajectories result in safety-critical situations. The presented results indicate that the use of fail-safe motion planning can drastically reduce the number of traffic accidents.Die vorliegende Arbeit führt ein neuartiges Verifikationsverfahren ein, mit dessen Hilfe zum ersten Mal die verkehrsregelkonforme Sicherheit von autonomen Fahrzeugen gewährleistet werden kann. Das Verifikationsverfahren überprüft, ob geplante Trajektorien sicher sind und generiert Rückfalltrajektorien falls diese zu einer unsicheren Situation führen. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die Verwendung des Verfahrens zu einer deutlichen Reduktion von Verkehrsunfällen führt

    Terrain Representation And Reasoning In Computer Generated Forces : A Survey Of Computer Generated Forces Systems And How They Represent And Reason About Terrain

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    Report on a survey of computer systems used to produce realistic or intelligent behavior by autonomous entities in simulation systems. In particular, it is concerned with the data structures used by computer generated forces systems to represent terrain and the algorithmic approaches used by those systems to reason about terrain

    Optimization-based coordination strategies for connected and autonomous vehicles

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    Automated vehicles (AV) are expected to reach the consumer market within the next decade.Once AVs become ubiquitous, they could resolve difficult traffic situations through communication-based cooperation.Intersections are of particular interest in this context, as they form bottlenecks in the traffic system and are responsible for a large share of all accidents.Rather than relying on traffic lights, road signs and rules, AVs could employ cooperative strategies to decide how an intersection should be crossed safely and efficiently.However, designing efficient coordination strategies for AVs at intersections is challenging, as computationally hard problems are involved, with a safety-critical dependence on both wireless communication and imprecise sensing.This thesis treats control algorithms for cooperative coordination of CAVs at intersections.The proposed algorithms are based on Optimal Control (OC) formulations of the coordination problem and aim at finding the optimal control commands for each vehicle through a two-stage approximation procedure.In the first stage, the order in which the vehicles cross the intersection is determined using a heuristic based on Mixed-Integer Quadratic Programming (MIQP).In the second stage, the optimal control commands for each vehicle are found under a fixed crossing order.Two algorithms are presented that solves the problem of the second stage in a communication efficient, distributed fashion.In the first algorithm, the problem is decomposed into one master-problem and one sub-problem for each vehicle.The master-problem is solved using a Sequential Quadratic Programming (SQP) algorithm, where most computations are performed in parallel on-board the vehicles. In the second algorithm, the problem is solved using a Primal-Dual Interior Point (PDIP) method. The computations involved are separable so that the largest part can be performed in parallel on-board the vehicles, a lesser part in parallel on lead-vehicles for each lane, and a small part at a central network node. The two-stage approximation procedure is used in a Model Predictive Controller (MPC), and conditions for persistent feasibility and stability are derived.Performance of the MPC-based closed-loop controller is assessed in simulation, and compared to traffic-lights and alternative coordination algorithms.The results demonstrate that the two-stage approach outperforms existing alternatives, with almost zero average travel-time delay and a marginal increase in energy consumption compared to cruising at constant speed.An MPC controller based on the SQP algorithm is verified experimentally at a test-track with three real vehicles.The results demonstrate that efficient coordination is practically realizable through communication-based optimization and MPC.In particular, the experiments show that the MPC algorithm performs well under adverse conditions with significant sensor noise, communication impairments and external perturbations

    Second Workshop on Practical Use of Coloured Petri Nets and Design/CPN.

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    This report contains the proceedings of the Second Workshop on Practical Use of Coloured Petri Nets and Design/CPN, October 13-15, 1999. The workshop was organised by the CPN group at the Department of Computer Science at the University of Aarhus, Denmark. The individual papers are available in electronic form via the web pages: http://www.daimi.au.dk/CPnets/workshop99

    Design and validation of decision and control systems in automated driving

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    xxvi, 148 p.En la última década ha surgido una tendencia creciente hacia la automatización de los vehículos, generando un cambio significativo en la movilidad, que afectará profundamente el modo de vida de las personas, la logística de mercancías y otros sectores dependientes del transporte. En el desarrollo de la conducción automatizada en entornos estructurados, la seguridad y el confort, como parte de las nuevas funcionalidades de la conducción, aún no se describen de forma estandarizada. Dado que los métodos de prueba utilizan cada vez más las técnicas de simulación, los desarrollos existentes deben adaptarse a este proceso. Por ejemplo, dado que las tecnologías de seguimiento de trayectorias son habilitadores esenciales, se deben aplicar verificaciones exhaustivas en aplicaciones relacionadas como el control de movimiento del vehículo y la estimación de parámetros. Además, las tecnologías en el vehículo deben ser lo suficientemente robustas para cumplir con los requisitos de seguridad, mejorando la redundancia y respaldar una operación a prueba de fallos. Considerando las premisas mencionadas, esta Tesis Doctoral tiene como objetivo el diseño y la implementación de un marco para lograr Sistemas de Conducción Automatizados (ADS) considerando aspectos cruciales, como la ejecución en tiempo real, la robustez, el rango operativo y el ajuste sencillo de parámetros. Para desarrollar las aportaciones relacionadas con este trabajo, se lleva a cabo un estudio del estado del arte actual en tecnologías de alta automatización de conducción. Luego, se propone un método de dos pasos que aborda la validación de ambos modelos de vehículos de simulación y ADS. Se introducen nuevas formulaciones predictivas basadas en modelos para mejorar la seguridad y el confort en el proceso de seguimiento de trayectorias. Por último, se evalúan escenarios de mal funcionamiento para mejorar la seguridad en entornos urbanos, proponiendo una estrategia alternativa de estimación de posicionamiento para minimizar las condiciones de riesgo

    Connecting vehicular networks to the internet : a life time-based routing protocol

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    Inter-Vehicle Communications have recently attracted the attention of researchers in academia and industry. In such networks, vehicles should be able to communicate among each other (V2V) as well as with roadside Infrastructure units (V2I). Vehicular networks try to provide safety on the roads by disseminating critical messages among vehicles. Infrastructure units provide some services such as driver information systems and Internet access. Because of the high speed and high mobility of vehicles, establishing and maintaining a connection to these units is very challenging. We introduce a new protocol that uses the characteristics of vehicle movements to predict the vehicle behavior and select a route with the longest life-time to connect to the wired network. It aims at spreading the advertisement messages through multi-hops without flooding the network, do seamless hand-overs and select the most stable routes to these units. We performed some simulations and compared the performance of our work with some well-known protocols