22,397 research outputs found

    The role of demonstrator familiarity and language cues on infant imitation from television

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    An imitation procedure was used to investigate the impact of demonstrator familiarity and language cues on infant learning from television. Eighteen-month-old infants watched two pre-recorded videos showing an adult demonstrating a sequence of actions with two sets of stimuli. Infants' familiarity with the demonstrator and the language used during the demonstration varied as a function of experimental condition. Immediately after watching each video, infants' ability to reproduce the target actions was assessed. A highly familiar demonstrator did not enhance infants' performance. However, the addition of a narrative, developed from mothers' naturalistic description of the event, facilitated learning from an unfamiliar demonstrator. We propose that the differential effect of demonstrator familiarity and language cues may reflect the infants' ability to distinguish between important and less important aspects in a learning situation. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved

    Action anticipation through attribution of false belief by 2 year olds

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    Two-year-olds engage in many behaviors that ostensibly require the attribution of mental states to other individuals. Yet the overwhelming consensus has been that children of this age are unable to attribute false beliefs. In the current study, we used an eyetracker to record infants' looking behavior while they watched actions on a computer monitor. Our data demonstrate that 25-month-old infants correctly anticipate an actor's actions when these actions can be predicted only by attributing a false belief to the actor

    Jointly structuring triadic spaces of meaning and action:book sharing from 3 months on

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    This study explores the emergence of triadic interactions through the example of book sharing. As part of a naturalistic study, 10 infants were visited in their homes from 3-12 months. We report that (1) book sharing as a form of infant-caregiver-object interaction occurred from as early as 3 months. Using qualitative video analysis at a micro-level adapting methodologies from conversation and interaction analysis, we demonstrate that caregivers and infants practiced book sharing in a highly co-ordinated way, with caregivers carving out interaction units and shaping actions into action arcs and infants actively participating and co-ordinating their attention between mother and object from the beginning. We also (2) sketch a developmental trajectory of book sharing over the first year and show that the quality and dynamics of book sharing interactions underwent considerable change as the ecological situation was transformed in parallel with the infants' development of attention and motor skills. Social book sharing interactions reached an early peak at 6 months with the infants becoming more active in the coordination of attention between caregiver and book. From 7-9 months, the infants shifted their interest largely to solitary object exploration, in parallel with newly emerging postural and object manipulation skills, disrupting the social coordination and the cultural frame of book sharing. In the period from 9-12 months, social book interactions resurfaced, as infants began to effectively integrate object actions within the socially shared activity. In conclusion, to fully understand the development and qualities of triadic cultural activities such as book sharing, we need to look especially at the hitherto overlooked early period from 4-6 months, and investigate how shared spaces of meaning and action are structured together in and through interaction, creating the substrate for continuing cooperation and cultural learning

    The peer model advantage in infants’ imitation of familiar gestures performed by differently aged models

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    Infants’ imitation of differently aged models has been predominately investigated with object-related actions and so far has lead to mixed evidence. Whereas some studies reported an increased likelihood of imitating peer models in contrast to adult models, other studies reported the opposite pattern of results. In the present study, 14-month-old infants were presented with four familiar gestures (e.g., clapping) that were demonstrated by differently aged televised models (peer, older child, adult). Results revealed that infants were more likely to imitate the peer model than the older child or the adult. This result is discussed with respect to a social function of imitation and the mechanism of imitating familiar behavior

    Efficacy of a Minnesota Statute Enacted to Reduce Inflicted Traumatic Brain Injuries

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    This quantitative research is on the efficacy of Minnesota Statute 144.574 enacted in 2005 in response to the growing awareness of behavior leading to inflicted Traumatic Brain Injuries (iTBI) in infants and children. The model for this research is grounded in the Theory of Reasoned Action wherein the education of new parents which graphically explains the physiologic changes to the structural architecture of the brain post-trauma, paired with their signature on a social contract (SC), demonstrated a reduction in incidence. Because the enacted statute does not include the signing of a SC, nor does it require face-to-face education as in the model, Statute 144.574 cannot claim to be completely grounded in medical science. The result is that neither legislators nor the medical and public health community know whether the statute is effective in lowering incidence. This research was designed to explore the difference in the incidence pre-and post-enactment, in rural vs. urban communities, the proportion of incidence and ethnicity, and an ordinal shift in the distribution of severity. All births in Minnesota from 1998 through 2017 were included. Cases defined using International Classification of Disease were extracted from secondary data from the brain and spinal cord injury, hospital discharge, and vital statistics databases. A Z-test was employed to compare the incidence in a control cohort of infants and children born prior to enactment to the incidence of same in an interventional cohort born post-enactment. Results suggest the statute has not resulted in lowering incidence, have uncovered an unanticipated statistically significant increase in rural vs. urban incidence, yet point to a trend in favor of less severe iTBI. These results represent a positive social change which is grounded in the society\u27s imperative and social justice of protecting children by informing public health officials, caregivers, and legislators of the need for meaningful reform and strengthening of programs leading to lowering the incidence of iTBI in children in Minnesota

    Young children's research: children aged 4-8 years finding solutions at home and at school

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    Children's research capacities have become increasingly recognised by adults, yet children remain excluded from the academy, with reports of their research participation generally located in adults' agenda. Such practice restricts children's freedom to make choices in matters affecting them, underestimates children’s capabilities and denies children particular rights. The present paper reports on one aspect of a small-scale critical ethnographic study adopting a constructivist grounded approach to conceptualise ways in which children's naturalistic behaviours may be perceived as research. The study builds on multi-disciplinary theoretical perspectives, embracing 'new' sociology, psychology, economics, philosophy and early childhood education and care (ECEC). Research questions include: 'What is the nature of ECEC research?' and 'Do children’s enquiries count as research?' Initially, data were collected from the academy: professional researchers (n=14) confirmed 'finding solutions' as a research behaviour and indicated children aged 4-8 years, their practitioners and primary carers as 'theoretical sampling'. Consequently, multi-modal case studies were constructed with children (n=138) and their practitioners (n=17) in three ‘good’ schools, with selected children and their primary carers also participating at home. This paper reports on data emerging from children aged 4-8 years at school (n=17) and at home (n=5). Outcomes indicate that participating children found diverse solutions to diverse problems, some of which they set themselves. Some solutions engaged children in high order thinking, whilst others did not; selecting resources and trialing activities engaged children in 'finding solutions'. Conversely, when children's time, provocations and activities were directed by adults, the quality of their solutions was limited, they focused on pleasing adults and their motivation to propose solutions decreased. In this study, professional researchers recognised 'finding solutions' as research behaviour and children aged 4-8 years naturalistically presented with capacities for finding solutions; however, the children's encounters with adults affected the solutions they found

    Social evaluation and imitation of prosocial and antisocial agents in infants, children, and adults

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    The question of whether infants prefer prosocial agents over antisocial agents is contentious. Therefore, the first goal of the present study was to replicate previous findings regarding infants’ preference. The second goal was to assess whether infants are more likely to imitate a prosocial agent than an antisocial agent. We tested 9-month-old, 14-month-old, and 4-year-old children. The study used the “opening a box to get a toy” paradigm in which an animal puppet is trying unsuccessfully to open a box and is either helped by a prosocial puppet or hindered by an antisocial puppet. We presented these social events via video, and subsequently administered an imitation task. As an additional control, adults were asked to describe the videos showing the prosocial and antisocial agent. Although most adults were able to identify both agents, the three age groups of children did not prefer the prosocial agent over the antisocial agent, and were not more likely to imitate the prosocial agent. The lack of differences might be explained by methodological issues or by a lack of robustness of the effect

    Enactive explorations of children's sensory-motor play and therapeutic handling in physical therapy

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    Introduction: In pediatric physical therapy, there is an ongoing debate about the use of therapeutic handling and its potential effects on motor learning. In this study, we build on enactive theoretical perspectives to explore the role of therapeutic handling in connection to children's sensory-motor play, engagement, and performance during a single physical therapy session. Material and methods: This is a qualitative study based on video observations of therapy sessions and interviews with 15 physical therapists (PTs) each treating two different children aged 0–3. The authors utilized a framework of co-reviewing, discussing, and reflecting on the sessions. Themes were identified and used to describe the ways by which PTs’ therapeutic handling unfolds, with connections to theories on sensory-motor play and learning, along with enactive perspectives on embodiment, experience, mutual incorporation, and sense-of-agency. Results: The characteristics and purposes of therapeutic handling are presented in two main themes: (1) position and support, and (2) directing movement. We found that position and support promoted sensory-motor improvement when the PTs’ handling aligned with the child's play interests and engagements. As part of play, the children used new and additional support surfaces to self-initiate better posture and movement solutions and reach play goals. The PTs’ ways of directing movements varied. To awaken curiosity and induce a child's self-driven motor exploration the PT needs to be subtle, flexible, and precise in the directing of movement. This entails responsiveness to the child's signals and bodily know-how in the placing of hands and direction of pressure to enable the child to actively participate in and eventually self-drive movement. Discussion: Therapeutic handling that is mutually incorporated between PT and child can enrich the child's playing-to-learn-to-move process by providing novelty and facilitating the child's sense-of-agency in the self-initiated exploration and refinement of movement possibilities. In the PTs’ effort to merge therapeutic handling with children's play, the momentum of interaction can open new therapeutic windows of movement experience and learning opportunities

    Learning the Rules: Observation and Imitation of a Sorting Strategy by 36-Month-Old Children

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    Two experiments investigate the scope of imitation by testing whether 36-month-olds can learn to produce a categorization strategy through observation. After witnessing an adult sort a set of objects by a visible property (their color, Experiment 1) or a non-visible property (the particular sounds produced when the objects were shaken, Experiment 2), children showed significantly more sorting by those dimensions relative to children in control groups, including a control in which children saw the sorted endstate but not the intentional sorting demonstration. The results show that 36-month-olds can do more than imitate the literal behaviors they see; they also abstract and imitate rules that they see another person use