45 research outputs found

    A control algorithm to increase the efficient operation of wind energy conversion systems under extreme wind conditions

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    This paper aims to increase the power production of gearless permanent magnet synchronous generator (PMSG) based wind energy conversion systems (WECS) in strong (greater than 25 m/s) wind speed regions. In general, most wind turbines cut off when wind speed is over the cut-out rate; as a result, the power generation of the wind farm decreases. This study introduces the look-up table pitch angle and rotational speed control to generate extra power in a strong wind region. Consequently, WECS can produce electric power at a reduced level until the wind speed reaches 35 m/s and the possibility of shutting down the wind turbines decreases. The proposed algorithm decreases the mechanical stress of wind turbine by decelerating rotational speed rather than turbine torque in strong wind regions. Furthermore, the model predictive control (MPC) is proposed to replace the PI controller in the inner current loop of the rotor speed control loop, thereby improving the performance of the stator current track. The proposed control method is validated in Matlab/SimPowerSystem software. The simulation result confirms that the proposed control method reduces the possibility of shutdown and guarantees temporally power production in strong wind conditions. 2022 The Author(s)This publication was made possible by Qatar University Collaborative Research grant [ QUCG-CENG-21/22-1 ] from the Qatar University. The statements made herein are solely the responsibility of the authors. The APC for this article is funded by the Qatar National Library, Doha, Qatar.Scopu

    Control contributions to the universal operation of wind turbines

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    Ante la creciente dependencia energ茅tica de los pa铆ses de la Uni贸n Europea y los informes de contaminaci贸n atmosf茅rica, la generaci贸n distribuida mediante energ铆as renovables est谩 modificando el sistema el茅ctrico actualmente basado en el paradigma centralizado. Dentro de las energ铆as renovables con mayor impacto actual se encuentra la energ铆a e贸lica. Un aspecto importante a mejorar en el marco de la calidad de potencia por parte del operador de la red de transmisi贸n, es la continuidad del suministro. En estas circunstancias se define el concepto de microgrid como un sistema compuesto de al menos una fuente de generaci贸n distribuida asociada a cargas locales que pueden intencionalmente desconectarse del sistema de distribuci贸n con el objetivo de mejorar la fiabilidad del suministro. Este trabajo introduce la Operaci贸n Universal de aerogeneradores, donde 茅stos pueden trabajar conectados a red el茅ctrica y desconectarse de ella cuando ocurre un hueco o interrupci贸n del suministro operando en modo isla. Es una aplicaci贸n espec铆fica del concepto de microgrid a aerogeneradores que evita el uso de sistemas de almacenamiento empleando 煤nicamente las capacidades de almacenamiento y disipaci贸n intr铆nsecas de los aerogeneradores y se centra en contrarrestar interrupciones del suministro el茅ctrico del orden de unidades de minutos. Este trabajo se centra en abordar la problem谩tica asociada a la Operaci贸n Universal de aerogeneradores desde el punto de vista del control de los convertidores de potencia: regulaci贸n del balance energ茅tico, compartici贸n de la carga y control de la tensi贸n local en modo isla y transiciones suaves entre modos de operaci贸n. Adem谩s, el sistema debe seguir manteniendo un rendimiento 贸ptimo en modo conectado a red respetando los c贸digos de red: respuesta en potencia, calidad de potencia y respuesta ante perturbaciones

    Collected Papers on Wind Turbine Technology

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    R and D projects on electricity generating wind turbines were conducted at the NASA Lewis Research Center from 1973 to 1988. Most projects were sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), a major element of its Federal Wind Energy Program. Another large wind turbine project was by the Bureau of Reclamation of the U.S. Department of Interior (DOI). From 1988 to 1995, NASA wind energy activities have been directed toward the transfer of technology to commercial and academic organizations. As part of these technology transfer activities, previously unpublished manuscripts have been assembled and presented here to share the wind turbine research results with the wind energy community. A variety of wind turbine technology topics are discussed: Wind and wake models; Airfoil properties; Structural analysis and testing; Control systems; Variable speed generators; and acoustic noise. Experimental and theoretical results are discussed

    MOD-1 Wind Turbine Generator Analysis and Design Report, Volume 2

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    The MOD-1 detail design is appended. The supporting analyses presented include a parametric system trade study, a verification of the computer codes used for rotor loads analysis, a metal blade study, and a definition of the design loads at each principal wind turbine generator interface for critical loading conditions. Shipping and assembly requirements, composite blade development, and electrical stability are also discussed

    The Free Press : November 26, 2009

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    Correlation between Machining Monitoring Signals, Cutting Tool Wear and Surface Integrity on High Strength Titanium Alloys.

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    It is widely accepted that tool wear has a direct impact on a machining process, playing a key part in surface integrity, part quality, and therefore, process efficiency. By establishing the state of a tool during a machining process, it should be possible to estimate both the surface properties and the optimal process parameters, while allowing intelligent predictions about the future state of the process to be made; thus ultimately reducing unexpected component damage. This thesis intends to address the problem of tool wear prediction during machining where wear rates vary between components; for instance, due to the relatively large size of the component forging and, therefore, inherent material variations when compared to existing research. In this case, the industrial partner, Safran Landing Systems, is interested in the ability to predict tool wear during the finish milling of large, curved, titanium components, despite differing material properties and, therefore, tool wear rates. This thesis is split into four key parts, the first of which describes in detail the formulation and implementation of an experimental procedure, intended to provide a working set of industrially representative monitoring data that can be used throughout the remainder of the thesis. This part includes development of a relevant machining strategy, material specimen extraction, sensor selection and placement, and 3D tool geometry measurement, all of which have been completed at industrial partners facilities. It finishes with a preliminary investigation into the data collected during the machining process from the tools, material specimens, and sensors placed in close proximity to the cutting zone. The second, third, and fourth parts follow logically from one-another, beginning with a state classification problem, and ending with a full dynamic model prediction of wear during the machining of large landing gear components; this method, however, is applicable to many other machining scenarios using the new technique applied in this thesis. The state classification chapter is a necessary first step in developing a predictive model as is aims to prove the data is indeed separable based upon the generating wear state. Once confirmed, given the sequential nature of tool wear, the order of observations can be included in the modelling, in an attempt to improve classification accuracy. This forms the basis of the state tracking chapter, and leads naturally into the full dynamic model prediction in the final part. This is a promising result for the machining community, as process monitoring often relies on operator expertise to detect wear rate fluctuations and, in turn, results in over-conservative tool usage limits, adding time and expense to many complex machining processes. It also presents the opportunity to predict part quality through pre-existing relationships between the acquired signals and material surface finish - correlations which are explored and presented as part of this thesis. The solution to predicting a varying wear rate within a harsh machining environment introduced in this thesis is based around the application of a Gaussian process (GP) NARX (Nonlinear Auto-Regressive with eXogenous inputs) model borrowed from the machine learning prediction and, more recently, structural health monitoring (SHM) communities. The GP-NARX approach is found to be well suited to the application of wear prediction during machining, and forms a promising contribution to the development of autonomous manufacturing processes

    Electrical Age (v. 49)

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    Emerging Technologies

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    This monograph investigates a multitude of emerging technologies including 3D printing, 5G, blockchain, and many more to assess their potential for use to further humanity鈥檚 shared goal of sustainable development. Through case studies detailing how these technologies are already being used at companies worldwide, author Sinan K眉feo臒lu explores how emerging technologies can be used to enhance progress toward each of the seventeen United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and to guarantee economic growth even in the face of challenges such as climate change. To assemble this book, the author explored the business models of 650 companies in order to demonstrate how innovations can be converted into value to support sustainable development. To ensure practical application, only technologies currently on the market and in use actual companies were investigated. This volume will be of great use to academics, policymakers, innovators at the forefront of green business, and anyone else who is interested in novel and innovative business models and how they could help to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. This is an open access book

    Actions for Bioenergy and Biofuels: A Sustainable Shift

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    The topic of bioenergy is a multidisciplinary one, where the use of resources and skills can be optimized for the development of sustainable models. It is a time for green strategies, but also for action. It is, therefore, necessary to implement projects that address virtuous examples of the circular bioeconomy. All politicians are called on to contribute, because this global goal can only be achieved if a contribution is made by all countries

    The Free Press : April 22, 2010

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