119 research outputs found

    A framework for the design, prototyping and evaluation of mobile interfaces for domestic environments

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    The idea of the smart home has been discussed for over three decades, but it has yet to achieve mass-market adoption. This thesis asks the question Why is my home not smart? It highlights four main areas that are barriers to adoption, and concentrates on a single one of these issues: usability. It presents an investigation that focuses on design, prototyping and evaluation of mobile interfaces for domestic environments resulting in the development of a novel framework. A smart home is the physical realisation of a ubiquitous computing system for domestic living. The research area offers numerous benefits to end-users such as convenience, assistive living, energy saving and improved security and safety. However, these benefits have yet to become accessible due to a lack of usable smart home control interfaces. This issue is considered a key reason for lack of adoption and is the focus for this thesis. Within this thesis, a framework is introduced as a novel approach for the design, prototyping and evaluation of mobile interfaces for domestic environments. Included within this framework are three components. Firstly, the Reconfigurable Multimedia Environment (RME), a physical evaluation and observation space for conducting user centred research. Secondly, Simulated Interactive Devices (SID), a video-based development and control tool for simulating interactive devices commonly found within a smart home. Thirdly, iProto, a tool that facilitates the production and rapid deployment of high fidelity prototypes for mobile touch screen devices. This framework is evaluated as a round-tripping toolchain for prototyping smart home control and found to be an efficient process for facilitating the design and evaluation of such interfaces

    Development of an Integrated Platform for Modular Prototyping: the ‘Mod Duino’

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    One crucial portion of a design project involves the design and build of a prototype. Prototypes are advantageous because they help to reduce a project’s time and cost, identify and address problems early on in the design process, and increase user involvement by confirming a common vision among users and developers. These factors all contribute to delivering a better quality final product. Embedded electromechanical prototypes use programmed electronics and a mechanical device to perform a specific function. Microcontrollers are small computers on integrated circuits that are often used to control the electronics of these embedded prototypes. One set of problems with these prototypes is that the breadboard circuitry can easily become messy and the connections between sensors/actuators and the microcontroller are not reliable. These factors make it difficult to troubleshoot the prototype when a wire accidentally gets disconnected and also makes it difficult to create a portable prototype. There are not many existing products that focus heavily on the integrity of the connections between the main prototyping platform, such as an Arduino microcontroller, and the sensors and actuators used to create the operational portion of the prototype. Previous research indicates that one line of products, the Tibbo Project Systems, focus on robust connections. However, the Tibbo products are complicated to use and are not open source. The widespread popularity and ease of use of the Arduino microcontroller for these simple electromechanical applications make it a perfect candidate for use in a comparable platform. The objective of this research project is to create a robust, easy-to-connect prototyping system for embedded products that can be used with a variety of sensors and the Arduino Uno microcontroller board. The product is expected to form a rigid and clean looking platform that provides a reliable connection between the Arduino and any number of additional modules needed to complete an embedded electromechanical prototype.No embargoAcademic Major: Mechanical Engineerin

    5G-PPP Software Network Working Group:Network Applications: Opening up 5G and beyond networks 5G-PPP projects analysis

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    As part of the 5G-PPP Initiative, the Software Network Working Group prepared this white paper to demystify the concept of the Network Applications. In fact, the Network Application ecosystem is more than the introduction of new vertical applications that have interaction capabilities. It refers to the need for a separate middleware layer to simplify the implementation and deployment of vertical systems on a large scale. Specifically, third parties or network operators can contribute to Network Applications, depending on the level of interaction and trust. Different implementations have been conducted by the different projects considering different API types and different level of trust between the verticals and the owner of 5G platforms. In this paper, the different approaches considered by the projects are summarized. By analysing them, it appears three options of interaction between the verticals and the 5G platform owner: - aaS Model: it is the model where the vertical application consumes the Network Applications as a service. The vertical application deployed in the vertical service provider domain. It connects with the 3GPP network systems (EPS, 5GS) in one or more PLMN operator domain. - Hybrid: it is the model where the vertical instantiates a part of its Vertical App in the operator domain like the EDGE. The other part remains in the vertical domain. A similar approach has been followed in TS 23.286 related to the deployment of V2X server. - Coupled/Delegated: it is the model where the vertical delegates its app to the operator. The Network Applications will be composed and managed by the operator. This approach is the one followed in the platforms like 5G-EVE. In addition, the paper brings an analysis of the different API type deployed. It appears that the abstraction from network APIs to service APIs is necessary to hide the telco complexity making APIs easy to consume for verticals with no telco expertise and to adress data privacy requirements

    Augmented Reality as a Potential Tool for Filmmaking

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    Augmented Reality (AR) has been used for a wide variety of industries. The purpose of this study was to determine the suitability of this technology for use in filmmaking. One of the problems on a film set is the time taken to block a scene. Blocking involves the placement of subjects and props within a scene. Different ideas have been used for blocking including previzualisation and Virtual Reality (VR). This study proposesed the use of AR as a tool to solve this problem. Marker-based and Markerless AR were assessed in turn to determine their suitability for addressing the problem. The use of AR markers and QR codes were examined in comparison with the use of Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) imple mentations. The marker-based AR requires a physical object to scan and markerless is done via the mapping of GPS coordinates. Experiments were conducted on the accu racy and code required for each type of AR. These involved calculating the distances from the marker and the code required to create the virtual content. Surveys and expert interviews were conducted with filmakers and people working in the AR industry to determine the usability and feasibility of the proposed application. This provided a qualitative approach to the technology as the acceptance of any new system is of equal importance to how it functions

    From native to cross-platform hybrid development : CodeGT, design and development of a mobile app for ERP

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    The current trend towards mobility of individuals, together with the exponential growth of the number of mobile devices led the market to a boom in the demand for the development of mobile applications. Moreover, with the expansion and heterogeneity of the mobile devices and platforms, software companies need to search for faster and cheaper ways to develop applications that can span as many devices as possible to capture the market. Currently, the Android and iOS Operating Systems roughly share and dominate the mobile market, with timid expressions of other competitors. Each of these mobile operating systems were developed using their own languages, strategy and SDKs for development of applications using their libraries – known as Native apps. On the other hand, the evolution of HTML5, CSS and JavaScript created generic alternatives to create mobile apps that run on devices on all operating systems, although lacking the capability to access the device’s full potential. Alongside came the new Hybrid cross-platform development frameworks, which try to take the best of both worlds. This dissertation describes the evolution of the different mobile app development approaches and the state-of-the-art in their development techniques, and compares them with the Hybrid app approach, then highlighting the trends in mobile app development using Hybrid platforms and their advantages. This research includes the development of a mobile Hybrid application, CodeGT, which interacts with an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) to access the Transport Documents registered in this ERP and access to the code transmitted by the Portuguese Tax Authority (AT), therefore not requiring the printing of documents and meeting a need of the business market. This application does already have customer industry companies interested in it.As tendências atuais em direção à grande mobilidade dos indivíduos, juntamente com o crescimento exponencial do número de dispositivos móveis, levaram ao enorme crescimento na procura do desenvolvimento de aplicações móveis. Além disso, com a expansão e heterogeneidade dos dispositivos e das plataformas móveis, as empresas de desenvolvimento de software necessitam de encontrar formas mais rápidas e baratas de desenvolver aplicações capazes de abranger o maior número de dispositivos para ir ao encontro da elevada procura do mercado. Atualmente, os sistemas operativos Android e iOS dividem e dominam o mercado de dispositivos móveis com expressões tímidas de outros concorrentes. Cada um desses sistemas operativos móveis foi desenvolvido especificamente para linguagens de programação e estratégias próprias e oferecem um conjunto de ferramentas de desenvolvimento com as suas bibliotecas, para a criação de aplicações nativas. Por outro lado, a evolução do HTML5, CSS e do JavaScript criaram oportunidades para o surgimento de alternativas genéricas para criação de aplicações multiplataforma que correm em todos os dispositivos e em todos os sistemas operativos, mas sem a capacidade de aceder todo o potencial nativo do dispositivo. Paralelamente surgiram as novas plataformas de desenvolvimento híbridas, que tentam tirar o melhor partido dos dois mundos. Esta dissertação descreve a evolução das diferentes abordagens no desenvolvimento de aplicações móveis mais concretamente na utilização de ferramentas multiplataformas para a criação de aplicações móveis híbridas e as suas vantagens. A pesquisa incluiu ainda o desenvolvimento de uma aplicação móvel, CodeGT, desenvolvido numa plataforma híbrida para interagir com um software ERP, acedendo aos Documentos de Transporte registados nesse ERP, assim como ao código transmitido pela Autoridade Tributária (AT), que assim dispensa a impressão de documentos e indo ao encontro de uma necessidade do mercado. Esta aplicação já tem empresas clientes interessadas nela

    Raspberry Pi Technology

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    Designing a context-aware discovery service for IoT devices

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    Internet of Things (IoT) is in a continuous expansion phase, from millions of devices to tens of billions in upcoming years, which will have major impacts on infrastructure, business models, and industry standards throughout the entire IT ecosystem. It is expected that several diverse devices to invade by 2020. Depending on different application domains, IoT applications require devices, sensors, middlewares, networks and other enabling technologies to be integrated e.g., the high-level central control of IoT applications can be deployed on the cloud while others are running close to the "edge", forming a unified, scalable and feasible system. One of the important integration aspects in IoT ecosystem is discovering devices and sensors based on a particular context regardless of their heterogeneity. In this thesis, we propose Context-Aware Discovery Service for Internet of Things (CADsIoT) that deals with devices and sensors installed in IoT environments, streamlining the process of registration, management and dynamic discovery of devices based on contextual information. CADsIoT allows device and sensor registration, attaching them with particular context and leverage subscription features to enable dynamic discovery based on the attached context. Additionally, real-time notifications are triggered when new devices are discovered. For the validation of our concept, we discuss the requirements and a descriptive motivation scenario, which is followed by a discussion of the prototypical implementation. The prototype consists of CADsIoT Core, a Representational State Transfer (REST) based middleware and Navigator, an Android mobile application as a client

    HCI.Tools 2017 Proceedings:Proceedings of the HCI.Tools workshops (2017)

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    Condition monitoring based on anomalous sound detection via autoencoders

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    openCondition Monitoring is the process of monitoring a parameter of a particular machine, for the purpose of identifying developing anomalies. In this thesis, in cooperation with 221e S.r.l. during an internship, an autoencoder-based Condition Monitoring system is proposed, with the aim of detecting anomalies in machines using sound signals. Sound indicators in Condition Monitoring offer multiple advantages over more traditional metrics like temperature, vibration, or voltage. Anomalies can be detected before major malfunctions occur, the machine can be monitored without physical contact and a large set of different anomalies can be detected. The system was developed and evaluated on three real user scenarios provided by the company. Different conditions and settings, with customized data acquisitions and training of the model, were considered. In the end, an embedding of the monitoring solution into the microcontroller multi-sensor board STWIN is considered and validated on the device

    Design and Implementation of Indoor Disinfection Robot System

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    After the outbreak of COVID-19 virus, disinfection has become one of the important means of epidemic prevention. Traditional manual disinfection can easily cause cross infection problems. Using robots to complete disinfection work can reduce people's social contact and block the spread of viruses. This thesis implements an engineering prototype of a indoor disinfection robot from the perspective of product development, with the amin of using robots to replace manual disinfection operations. The thesis uses disinfection module, control module and navigation module to compose the hardware of the robot. The disinfection module uses ultrasonic atomizers, UV-C ultraviolet disinfection lamps, and air purifiers to disinfect and disinfect the ground and air respectively. The control module is responsible for the movement and obstacle avoidance of the robot. The navigation module uses Raspberry Pi and LiDAR to achieve real-time robot positioning and two-dimensional plane mapping. In terms of robot software,we have done the following work: (1) Based on the ROS framework, we have implemented functions such as SLAM mapping, location positioning, and odometer data calibration.(2) Customize communication protocols to manage peripheral devices such as UV-C lights, ultrasonic atomizers, air purifiers, and motors on the control board. (3) Develop an Android mobile app that utilizes ROSBridge's lightweight communication architecture to achieve cross platform data exchange between mobile devices and navigation boards, as well as network connectivity and interaction between mobile phones and robots Finally, this thesis implements an engineering prototype of a household disinfection robot from the perspective of product development