61 research outputs found

    Modelling activities in a Critical Care Unit

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    The Critical Care Unit (CCU) is the sector of the hospital where, as the name suggests, critically ill patients receive treatment. The main aim of this research is to identify and apply suitable Operational Research techniques to model patient flow in the CCU at the University Hospital of Wales, Cardiff. The Operational Research techniques employed in this thesis include queueing theory and simulation. These methods have been utilised previously in the field of healthcare with much success. The thesis begins by considering two aspects of queueing theory, namely batch service queueing theory and batch arrival queueing theory. The latter of these is utilised to model patient flow within the CCU. Although queueing theory may be used as a good approximation to activities in the Unit, it does not incorporate all aspects of real-life. Thus discrete-event simulation is suggested as an alternative approach. Two types of statistical analysis, CART and Regression, are applied to both length of stay and mortality variables. The results from these statistical tests are compiled and investigated in more depth. Finally, a discrete event simulation model is built in Visual Basic for Applications, for Microsoft Excel. This simulation model incorporates many of the complexities of a CCU, such as patient priority and cancellation of scheduled patients if all beds on the Unit are occupied. The model is then used to test various "what-if type" scenarios, including the possibility of funding additional beds, the concept of ring-fencing of beds for different levels of care, and the likely effect of reducing the impact of bed-blocking

    ESSE 2017. Proceedings of the International Conference on Environmental Science and Sustainable Energy

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    Environmental science is an interdisciplinary academic field that integrates physical-, biological-, and information sciences to study and solve environmental problems. ESSE - The International Conference on Environmental Science and Sustainable Energy provides a platform for experts, professionals, and researchers to share updated information and stimulate the communication with each other. In 2017 it was held in Suzhou, China June 23-25, 2017

    Adaptive monitoring and control framework in Application Service Management environment

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    The economics of data centres and cloud computing services have pushed hardware and software requirements to the limits, leaving only very small performance overhead before systems get into saturation. For Application Service Management–ASM, this carries the growing risk of impacting the execution times of various processes. In order to deliver a stable service at times of great demand for computational power, enterprise data centres and cloud providers must implement fast and robust control mechanisms that are capable of adapting to changing operating conditions while satisfying service–level agreements. In ASM practice, there are normally two methods for dealing with increased load, namely increasing computational power or releasing load. The first approach typically involves allocating additional machines, which must be available, waiting idle, to deal with high demand situations. The second approach is implemented by terminating incoming actions that are less important to new activity demand patterns, throttling, or rescheduling jobs. Although most modern cloud platforms, or operating systems, do not allow adaptive/automatic termination of processes, tasks or actions, it is administrators’ common practice to manually end, or stop, tasks or actions at any level of the system, such as at the level of a node, function, or process, or kill a long session that is executing on a database server. In this context, adaptive control of actions termination remains a significantly underutilised subject of Application Service Management and deserves further consideration. For example, this approach may be eminently suitable for systems with harsh execution time Service Level Agreements, such as real–time systems, or systems running under conditions of hard pressure on power supplies, systems running under variable priority, or constraints set up by the green computing paradigm. Along this line of work, the thesis investigates the potential of dimension relevance and metrics signals decomposition as methods that would enable more efficient action termination. These methods are integrated in adaptive control emulators and actuators powered by neural networks that are used to adjust the operation of the system to better conditions in environments with established goals seen from both system performance and economics perspectives. The behaviour of the proposed control framework is evaluated using complex load and service agreements scenarios of systems compatible with the requirements of on–premises, elastic compute cloud deployments, server–less computing, and micro–services architectures

    Real-time Monitoring of Low Voltage Grids using Adaptive Smart Meter Data Collection

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    Discrete Time Analysis of Multi-Queue Systems with Multiple Departure Streams in Material Handling and Production under Different Service Rules

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    In this work, we present a modelling approach in order to depict service rules holistically. The developed model is called multi-queue system with multiple departure streams (MQSMDS). The MQSMDS is modelled as a discrete time Markov chain. On the basis of a numerical study, the system characteristics are evaluated. The results of this work enable a rapid and low-cost analysis of material handling and production systems as well as a fast and easy identification of suitable service rules

    High-Performance and Power-Aware Graph Processing on GPUs

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    Graphs are a common representation in many problem domains, including engineering, finance, medicine, and scientific applications. Different problems map to very large graphs, often involving millions of vertices. Even though very efficient sequential implementations of graph algorithms exist, they become impractical when applied on such actual very large graphs. On the other hand, graphics processing units (GPUs) have become widespread architectures as they provide massive parallelism at low cost. Parallel execution on GPUs may achieve speedup up to three orders of magnitude with respect to the sequential counterparts. Nevertheless, accelerating efficient and optimized sequential algorithms and porting (i.e., parallelizing) their implementation to such many-core architectures is a very challenging task. The task is made even harder since energy and power consumption are becoming constraints in addition, or in same case as an alternative, to performance. This work aims at developing a platform that provides (I) a library of parallel, efficient, and tunable implementations of the most important graph algorithms for GPUs, and (II) an advanced profiling model to analyze both performance and power consumption of the algorithm implementations. The platform goal is twofold. Through the library, it aims at saving developing effort in the parallelization task through a primitive-based approach. Through the profiling framework, it aims at customizing such primitives by considering both the architectural details and the target efficiency metrics (i.e., performance or power)
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