1,535 research outputs found

    A Novel Joint Brain Network Analysis Using Longitudinal Alzheimer's Disease Data.

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    There is well-documented evidence of brain network differences between individuals with Alzheimer's disease (AD) and healthy controls (HC). To date, imaging studies investigating brain networks in these populations have typically been cross-sectional, and the reproducibility of such findings is somewhat unclear. In a novel study, we use the longitudinal ADNI data on the whole brain to jointly compute the brain network at baseline and one-year using a state of the art approach that pools information across both time points to yield distinct visit-specific networks for the AD and HC cohorts, resulting in more accurate inferences. We perform a multiscale comparison of the AD and HC networks in terms of global network metrics as well as at the more granular level of resting state networks defined under a whole brain parcellation. Our analysis illustrates a decrease in small-worldedness in the AD group at both the time points and also identifies more local network features and hub nodes that are disrupted due to the progression of AD. We also obtain high reproducibility of the HC network across visits. On the other hand, a separate estimation of the networks at each visit using standard graphical approaches reveals fewer meaningful differences and lower reproducibility

    Shannon entropy of brain functional complex networks under the influence of the psychedelic Ayahuasca

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    The entropic brain hypothesis holds that the key facts concerning psychedelics are partially explained in terms of increased entropy of the brain's functional connectivity. Ayahuasca is a psychedelic beverage of Amazonian indigenous origin with legal status in Brazil in religious and scientific settings. In this context, we use tools and concepts from the theory of complex networks to analyze resting state fMRI data of the brains of human subjects under two distinct conditions: (i) under ordinary waking state and (ii) in an altered state of consciousness induced by ingestion of Ayahuasca. We report an increase in the Shannon entropy of the degree distribution of the networks subsequent to Ayahuasca ingestion. We also find increased local and decreased global network integration. Our results are broadly consistent with the entropic brain hypothesis. Finally, we discuss our findings in the context of descriptions of "mind-expansion" frequently seen in self-reports of users of psychedelic drugs.Comment: 27 pages, 6 figure

    Altered functional and structural brain network organization in autism.

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    Structural and functional underconnectivity have been reported for multiple brain regions, functional systems, and white matter tracts in individuals with autism spectrum disorders (ASD). Although recent developments in complex network analysis have established that the brain is a modular network exhibiting small-world properties, network level organization has not been carefully examined in ASD. Here we used resting-state functional MRI (n = 42 ASD, n = 37 typically developing; TD) to show that children and adolescents with ASD display reduced short and long-range connectivity within functional systems (i.e., reduced functional integration) and stronger connectivity between functional systems (i.e., reduced functional segregation), particularly in default and higher-order visual regions. Using graph theoretical methods, we show that pairwise group differences in functional connectivity are reflected in network level reductions in modularity and clustering (local efficiency), but shorter characteristic path lengths (higher global efficiency). Structural networks, generated from diffusion tensor MRI derived fiber tracts (n = 51 ASD, n = 43 TD), displayed lower levels of white matter integrity yet higher numbers of fibers. TD and ASD individuals exhibited similar levels of correlation between raw measures of structural and functional connectivity (n = 35 ASD, n = 35 TD). However, a principal component analysis combining structural and functional network properties revealed that the balance of local and global efficiency between structural and functional networks was reduced in ASD, positively correlated with age, and inversely correlated with ASD symptom severity. Overall, our findings suggest that modeling the brain as a complex network will be highly informative in unraveling the biological basis of ASD and other neuropsychiatric disorders

    Learning and comparing functional connectomes across subjects

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    Functional connectomes capture brain interactions via synchronized fluctuations in the functional magnetic resonance imaging signal. If measured during rest, they map the intrinsic functional architecture of the brain. With task-driven experiments they represent integration mechanisms between specialized brain areas. Analyzing their variability across subjects and conditions can reveal markers of brain pathologies and mechanisms underlying cognition. Methods of estimating functional connectomes from the imaging signal have undergone rapid developments and the literature is full of diverse strategies for comparing them. This review aims to clarify links across functional-connectivity methods as well as to expose different steps to perform a group study of functional connectomes

    Mapping hybrid functional-structural connectivity traits in the human connectome

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    One of the crucial questions in neuroscience is how a rich functional repertoire of brain states relates to its underlying structural organization. How to study the associations between these structural and functional layers is an open problem that involves novel conceptual ways of tackling this question. We here propose an extension of the Connectivity Independent Component Analysis (connICA) framework, to identify joint structural-functional connectivity traits. Here, we extend connICA to integrate structural and functional connectomes by merging them into common hybrid connectivity patterns that represent the connectivity fingerprint of a subject. We test this extended approach on the 100 unrelated subjects from the Human Connectome Project. The method is able to extract main independent structural-functional connectivity patterns from the entire cohort that are sensitive to the realization of different tasks. The hybrid connICA extracted two main task-sensitive hybrid traits. The first, encompassing the within and between connections of dorsal attentional and visual areas, as well as fronto-parietal circuits. The second, mainly encompassing the connectivity between visual, attentional, DMN and subcortical networks. Overall, these findings confirms the potential ofthe hybrid connICA for the compression of structural/functional connectomes into integrated patterns from a set of individual brain networks.Comment: article: 34 pages, 4 figures; supplementary material: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Navigation of brain networks

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    Understanding the mechanisms of neural communication in large-scale brain networks remains a major goal in neuroscience. We investigated whether navigation is a parsimonious routing model for connectomics. Navigating a network involves progressing to the next node that is closest in distance to a desired destination. We developed a measure to quantify navigation efficiency and found that connectomes in a range of mammalian species (human, mouse and macaque) can be successfully navigated with near-optimal efficiency (>80% of optimal efficiency for typical connection densities). Rewiring network topology or repositioning network nodes resulted in 45%-60% reductions in navigation performance. Specifically, we found that brain networks cannot be progressively rewired (randomized or clusterized) to result in topologies with significantly improved navigation performance. Navigation was also found to: i) promote a resource-efficient distribution of the information traffic load, potentially relieving communication bottlenecks; and, ii) explain significant variation in functional connectivity. Unlike prevalently studied communication strategies in connectomics, navigation does not mandate biologically unrealistic assumptions about global knowledge of network topology. We conclude that the wiring and spatial embedding of brain networks is conducive to effective decentralized communication. Graph-theoretic studies of the connectome should consider measures of network efficiency and centrality that are consistent with decentralized models of neural communication