14,399 research outputs found

    Boltzmann samplers for random generation of lambda terms

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    Randomly generating structured objects is important in testing and optimizing functional programs, whereas generating random ′l'l-terms is more specifically needed for testing and optimizing compilers. For that a tool called QuickCheck has been proposed, but in this tool the control of the random generation is left to the programmer. Ten years ago, a method called Boltzmann samplers has been proposed to generate combinatorial structures. In this paper, we show how Boltzmann samplers can be developed to generate lambda-terms, but also other data structures like trees. These samplers rely on a critical value which parameters the main random selector and which is exhibited here with explanations on how it is computed. Haskell programs are proposed to show how samplers are actually implemented

    Combinatorial and stochastic properties of ranked tree-child networks

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    Tree-child networks are a recently-described class of directed acyclic graphs that have risen to prominence in phylogenetics (the study of evolutionary trees and networks). Although these networks have a number of attractive mathematical properties, many combinatorial questions concerning them remain intractable. In this paper, we show that endowing these networks with a biologically relevant ranking structure yields mathematically tractable objects, which we term ranked tree-child networks (RTCNs). We explain how to derive exact and explicit combinatorial results concerning the enumeration and generation of these networks. We also explore probabilistic questions concerning the properties of RTCNs when they are sampled uniformly at random. These questions include the lengths of random walks between the root and leaves (both from the root to the leaves and from a leaf to the root); the distribution of the number of cherries in the network; and sampling RTCNs conditional on displaying a given tree. We also formulate a conjecture regarding the scaling limit of the process that counts the number of lineages in the ancestry of a leaf. The main idea in this paper, namely using ranking as a way to achieve combinatorial tractability, may also extend to other classes of networks

    Uniform random sampling of planar graphs in linear time

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    This article introduces new algorithms for the uniform random generation of labelled planar graphs. Its principles rely on Boltzmann samplers, as recently developed by Duchon, Flajolet, Louchard, and Schaeffer. It combines the Boltzmann framework, a suitable use of rejection, a new combinatorial bijection found by Fusy, Poulalhon and Schaeffer, as well as a precise analytic description of the generating functions counting planar graphs, which was recently obtained by Gim\'enez and Noy. This gives rise to an extremely efficient algorithm for the random generation of planar graphs. There is a preprocessing step of some fixed small cost. Then, the expected time complexity of generation is quadratic for exact-size uniform sampling and linear for approximate-size sampling. This greatly improves on the best previously known time complexity for exact-size uniform sampling of planar graphs with nn vertices, which was a little over O(n7)O(n^7).Comment: 55 page

    Random-bit optimal uniform sampling for rooted planar trees with given sequence of degrees and Applications

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    In this paper, we redesign and simplify an algorithm due to Remy et al. for the generation of rooted planar trees that satisfies a given partition of degrees. This new version is now optimal in terms of random bit complexity, up to a multiplicative constant. We then apply a natural process "simulate-guess-and-proof" to analyze the height of a random Motzkin in function of its frequency of unary nodes. When the number of unary nodes dominates, we prove some unconventional height phenomenon (i.e. outside the universal square root behaviour.)Comment: 19 page

    Polynomial tuning of multiparametric combinatorial samplers

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    Boltzmann samplers and the recursive method are prominent algorithmic frameworks for the approximate-size and exact-size random generation of large combinatorial structures, such as maps, tilings, RNA sequences or various tree-like structures. In their multiparametric variants, these samplers allow to control the profile of expected values corresponding to multiple combinatorial parameters. One can control, for instance, the number of leaves, profile of node degrees in trees or the number of certain subpatterns in strings. However, such a flexible control requires an additional non-trivial tuning procedure. In this paper, we propose an efficient polynomial-time, with respect to the number of tuned parameters, tuning algorithm based on convex optimisation techniques. Finally, we illustrate the efficiency of our approach using several applications of rational, algebraic and P\'olya structures including polyomino tilings with prescribed tile frequencies, planar trees with a given specific node degree distribution, and weighted partitions.Comment: Extended abstract, accepted to ANALCO2018. 20 pages, 6 figures, colours. Implementation and examples are available at [1] https://github.com/maciej-bendkowski/boltzmann-brain [2] https://github.com/maciej-bendkowski/multiparametric-combinatorial-sampler

    Controlled non uniform random generation of decomposable structures

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    Consider a class of decomposable combinatorial structures, using different types of atoms \Atoms = \{\At_1,\ldots ,\At_{|{\Atoms}|}\}. We address the random generation of such structures with respect to a size nn and a targeted distribution in kk of its \emph{distinguished} atoms. We consider two variations on this problem. In the first alternative, the targeted distribution is given by kk real numbers \TargFreq_1, \ldots, \TargFreq_k such that 0 < \TargFreq_i < 1 for all ii and \TargFreq_1+\cdots+\TargFreq_k \leq 1. We aim to generate random structures among the whole set of structures of a given size nn, in such a way that the {\em expected} frequency of any distinguished atom \At_i equals \TargFreq_i. We address this problem by weighting the atoms with a kk-tuple \Weights of real-valued weights, inducing a weighted distribution over the set of structures of size nn. We first adapt the classical recursive random generation scheme into an algorithm taking \bigO{n^{1+o(1)}+mn\log{n}} arithmetic operations to draw mm structures from the \Weights-weighted distribution. Secondly, we address the analytical computation of weights such that the targeted frequencies are achieved asymptotically, i. e. for large values of nn. We derive systems of functional equations whose resolution gives an explicit relationship between \Weights and \TargFreq_1, \ldots, \TargFreq_k. Lastly, we give an algorithm in \bigO{k n^4} for the inverse problem, {\it i.e.} computing the frequencies associated with a given kk-tuple \Weights of weights, and an optimized version in \bigO{k n^2} in the case of context-free languages. This allows for a heuristic resolution of the weights/frequencies relationship suitable for complex specifications. In the second alternative, the targeted distribution is given by a kk natural numbers n1,…,nkn_1, \ldots, n_k such that n1+⋯+nk+r=nn_1+\cdots+n_k+r=n where r≥0r \geq 0 is the number of undistinguished atoms. The structures must be generated uniformly among the set of structures of size nn that contain {\em exactly} nin_i atoms \At_i (1≤i≤k1 \leq i \leq k). We give a \bigO{r^2\prod_{i=1}^k n_i^2 +m n k \log n} algorithm for generating mm structures, which simplifies into a \bigO{r\prod_{i=1}^k n_i +m n} for regular specifications

    An Efficient generic algorithm for the generation of unlabelled cycles

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    In this report we combine two recent generation algorithms to obtain a new algorithm for the generation of unlabelled cycles. Sawada's algorithm lists all k-ary unlabelled cycles with fixed content, that is, the number of occurences of each symbol is fixed and given a priori. The other algorithm, by the authors, generates all multisets of objects with given total size n from any admissible unlabelled class A. By admissible we mean that the class can be specificied using atomic classes, disjoints unions, products, sequences, (multi)sets, etc. The resulting algorithm, which is the main contribution of this paper, generates all cycles of objects with given total size n from any admissible class A. Given the generic nature of the algorithm, it is suitable for inclusion in combinatorial libraries and for rapid prototyping. The new algorithm incurs constant amortized time per generated cycle, the constant only depending in the class A to which the objects in the cycle belong.Postprint (published version

    Counting and Generating Terms in the Binary Lambda Calculus (Extended version)

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    In a paper entitled Binary lambda calculus and combinatory logic, John Tromp presents a simple way of encoding lambda calculus terms as binary sequences. In what follows, we study the numbers of binary strings of a given size that represent lambda terms and derive results from their generating functions, especially that the number of terms of size n grows roughly like 1.963447954. .. n. In a second part we use this approach to generate random lambda terms using Boltzmann samplers.Comment: extended version of arXiv:1401.037
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