16 research outputs found

    Semantic image understanding: from pixel to word

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    The aim of semantic image understanding is to reveal the semantic meaning behind the image pixel. This thesis investigates problems related to semantic image understanding, and have made the following contributions. Our first contribution is to propose the usage of histogram matching in Multiple Kernel Learning. We treat the two-dimensional kernel matrix as an image and transfer the histogram matching algorithm in image processing to kernel matrix. Experiments on various computer vision and machine learning datasets have shown that our method can always boost the performance of state of the art MKL methods. Our second contribution is to advocate the segment-then-recognize strategy in pixel-level semantic image understanding. We have developed a new framework which tries to integrate semantic segmentation with low-level segmentation for proposing object consistent regions. We have also developed a novel method trying to integrate semantic segmentation with interactive segmentation. We found this segment-then-recognize strategy also works well on medical image data, where we designed a novel polar space random field model for proposing gland-like regions. In the realm of image-level semantic image understanding, our contribution is a novel way to utilize the random forest. Most of the previous works utilizing random forest store the posterior probabilities at each leaf node, and each random tree in the random forest is considered to be independent from each other. In contrast, we store the training samples instead of the posterior probabilities at each leaf node. We consider the random forest as a whole and propose the concept of semantic nearest neighbor and semantic similarity measure. Based on these two concepts, we devise novel methods for image annotation and image retrieval tasks

    Learning to Navigate the Energy Landscape

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    In this paper, we present a novel and efficient architecture for addressing computer vision problems that use `Analysis by Synthesis'. Analysis by synthesis involves the minimization of the reconstruction error which is typically a non-convex function of the latent target variables. State-of-the-art methods adopt a hybrid scheme where discriminatively trained predictors like Random Forests or Convolutional Neural Networks are used to initialize local search algorithms. While these methods have been shown to produce promising results, they often get stuck in local optima. Our method goes beyond the conventional hybrid architecture by not only proposing multiple accurate initial solutions but by also defining a navigational structure over the solution space that can be used for extremely efficient gradient-free local search. We demonstrate the efficacy of our approach on the challenging problem of RGB Camera Relocalization. To make the RGB camera relocalization problem particularly challenging, we introduce a new dataset of 3D environments which are significantly larger than those found in other publicly-available datasets. Our experiments reveal that the proposed method is able to achieve state-of-the-art camera relocalization results. We also demonstrate the generalizability of our approach on Hand Pose Estimation and Image Retrieval tasks

    Semantic image understanding: from pixel to word

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    The aim of semantic image understanding is to reveal the semantic meaning behind the image pixel. This thesis investigates problems related to semantic image understanding, and have made the following contributions. Our first contribution is to propose the usage of histogram matching in Multiple Kernel Learning. We treat the two-dimensional kernel matrix as an image and transfer the histogram matching algorithm in image processing to kernel matrix. Experiments on various computer vision and machine learning datasets have shown that our method can always boost the performance of state of the art MKL methods. Our second contribution is to advocate the segment-then-recognize strategy in pixel-level semantic image understanding. We have developed a new framework which tries to integrate semantic segmentation with low-level segmentation for proposing object consistent regions. We have also developed a novel method trying to integrate semantic segmentation with interactive segmentation. We found this segment-then-recognize strategy also works well on medical image data, where we designed a novel polar space random field model for proposing gland-like regions. In the realm of image-level semantic image understanding, our contribution is a novel way to utilize the random forest. Most of the previous works utilizing random forest store the posterior probabilities at each leaf node, and each random tree in the random forest is considered to be independent from each other. In contrast, we store the training samples instead of the posterior probabilities at each leaf node. We consider the random forest as a whole and propose the concept of semantic nearest neighbor and semantic similarity measure. Based on these two concepts, we devise novel methods for image annotation and image retrieval tasks

    Luminance adaptive biomarker detection in digital pathology images

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    Digital pathology is set to revolutionise traditional approaches diagnosing and researching diseases. To realise the full potential of digital pathology, accurate and robust computer techniques for automatically detecting biomarkers play an important role. Traditional methods transform the colour histopathology images into a gray scale image and apply a single threshold to separate positively stained tissues from the background. In this paper, we show that the colour distribution of the positive immunohis-tochemical stains varies with the level of luminance and that a single threshold will be impossible to separate positively stained tissues from other tissues, regardless how the colour pixels are transformed. Based on this, we propose two novel luminance adaptive biomarker detection methods. We present experimental results to show that the luminance adaptive approach significantly improves biomarker detection accuracy and that random forest based techniques have the best performances

    An EEG-Based Image Annotation System

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    The success of deep learning in computer vision has greatly increased the need for annotated image datasets. We propose an EEG (Electroencephalogram)-based image annotation system. While humans can recognize objects in 20–200 ms, the need to manually label images results in a low annotation throughput. Our system employs brain signals captured via a consumer EEG device to achieve an annotation rate of up to 10 images per second. We exploit the P300 event-related potential (ERP) signature to identify target images during a rapid serial visual presentation (RSVP) task. We further perform unsupervised outlier removal to achieve an F1-score of 0.88 on the test set. The proposed system does not depend on category-specific EEG signatures enabling the annotation of any new image category without any model pre-training

    Improving random forests by feature dependence analysis

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    Random forests (RFs) have been widely used for supervised learning tasks because of their high prediction accuracy good model interpretability and fast training process. However they are not able to learn from local structures as convolutional neural networks (CNNs) do when there exists high dependency among features. They also cannot utilize features that are jointly dependent on the label but marginally independent of it. In this dissertation we present two approaches to address these two problems respectively by dependence analysis. First a local feature sampling (LFS) approach is proposed to learn and use the locality information of features to group dependent/correlated features to train each tree. For image data the local information of features (pixels) is defined by the 2-D grid of the image. For non-image data we provided multiple ways of estimating this local structure. Our experiments shows that RF with LFS has reduced correlation and improved accuracy on multiple UCI datasets. To address the latter issue of random forest mentioned we propose a way to categorize features as marginally dependent features and jointly dependent features the latter is defined by minimum dependence sets (MDS\u27s) or by stronger dependence sets (SDS\u27s). Algorithms to identify MDS\u27s and SDS\u27s are provided. We then present a feature dependence mapping (FDM) approach to map the jointly dependent features to another feature space where they are marginally dependent. We show that by using FDM decision tree and RF have improved prediction performance on artificial datasets and a protein expression dataset

    Image Understanding by Socializing the Semantic Gap

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    Several technological developments like the Internet, mobile devices and Social Networks have spurred the sharing of images in unprecedented volumes, making tagging and commenting a common habit. Despite the recent progress in image analysis, the problem of Semantic Gap still hinders machines in fully understand the rich semantic of a shared photo. In this book, we tackle this problem by exploiting social network contributions. A comprehensive treatise of three linked problems on image annotation is presented, with a novel experimental protocol used to test eleven state-of-the-art methods. Three novel approaches to annotate, under stand the sentiment and predict the popularity of an image are presented. We conclude with the many challenges and opportunities ahead for the multimedia community

    Describing Images by Semantic Modeling using Attributes and Tags

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    This dissertation addresses the problem of describing images using visual attributes and textual tags, a fundamental task that narrows down the semantic gap between the visual reasoning of humans and machines. Automatic image annotation assigns relevant textual tags to the images. In this dissertation, we propose a query-specific formulation based on Weighted Multi-view Non-negative Matrix Factorization to perform automatic image annotation. Our proposed technique seamlessly adapt to the changes in training data, naturally solves the problem of feature fusion and handles the challenge of the rare tags. Unlike tags, attributes are category-agnostic, hence their combination models an exponential number of semantic labels. Motivated by the fact that most attributes describe local properties, we propose exploiting localization cues, through semantic parsing of human face and body to improve person-related attribute prediction. We also demonstrate that image-level attribute labels can be effectively used as weak supervision for the task of semantic segmentation. Next, we analyze the Selfie images by utilizing tags and attributes. We collect the first large-scale Selfie dataset and annotate it with different attributes covering characteristics such as gender, age, race, facial gestures, and hairstyle. We then study the popularity and sentiments of the selfies given an estimated appearance of various semantic concepts. In brief, we automatically infer what makes a good selfie. Despite its extensive usage, the deep learning literature falls short in understanding the characteristics and behavior of the Batch Normalization. We conclude this dissertation by providing a fresh view, in light of information geometry and Fisher kernels to why the batch normalization works. We propose Mixture Normalization that disentangles modes of variation in the underlying distribution of the layer outputs and confirm that it effectively accelerates training of different batch-normalized architectures including Inception-V3, Densely Connected Networks, and Deep Convolutional Generative Adversarial Networks while achieving better generalization error

    Confluence of Vision and Natural Language Processing for Cross-media Semantic Relations Extraction

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    In this dissertation, we focus on extracting and understanding semantically meaningful relationships between data items of various modalities; especially relations between images and natural language. We explore the ideas and techniques to integrate such cross-media semantic relations for machine understanding of large heterogeneous datasets, made available through the expansion of the World Wide Web. The datasets collected from social media websites, news media outlets and blogging platforms usually contain multiple modalities of data. Intelligent systems are needed to automatically make sense out of these datasets and present them in such a way that humans can find the relevant pieces of information or get a summary of the available material. Such systems have to process multiple modalities of data such as images, text, linguistic features, and structured data in reference to each other. For example, image and video search and retrieval engines are required to understand the relations between visual and textual data so that they can provide relevant answers in the form of images and videos to the users\u27 queries presented in the form of text. We emphasize the automatic extraction of semantic topics or concepts from the data available in any form such as images, free-flowing text or metadata. These semantic concepts/topics become the basis of semantic relations across heterogeneous data types, e.g., visual and textual data. A classic problem involving image-text relations is the automatic generation of textual descriptions of images. This problem is the main focus of our work. In many cases, large amount of text is associated with images. Deep exploration of linguistic features of such text is required to fully utilize the semantic information encoded in it. A news dataset involving images and news articles is an example of this scenario. We devise frameworks for automatic news image description generation based on the semantic relations of images, as well as semantic understanding of linguistic features of the news articles