15 research outputs found

    Survey of millimeter-wave propagation measurements and models in indoor environments

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    The millimeter-wave (mmWave) is expected to deliver a huge bandwidth to address the future demands for higher data rate transmissions. However, one of the major challenges in the mmWave band is the increase in signal loss as the operating frequency increases. This has attracted several research interests both from academia and the industry for indoor and outdoor mmWave operations. This paper focuses on the works that have been carried out in the study of the mmWave channel measurement in indoor environments. A survey of the measurement techniques, prominent path loss models, analysis of path loss and delay spread for mmWave in different indoor environments is presented. This covers the mmWave frequencies from 28 GHz to 100 GHz that have been considered in the last two decades. In addition, the possible future trends for the mmWave indoor propagation studies and measurements have been discussed. These include the critical indoor environment, the roles of artificial intelligence, channel characterization for indoor devices, reconfigurable intelligent surfaces, and mmWave for 6G systems. This survey can help engineers and researchers to plan, design, and optimize reliable 5G wireless indoor networks. It will also motivate the researchers and engineering communities towards finding a better outcome in the future trends of the mmWave indoor wireless network for 6G systems and beyond

    Identifying some regularities of radio frequency propagation of a radar system by analyzing different environmental effects

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    Free space path loss is a function of frequency and propagation distance and the RF signal propagates at light speed in all directions in free space. The performance evaluation of wireless and radar communication technologies is related to understanding the propagation environments. This work presents the modeling of several RF propagation properties that include atmospheric attenuation due to rain, free space path loss, gas, and fog, as well as multipath propagations caused by ground bounces. The methodology discusses the developed model according to the series of (ITU) International Telecommunication Union references to radio wave propagation. This work discusses the Free Space Path Losses (FSPL), and Propagation Losses (PL) due to the atmosphere, precipitation, snow, rain, clouds, fog, atmospheric lensing and absorption, and polarization mismatch. The work also discusses the vertical coverage diagram and radar propagation factor. The obtained results demonstrate that the PL increases with frequency and range, at a 90-degree roll angle, the attenuation approaches infinity, and as the altitude rises, the amount of attenuation caused by lensing decreases. The analysis of attenuation at 1 km vs. frequency variations, at roughly 60 GHz, indicated a high absorption owing to air gas. Lensing attenuations are also offered as secondary outputs for convenience, the wideband channels present higher performance crossways and a wide range of target height as expected. When the target height increases, the influence of multi-path fading approximately vanishes entirely due to the variation increasing in the spreading delay between the bounce and direct pathway signals. This will reduce the coherence sum between these two samples on receiving by the targe

    Towards Real-World Indoor Smart Electromagnetic Environments -- A Large-Scale Experimental Demonstration

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    To the best of the authors' knowledge, this work presents the first large-scale indoor experimental assessment of an implementation of the emerging Smart ElectroMagnetic Environment (SEME) paradigm, which is based on the deployment of static-passive EM skins (SP-EMSs) to enhance the coverage in a 5 [GHz] Wi-Fi network. Unlike standard (laboratory-based) validations reported in the state-of-the-art (SoA) literature, the scenario at hand mimics a realistic indoor environment to replicate as close as possible the user experience when using commodity devices. Representative results from the experimental field trials are re-ported to confirm the performance predictions arising from the numerical studies and the tolerance analyses carried out with a commercial ray-tracing (RT) tool. Besides experimentally validating the SEME idea, this study is also aimed at (roughly) quantifying the economic advantage of a SEME implementation, relying on simple-manufacturing/low-cost field manipulating devices without any additional biasing circuitry, with respect to standard approaches that imply the densification of the active radiating sources

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationWireless communication has become an essential part of everyday life. The hunger for more data, more phone calls, more video, and more access in more places, including vehicles, is growing massively. Communication in vehicles is particularly challenging because of their extremely high multipath environment. In addition, there is significant interest in reducing the number of wires in vehicles to reduce weight, complexity, maintenance, etc. and replace them with wireless systems. Preliminary research shows that MIMO systems take advantage of the extreme multipath environment found in aircraft and other vehicles and also provides more consistent channel capacity than SISO systems. The purpose of this research was to quantify complex channels (including the aircraft/vehicle environment) and their relation to other environments, evaluate MIMO in aircraft, provide design constraints for accurately modeling complex channels, and provide information to predict optimum antenna type and location to enable communication in aircraft/cars/buses/ships/trains/etc. and other extreme channels. The ability to evaluate and design MIMO technologies from the guidelines in this paper is potentially transformative for aircraft safety - enabling a new generation of location specific monitoring and maintenance. Average measured capacity was found to be between 18 and 21 bits/s/Hz using a 4x4 array of antennas, and had no direct relation to the size of the channel. Site-specific capacity showed a multipath rich channel, varying between 15 to 23 bits/s/Hz. The capacity decreased for increasing measurement distance, with exceptions near reflective objects that increase multipath. Due to these special circumstances for site-specific locations within complex channels, it is recommended that 3D ray tracing be used for modeling as it is more accurate than commonly used statistical models, within 1.1 bits/s/Hz. This showed that our 3D ray tracing is adaptable to various environments and gives a more accurate depiction than statistical models that average channel variations. This comes at the cost of greater model complexity. If increased complexity is not desirable, Nakagami 1.4 could be used as the next most accurate model. Design requirements for modeling different complex channels involve a detailed depiction of channel geometry, including height, width, length, shape (square, cylindrical, slanted walls, etc.), large windows, and reflective objects inside the channel space, especially those near the transmitter. Overall, the multipath rich channel found in vehicles is an excellent environment for MIMO systems. These complex channels can be simulated accurately without measurement and before they are even built using our sitespecific 3D ray tracing software combined with a detailed signal model to incorporate antenna effects

    Location tracking in indoor and outdoor environments based on the viterbi principle

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    Radio-propagation measurements and modeling in indoor stairwells at millimeter-wave bands

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    A good understanding of signal wave attenuation along a stairwell is necessary for successful wireless network planning. In this study, the propagation characteristics in indoor multi-floor stairwell environments are examined under the millimeter frequency band. An extensive signal measurement is conducted in two stairwells. These measurements provide information important for ensuring consistent radio transmission of data in such environment, which then enables immediate response during emergency operations. In these measurements, directional horn antennas for co-polarization and cross-polarization in transmitters and receivers are used for different millimeter frequencies (26, 28, 32, and 38 GHz). The feasibility of using the millimeter wave, which is suitable for indoor 5G wireless networks, in two different indoor stairwell environments is investigated. Four different models are employed for path loss investigation. Under single frequencies, the close-in free-space reference distance and floating-intercept path loss models are adopted. For multiple frequencies, the close-in free space reference distance with frequency dependent path loss exponent and alpha-beta-gamma models are applied. The measurements provide data on the received power at multi-floor stairwells through the stair steps, which are useful for path loss study. Accordingly, the path loss exponent values, standard deviations, and other parameters are obtained

    Social work with airports passengers

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    Social work at the airport is in to offer to passengers social services. The main methodological position is that people are under stress, which characterized by a particular set of characteristics in appearance and behavior. In such circumstances passenger attracts in his actions some attention. Only person whom he trusts can help him with the documents or psychologically

    Европейский и национальный контексты в научных исследованиях - 2021 : Технология

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    В настоящем электронном сборнике «Европейский и национальный контексты в научных исследованиях. Технология» представлены работы молодых ученых по геодезии и картографии, химической технологии и машиностроению, информационным технологиям, строительству и радиотехнике. Предназначены для работников образования, науки и производства. Будут полезны студентам, магистрантам и аспирантам университетов.=In this Electronic collected materials “European and national dimension in research. Technology” works in the fields of geodesy, chemical technology, mechanical engineering, information technology, civil engineering, and radio-engineering are presented. It is intended for trainers, researchers and professionals. It can be useful for university graduate and post-graduate students