1,511 research outputs found

    Study and simulation of low rate video coding schemes

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    The semiannual report is included. Topics covered include communication, information science, data compression, remote sensing, color mapped images, robust coding scheme for packet video, recursively indexed differential pulse code modulation, image compression technique for use on token ring networks, and joint source/channel coder design

    Information Extraction and Modeling from Remote Sensing Images: Application to the Enhancement of Digital Elevation Models

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    To deal with high complexity data such as remote sensing images presenting metric resolution over large areas, an innovative, fast and robust image processing system is presented. The modeling of increasing level of information is used to extract, represent and link image features to semantic content. The potential of the proposed techniques is demonstrated with an application to enhance and regularize digital elevation models based on information collected from RS images

    Data Challenges and Data Analytics Solutions for Power Systems

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    OCM 2013 - 1st International Conference on Optical Characterization of Materials: March 6th - 7th, 2013, Karlsruhe, Germany

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    The state of the art in optical characterization of materials is advancing rapidly. New insights into the theoretical foundations of this research field have been gained and exciting practical developments have taken place, both driven by novel applications that are constantly emerging. This book presents latest research results in the domain of Characterization of Materials by spectral characteristics of UV (240 nm) to IR (14 µm), multispectral image analysis, X-Ray, polarimetry and microscopy

    OCM 2013 - Optical Characterization of Materials - conference proceedings

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    The state of the art in optical characterization of materials is advancing rapidly. New insights into the theoretical foundations of this research field have been gained and exciting practical developments have taken place, both driven by novel applications that are constantly emerging. This book presents latest research results in the domain of Characterization of Materials by spectral characteristics of UV (240 nm) to IR (14 µm), multispectral image analysis, X-Ray, polarimetry and microscopy

    JERS-1 SAR and LANDSAT-5 TM image data fusion: An application approach for lithological mapping

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    Satellite image data fusion is an image processing set of procedures utilise either for image optimisation for visual photointerpretation, or for automated thematic classification with low error rate and high accuracy. Lithological mapping using remote sensing image data relies on the spectral and textural information of the rock units of the area to be mapped. These pieces of information can be derived from Landsat optical TM and JERS-1 SAR images respectively. Prior to extracting such information (spectral and textural) and fusing them together, geometric image co-registration between TM and the SAR, atmospheric correction of the TM, and SAR despeckling are required. In this thesis, an appropriate atmospheric model is developed and implemented utilising the dark pixel subtraction method for atmospheric correction. For SAR despeckling, an efficient new method is also developed to test whether the SAR filter used remove the textural information or not. For image optimisation for visual photointerpretation, a new method of spectral coding of the six bands of the optical TM data is developed. The new spectral coding method is used to produce efficient colour composite with high separability between the spectral classes similar to that if the whole six optical TM bands are used together. This spectral coded colour composite is used as a spectral component, which is then fused with the textural component represented by the despeckled JERS-1 SAR using the fusion tools, including the colour transform and the PCT. The Grey Level Cooccurrence Matrix (GLCM) technique is used to build the textural data set using the speckle filtered JERS-1 SAR data making seven textural GLCM measures. For automated thematic mapping and by the use of both the six TM spectral data and the seven textural GLCM measures, a new method of classification has been developed using the Maximum Likelihood Classifier (MLC). The method is named the sequential maximum likelihood classification and works efficiently by comparison the classified textural pixels, the classified spectral pixels, and the classified textural-spectral pixels, and gives the means of utilising the textural and spectral information for automated lithological mapping

    Remote Sensing for Non‐Technical Survey

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    This chapter describes the research activities of the Royal Military Academy on remote sensing applied to mine action. Remote sensing can be used to detect specific features that could lead to the suspicion of the presence, or absence, of mines. Work on the automatic detection of trenches and craters is presented here. Land cover can be extracted and is quite useful to help mine action. We present here a classification method based on Gabor filters. The relief of a region helps analysts to understand where mines could have been laid. Methods to be a digital terrain model from a digital surface model are explained. The special case of multi‐spectral classification is also addressed in this chapter. Discussion about data fusion is also given. Hyper‐spectral data are also addressed with a change detection method. Synthetic aperture radar data and its fusion with optical data have been studied. Radar interferometry and polarimetry are also addressed

    Discriminant analysis for lodging severity classification in wheat using RADARSAT-2 and Sentinel-1 data

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    Crop lodging - the bending of crop stems from their upright position or the failure of root-soil anchorage systems - is a major yield-reducing factor in wheat and causes deterioration of grain quality. The severity of lodging can be measured by a lodging score (LS)- an index calculated from the crop angle of inclination (CAI) and crop lodged area (LA). LS is difficult and time consuming to measure manually meaning that information on lodging occurrence and severity is limited and sparse. Remote sensing-based estimates of LS can provide more timely, synoptic and reliable information on crop lodging across vast areas. This information could improve estimates of crop yield losses, inform insurance loss adjusters and influence management decisions for subsequent seasons.This research - conducted in the 600 ha wheat sown area in the Bonifiche Ferraresi farm, located in Jolanda di Savoia, Ferrara, Italy - evaluated the performance of RADARSAT-2 and Sentinel-1 data to discriminate and classify lodging severity based on field measured LS. We measured temporal crop status characteristics related to lodging (e.g. lodged area, CAI, crop height) and collected relevant meteorological data (wind speed and rainfall) throughout May-June 2018. These field measurements were used to distinguish healthy (He) wheat from lodged wheat with different degrees of lodging severity (moderate, severe and very severe). We acquired multi-incidence angle (FQ8-27° and FQ21-41°) RADARSAT-2 and Sentinel-1 (40°) images and derived multiple metrics from them to discriminate and classify lodging severity. As a part of our data exploration, we performed a correlation analysis between the image-based metrics and LS. Next, a multi-temporal discriminant analysis approach, including a partial least squares (PLS-DA) method, was developed to classify lodging severities. We used the area under the curve-receiver operating characteristics (AUC-ROC) and confusion matrices to evaluate the accuracy of the PLS-DA classification models.Results show that (1) volume scattering components were highly correlated with LS at low incidence angles while double and surface scattering was more prevalent at high incidence angles; (2) lodging severity was best classified using low incidence angle R-FQ8 data (overall accuracy 72%) and (3) the Sentinel-1 data-based classification model was able to correctly identify 60% of the lodging severity cases in the study site. The results from this first study on classifying lodging severity using satellite-based SAR platforms suggests that SAR-based metrics can capture a substantial proportion of the observed variation in lodging severity, which is important in the context of operational crop lodging assessment in particular, and sustainable agriculture in general

    Visualising Mutually Non-dominating Solution Sets in Many-objective Optimisation

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    Copyright © 2013 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other users, including reprinting/ republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted components of this work in other works.As many-objective optimization algorithms mature, the problem owner is faced with visualizing and understanding a set of mutually nondominating solutions in a high dimensional space. We review existing methods and present new techniques to address this problem. We address a common problem with the well-known heatmap visualization, since the often arbitrary ordering of rows and columns renders the heatmap unclear, by using spectral seriation to rearrange the solutions and objectives and thus enhance the clarity of the heatmap. A multiobjective evolutionary optimizer is used to further enhance the simultaneous visualization of solutions in objective and parameter space. Two methods for visualizing multiobjective solutions in the plane are introduced. First, we use RadViz and exploit interpretations of barycentric coordinates for convex polygons and simplices to map a mutually nondominating set to the interior of a regular convex polygon in the plane, providing an intuitive representation of the solutions and objectives. Second, we introduce a new measure of the similarity of solutions—the dominance distance—which captures the order relations between solutions. This metric provides an embedding in Euclidean space, which is shown to yield coherent visualizations in two dimensions. The methods are illustrated on standard test problems and data from a benchmark many-objective problem