24,489 research outputs found

    Chance and Necessity in Evolution: Lessons from RNA

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    The relationship between sequences and secondary structures or shapes in RNA exhibits robust statistical properties summarized by three notions: (1) the notion of a typical shape (that among all sequences of fixed length certain shapes are realized much more frequently than others), (2) the notion of shape space covering (that all typical shapes are realized in a small neighborhood of any random sequence), and (3) the notion of a neutral network (that sequences folding into the same typical shape form networks that percolate through sequence space). Neutral networks loosen the requirements on the mutation rate for selection to remain effective. The original (genotypic) error threshold has to be reformulated in terms of a phenotypic error threshold. With regard to adaptation, neutrality has two seemingly contradictory effects: It acts as a buffer against mutations ensuring that a phenotype is preserved. Yet it is deeply enabling, because it permits evolutionary change to occur by allowing the sequence context to vary silently until a single point mutation can become phenotypically consequential. Neutrality also influences predictability of adaptive trajectories in seemingly contradictory ways. On the one hand it increases the uncertainty of their genotypic trace. At the same time neutrality structures the access from one shape to another, thereby inducing a topology among RNA shapes which permits a distinction between continuous and discontinuous shape transformations. To the extent that adaptive trajectories must undergo such transformations, their phenotypic trace becomes more predictable.Comment: 37 pages, 14 figures; 1998 CNLS conference; high quality figures at http://www.santafe.edu/~walte

    Neutral Evolution of Mutational Robustness

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    We introduce and analyze a general model of a population evolving over a network of selectively neutral genotypes. We show that the population's limit distribution on the neutral network is solely determined by the network topology and given by the principal eigenvector of the network's adjacency matrix. Moreover, the average number of neutral mutant neighbors per individual is given by the matrix spectral radius. This quantifies the extent to which populations evolve mutational robustness: the insensitivity of the phenotype to mutations. Since the average neutrality is independent of evolutionary parameters---such as, mutation rate, population size, and selective advantage---one can infer global statistics of neutral network topology using simple population data available from {\it in vitro} or {\it in vivo} evolution. Populations evolving on neutral networks of RNA secondary structures show excellent agreement with our theoretical predictions.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure

    Enumeration of chord diagrams on many intervals and their non-orientable analogs

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    Two types of connected chord diagrams with chord endpoints lying in a collection of ordered and oriented real segments are considered here: the real segments may contain additional bivalent vertices in one model but not in the other. In the former case, we record in a generating function the number of fatgraph boundary cycles containing a fixed number of bivalent vertices while in the latter, we instead record the number of boundary cycles of each fixed length. Second order, non-linear, algebraic partial differential equations are derived which are satisfied by these generating functions in each case giving efficient enumerative schemes. Moreover, these generating functions provide multi-parameter families of solutions to the KP hierarchy. For each model, there is furthermore a non-orientable analog, and each such model likewise has its own associated differential equation. The enumerative problems we solve are interpreted in terms of certain polygon gluings. As specific applications, we discuss models of several interacting RNA molecules. We also study a matrix integral which computes numbers of chord diagrams in both orientable and non-orientable cases in the model with bivalent vertices, and the large-N limit is computed using techniques of free probability.Comment: 23 pages, 7 figures; revised and extended versio

    Virus shapes and buckling transitions in spherical shells

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    We show that the icosahedral packings of protein capsomeres proposed by Caspar and Klug for spherical viruses become unstable to faceting for sufficiently large virus size, in analogy with the buckling instability of disclinations in two-dimensional crystals. Our model, based on the nonlinear physics of thin elastic shells, produces excellent one parameter fits in real space to the full three-dimensional shape of large spherical viruses. The faceted shape depends only on the dimensionless Foppl-von Karman number \gamma=YR^2/\kappa, where Y is the two-dimensional Young's modulus of the protein shell, \kappa is its bending rigidity and R is the mean virus radius. The shape can be parameterized more quantitatively in terms of a spherical harmonic expansion. We also investigate elastic shell theory for extremely large \gamma, 10^3 < \gamma < 10^8, and find results applicable to icosahedral shapes of large vesicles studied with freeze fracture and electron microscopy.Comment: 11 pages, 12 figure

    Shapes of interacting RNA complexes

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    Shapes of interacting RNA complexes are studied using a filtration via their topological genus. A shape of an RNA complex is obtained by (iteratively) collapsing stacks and eliminating hairpin loops. This shape-projection preserves the topological core of the RNA complex and for fixed topological genus there are only finitely many such shapes.Our main result is a new bijection that relates the shapes of RNA complexes with shapes of RNA structures.This allows to compute the shape polynomial of RNA complexes via the shape polynomial of RNA structures. We furthermore present a linear time uniform sampling algorithm for shapes of RNA complexes of fixed topological genus.Comment: 38 pages 24 figure

    Shapes of topological RNA structures

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    A topological RNA structure is derived from a diagram and its shape is obtained by collapsing the stacks of the structure into single arcs and by removing any arcs of length one. Shapes contain key topological, information and for fixed topological genus there exist only finitely many such shapes. We shall express topological RNA structures as unicellular maps, i.e. graphs together with a cyclic ordering of their half-edges. In this paper we prove a bijection of shapes of topological RNA structures. We furthermore derive a linear time algorithm generating shapes of fixed topological genus. We derive explicit expressions for the coefficients of the generating polynomial of these shapes and the generating function of RNA structures of genus gg. Furthermore we outline how shapes can be used in order to extract essential information of RNA structure databases.Comment: 27 pages, 11 figures, 2 tables. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1304.739

    Size, shape, and flexibility of RNA structures

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    Determination of sizes and flexibilities of RNA molecules is important in understanding the nature of packing in folded structures and in elucidating interactions between RNA and DNA or proteins. Using the coordinates of the structures of RNA in the Protein Data Bank we find that the size of the folded RNA structures, measured using the radius of gyration, RGR_G, follows the Flory scaling law, namely, RG=5.5N1/3R_G =5.5 N^{1/3} \AA where N is the number of nucleotides. The shape of RNA molecules is characterized by the asphericity Δ\Delta and the shape SS parameters that are computed using the eigenvalues of the moment of inertia tensor. From the distribution of Δ\Delta, we find that a large fraction of folded RNA structures are aspherical and the distribution of SS values shows that RNA molecules are prolate (S>0S>0). The flexibility of folded structures is characterized by the persistence length lpl_p. By fitting the distance distribution function P(r)P(r) to the worm-like chain model we extracted the persistence length lpl_p. We find that lp≈1.5N0.33l_p\approx 1.5 N^{0.33} \AA. The dependence of lpl_p on NN implies the average length of helices should increases as the size of RNA grows. We also analyze packing in the structures of ribosomes (30S, 50S, and 70S) in terms of RGR_G, Δ\Delta, SS, and lpl_p. The 70S and the 50S subunits are more spherical compared to most RNA molecules. The globularity in 50S is due to the presence of an unusually large number (compared to 30S subunit) of small helices that are stitched together by bulges and loops. Comparison of the shapes of the intact 70S ribosome and the constituent particles suggests that folding of the individual molecules might occur prior to assembly.Comment: 28 pages, 8 figures, J. Chem. Phys. in pres
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