298 research outputs found

    Application of augmented reality and robotic technology in broadcasting: A survey

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    As an innovation technique, Augmented Reality (AR) has been gradually deployed in the broadcast, videography and cinematography industries. Virtual graphics generated by AR are dynamic and overlap on the surface of the environment so that the original appearance can be greatly enhanced in comparison with traditional broadcasting. In addition, AR enables broadcasters to interact with augmented virtual 3D models on a broadcasting scene in order to enhance the performance of broadcasting. Recently, advanced robotic technologies have been deployed in a camera shooting system to create a robotic cameraman so that the performance of AR broadcasting could be further improved, which is highlighted in the paper

    Face detection and clustering for video indexing applications

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    This paper describes a method for automatically detecting human faces in generic video sequences. We employ an iterative algorithm in order to give a confidence measure for the presence or absence of faces within video shots. Skin colour filtering is carried out on a selected number of frames per video shot, followed by the application of shape and size heuristics. Finally, the remaining candidate regions are normalized and projected into an eigenspace, the reconstruction error being the measure of confidence for presence/absence of face. Following this, the confidence score for the entire video shot is calculated. In order to cluster extracted faces into a set of face classes, we employ an incremental procedure using a PCA-based dissimilarity measure in con-junction with spatio-temporal correlation. Experiments were carried out on a representative broadcast news test corpus

    3D-TV Production from Conventional Cameras for Sports Broadcast

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    3DTV production of live sports events presents a challenging problem involving conflicting requirements of main- taining broadcast stereo picture quality with practical problems in developing robust systems for cost effective deployment. In this paper we propose an alternative approach to stereo production in sports events using the conventional monocular broadcast cameras for 3D reconstruction of the event and subsequent stereo rendering. This approach has the potential advantage over stereo camera rigs of recovering full scene depth, allowing inter-ocular distance and convergence to be adapted according to the requirements of the target display and enabling stereo coverage from both existing and ‘virtual’ camera positions without additional cameras. A prototype system is presented with results of sports TV production trials for rendering of stereo and free-viewpoint video sequences of soccer and rugby

    Indexing, browsing and searching of digital video

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    Video is a communications medium that normally brings together moving pictures with a synchronised audio track into a discrete piece or pieces of information. The size of a “piece ” of video can variously be referred to as a frame, a shot, a scene, a clip, a programme or an episode, and these are distinguished by their lengths and by their composition. We shall return to the definition of each of these in section 4 this chapter. In modern society, video is ver

    A Novel and Effective Short Track Speed Skating Tracking System

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    This dissertation proposes a novel and effective system for tracking high-speed skaters. A novel registration method is employed to automatically discover key frames to build the panorama. Then, the homography between a frame and the real world rink can be generated accordingly. Aimed at several challenging tracking problems of short track skating, a novel multiple-objects tracking approach is proposed which includes: Gaussian mixture models (GMMs), evolving templates, constrained dynamical model, fuzzy model, multiple templates initialization, and evolution. The outputs of the system include spatialtemporal trajectories, velocity analysis, and 2D reconstruction animations. The tracking accuracy is about 10 cm (2 pixels). Such information is invaluable for sports experts. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness and robustness of the proposed system

    Audiovisual processing for sports-video summarisation technology

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    In this thesis a novel audiovisual feature-based scheme is proposed for the automatic summarization of sports-video content The scope of operability of the scheme is designed to encompass the wide variety o f sports genres that come under the description ‘field-sports’. Given the assumption that, in terms of conveying the narrative of a field-sports-video, score-update events constitute the most significant moments, it is proposed that their detection should thus yield a favourable summarisation solution. To this end, a generic methodology is proposed for the automatic identification of score-update events in field-sports-video content. The scheme is based on the development of robust extractors for a set of critical features, which are shown to reliably indicate their locations. The evidence gathered by the feature extractors is combined and analysed using a Support Vector Machine (SVM), which performs the event detection process. An SVM is chosen on the basis that its underlying technology represents an implementation of the latest generation of machine learning algorithms, based on the recent advances in statistical learning. Effectively, an SVM offers a solution to optimising the classification performance of a decision hypothesis, inferred from a given set of training data. Via a learning phase that utilizes a 90-hour field-sports-video trainmg-corpus, the SVM infers a score-update event model by observing patterns in the extracted feature evidence. Using a similar but distinct 90-hour evaluation corpus, the effectiveness of this model is then tested genencally across multiple genres of fieldsports- video including soccer, rugby, field hockey, hurling, and Gaelic football. The results suggest that in terms o f the summarization task, both high event retrieval and content rejection statistics are achievable


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    With the growing demand for gender-related data on diverse applications, including security systems for ascertaining an individual’s identity for border crossing, as well as marketing purposes of digging the potential customer and tailoring special discounts for them, gender classification has become an essential task within the field of computer vision and deep learning. There has been extensive research conducted on classifying human gender using facial expression, exterior appearance (e.g., hair, clothes), or gait movement. However, within the scope of our research, none have specifically focused gender classification on two-dimensional body joints. Knowing this, we believe that a new prediction pipeline is required to improve the accuracy of gender classification on purely joint images. In this paper, we propose novel yet simple methods for gender recognition. We conducted our experiments on the BBC Pose and Short BBC pose datasets. We preprocess the raw images by filtering out the frame with missing human figures, removing background noise by cropping the images and labeling the joints via the C5 (model applied transfer learning on the RestNet-152) pre- trained model. We implemented both machine learning (SVM) and deep learning (Convolution Neural Network) methods to classify the images into binary genders. The result of the deep learning method outperformed the classic machine learning method with an accuracy of 66.5%

    Robotic Cameraman for Augmented Reality based Broadcast and Demonstration

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    In recent years, a number of large enterprises have gradually begun to use vari-ous Augmented Reality technologies to prominently improve the audiences’ view oftheir products. Among them, the creation of an immersive virtual interactive scenethrough the projection has received extensive attention, and this technique refers toprojection SAR, which is short for projection spatial augmented reality. However,as the existing projection-SAR systems have immobility and limited working range,they have a huge difficulty to be accepted and used in human daily life. Therefore,this thesis research has proposed a technically feasible optimization scheme so thatit can be practically applied to AR broadcasting and demonstrations. Based on three main techniques required by state-of-art projection SAR applica-tions, this thesis has created a novel mobile projection SAR cameraman for ARbroadcasting and demonstration. Firstly, by combining the CNN scene parsingmodel and multiple contour extractors, the proposed contour extraction pipelinecan always detect the optimal contour information in non-HD or blurred images.This algorithm reduces the dependency on high quality visual sensors and solves theproblems of low contour extraction accuracy in motion blurred images. Secondly, aplane-based visual mapping algorithm is introduced to solve the difficulties of visualmapping in these low-texture scenarios. Finally, a complete process of designing theprojection SAR cameraman robot is introduced. This part has solved three mainproblems in mobile projection-SAR applications: (i) a new method for marking con-tour on projection model is proposed to replace the model rendering process. Bycombining contour features and geometric features, users can identify objects oncolourless model easily. (ii) a camera initial pose estimation method is developedbased on visual tracking algorithms, which can register the start pose of robot to thewhole scene in Unity3D. (iii) a novel data transmission approach is introduced to establishes a link between external robot and the robot in Unity3D simulation work-space. This makes the robotic cameraman can simulate its trajectory in Unity3D simulation work-space and project correct virtual content. Our proposed mobile projection SAR system has made outstanding contributionsto the academic value and practicality of the existing projection SAR technique. Itfirstly solves the problem of limited working range. When the system is running ina large indoor scene, it can follow the user and project dynamic interactive virtualcontent automatically instead of increasing the number of visual sensors. Then,it creates a more immersive experience for audience since it supports the user hasmore body gestures and richer virtual-real interactive plays. Lastly, a mobile systemdoes not require up-front frameworks and cheaper and has provided the public aninnovative choice for indoor broadcasting and exhibitions
