10 research outputs found

    Face Recognition from Sequential Sparse 3D Data via Deep Registration

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    Previous works have shown that face recognition with high accurate 3D data is more reliable and insensitive to pose and illumination variations. Recently, low-cost and portable 3D acquisition techniques like ToF(Time of Flight) and DoE based structured light systems enable us to access 3D data easily, e.g., via a mobile phone. However, such devices only provide sparse(limited speckles in structured light system) and noisy 3D data which can not support face recognition directly. In this paper, we aim at achieving high-performance face recognition for devices equipped with such modules which is very meaningful in practice as such devices will be very popular. We propose a framework to perform face recognition by fusing a sequence of low-quality 3D data. As 3D data are sparse and noisy which can not be well handled by conventional methods like the ICP algorithm, we design a PointNet-like Deep Registration Network(DRNet) which works with ordered 3D point coordinates while preserving the ability of mining local structures via convolution. Meanwhile we develop a novel loss function to optimize our DRNet based on the quaternion expression which obviously outperforms other widely used functions. For face recognition, we design a deep convolutional network which takes the fused 3D depth-map as input based on AMSoftmax model. Experiments show that our DRNet can achieve rotation error 0.95{\deg} and translation error 0.28mm for registration. The face recognition on fused data also achieves rank-1 accuracy 99.2% , FAR-0.001 97.5% on Bosphorus dataset which is comparable with state-of-the-art high-quality data based recognition performance.Comment: To be appeared in ICB201


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    Face recognition is one of the applications in image processing that recognizes or checks an individual's identity. 2D images are used to identify the face, but the problem is that this kind of image is very sensitive to changes in lighting and various angles of view. The images captured by 3D camera and stereo camera can also be used for recognition, but fairly long processing times is needed. RGB-D images that Kinect produces are used as a new alternative approach to 3D images. Such cameras cost less and can be used in any situation and any environment. This paper shows the face recognition algorithms’ performance using RGB-D images. These algorithms calculate the descriptor which uses RGB and Depth map faces based on local binary pattern. Those images are also tested for the fusion of LBP and DCT methods. The fusion of LBP and DCT approach produces a recognition rate of 97.5% during the experiment

    3D Object Reconstruction from Imperfect Depth Data Using Extended YOLOv3 Network

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    State-of-the-art intelligent versatile applications provoke the usage of full 3D, depth-based streams, especially in the scenarios of intelligent remote control and communications, where virtual and augmented reality will soon become outdated and are forecasted to be replaced by point cloud streams providing explorable 3D environments of communication and industrial data. One of the most novel approaches employed in modern object reconstruction methods is to use a priori knowledge of the objects that are being reconstructed. Our approach is different as we strive to reconstruct a 3D object within much more difficult scenarios of limited data availability. Data stream is often limited by insufficient depth camera coverage and, as a result, the objects are occluded and data is lost. Our proposed hybrid artificial neural network modifications have improved the reconstruction results by 8.53 which allows us for much more precise filling of occluded object sides and reduction of noise during the process. Furthermore, the addition of object segmentation masks and the individual object instance classification is a leap forward towards a general-purpose scene reconstruction as opposed to a single object reconstruction task due to the ability to mask out overlapping object instances and using only masked object area in the reconstruction process

    Robust RGB-D Face Recognition Using Attribute-Aware Loss

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    Existing convolutional neural network (CNN) based face recognition algorithms typically learn a discriminative feature mapping, using a loss function that enforces separation of features from different classes and/or aggregation of features within the same class. However, they may suffer from bias in the training data such as uneven sampling density, because they optimize the adjacency relationship of the learned features without considering the proximity of the underlying faces. Moreover, since they only use facial images for training, the learned feature mapping may not correctly indicate the relationship of other attributes such as gender and ethnicity, which can be important for some face recognition applications. In this paper, we propose a new CNN-based face recognition approach that incorporates such attributes into the training process. Using an attribute-aware loss function that regularizes the feature mapping using attribute proximity, our approach learns more discriminative features that are correlated with the attributes. We train our face recognition model on a large-scale RGB-D data set with over 100K identities captured under real application conditions. By comparing our approach with other methods on a variety of experiments, we demonstrate that depth channel and attribute-aware loss greatly improve the accuracy and robustness of face recognition

    Pose-Invariant Face Recognition via RGB-D Images

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    Three-dimensional (3D) face models can intrinsically handle large pose face recognition problem. In this paper, we propose a novel pose-invariant face recognition method via RGB-D images. By employing depth, our method is able to handle self-occlusion and deformation, both of which are challenging problems in two-dimensional (2D) face recognition. Texture images in the gallery can be rendered to the same view as the probe via depth. Meanwhile, depth is also used for similarity measure via frontalization and symmetric filling. Finally, both texture and depth contribute to the final identity estimation. Experiments on Bosphorus, CurtinFaces, Eurecom, and Kiwi databases demonstrate that the additional depth information has improved the performance of face recognition with large pose variations and under even more challenging conditions

    Mathematical Camera Array Optimization for Face 3D Modeling Application

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    Camera network design is a challenging task for many applications in photogrammetry, biomedical engineering, robotics, and industrial metrology, among other fields. Many driving factors are found in the camera network design including the camera specifications, object of interest, and type of application. One of the interesting applications is 3D face modeling and recognition which involves recognizing an individual based on facial attributes derived from the constructed 3D model. Developers and researchers still face difficulty in reaching the required high level of accuracy and reliability needed for image-based 3D face models. This is caused among many factors by the hardware limitations and imperfection of the cameras and the lack of proficiency in designing the ideal camera-system configuration. Accordingly, for precise measurements, we still need engineering-based techniques to ascertain the specific level of deliverables quality. In this paper, an optimal geometric design methodology of the camera network is presented by investigating different multi-camera system configurations composed of four up to eight cameras. A mathematical nonlinear constrained optimization technique is applied to solve the problem and each camera system configuration is tested for a facial 3D model where a quality assessment is applied to conclude the best configuration. The optimal configuration is found to be a 7-camera array, comprising a pentagon shape enclosing two additional cameras, offering high accuracy. For those who prioritize point density, a 9-camera array with a pentagon and quadrilateral arrangement in the X-Z plane is a viable choice. However, a 5-camera array offers a balance between accuracy and the number of cameras

    Aprendizado de variedades para a síntese de áudio espacial

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    Orientadores: Luiz César Martini, Bruno Sanches MasieroTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Elétrica e de ComputaçãoResumo: O objetivo do áudio espacial gerado com a técnica binaural é simular uma fonte sonora em localizações espaciais arbitrarias através das Funções de Transferência Relativas à Cabeça (HRTFs) ou também chamadas de Funções de Transferência Anatômicas. As HRTFs modelam a interação entre uma fonte sonora e a antropometria de uma pessoa (e.g., cabeça, torso e orelhas). Se filtrarmos uma fonte de áudio através de um par de HRTFs (uma para cada orelha), o som virtual resultante parece originar-se de uma localização espacial específica. Inspirados em nossos resultados bem sucedidos construindo uma aplicação prática de reconhecimento facial voltada para pessoas com deficiência visual que usa uma interface de usuário baseada em áudio espacial, neste trabalho aprofundamos nossa pesquisa para abordar vários aspectos científicos do áudio espacial. Neste contexto, esta tese analisa como incorporar conhecimentos prévios do áudio espacial usando uma nova representação não-linear das HRTFs baseada no aprendizado de variedades para enfrentar vários desafios de amplo interesse na comunidade do áudio espacial, como a personalização de HRTFs, a interpolação de HRTFs e a melhoria da localização de fontes sonoras. O uso do aprendizado de variedades para áudio espacial baseia-se no pressuposto de que os dados (i.e., as HRTFs) situam-se em uma variedade de baixa dimensão. Esta suposição também tem sido de grande interesse entre pesquisadores em neurociência computacional, que argumentam que as variedades são cruciais para entender as relações não lineares subjacentes à percepção no cérebro. Para todas as nossas contribuições usando o aprendizado de variedades, a construção de uma única variedade entre os sujeitos através de um grafo Inter-sujeito (Inter-subject graph, ISG) revelou-se como uma poderosa representação das HRTFs capaz de incorporar conhecimento prévio destas e capturar seus fatores subjacentes. Além disso, a vantagem de construir uma única variedade usando o nosso ISG e o uso de informações de outros indivíduos para melhorar o desempenho geral das técnicas aqui propostas. Os resultados mostram que nossas técnicas baseadas no ISG superam outros métodos lineares e não-lineares nos desafios de áudio espacial abordados por esta teseAbstract: The objective of binaurally rendered spatial audio is to simulate a sound source in arbitrary spatial locations through the Head-Related Transfer Functions (HRTFs). HRTFs model the direction-dependent influence of ears, head, and torso on the incident sound field. When an audio source is filtered through a pair of HRTFs (one for each ear), a listener is capable of perceiving a sound as though it were reproduced at a specific location in space. Inspired by our successful results building a practical face recognition application aimed at visually impaired people that uses a spatial audio user interface, in this work we have deepened our research to address several scientific aspects of spatial audio. In this context, this thesis explores the incorporation of spatial audio prior knowledge using a novel nonlinear HRTF representation based on manifold learning, which tackles three major challenges of broad interest among the spatial audio community: HRTF personalization, HRTF interpolation, and human sound localization improvement. Exploring manifold learning for spatial audio is based on the assumption that the data (i.e. the HRTFs) lies on a low-dimensional manifold. This assumption has also been of interest among researchers in computational neuroscience, who argue that manifolds are crucial for understanding the underlying nonlinear relationships of perception in the brain. For all of our contributions using manifold learning, the construction of a single manifold across subjects through an Inter-subject Graph (ISG) has proven to lead to a powerful HRTF representation capable of incorporating prior knowledge of HRTFs and capturing the underlying factors of spatial hearing. Moreover, the use of our ISG to construct a single manifold offers the advantage of employing information from other individuals to improve the overall performance of the techniques herein proposed. The results show that our ISG-based techniques outperform other linear and nonlinear methods in tackling the spatial audio challenges addressed by this thesisDoutoradoEngenharia de ComputaçãoDoutor em Engenharia Elétrica2014/14630-9FAPESPCAPE