64 research outputs found

    Certainty relations, mutual entanglement and non-displacable manifolds

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    We derive explicit bounds for the average entropy characterizing measurements of a pure quantum state of size NN in LL orthogonal bases. Lower bounds lead to novel entropic uncertainty relations, while upper bounds allow us to formulate universal certainty relations. For L=2L=2 the maximal average entropy saturates at logN\log N as there exists a mutually coherent state, but certainty relations are shown to be nontrivial for L3L \ge 3 measurements. In the case of a prime power dimension, N=pkN=p^k, and the number of measurements L=N+1L=N+1, the upper bound for the average entropy becomes minimal for a collection of mutually unbiased bases. Analogous approach is used to study entanglement with respect to LL different splittings of a composite system, linked by bi-partite quantum gates. We show that for any two-qubit unitary gate UU(4)U\in \mathcal{U}(4) there exist states being mutually separable or mutually entangled with respect to both splittings (related by UU) of the composite system. The latter statement follows from the fact that the real projective space RP3CP3\mathbb{R}P^{3}\subset\mathbb{C}P^{3} is non-displacable. For L=3L=3 splittings the maximal sum of LL entanglement entropies is conjectured to achieve its minimum for a collection of three mutually entangled bases, formed by two mutually entangling gates

    A family of generalized quantum entropies: definition and properties

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    We present a quantum version of the generalized (h, φ)-entropies, introduced by Salicrú et al. for the study of classical probability distributions.We establish their basic properties and show that already known quantum entropies such as von Neumann, and quantum versions of Rényi, Tsallis, and unified entropies, constitute particular classes of the present general quantum Salicrú form. We exhibit that majorization plays a key role in explaining most of their common features. We give a characterization of the quantum (h, φ)-entropies under the action of quantum operations and study their properties for composite systems. We apply these generalized entropies to the problem of detection of quantum entanglement and introduce a discussion on possible generalized conditional entropies as well.Facultad de Ciencias ExactasInstituto de Física La Plat

    Highly symmetric POVMs and their informational power

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    Información cuántica con variables continuas

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    "This thesis identifies the model of simultaneous measurement of the position and momentum observables seminally posed by Arthurs and Kelly as a system described entirely by observables with continuous eigen spectrum; in particular, we treat the model in the regime of Gaussian states by assuming a minimum uncertainty state as the system under measurement. Under this consideration, the mathematical framework used to describe these states in quantum information processing tasks finds applicability. First, we consider the free energies of each quantum system defining the measurement setting in the measurement dynam ics; then, we study how this consideration affects the retrodictive and predictive aspects of accuracy for the simultaneous measurement of the position and momentum observables of the system under examination. We find that the accuracy of the simultaneous measurement is affected by the degree of coupling between the detectors of the measurement apparatus and the system under observation"

    A Framework for Uncertainty Relations

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    Uncertainty principle, which was first introduced by Werner Heisenberg in 1927, forms a fundamental component of quantum mechanics. A graceful aspect of quantum mechanics is that the uncertainty relations between incompatible observables allow for succinct quan- titative formulations of this revolutionary idea: it is impossible to simultaneously measure two complementary variables of a particle in precision. In particular, information theory offers two basic ways to express the Heisenberg’s principle: variance-based uncertainty relations and entropic uncertainty relations. We first investigate the uncertainty relations based on the sum of variances and derive a family of weighted uncertainty relations to provide an optimal lower bound for all situations. Our work indicates that it seems unreasonable to assume a priori that incompatible observables have equal contribution to the variance-based sum form uncertainty relations. We also study the role of mutually exclusive physical states in the recent work and generalize the variance-based uncertainty relations to mutually exclusive uncertainty relations. Next, we develop a new kind of entanglement detection criteria within the framework of marjorization theory and its matrix representation. By virtue of majorization uncertainty bounds, we are able to construct the entanglement criteria which have advantage over the scalar detect- ing algorithms as they are often stronger and tighter. Furthermore, we explore various expression of entropic uncertainty relations, including sum of Shannon entropies, majorization uncer- tainty relations and uncertainty relations in presence of quantum memory. For entropic uncertainty relations without quantum side information, we provide several tighter bounds for multi-measurements, with some of them also valid for Rényi and Tsallis entropies besides the Shannon entropy. We employ majorization theory and actions of the symmetric group to obtain an admixture bound for entropic uncertainty relations with multi-measurements. Comparisons among existing bounds for multi-measurements are also given. However,classical entropic uncertainty relations assume there has only classical side information. For modern uncertainty relations, those who allowed for non-trivial amount of quantum side information, their bounds have been strengthened by our recent result for both two and multi- measurements. Finally, we propose an approach which can extend all uncertainty relations on Shannon entropies to allow for quantum side information and discuss the applications of our entropic framework. Combined with our uniform entanglement frames, it is possible to detect entanglement via entropic uncertainty relations even if there is no quantum side in- formation. With the rising of quantum information theory, uncertainty relations have been established as important tools for a wide range of applications, such as quantum cryptography, quantum key distribution, entanglement detection, quantum metrology, quantum speed limit and so on. It is thus necessary to focus on the study of uncertainty relations

    The Statistical Foundations of Entropy

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    In the last two decades, the understanding of complex dynamical systems underwent important conceptual shifts. The catalyst was the infusion of new ideas from the theory of critical phenomena (scaling laws, renormalization group, etc.), (multi)fractals and trees, random matrix theory, network theory, and non-Shannonian information theory. The usual Boltzmann–Gibbs statistics were proven to be grossly inadequate in this context. While successful in describing stationary systems characterized by ergodicity or metric transitivity, Boltzmann–Gibbs statistics fail to reproduce the complex statistical behavior of many real-world systems in biology, astrophysics, geology, and the economic and social sciences.The aim of this Special Issue was to extend the state of the art by original contributions that could contribute to an ongoing discussion on the statistical foundations of entropy, with a particular emphasis on non-conventional entropies that go significantly beyond Boltzmann, Gibbs, and Shannon paradigms. The accepted contributions addressed various aspects including information theoretic, thermodynamic and quantum aspects of complex systems and found several important applications of generalized entropies in various systems

    Quantum Coarse-Graining: An Information-Theoretic Approach to Thermodynamics

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    We investigate fundamental connections between thermodynamics and quantum information theory. First, we show that the operational framework of thermal operations is nonequivalent to the framework of Gibbs-preserving maps, and we comment on this gap. We then introduce a fully information-theoretic framework generalizing the above by making further abstraction of physical quantities such as energy. It is technically convenient to work with and reproduces known results for finite-size quantum thermodynamics. With our framework we may determine the minimal work cost of implementing any logical process. In the case of information processing on memory registers with a degenerate Hamiltonian, the answer is given by the max-entropy, a measure of information known from quantum information theory. In the general case, we obtain a new information measure, the "coherent relative entropy", which generalizes both the conditional entropy and the relative entropy. It satisfies a collection of properties which justifies its interpretation as an entropy measure and which connects it to known quantities. We then present how, from our framework, macroscopic thermodynamics emerges by typicality, after singling out an appropriate class of thermodynamic states possessing some suitable reversibility property. A natural thermodynamic potential emerges, dictating possible state transformations, and whose differential describes the physics of the system. The textbook thermodynamics of a gas is recovered as well as the form of the second law relating thermodynamic entropy and heat exchange. Finally, noting that quantum states are relative to the observer, we see that the procedure above gives rise to a natural form of coarse-graining in quantum mechanics: Each observer can consistently apply the formalism of quantum information according to their own fundamental unit of information.Comment: Ph. D. thesis, ETH Zurich (301 pages). Chaps. 1-3,9 are introductory and/or reviews; Chaps. 4,6 discuss previously published results (reproduces content from arXiv:1406.3618, New J. Phys. 2015 and from arXiv:1211.1037, Nat. Comm. 2015); Chaps. 5,7,8,10 are as of yet unpublished (introducing our information-theoretic framework, the coherent relative entropy, and quantum coarse-graining

    Optimization of the pump spectral shape in a parametric down conversion process to generate multimode entangled states.

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    Quantum optics has been, from its beginning, a driving force both for the exploration of fundamental limits of the quantum world and for conceiving seminal ideas and applications of the so-called quantum technologies. The last 20 years have seen a rapid development of ideas and proof-of-principle experiments involving the fields of quantum communication, quantum computation, quantum metrology and quantum simulation. The so called continuous variable (CV) approach to quantum optics, which uses many photon in collective states, and continuous observables like the quadratures of the electric field to encode information, has many interesting properties, especially from a communications perspective. It is inherently broadband and compatible with standard telecom infrastructures. Moreover, in CV, entanglement, one of the fundamental resource of quantum optics, can be generated deterministically. One of the main challenges for all quantum information technologies is scalability, being able to generate and manipulate a large number of quantum resources to achieve practical tasks efficiently. One approach to solve the issue of scalability is to use highly multimode quantum states. The quantum description of the electromagnetic field associate each photon (particle of light) with a mode (way for light to propagate). In a mutlimodal approach, we look at the quantum state bases and optical modes bases conjointly and tailor quantum fields not only in given modes, but also optimize the spatio-temporal shapes of the modes in which the state is defined. This opens wide perspectives for treating complex quantum states. In particular, using ultra-fast pulses of light which contain many temporal/spectral modes, we are able to generate large and complex entangled states of light using simple resources. In this thesis, we used an optical parametric oscillator pumped synchronously (SPOPO) with a frequency comb to generate multimode squeezed vacuum states which can be used to form cluster states: a large collection of modes (the nodes) entangled to each other in a certain way. These state are the basic resource for Measurement Based Quantum Computation (MBQC). This set-up has the advantage to generate entanglement in many mode with a single device. It is also highly tunable. Indeed, by tuning the spectrum of the OPO pump with a pulse shaper, one can tailor the properties of the generated quantum state. In this work, we focus on the optimization of the pump spectral shape to generate specific states. Using simulations based on Machine Learning Algorithms (MLA), we find optimal pump profile for typical target states. We then implement those shapes on the experimental set-up and measure the resulting states using multipixel homodyne detection. We also study intra-cavity dispersion effects. Dispersion inside the SPOPO cavity is indeed one of the main factor that limits the number of entangled modes in the generated quantum states. A systematic study of dispersion effects is therefore necessary to model the SPOPO output accurately. This works paves the way toward a fully tunable device that can be optimized in real time to generate specific quantum resources tailored for specific tasks