314 research outputs found

    Denoising sound signals in a bioinspired non-negative spectro-temporal domain

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    The representation of sound signals at the cochlea and auditory cortical level has been studied as an alternative to classical analysis methods. In this work, we put forward a recently proposed feature extraction method called approximate auditory cortical representation, based on an approximation to the statistics of discharge patterns at the primary auditory cortex. The approach here proposed estimates a non-negative sparse coding with a combined dictionary of atoms. These atoms represent the spectro-temporal receptive fields of the auditory cortical neurons, and are calculated from the auditory spectrograms of clean signal and noise. The denoising is carried out on noisy signals by the reconstruction of the signal discarding the atoms corresponding to the noise. Experiments are presented using synthetic (chirps) and real data (speech), in the presence of additive noise. For the evaluation of the new method and its variants, we used two objective measures: the perceptual evaluation of speech quality and the segmental signal-to-noise ratio. Results show that the proposed method improves the quality of the signals, mainly under severe degradation.Fil: Martínez, César Ernesto. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Santa Fe. Instituto de Investigación en Señales, Sistemas e Inteligencia Computacional. Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Facultad de Ingeniería y Ciencias Hídricas. Instituto de Investigación en Señales, Sistemas e Inteligencia Computacional; ArgentinaFil: Goddard, J.. Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana; MéxicoFil: Di Persia, Leandro Ezequiel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Santa Fe. Instituto de Investigación en Señales, Sistemas e Inteligencia Computacional. Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Facultad de Ingeniería y Ciencias Hídricas. Instituto de Investigación en Señales, Sistemas e Inteligencia Computacional; ArgentinaFil: Milone, Diego Humberto. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Santa Fe. Instituto de Investigación en Señales, Sistemas e Inteligencia Computacional. Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Facultad de Ingeniería y Ciencias Hídricas. Instituto de Investigación en Señales, Sistemas e Inteligencia Computacional; ArgentinaFil: Rufiner, Hugo Leonardo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Santa Fe. Instituto de Investigación en Señales, Sistemas e Inteligencia Computacional. Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Facultad de Ingeniería y Ciencias Hídricas. Instituto de Investigación en Señales, Sistemas e Inteligencia Computacional; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Entre Ríos. Facultad de Ingeniería; Argentin

    Deep Learning Based Speech Enhancement and Its Application to Speech Recognition

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    Speech enhancement is the task that aims to improve the quality and the intelligibility of a speech signal that is degraded by ambient noise and room reverberation. Speech enhancement algorithms are used extensively in many audio- and communication systems, including mobile handsets, speech recognition, speaker verification systems and hearing aids. Recently, deep learning has achieved great success in many applications, such as computer vision, nature language processing and speech recognition. Speech enhancement methods have been introduced that use deep-learning techniques, as these techniques are capable of learning complex hierarchical functions using large-scale training data. This dissertation investigates the deep learning based speech enhancement and its application to robust Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR). We start our work by exploring generative adversarial network (GAN) based speech enhancement. We explore the techniques to extract information about the noise to aid in the reconstruction of the speech signals. The proposed framework, referred to as ForkGAN, is a novel general adversarial learning-based framework that combines deep-learning with conventional noise reduction techniques. We further extend ForkGAN to M-ForkGAN, which integrates feature mapping and mask learning into a unified framework using ForkGAN. Another variant of ForkGAN, named S-ForkGAN, operates on spectral-domain features, which could directly apply to ASR. Systematic evaluations demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approaches. Then, we propose a novel multi-stage learning speech enhancement system. Each stage comprises a self-attention (SA) block followed by stacks of temporal convolutional network (TCN) blocks with doubling dilation factors. Each stage generates a prediction that is refined in a subsequent stage. A fusion block is inserted at the input of later stages to re-inject original information. Moreover, we design several multi-scale architectures with perceptual loss. Experiments show that our proposed architectures can achieve the state of the art performance on several public datasets. Recently, modeling to learn the acoustic noisy-clean speech mapping has been enhanced by including auxiliary information such as visual cues, phonetic and linguistic information, and speaker information. We propose a novel speaker-aware speech enhancement (SASE) method that extracts speaker information from a clean reference using long short-term memory (LSTM) layers, and then uses a convolutional recurrent neural network (CRN) to embed the extracted speaker information. The SASE framework is extended with a self-attention mechanism. It is shown that a few seconds of clean reference speech is sufficient, and that the proposed SASE method performs well for a wide range of scenarios. Even though speech enhancement methods that are based on deep learning have demonstrated state-of-the-art performance when compared with conventional methodologies, current deep learning approaches heavily rely on supervised learning, which requires a large number of noisy- and clean-speech sample pairs for training. This is generally not practical in a realistic environment. One cannot simultaneously obtain both noisy and clean speech samples. Thus, most speech enhancement approaches are trained with simulated speech and clean targets. In addition, it would be hard to collect large-scale dataset for the low-resource languages. We propose a novel noise-to-noise speech enhancement (N2N-SE) method that addresses the parallel noisy-clean training data issue, we leverage signal reconstruction techniques by only using corrupted speech. The proposed N2N-SE framework includes a noise conversion module that is an auto-encoder that learns to mix noise with speech, and a speech enhancement module, that learns to reconstruct corrupted speech signals. In addition to additive noise, speech is also affected by reverberation, which is caused by the attenuated and delayed reflections of sound waves. These distortions, particularly when combined, can severely degrade speech intelligibility for human listeners and impact applications, e.g., automatic speech recognition (ASR) and speaker recognition. Thus, effective speech denoising and dereverberation will benefit both speech processing applications and human listeners. We investigate the deep-learning based approaches for both speech dereverberation and speech denoising using the cascade Conformer architecture. The experimental results show that the proposed cascade Conformer can be effective to suppress the noise and reverberation

    Underwater Image Processing: State of the Art of Restoration and Image Enhancement Methods

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    The underwater image processing area has received considerable attention within the last decades, showing important achievements. In this paper we review some of the most recent methods that have been specifically developed for the underwater environment. These techniques are capable of extending the range of underwater imaging, improving image contrast and resolution. After considering the basic physics of the light propagation in the water medium, we focus on the different algorithms available in the literature. The conditions for which each of them have been originally developed are highlighted as well as the quality assessment methods used to evaluate their performance

    Real-world super-resolution of face-images from surveillance cameras

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    Most existing face image Super-Resolution (SR) methods assume that the Low-Resolution (LR) images were artificially downsampled from High-Resolution (HR) images with bicubic interpolation. This operation changes the natural image characteristics and reduces noise. Hence, SR methods trained on such data most often fail to produce good results when applied to real LR images. To solve this problem, we propose a novel framework for generation of realistic LR/HR training pairs. Our framework estimates realistic blur kernels, noise distributions, and JPEG compression artifacts to generate LR images with similar image characteristics as the ones in the source domain. This allows us to train a SR model using high quality face images as Ground-Truth (GT). For better perceptual quality we use a Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) based SR model where we have exchanged the commonly used VGG-loss [24] with LPIPS-loss [52]. Experimental results on both real and artificially corrupted face images show that our method results in more detailed reconstructions with less noise compared to existing State-of-the-Art (SoTA) methods. In addition, we show that the traditional non-reference Image Quality Assessment (IQA) methods fail to capture this improvement and demonstrate that the more recent NIMA metric [16] correlates better with human perception via Mean Opinion Rank (MOR)

    Models and analysis of vocal emissions for biomedical applications

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    This book of Proceedings collects the papers presented at the 3rd International Workshop on Models and Analysis of Vocal Emissions for Biomedical Applications, MAVEBA 2003, held 10-12 December 2003, Firenze, Italy. The workshop is organised every two years, and aims to stimulate contacts between specialists active in research and industrial developments, in the area of voice analysis for biomedical applications. The scope of the Workshop includes all aspects of voice modelling and analysis, ranging from fundamental research to all kinds of biomedical applications and related established and advanced technologies

    Revealing More Details: Image Super-Resolution for Real-World Applications

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    Visibility recovery on images acquired in attenuating media. Application to underwater, fog, and mammographic imaging

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    136 p.When acquired in attenuating media, digital images of ten suffer from a particularly complex degradation that reduces their visual quality, hindering their suitability for further computational applications, or simply decreasing the visual pleasan tness for the user. In these cases, mathematical image processing reveals it self as an ideal tool to recover some of the information lost during the degradation process. In this dissertation,we deal with three of such practical scenarios in which this problematic is specially relevant, namely, underwater image enhancement, fogremoval and mammographic image processing. In the case of digital mammograms,X-ray beams traverse human tissue, and electronic detectorscapture them as they reach the other side. However, the superposition on a bidimensional image of three-dimensional structures produces low contraste dimages in which structures of interest suffer from a diminished visibility, obstructing diagnosis tasks. Regarding fog removal, the loss of contrast is produced by the atmospheric conditions, and white colour takes over the scene uniformly as distance increases, also reducing visibility.For underwater images, there is an added difficulty, since colour is not lost uniformly; instead, red colours decay the fastest, and green and blue colours typically dominate the acquired images. To address all these challenges,in this dissertation we develop new methodologies that rely on: a)physical models of the observed degradation, and b) the calculus of variations.Equipped with this powerful machinery, we design novel theoreticaland computational tools, including image-dependent functional energies that capture the particularities of each degradation model. These energie sare composed of different integral terms that are simultaneous lyminimized by means of efficient numerical schemes, producing a clean,visually-pleasant and use ful output image, with better contrast and increased visibility. In every considered application, we provide comprehensive qualitative (visual) and quantitative experimental results to validateour methods, confirming that the developed techniques out perform other existing approaches in the literature

    Single-Microphone Speech Enhancement and Separation Using Deep Learning

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    The cocktail party problem comprises the challenging task of understanding a speech signal in a complex acoustic environment, where multiple speakers and background noise signals simultaneously interfere with the speech signal of interest. A signal processing algorithm that can effectively increase the speech intelligibility and quality of speech signals in such complicated acoustic situations is highly desirable. Especially for applications involving mobile communication devices and hearing assistive devices. Due to the re-emergence of machine learning techniques, today, known as deep learning, the challenges involved with such algorithms might be overcome. In this PhD thesis, we study and develop deep learning-based techniques for two sub-disciplines of the cocktail party problem: single-microphone speech enhancement and single-microphone multi-talker speech separation. Specifically, we conduct in-depth empirical analysis of the generalizability capability of modern deep learning-based single-microphone speech enhancement algorithms. We show that performance of such algorithms is closely linked to the training data, and good generalizability can be achieved with carefully designed training data. Furthermore, we propose uPIT, a deep learning-based algorithm for single-microphone speech separation and we report state-of-the-art results on a speaker-independent multi-talker speech separation task. Additionally, we show that uPIT works well for joint speech separation and enhancement without explicit prior knowledge about the noise type or number of speakers. Finally, we show that deep learning-based speech enhancement algorithms designed to minimize the classical short-time spectral amplitude mean squared error leads to enhanced speech signals which are essentially optimal in terms of STOI, a state-of-the-art speech intelligibility estimator.Comment: PhD Thesis. 233 page
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