94 research outputs found

    Estimation of the Available Rooftop Area for Installing the Rooftop Solar Photovoltaic (PV) System by Analyzing the Building Shadow Using Hillshade Analysis

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    AbstractFor continuous promotion of the solar PV system in buildings, it is crucial to analyze the rooftop solar PV potential. However, the rooftop solar PV potential in urban areas highly varies depending on the available rooftop area due to the building shadow. In order to estimate the available rooftop area accurately by considering the building shadow, this study proposed an estimation method of the available rooftop area for installing the rooftop solar PV system by analyzing the building shadow using Hillshade Analysis. A case study of Gangnam district in Seoul, South Korea was shown by applying the proposed estimation method


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    Rindu Hati Village, located in the Central Regency of Bengkulu, is one of the tourist villages in Bengkulu Province. This village has various natural tourist potentials such as waterfalls, expanses of plantations and rice fields, camping grounds, rafting, etc. However, access to electricity for this area is still very limited. It can be seen in the unavailability of streetlights on site, very limited lighting in tourist areas, etc. In fact, this area receives sunlight all day long throughout the year which can be applied for lighting using solar panels. The limited knowledge and skills of the community regarding the various variations of solar panel technology and the installation process are the reasons why this technology was not used. Therefore, in this service activity, various solar panel technologies were explained and training on their use, especially for tourism awareness groups in Rindu Hati village. This activity is divided into five stages, the first stage is exposure to the use of solar panel technology, followed by training on the installation of various forms of solar panels and the last stage installation solar panels for the lighting of the campsite. In addition, before and after the presentation and training, a questionnaire was handed out which aims to determine the public's knowledge of solar panel technology. The results of the questionnaire show that the public is already familiar with solar panels for producing electrical energy, but limitation in the form and variation. During the implementation of the activity, the community showed interest in using solar panels in their homes. In addition, this activity increases the knowledge and skills of the community in the use of solar energy by using solar panels for various purposes such as lighting and electricity for electronic devices in the househol

    Estimation of Rooftop Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Potential: A Systematic Literature Review and Guidelines for Future Research

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    Renewable energy sources (RES) offer sustainable energy generation and mitigate the environmental and economic issues compared to the traditional fossil fuels as energy resources. Photovoltaic (PV) systems are one of the most popular RES forms that can be integrated with electricity grid. However, the effective PV-grid integration requires building effective supply-demand optimization models for electricity distribution networks. Accurate estimation of rooftop PV potential is essential in optimizing the PV-grid integration. This systematic literature review aims to provide researchers and practitioners a roadmap to select suitable data, tools and techniques to estimate rooftop PV potentials. A total of 43 related research is reviewed and classified based on three elements: 1) PV rooftop-area estimation; (2) solar radiation estimation; and (3) PV modules technology efficiency estimation. We further analyze the literature according to the different factors for each element, data and tools, estimation methods and algorithms, evaluation approaches


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    Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan simulasi untuk mengetahui potensi pemanfaatan area atap bangunan kampus Universitas Surabaya untuk tempat pemasangan sistem Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Surya (PLTS). Atap bangunan perpustakaan disimulaskan dan menjadi representasi perhitungan untuk atap bangunan yang lain. Sistem PLTS grid-connected dipakai dalam perhitungan energi listrik PLTS. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tersedia area atap bangunan seluas 10.353 m2 yang dapat dimanfaatkan untuk instalasi panel surya. Total kapasitas listrik yang dihasilkan untuk area seluas itu adalah 2.030 kWp atau 2,03 MWp. Kapasitas sebanyak itu terbagi empat, yaitu 630 kWp dari atap yang menghadap Timur Laut, 535 kWp dari arah Barat Laut, 668 kWp pada arah Barat Daya dan 553 kWp dari arah Tenggara


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    Energi surya merupakan salah satu pilihan yang dapat digunakan untuk mengurangi pemakaian  sumber energi fosil yang persediaannya semakin menipis serta pemanasan global yang ditimbulkan akibat pemakaiannya. Pemerintah Indonesia telah mengusahakan pemanfaatn pembangkit listrik tenaga surya (PLTS) melalui berbagai kebijakan. Tulisan ini membahas  optimasi kapasitas PLTS atap (rooftop) untuk sebuah rumah tangga mengacu pada kebijakan pemerintah tentang PLTS atap yang berlaku saat ini. Studi kasus dilakukan terhadap sebuah rumah dengan perkiraan beban PLN terpasang 2,2 kVA dan kebutuhan energi listrik sekitar 13 kWh/hari, yang berada di Surabaya. Energi keluaran sistemPLTS  disimulasikan dengan software PVSpot dan SolarGIS. Untuk memenuhi kebutuhan listrik rumah tangga dalam studi kasus, sistem PLTS yang optimum adalah sekitar 3 kWp dengan sistem  inverter yang sesuai. Energi keluaran rata-rata bulanan sistem PLTS tersebut adalah .350 kWh dengan rentang terendah dan tertinggi masing-masing 203 kWh dan 350 kWh per bulan. Energi tersebut dapat memenuhi 90% kebutuhan energi rumah yang disimulasikan. Solar energy is one of the options that can be exploited to reduce fossil-based fuel which its availability is limited and global warming impact of its use. The Government of Indonesia has been promoting solar electricity use through various policies. This paper discusses the optimum capacity of the solar rooftop PV system specifically for households based on the most recent The Government policy.  A typical house with the grid capacity installed 2,2 kVA located in Surabaya is simulated. The daily energy demand of the house is about 13 kWh per day. Simulations were carried out using PVspot and SolarGIS. It is found that the optimum capacity of the rooftop PV system for the simulated house is 3 kWp with a suitable of the inverter system. The average energy output for such a system is 350 kWh per month, with minimum and maximum of 203 kWh and 350 kWh per month respectively. The system could provide 90% of electricity for the simulated household.

    The Green Deal Policy for Renewable Energy: A Bibliometric Analysis

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    The industry attention to theenvironment has been reducing lately, leading to irreversible climate change, reaching the limit of mining, and critical indicators of СО2 emissions. That is why the EU has launched a new Green Policy which includes strategic directions for energy efficiency and which is expected to restore biodiversity and slow down the pace of climate change. Thus, on December 11, 2019, there was held the presentation of the “European Green Course”, the main targets of which are to increase the level of energy saving by creating closed cycles in the economy; to minimize greenhouse gas emissions by 2050; to form biodiversity and climate neutrality. Accordingly, countries that accept the terms of the green deal policy need to review all aspects of their economy, from energyproduction to food consumption, from industry to transport and construction. The purpose of the article is to analyse publications in order to identify public’s awareness of radical changes in economic and ecological spheres. The article provides a bibliometric analysis of research in the field of green deal policy, energy conservation and energy efficiency through the introduction of renewable energy sources. The authors selected 337 papers which were published in 1999-2019. Scopus provided the database for analysis. By means of VOSviewer the results of bibliometric analyses were visualized in a definitions map. It allowed identifying six clusters that combine 131 terms. As a result of the research, the connection between the terms –renewable energy sources and energy saving –was revealed with the help of the constructed bibliographic map

    Typical Values for Active Solar Energy in Urban Planning

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    There is an urgent need to start generating energy within cities in order to pave the way for a more sustainable and resilient society. Renewable energy by means of active solar energy systems (solar thermal, ST and/or photovoltaics, PV) can be generated using roofs and facades of buildings. In this study, the annual solar energy potential of typical Swedish city blocks was analysed in order to develop guidelines for urban planners and architects. The results show that the design of the city blocks has a significant effect (up to 50%) on the total annual solar energy production. The study also shows that the contribution from active solar energy can be significant even in the urban environment, but shading by adjacent buildings may greatly limit the total amount of energy produced

    The solar map as a knowledge base for solar energy use

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    Our existing urban environment has a significant potential to increase the use of renewable energy, mainly by using solar irradiation for heat and electricity. Quantification of the solar potential by means of a solar map is the first step in the acceleration process for using more solar energy in our urban environments. A solar map is a GIS system providing the annual solar irradiation on building surfaces, mostly accompanied by information of the output of solar thermal or photovoltaic systems. Many solar maps are already in place today; almost all of them are however using different approaches. In this paper, an analysis is done of current solar maps in order to see on which principles the solar maps were based upon

    The energy efficiency management at urban scale by means of integrated modelling

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    Innovative technologies such as ICTs are recognized as being a key player against climate change and the use of sensors and actuators can efficiently control the whole energy chain in the Smart Thermal Grids at district level. On the other side, advances on 3D modelling, visualization and interaction technologies enable user profiling and represent part of the holistic approach which aims at integrating renewable energy solutions in the existing building stock. To unlock the potentiality of these technologies, the case study selected for this research focuses on interoperability between Building Information Models (BIM), GIS (Geographic Information System) models and Energy Analysis Models (EAM) for designing Renewable Energy Strategies (RES) among the demonstrator. The objectives aims at making a whole series of data concerning the energy efficiency and reduction at district level usable for various stakeholders, by creating a District Information Model (DIM). The described system also integrates BIM and district level 3D models with real-time data from sensors to analyse and correlate buildings utilization and provide real-time energy-related behaviours. An important role is played by the energy simulation through the EAM for matching measured and simulated data and to assess the energy performance of buildings starting from a BIM model or shared data. With this purpose interoperability tests are carried out between the BIM models and quasi-steady energy analysis tools in order to optimize the calculation of the energy demand according to the Italian technical specification UNI TS 11300. Information about the roofs slope and their orientation from the GIS model are used to predict the use of renewable energy – solar thermal and PV – within the selected buildings (both public and private) of the demonstrator in Turin, Italy. The expected results are a consistent reduction in both energy consume and CO2 emissions by enabling a more efficient energy distribution policies, according to the real characteristics of district buildings as well as a more efficient utilization and maintenance of the energy distribution network, based on social behaviour and users attitudes and demand. In the future the project will allow open access with personal devices and A/R visualization of energy-related information to client applications for energy and cost-analysis, tariff planning and evaluation, failure identification and maintenance, energy information sharing in order to increase the user’s awareness in the field of energy consumption