11 research outputs found

    Monitoring strategies for quality control of agricultural products using visible and near-infrared spectroscopy: A review

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    [EN] Background: The increasing demand for quality assurance in agro-food production requires sophisticated analytical methods for in-line quality control. One of these techniques is visible and near-infrared (VIS-NIR) spectroscopy, which has low running costs, does not need sample preparation, and is non-destructive, environmentally friendly, and fast. Despite these advantages, only a limited amount of research has been conducted on VIS-NIR in-line applications to measure, control, and predict quality in fruits and vegetables. Scope and approach: The applicability of VIS-NIR spectroscopy for the off-line and in-line monitoring of quality in postharvest products has been addressed in this review. The document focuses on the comparison between the two processes for the same agro-food product, highlighting the main advantages and disadvantages, problems, solutions, and differences. Key findings and conclusions: VIS-NIR techniques, combined with chemometric methods, have shown great potential due to their fast detection speed, and the possibility of simultaneously predicting multiple quality parameters or distinguishing between products according to the objectives. Being able to automate processes is a great advantage compared to routine off-line analyses, mainly due to the savings achieved in time, material, and personnel. However, in numerous cases, in-line implementation has not been accomplished in the corresponding studies, hence the scarcity of real in-line applications. Recent demands, together with the advances being made in the technology and a reduction in the price of equipment, makes VIS-NIR technology an analytical alternative for continuous real-time food quality controls, which will become predominant in the next few years.This work was partially funded by INIA and FEDER funds through research project RTA2015-00078-00-00.Victoria Cortés López thanks the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports for the FPU grant (FPU13/04202).Cortes-Lopez, V.; Blasco Ivars, J.; Aleixos Borrás, MN.; Cubero-García, S.; Talens Oliag, P. (2019). Monitoring strategies for quality control of agricultural products using visible and near-infrared spectroscopy: A review. Trends in Food Science & Technology. 85:138-148. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tifs.2019.01.015S1381488

    Application of Visible to Near-Infrared Spectroscopy for Non-Destructive Assessment of Quality Parameters of Fruit

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    The accuracy and robustness of prediction models are very important to the successful commercial application of visible to near-infrared spectroscopy (Vis-NIRS) on fruit. The difference in physiological characteristics of fruit is very wide, which necessitates variance in the type of spectrometers applied to collect spectral data, pre-processing of the collected data and chemometric techniques used to develop robust models. Relevant practices of data collection, processing and the development of models are a challenge because of the required knowledge of fruit physiology in addition to the Vis-NIRS expertise of a researcher. This chapter deals with the application of Vis-NIRS on fruit by discussing commonly used spectrometers, data chemometric treatment and common models developed for assessing quality of specific types of fruit. The chapter intends to create an overview of commonly used techniques for guiding general users of these techniques. Current status, gaps and future perspectives of the application of Vis-NIRS on fruit are also discussed for challenging researchers who are experts in this research field

    Near-infrared spectroscopy in process control and quality management of fruits and wine

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    Recently, rapid quality assessment of food is an increasingly important topic. The rising demand of consumers for high quality products generates a need to establish fast and suitable analytical methods. Near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy has turned out to be a time-saving, cheap, easy-to-use and environmentally friendly technique, which can be applied for the determination of manifold quality attributes in various kinds of food matrices. This article gives overview of the basic principles of near-infrared measurements and describes the immense field of applications, with the main focus on fruits, grapes and wine and the evaluation of wine aroma

    Quantification of Total Phenolic and Carotenoid Content in Blackberries (Rubus Fructicosus L.) Using Near Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS) and Multivariate Analysis

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    A rapid method to quantify the total phenolic content (TPC) and total carotenoid content (TCC) in blackberries using near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) was carried out aiming to provide reductions in analysis time and cost for the food industry. A total of 106 samples were analysed using the Folin-Ciocalteu method for TPC and a method based on Ultraviolet-Visible Spectrometer for TCC. The average contents found for TPC and TCC were 24.27 mg·g−1 dw and 8.30 µg·g−1 dw, respectively. Modified partial least squares (MPLS) regression was used for obtaining the calibration models of these compounds. The RPD (ratio of the standard deviation of the reference data to the standard error of prediction (SEP)) values from external validation for both TPC and TCC were between 1.5 < RPDp < 2.5 and RER values (ratio of the range in the reference data to SEP) were 5.92 for TPC and 8.63 for TCC. These values showed that both equations were suitable for screening purposes. MPLS loading plots showed a high contribution of sugars, chlorophyll, lipids and cellulose in the modelling of prediction equations

    Innovations in non-destructive techniques for fruit quality control applied to manipulation and inspection lines

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    Tesis por compendioLa industria alimentaria, concretamente el sector poscosecha, necesita innovar en sus procesos productivos, optimizando los mismos para rentabilizar sus actividades, garantizando productos de calidad capaces de satisfacer las necesidades de los consumidores. La presente tesis doctoral se centra en evaluar el potencial de la espectroscopia VIS-NIR para la caracterización e inspección de la calidad de la fruta tanto fuera de línea como a tiempo real en procesos automatizados. En un primer lugar, la viabilidad de la técnica se estudió a nivel de laboratorio en estado estático (off-line), con el fin de conocer y optimizar las condiciones de medición. Posteriormente, se evaluó la calidad interna y externa de diferentes tipos de frutas como son caqui, nectarina y mango. En una segunda etapa, se llevó a cabo una automatización de los procesos de inspección mediante el desarrollo de nuevos prototipos in-line. Para este propósito, y con el objetivo de completar y corroborar los resultados obtenidos de manera estática, se estudió la integración de dos sondas VIS-NIR en una garra robótica capaz de manipular mangos. Finalmente, se estudió la integración de una sonda VIS-NIR a una cinta transportadora. Los resultados obtenidos a nivel estático han demostrado que la espectroscopia VIS-NIR es un método no destructivo muy prometedor para predecir la astringencia en caqui. Así mismo, ha demostrado ser una adecuada herramienta para clasificar al 100% entre variedades de nectarinas como "Big Top" y "Diamond Ray" con una apariencia externa e interna muy similar, pero con diferentes propiedades organolépticas. De manera similar, fue posible clasificar al 100% variedades como "Big Top" y "Magique" de apariencia externa y composición similar pero distinto color de pulpa., y además se desarrolló un índice de calidad interna (IQI) para evaluar la calidad de las nectarinas. Por lo que respecta a los trabajos off-line realizados con mangos de la variedad "Osteen", fue posible predecir su calidad interna mediante los índices de madurez (RPI) y de calidad (IQI) con un gran rendimiento. A su vez, los ensayos experimentales efectuados con estos mismos mangos bajo la manipulación no destructiva de una garra robótica, demostraron que los mejores modelos eran capaces de predecir tanto la firmeza mecánica, el contenido en sólidos solubles, la luminosidad de la pulpa, así como el índice RPI de las muestras en base a la información obtenida por los acelerómetros instalados en los dedos de la garra robótica. En cuanto a los ensayos realizados de manera in-line, el primer prototipo desarrollado se basó en la integración de dos sondas VIS-NIR en una garra robótica dispuesta con dos acelerómetros. El sistema desarrollado permitió alcanzar una buena estimación de la calidad del mango a través del índice RPI fusionando la información tanto de los espectros VIS-NIR como del impacto no destructivo de los acelerómetros. De este modo quedó demostrado que era posible obtener una predicción similar trabajando de forma in-line como trabajando de manera off-line para la predicción del mismo índice de calidad en mangos. El segundo prototipo in-line desarrollado se basa en la integración de una sonda VIS-NIR en una cinta transportadora para la identificación de distintas variedades y orígenes de manzanas. El prototipo desarrollado permitió registrar resultados de clasificación tan buenos como los efectuados de manera off-line con, por ejemplo, nectarina. De este modo, se puede concluir que la espectroscopia VIS-NIR permite monitorear la calidad y clasificar fruta poscosecha tanto en modo off-line como in-line. Los nuevos prototipos desarrollados aportan claras ventajas respecto a los procesos tradicionales realizados a mano, como son la reducción del tiempo de inspección, la disminución de la cantidad de residuos generados y la posibilidad de inspeccionar toda la producción, obteniendo así un análisis más estandarizThe food industry, concretely the post-harvest sector, needs to innovate in their production processes, optimizing them to make their activities profitable, guaranteeing quality products capable of satisfying the needs of consumers. The present doctoral thesis focuses on evaluating the potential of visible and near infrared spectroscopy (VIS-NIR) for the characterization and inspection of fruit quality both off-line and in real time in automated processes. Firstly, the viability of the technique was studied at the laboratory level in a static mode (off-line), in order to know and optimise the measurement conditions. Subsequently, the internal and external quality of different types of fruits such as persimmon, nectarine and mango were evaluated. Secondly, an automation of the inspection processes was carried out through the development of new in-line prototypes. For this purpose, and with the aim of completing and corroborating the results obtained in a static mode, the integration of two VIS-NIR probes in a robotic gripper capable of manipulating mangoes was studied. Finally, the integration of a VIS-NIR probe to a conveyor belt was studied as an in-line monitoring tool on the inspection process of different apple varieties. The results obtained in static mode have shown that VIS-NIR spectroscopy is a very promising non-destructive method to predict the astringency in persimmon. Likewise, it has demonstrated to be an adequate tool to classify 100% between nectarine varieties such as 'Big Top' and 'Diamond Ray' with very similar external and internal appearance, but with different organoleptic properties. Similarly, it was possible to classify 100% varieties such as 'Big Top' and 'Magique' with external appearance and similar composition but different pulp colour. An internal quality index (IQI) was developed to evaluate the quality of nectarines, which can be predicted through VIS-NIR spectroscopy. Regarding the off-line work carried out with mangoes of 'Osteen' variety, it was possible to predict its internal quality through the indexes of maturity (RPI) and quality (IQI) with a high performance. Moreover, the experimental tests carried out with these same mangoes under the non-destructive manipulation of a robotic gripper, showed that the best models were able to predict both the mechanical firmness, the soluble solids content, the brightness of the pulp, as well as the RPI index of the samples based on the information obtained by the accelerometers installed on the fingers of the robotic gripper. Regarding the tests carried out in an in-line mode, the first developed prototype was based on the integration of two VIS-NIR probes in a robotic gripper fitted with two accelerometers. The developed system allowed reaching a good estimation of mango quality through the RPI index. In this way, it was demonstrated that it was possible to obtain a similar prediction working in-line as off-line mode for the prediction of the same quality index in mangoes. The second developed in-line prototype is based on the integration of a VIS-NIR probe in a conveyor belt for the identification of different varieties and origins of apples, achieving a success rate of 98% with the system. The developed prototype allowed to register classification results as good as those carried out off-line with, for example, nectarine. In this way, it can be concluded that VIS-NIR spectroscopy allows monitoring the quality and classifying post-harvest fruit in both off-line and in-line mode, being a tool that allows improving and guaranteeing the correct quality and food safety. The new developed prototypes provide clear advantages over the traditional processes performed by hand, such as the reduction of inspection time, the reduction of the amount of waste generated by destructive quality analysis and the possibility of inspecting full production, obtaining a more standardised analysis of the quality of the products.La indústria alimentària, concretament el sector postcollita, necessita innovar en els seus processos productius, optimitzant els mateixos per a rendibilitzar les seues activitats, garantint productes de qualitat capaços de satisfer les necessitats dels consumidors. La present tesi doctoral es centra en avaluar el potencial de l'espectroscòpia visible i infraroig pròxim (VIS-NIR) per a la caracterització i la inspecció de la qualitat de la fruita tant fora de línia com a temps real en processos automatitzats. En un primer lloc, la viabilitat de la tècnica es va estudiar a nivell de laboratori en estat estàtic (off-line), a fi de conéixer i optimitzar les condicions de mesurament. Posteriorment, es va avaluar la qualitat interna i externa de diferents tipus de fruites com són caqui, nectarina i mango. En una segona etapa, es va dur a terme una automatització dels processos d'inspecció per mitjà del desenvolupament de nous prototips in-line. Per aquest propòsit, i amb l'objectiu de completar i corroborar els resultats obtinguts de manera estàtica, es va estudiar la integració de dos sondes VIS-NIR en una garra robòtica capaç de manipular. Finalment, es va estudiar la integració d'una sonda VIS-NIR a una cinta transportadora. Els resultats obtinguts a nivell estàtic han demostrat que l'espectroscòpia VIS-NIR és un mètode no destructiu molt prometedor per a predir l'astringència en caqui. Així mateix, ha demostrat ser una adequada ferramenta per a classificar al 100% entre varietats de nectarines com "Big Top" i "Diamond Ray" amb una aparença externa i interna molt semblant, però amb diferents propietats organolèptiques. De manera semblant, va ser possible classificar al 100% varietats com "Big Top" i "Magique" d'aparença externa i composició semblant però distint color de polpa. Es va desenvolupar un índex de qualitat interna (IQI) per avaluar la qualitat de les nectarines. Pel que fa als treballs off-line realitzats amb mangos de la varietat "Osteen" va ser possible predir la seua qualitat interna mitjançant els índexs de maduresa (RPI) i de qualitat (IQI) amb un gran rendiment. Al mateix temps, els assajos experimentals efectuats amb estos mateixos mangos baix la manipulació no destructiva d'una garra robòtica, van demostrar que els millors models eren capaços de predir tant la fermesa mecánica, el contingut en sòlids solubles, la lluminositat de la polpa, així com l'índex RPI de les mostres basant-se en l'informació obtinguda pels acceleròmetres instal¿lats en els dits de la garra robòtica. En quant als assajos realitzats de manera in-line, el primer prototip desenvolupat es va basar en la integració de dos sondes VIS-NIR en una garra robòtica disposada amb dos acceleròmetres. El sistema desenvolupat va permetre aconseguir una bona estimació de la qualitat del mango a través de l'índex RPI fusionant l'informació tant dels espectres VIS-NIR com de l'impacte no destructiu dels acceleròmetres. D'esta manera va quedar demostrat que era possible obtindre una predicció semblant treballant de forma in-line com off-line per a la predicció del mateix índex de qualitat en mangos. El segon prototip in-line desenvolupat es va basar en la integració d'una sonda VIS-NIR en una cinta transportadora per a l'identificació de distintes varietats i orígens de pomes. El prototip desenvolupat va permetre registrar resultats de classificació tan bons com els efectuats de manera off-line. D'aquesta manera, es pot concloure que l'espectroscòpia VIS-NIR permet monitorar la qualitat i classificar fruita postcollita tant en mode off-line com in-line. Els nous prototips desenvolupats aporten clars avantatges respecte als processos tradicionals realitzats a mà, com són la reducció del temps d'inspecció, la disminució de la quantitat de residus generats pels anàlisis destructives de qualitat i la possibilitat d'inspeccionar tota la producció, obtenint així un anàlisi més estandarditzCortés López, V. (2018). Innovations in non-destructive techniques for fruit quality control applied to manipulation and inspection lines [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/110969TESISCompendi

    Managing the Product Quality of Vegetable Crops under Abiotic Stress

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    Vegetables are an important part of the human diet due to their nutrient density and, at the same time, low calorie content. Producers of vegetable crops mainly aim at achieving high yields with good external quality. However, there is an increasing demand of consumers for vegetables that provide good sensory properties and are rich in secondary compounds that can be valuable for human health. Sub- or supra-optimal abiotic conditions, like high temperatures, drought, excess light, salinity or nutrient deficiency, may alter the composition of vegetable crops and at the same time, result in yield loss. Thus, producers need to adapt their horticultural practices such as through the choice of variety, irrigation regime, light management, fruit thinning, or fertilizer application to improve the yield and quality of the vegetable product. In the future, altered climate conditions such as elevated atmospheric CO2 concentrations, rising temperatures, or altered precipitation patterns may become additional challenges for producers of vegetable crops, especially those that cultivate in the open field. This raises the need for optimized horticultural practices in order to minimize abiotic stresses. As well, specific storage conditions can have large impacts on the quality of vegetables. This Special Issue compiles research that deals with the optimization of vegetable product quality (e.g. sensory aspects, composition) under sub- or supra-optimal abiotic conditions

    Applications of Instrumental Methods for Food and Food By-Products Analysis

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    The analysis of food and food by-products is a particularly important topic dealing with the development and application of various analytical procedures and methods determining the properties and safety of food and food constituents. It is an important tool not only for defining food quality but also for supporting the investigation of new food products and technologies. The continuous development of methodology and access to modern research equipment enable detailed research on the composition, structure, physicochemical properties, thermal characteristics, and stability of food products and, recently, also byproducts of the food industry, which are potentially a source of bioactive compounds and currently present little commercial value and are mostly disposed of as an industrial waste. It is imperative to identify the properties and potential applications of food by-products, which would fit in with current trends in circular ecology. Taking the aforementioned reasons into account, it is important to present procedures and instrumental analytical techniques and methods commonly used to analyze food and food processing byproducts and to discuss their application in food research to detect and characterize specific food components of significance to food science and technology, such as lipids, proteins, and carbohydrates

    Grafting as a Sustainable Means for Securing Yield Stability and Quality in Vegetable Crops

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    Vegetable growers around the world only collect, on average, half of the yield they would obtain under optimal conditions, known as yield potential. It is estimated that 60–70% of the yield gap is attributable to abiotic factors such as salinity, drought, suboptimal temperatures, nutritional deficiencies, flooding, waterlogging, heavy metals contamination, adverse soil pH and organic pollutants, while the remaining 30–40% is due to biotic factors, especially soilborne pathogens, foliar pathogens, arthropods and weeds. Under climate change forecasts, the pressure of biotic/abiotic stressors on yield is expected to rise and challenge further global food security. To meet global demand, several solutions have been proposed, focusing on the breeding of varieties with greater yield potential, but this one-size-fits-all solution leads to limited benefits. In order to overcome the current situation, grafting of elite scion varieties onto vigorous rootstock varieties has been suggested as one of the most promising drives towards further yield stability. Specifically, the implementation of suitable rootstock × scion × environment combinations in Solanaceous (tomato, eggplant, pepper) and Cucurbitaceous (melon, watermelon, melon) high-value crops represents an untapped opportunity to secure yield stability and reliability under biotic/abiotic stresses. This Special Issue invites Original Research, Technology Reports, Methods, Opinions, Perspectives, Invited Reviews and Mini Reviews dissecting grafting as a sustainable agro technology for enhancing tolerance to abiotic stresses and reducing disease damage. In addition, the following are of interest: potential contributions dealing with genetic resources for rootstock breeding, practices and technologies of rootstock breeding, and rootstock–scion signaling, as well as the physiological and molecular mechanisms underlying graft compatibility. In addition, the effect of grafting on vegetable quality, practical applications and nursery management of grafted seedlings and specialty crops (e.g. artichoke and bean) will be considered within the general scope of the Special Issue. We highly believe that this compilation of high standard scientific papers on the principles and practices of vegetable grafting will foster discussions within this important field

    Hacia el uso de carotenoides incoloros como ingredientes funcionales de alimentos.

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    Durante el periodo de la tesis se llevaron a cabo estudios in vitro para evaluar la bioaccesibilidad del fitoeno (PT) y del fitoflueno (PTF) en varias matrices alimentarias y determinar su eficiencia en la micelización y ensayos celulares para estudiar la captación y el eflujo intestinal de los mismos. Con estos estudios se trató de evaluar varios aspectos de estos carotenoides que son útiles para su uso como ingredientes funcionales de alimentos y/o productos relacionados y de identificar las posibles características diferenciales entre estos carotenoides y otros carotenoides biodisponibles de la dieta. En primer lugar, con el fin de obtener información de base para el desarrollo de la tesis, se realizó un estudio bibliográfico que dio lugar a un capítulo de libro y dos revisiones que se han incluido como parte de la introducción de la presente tesis. En los primeros estudios experimentales se evaluó la bioaccesibilidad del PT y del PTF de varias matrices alimentarias ricas en estos carotenoides mediante digestiones in vitro gastrointestinales. Las matrices evaluadas fueron varios zumos comerciales de frutas y de hortalizas, un zumo de naranja de la variedad Pinalate (mutante rica en carotenoides incoloros), un tomate fresco común, un tomate fresco tipo cherry y dos productos de tomate en polvo. En estos estudios se observó cómo, con carácter general e independientemente de la matriz analizada, la bioaccesibilidad del PT era algo superior a la del PTF y cómo las bioaccesibilidades de ambos eran superiores a la de otros carotenoides biodisponibles presentes en las matrices, siendo particularmente superiores a la del licopeno, otro caroteno lineal. Por ejemplo, en el zumo de tomate, una de las frutas con mayor contenido en estos carotenoides, la bioaccesibilidad del PTF y del PT (50 y 62%, respectivamente) fue aproximadamente 3 y 4 veces superior a la del licopeno, respectivamente. Dado que los diferentes isómeros geométricos del PT y del PTF mostraron, al contrario que los del resto de los carotenoides analizados, bioaccesibilidades similares entre sí, la mayor proporción de isómeros cis de los mismos presentes en la mayoría de las matrices en relación a la del resto de los carotenoides analizados podría no ser la causa principal de la mayor bioaccesibilidad de los mismos. Con los resultados de los estudios in vitro sobre la micelización de carotenoides se concluyó que la mayor bioaccesibilidad del PT y del PTF podría ser consecuencia de su mayor capacidad para incorporarse en las micelas mixtas durante la digestión. A pesar de que generalmente se considera que la bioaccesibilidad de un carotenoide es mayor cuanto mayor es su polaridad, la elevada capacidad de micelización y bioaccesibilidad del PT y del PTF parecían deberse, principalmente, a su mayor flexibilidad y a su característica forma molecular, que son consecuencia de su menor número de dobles enlaces conjugados en comparación con el del resto de carotenoides comunes. En el estudio con muestras de tomate en polvo se pudo comprobar como la adición de aceite de girasol conducía a un incremento de la bioaccesibilidad del PT y del PTF, ya de por sí alta. Así, de forma aproximada, se observó como la bioaccesibilidad del PT se triplicó y la del PTF se cuadriplicó tras la adición de un 5% (volumen/peso fresco) de aceite. Por otra parte, se analizó el efecto de varios tratamientos térmicos en un zumo de naranja fresco de la variedad Pinalate en la concentración y en la bioaccesibilidad de los carotenoides principales presentes en la matriz y en el color del zumo. Se observó cómo todos los tratamientos estudiados producían una disminución significativa de la concentración de los carotenoides incoloros (p < 0,05). Se llegó a la conclusión de que ciertos tratamientos térmicos producían un aumento significativo (p < 0,05) de la bioaccesibilidad de los carotenoides incoloros como consecuencia de la degradación del material celular (observado mediante microscopía) y de la disminución del tamaño de partícula (analizado mediante el estudio de la distribución del tamaño de partícula). El zumo pasteurizado fue el que generó mayores diferencias con el zumo fresco en relación a la degradación de las estructuras celulares, el tamaño de partícula, el color, la concentración de carotenoides y la bioaccesibilidad de los mismos. Entre los zumos de frutas y de hortalizas comerciales analizados, el zumo de tomate fue el que tuvo una mayor concentración en carotenoides incoloros y el que proporcionó un mayor contenido bioaccesible de estos carotenoides. Así, el consumo de 250 mL de zumo de tomate, al que se le adicionó un 33% de crema para café como fuente de grasa, resultaría en 5,8 mg de PT y 2,2 mg de PTF ingeridos y proporcionaría 3,6 mg de PT y 1,1 mg de PTF bioaccesibles. A continuación, se procedió a estudiar el proceso de captación y eflujo intestinal en células Caco-2. La eficiencia de captación intestinal del PTF y del PT fue similar a la de la luteína y superior a la del licopeno (29, 21, 26% y no detectable, respectivamente). Estudios de competencia por la captación intestinal mostraron que la presencia de PTF, β-caroteno o luteína micelar en la cámara apical disminuía significativamente la captación del PT micelar (p < 0,001), mientras que solo la luteína micelar, entre los carotenoides analizados, producía una disminución significativa de la captación de PTF micelar (p < 0,001). Mediante el uso de células Caco-2 y HEK se confirmó que la proteína SR-BI estaba implicada en la captación intestinal del PT y del PTF. Se observó que parte del PT y del PTF micelar captado, en particular aproximadamente el 14%, podía sufrir eflujo de vuelta a la cámara apical. Este estudio parece ser el primero en el que se obtienen evidencias experimentales que indican que los carotenoides pueden sufrir eflujo intestinal.During the period of this doctoral thesis, in vitro studies were carried out to evaluate the bioaccessibility of phytoene (PT) and phytofluene (PTF) in several food matrices and to determine their micellization efficiencies and cellular experiments were performed to study their intestinal uptake and efflux. With these studies we tried to evaluate several aspects of these carotenoids that are useful for their use as functional ingredients of food and / or related products and to identify the possible differential characteristics between these carotenoids and other bioavailable carotenoids of the diet. The aims of these studies were try to evaluate several aspects of these carotenoids that are useful for their use as functional ingredients of food and/or related products and to identify the possible differential characteristics between these carotenoids and other bioavailable carotenoids of the diet. First of all, a bibliographical study was conducted in order to obtain basic information for the development of the thesis. One book chapter and two reviews, which have been included as part of the introduction of the present thesis, were the fruits of this labour. In the first experimental studies, the bioaccessibility of PT and PTF in several foods rich in them was evaluated by in vitro gastrointestinal digestions. The matrices evaluated were several commercial juices of fruit and vegetables, an orange juice of the Pinalate variety (a mutant rich in colourless carotenoids), a fresh common tomato, a fresh cherry tomato and two tomato powder products. In these studies, it was observed that, in general and independently of the analysed matrix, the bioaccessibility of PT was slightly higher than that of PTF and that the bioaccessibility of both was superior to that of other bioavailable carotenoids present in the matrices, being particularly superior to that of lycopene, another linear carotene. For example, in the tomato juice, one of the fruits with the highest content of these carotenoids, the bioaccessibility of PTF and PT (50 and 62%, respectively) was approximately 3 and 4 times higher than that of lycopene, respectively. Given that the different geometrical isomers of PT and PTF showed, unlike the rest of the carotenoids analysed, similar bioaccessibilities to each other, the higher proportion of cis isomers of PT and PTF present in most of the matrices in relation to that of the rest of the analysed carotenoids may not be the main cause of their greater bioaccessibility. The in vitro micellization studies indicated that the higher bioaccessibility of PT and PTF could be a consequence of its greater capacity to be incorporated in mixed micelles during digestion. Although it is widely accepted that the greater the polarity of a carotenoid, the greater its bioaccessibility, the high micellization efficiency and bioaccessibility of PT and PTF seemed to be due, mainly, to its greater flexibility and its characteristic molecular shape, which are a consequence of its lower number of conjugated double bonds compared to that of the rest of common carotenoids. In the study with the tomato powder samples, it was observed that the addition of sunflower oil increased the bioaccessibility of PT and PTF, which was already high. Approximately, the bioaccessibility of PT tripled and that of PTF quadrupled after the addition of 5% (volume / fresh weight) of oil. On the other hand, the effect of several thermal treatments in a fresh juice of the Pinalate orange on the concentration and bioaccessibility of the main carotenoids present in the matrix and in the colour of the juice was analysed. It was noted that all the treatments studied produced a significant decrease in the concentration of colourless carotenoids (p < 0.05). It was concluded that certain thermal treatments produced a significant increase (p < 0.05) of the bioaccessibility of the colourless carotenoids as a consequence of the degradation of cellular material (examined by microscopy) and the decrease in particle size (analysed by studying the particle size distribution). The pasteurization was the process that gave rise to the juice with greater differences with respect to the fresh juice in relation to the degradation of the cellular structures, the particle size, the colour, and the concentration and bioaccessibility of carotenoids. Among the commercial juices analysed, the tomato juice was the sample with the highest concentration of colourless carotenoids and the juice that provided the highest bioaccessible content of them. Thus, the consumption of 250 mL of the tomato juice, to which 33% of coffee cream was added as a source of fat, would result in an intake of 5.8 and 2.2 mg of PT and PTF, respectively, and would provide 3.6 and 1.1 mg of bioaccessible PT and PTF, respectively. Subsequently, the intestinal uptake and efflux were studied by in vitro experiments using Caco-2 cells. The uptake efficiency of PTF and PT were similar to that of lutein and superior to that of lycopene (29, 21, 26% and not detectable, respectively). Competition studies for intestinal uptake showed that the presence of micellar PTF, β-carotene or lutein in the apical chamber significantly decreased the micellar PT uptake (p <0.001), whereas only micellar lutein, among the carotenoids analysed, produced a significant decrease in micellar PTF uptake (p < 0.001). By using Caco-2 and HEK cells it was confirmed that SR-BI protein is involved in the intestinal uptake of both PT and PTF. It was observed that part of the micellar PT and PTF taken up by Caco-2 cells, in particular about 14%, could undergo efflux back into the apical chamber. This seems to be the first study showing that carotenoids may suffer intestinal efflux from experimental evidences.Premio Extraordinario de Doctorado U

    XII CIBIA Iberoamerican congress of food engineering: challenging food engineering as a driver towards sustainable food processing - Book of abstracts

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    The XII edition of CIBIA, Iberoamerican Congress of Food Engineering will take place, for the first time, in Portugal next July 1 to 4, having as theme “Challenging Food Engineering as a Driver Towards Sustainable Food Processing“. The host institution is the University of Algarve, Faro, in the Algarve region. The importance of the Food Engineering field was enhanced by the number of Iberoamerican researchers who participated in this XIIth edition of CIBIA. We received 530 abstracts submitted by researchers from the Iberian Peninsula (Portugal and Spain), and from all the South and Central American Continent: Brazil, Chile, Peru, Mexico, Colombia and Ecuador, among others. About 350 participants will be present with around 100 accepted abstracts for oral presentations and more than 300 poster presentations. These numbers reveal that Food Engineering is very alive and strong in the Iberoamerican world as many young researchers are pursuing their graduate studies in various disciplines of this field and senior researchers keep facing and studying new challenges such as the main Congress Theme “Challenging Food Engineering as a Driver towards Sustainable Food Processing”.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio