36,245 research outputs found

    Improving the Quality of Learning Through Lesson Study

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    The quality of the learning process is inseparable from the ability of teachers as planners, implementers, facilitators, as well as an evaluator. As executor of teacher learning is spearheading that determines success or failure of the process undertaken. Therefore, it is important for teachers to constantly evaluate its performance in order to improve the quality of learning. One effort that can be implemented for improving the quality of learning is to implement Lesson Study. Lesson Study is an activity that can encourage the formation of a community of learning (learning society) are consistently and systematically carry out repairs themselves, both on individual and managerial level

    Improving The Quality Of Learning In Geometry Transformation Course To Encourage Students Learning Independence Through The Lesson Study Approach

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    The quality of learning outcomes is largely determined by the quality of learning. Hence, it needs to design a learning activity that can improve the individual quality of students. One way to improve the individual quality is by supporting students to learn independently. This study aims to improve the quality of learning in Geometry Transformation course in order to encourage students to learn independently through Lesson Study approach. This study uses Classroom Action Research (CAR) which is conducted in four cycles. The result of this study shows that the independence of students learning from cycle one till cycle four are raising and priding. The quality of learning outcomes indicated by: (1) the completion of tasks is in the excellent category, (2) the average of test results is in good category, (3) the interaction study among students is very good, and (4) the interaction between students with teaching materials is very well. Key words: learning quality, learning independence, Lesson Stud

    Improving the Quality of Learning through Storytelling Method

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    This paper analyzes the learning methods used by monotonous teachers, a teacher's low understanding of storytelling teaching methods greatly affects his effectiveness in carrying out his duties and obligations, an effective learning process in Buddhist education is determined by the use of variations in a teacher's learning methods and understanding of the use of storytelling methods. will affect the quality of Buddhist learning

    Quality of learning materials

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    With this article, we wish to discuss what learning materials are and how they can be included in didactic strategies. The question of what makes a good learning material can be answered in several ways, and places demands on professional judgement. Firstly, the answer will depend on how we view the learning material, as well as what type of learning material we are looking at, which is why we will start with a definition and typology of learning materials. Secondly, we will look at learning materials from three time perspectives: the potential didactic potential, the actualised didactic potential and the realised didactic potential. We will then attempt to identify five quality perspectives, each of which can contribute to the assessment of a learning material’s quality based on objective, users, effect, standard and organisational system. As an example of how one can interpret the perspectives, we present quality principles for digital learning materials that have been formulated on the basis of existing knowledge of learning materials’ design and effect. Finally, we reflect on the significance of professional judgement in the assessment of the quality of a learning material.El arti?culo propone discutir lo que son los materiales de aprendizaje y co?mo puedenincluirse en las estrategias dida?cticas. La pregunta sobre que? es un buen material de aprendizaje puede ser contestada de muchas maneras y demanda juicio profesional.En primer lugar, la respuesta dependera? de co?mo se considera el aprendizaje mate-rial, asi? como cual tipo de material que se esta? analizando, razo?n por la cual el arti?culo comienza con una definicio?n y clasificacio?n de los materiales. En segundo lugar, seanalizara?n los materiales de aprendizaje desde tres perspectivas temporales: poten- cial dida?ctico, potencial dida?ctico actualizado y potencial dida?ctico realizado. Luego,se trata de identificar cinco perspectivas de calidad, cada una de las cuales puede contribuir a la evaluacio?n de la calidad de un material de aprendizaje basado en objeti-vos, usuarios, efectos, sistema padro?n y organizacional. Para ilustrar co?mo se puedeinterpretar tales perspectivas, se presentan principios de calidad para los materialesde aprendizaje digital, formulados en base al conocimiento existente sobre el disen?o y el efecto de los materiales. Por u?ltimo, se propone una reflexio?n sobre el significado de juicio profesional en la evaluacio?n de la calidad de un material dida?ctico.O artigo propo?e discutir o que sa?o materiais de aprendizagem e como eles podemser inclui?dos em estrate?gias dida?ticas. A pergunta sobre o que e? um bom material deaprendizagem pode ser respondida de muitas formas e traz demandas de julgamentoprofissional. Primeiramente, a resposta dependera? de como se considera o materialde aprendizagem, bem como qual e? o tipo de material que se esta? analisando, raza?opela qual o artigo comec?a com uma definic?a?o e uma classificac?a?o dos materiais. Emsegundo lugar, os materiais de aprendizagem sera?o analisados a partir de tre?s pers- pectivas temporais: potencial dida?tico, potencial dida?tico atualizado e potencial dida?ti- co realizado. Em seguida, procura-se identificar cinco perspectivas de qualidade, cadauma das quais podendo contribuir para a avaliac?a?o da qualidade de um material de aprendizagem com base em objetivos, usua?rios, efeitos, sistema padra?o e organiza-cional. Para exemplificar como se pode interpretar tais perspectivas, apresentam-seprinci?pios de qualidade para materiais de aprendizagem digital, formulados com baseno conhecimento existente sobre design e efeito dos materiais. Finalmente, propo?e-se uma reflexa?o sobre o significado do julgamento profissional na avaliac?a?o da qualidadede um material dida?tico

    Improving the Quality of Learning Content for Teachers of SMK Windusari Magelang

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    Background:  The need to increase the mastery of Information and Computer Technology (ICT) in teaching and learning activities is essential and urgent, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. The PowerPoint application is a popular application for creating learning content, but most teachers are only at the level of "powerpointers". SMK Negeri Windusari, as a vocational high school, requires an increase in the level of its educators, namely those who can increase learning outcomes, one of which is by developing multimedia content based on PowerPoint. This training was in collaboration with UNIMMA Informatics Engineering. It was attended by twenty-four teachers starting with a pre-test and ending with a post-test to measure the level of success. Contribution: Improving the quality of content to support learning outcomes. Method:  The training on the use of ICT for learning begins with observation through a pre-test and ends with a presentation of the training results, and then measures progress using a post-test. Results:  The results of the training showed that most of the  participants showed improvement. Conclusion:  This training is expected to be sustainable as a form of support for improving the quality of learning conten

    Enhancing the Quality of Learning through Changes in Students’ Approach to Learning

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    Learning causes relatively a permanent change in one's behavior. There are multiple paradigms in the theories of learning, the latest theory in this group being Constructivism. This particular theory postulates that a learner himself/herself constructs his/her learning through an active and consistent engagement. This theory also brings the learning process to the center, where the concerned learner's prior experience is used as the base for future learning. Although quality learning is the global agenda in the 21st century, there is still no clear and concise definition. Quality of learning has diverse connotations. Researchers in this area search for it in its process as well as in its product. However, one may say the quality learning process motivates a student to have a deep engagement with the learning task possible through some suitable strategies. Kevin Warburton (2009) identified three main factors that greatly impact a student's motivation, leading to high or low engagement in the learning activity. A conducive learning environment, sophisticated course content, and favorable individual factors could enhance the student's motivation and make him/her have a deep engagement in the learning activity. The product of quality learning is measured by the nature and versatility of the learning outcome. The learning, which is extensive, integrative, and generative, may fulfill the rising demand for quality of learning

    Quality of Learning in Higher Education: Students’ Conceptions of Learning as a Critical Aspect

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    Subjects present different ways to conceptualize and experience learning (e.g., Saljo, 1979; Marton, Dall Álba & Beaty (1993). This has also been confirmed by portuguese researches (e.g., Grácio 2002, Rosário et al., 2007). It was found the conceptions of learning influence the way students approach learning and the quality of learning outcomes. It was also established a link between the student conception of learning, the level of processing used and the understanding reached (e.g., Marton et al. 1993, Entwistle, 2009). The different conceptions of learning are normally classified in two large groups. A first group concerning the superficial conceptions of learning (i.e., increase of knowledge, memorization and application). These three conceptions share the common fact that knowledge is viewed as something external, emphasizing the storage and reproduction of information, implying a low level of cognitive processing. A second group concerning the transformational or deep conceptions of learning (i.e., understanding, seeing something differently and changing as a person) emphasizes the assignment of meaning and the transformation of the information, indicating complex cognitive processing. The research findings and results in this field were obtained through the use of qualitative methodologies, mainly in a phenomenography perspective. However, in 2002 Purdie and Hattie presented a questionnaire built from qualitative data to assess student’s conceptions of learning (COLI – Conceptions of Learning Inventory). In this study we present its validation for the portuguese higher education population through its application to 563 students of first year from the University of Évora

    A report of an evaluation on the quality of learning guidance in post-primary schools

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    The aim of this research are: 1) know the direct effect of e-learning/online learning media to quality of learning in economic education students at Unirow Tuban 2) know the direct effect of learning motivation to quality of learning in economic education students at Unirow Tuban, 3) know the direct effect of lecturer competence to quality of learning in economic education students at Unirow Tuban, 4) know the indirect effect of online learning media to quality of learning through learning motivation in economic education students at Unirow Tuban, and 5) know the indirect effect of lecturer competence to quality of learning through learning motivation in economic education students at Unirow Tuban. The sample of this research was part of the Economic Education students at Unirow Tuban in the even semester of the 2019/2020 academic year, amounting to 140. The data in this research were collected through a questionnaire and documentation, then analyzed using path analysis. The results showed that online learning media had a positive direct effect to quality of learning by 10%, and had an indirect positive effect on the quality of learning by 4,2%. Learning motivation had a positive direct effect on the quality of learning by 13.6%, Lecturer competence had a positive direct effect on the quality of learning by 73.7%, and had a positive indirect effect on the quality of learning through learning motivation by 8.4%.Keywords: Learning motivation, Lecturer competence, and Online learning media

    Evaluasi Fungsi Kepemimpinan Dalam Meningkatkan Mutu Pembelajaran Sekolah Dasar Di Bengkulu

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    Abstract: The quality of learning in primary schools has created difficulties in the Leadership environment because some leaders have functioned professionally and others have difficulties in their professional functions. This study aims to evaluate the function of leadership in improving the quality of learning in elementary schools in Bengkulu. The research method used is descriptive qualitative. Sources of information in this study, using various sources, online media or print media. Such as books, and scientific articles, which exist nationally or internationally related to the function of leadership in improving the quality of learning in elementary schools. The results of the evaluation carried out show that the leadership function largely determines the quality of learning in elementary schools. Teachers as leaders in the classroom also greatly determine the quality of learning. So that researchers can suggest, if you want to improve the quality of learning in elementary schools, then increase the evaluation of leadership functions in elementary schools in Bengkulu.Keywords: Evaluation, Leadership function, Quality of Learning, Elementary Schoo