6 research outputs found

    Perspektif konsumen terhadap layanan e-commerce dengan tinjauan e-servqual dan quality function deployment

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    Perkembangan e-commerce di Indonesia sangatlah pesat. Dengan perkembangan yang sangat pesat itu otomatis persaingan antar perusahaan tidak terelakkan lagi, dengan kondisi berikut berbagai perusahaan melakukan berbagai cara untuk memenangkan kompetisi salah satunya adalah perang harga. Untuk perusahaan besar tentunya ini bukan masalah Karena mereka disokong oleh modal yang besar. Namun untuk e-commerce kecil menengah ini bukanlah pilihan cerdas. Diferensiasi layanan serta mendengarkan apa apa saja keinginan konsumen melalui metode e-servqual dan quality function deployment mungkin bisa menjadi salah satu cara untuk bersaing. Penelitian ini menggabungkan metode e-servqual untuk mendengarkan apa apa saja yang diinginkan oleh konsumen dan menggunakan quality function deployment untuk mengukur apa saja yang sebaiknya dilakukan oleh pihak e-commerce. Hasilnya hal yang paling dikeluhkan oleh para konsumen adalah situs e-commerce harus berjalan dengan baik. Sementara hal yang paling pertama harus diperbaiki oleh pelaku e-commerce adalah tentang pembelajaran tentang website atau merekrut seorang web designer

    Perspektif konsumen terhadap layanan e-commerce dengan tinjauan e-servqual dan quality function deployment

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    Perkembangan e-commerce di Indonesia sangatlah pesat. Dengan perkembangan yang sangat pesat itu otomatis persaingan antar perusahaan tidak terelakkan lagi, dengan kondisi berikut berbagai perusahaan melakukan berbagai cara untuk memenangkan kompetisi salah satunya adalah perang harga. Untuk perusahaan besar tentunya ini bukan masalah Karena mereka disokong oleh modal yang besar. Namun untuk e-commerce kecil menengah ini bukanlah pilihan cerdas. Diferensiasi layanan serta mendengarkan apa apa saja keinginan konsumen melalui metode e-servqual dan quality function deployment mungkin bisa menjadi salah satu cara untuk bersaing. Penelitian ini menggabungkan metode e-servqual untuk mendengarkan apa apa saja yang diinginkan oleh konsumen dan menggunakan quality function deployment untuk mengukur apa saja yang sebaiknya dilakukan oleh pihak e-commerce. Hasilnya hal yang paling dikeluhkan oleh para konsumen adalah situs e-commerce harus berjalan dengan baik. Sementara hal yang paling pertama harus diperbaiki oleh pelaku e-commerce adalah tentang pembelajaran tentang website atau merekrut seorang web designer

    Analisis Pengaruh Quality, Image, Brand Equity, dan Value terhadap Loyalitas Seller sebagai Salah Satu Partner E-marketplace di Lazada Indonesia

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh dari beberapa faktor yaitu quality, image, brand equity dan value terhadap loyalitas seller sebagai salah satu partner e-marketplace di Lazada Indonesia. Sampel diambil dengan menggunakan metode purposive sampling, dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 82 responden. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner dan literatur. Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah metode analisis regresi berganda untuk mengetahui pengaruh antara variabel-variabel bebas terhadap variabel terikat. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa; 1). Kualitas e-marketplace tidak berpengaruh positif dan siginifikan terhadap loyalitas seller 2). Citra Perusahaan penyedia e-marketplace berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap loyalitas seller 3). Ekuitas brand Perusahaan e-marketplace berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap loyalitas seller 4). Nilai yang dimiliki oleh Perusahaan e-marketplace berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap loyalitas seller 5). Kualitas Pelayanan, citra Perusahaan, ekuitas brand dan nilai Perusahaan secara bersama-sama berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap loyalitas seller sebagai salah satu partner e-marketplace di Lazada Indonesia. Loyalitas seller sebagai salah satu partner e-marketplace di Lazada Indonesia terbukti dipengaruhi oleh keempat variabel yang diteliti yaitu sebesar 74% dan sisanya 26% dipengaruhi oleh faktor atau variabel-variabel lainnya.Kata Kunci: Quality, Image, Brand Equity, Value, Loyalitas Seller2 This study aims to determine the effect of e-service quality, image, brand equity, and value to seller's loyalty as a partner in Lazada Indonesia e-marketplace. Samples were taken by using purposive sampling method, with the total number of sample is 82 respondents. The technique of collecting data is using questionnaires and literatures. The analytical method that used in this research is multiple regression analysis to determine the effect of independent variables on the dependent variable. The results of this study indicate that; 1). E-service quality does not affect significantly on seller's loyalty. 2). Image has a possitive and significant effect on seller's loyalty. 3). Brand Equity has a possitive and significant effect on seller's loyalty. 4). Value has a possitive and significant effect on seller's loyalty. 5). E-Service quality, value, brand equity, and value jointly has a positive and significant effect on seller's loyalty as a partner in Lazada Indonesia e-marketplace. The seller's loyalty shown to be affected by the independent variables in this study at 74% and 26% is influenced by other factors or variables.Keywords: Quality, Image, Brand Equity, Value, Seller's Loyalty DAFTAR PUSTAKA Arikunto, Suharsimi. 2006. Prosedur Penelitian Suatu Pendekatan Praktik. Jakarta: Rineka Cipta. Aydın Erdal, and Savrul Burcu Kilinç, 2014. The Relationship between Globalization and E-Commerce: Turkish Case, Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 150 1267 – 1276 Bresolles Grégory, Durrieu François, Senecal Sylvain. 2014. A consumer typology based on e-service quality and e-satisfaction. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 21, 889–896 Brunn Peter, Jensen Martin, Skovgaard Jakob. 2002. e-Marketplaces: Crafting A Winning Strategy. European Management Journal Vol. 20, No. 3, pp. 286–298 Cunha. 2012. An E-marketplace of Healthcare and Social Care Services: the perceived interest. Procedia Technology 5, 959 – 966 Chi Hsin Kuang, Yeh Huery Ren, Yang Ya Ting. 2009. The Impact of Brand Awareness on Consumer Purchase Intention: The Mediating Effect of Perceived Quality and Brand Loyalty. The Journal of International Management Studies, Volume 4, Number 1 Chien Shu-Hua, Chen Ying-Hueih, Hsu Chin-Yen. 2012. Exploring the impact of trust and relational embeddedness in e-marketplaces: An empirical study in Taiwan. Industrial Marketing Management 41, 460–468 Chircu Alina.M., Mahajan Vijay. 2006. Managing electronic commerce retail transaction costs for customer value. Decision Support Systems 42, 898– 914 D'ambra John, Ramburuth, Prem., & Vatanasakdakul, Savanid. 2010. IT Doesn't Fit! The Influence of Culture on B2B in Thailand. Journal of Global Information Technology Management (Ivy League Publishing). 10-38 Ghozali, Imam. 2006. Aplikasi Analisis Multivariate dengan Sess. Cetakan Keempat. Semarang: Badan Penerbit Universitas Diponogoro ------------------. 2011. Aplikasi Analisis Multivariate dengan Program IBM SPSS19, Badan Penerbit Universitas Diponegoro, Semarang. ------------------. 2005. Aplikasi Analisis Multivariate Dengan Program SPSS. Semarang: UNDIP Goes Paulo, Tu Yanbin, Tung Y.Alex. 2013. Seller heterogeneity in electronic marketplaces: A study of new and experienced sellers in eBay. Decision Support Systems 56, 247–258 Gunasekaran, A., Marri, H. B., McGaughey, R. E., & Nebhwani, M. D. 2002. E-Commerce and its impact on operations management. International Journal of Production Economics, 75,185–197. Hashemi Malayeri, B dan Bastani, F.2000. An introduction to the Internet and the World Wide Web, Part I, Journal of Medical Sciences, TarbiatModarres University, Summer 77, Issue 1, pp. 111. Ho Shu-Chun, and Kauffman Robert.J. 2010. Internet-based selling technology and e-commerce growth: a hybrid growth theory approach with cross-model inference. Inf Technol Manag, 12:409–429 Hong Ilyoo B. 2015. Understanding the consumer's online merchant selection process: The roles of product involvement, perceived risk, and trust expectation. International Journal of Information Management 35, 322–336 Janita M.Soledad, and Miranda F.Javier. 2013. The antecedents of client loyalty in business-to-business (B2B) electronic marketplaces. Industrial Marketing Management 42 814–823 Juntunen Mari, Juntunen Jouni, Juga Jari. 2010. Corporate brand equity and loyalty in B2B markets: A study amonglogistics service purchasers. Macmillan Publishers Ltd. Brand Management Vol. 18, 4/5, 300–311 Malhotra, Naresh, dan Birks, David, 2007. Marketing Research: An Applied Orientation 3rd Edition. London: Practice Hall Nam Janghyeon, Ekinci Yuksel, Whyatt Georgina. 2011. Brand Equity, Brand Loyalty and Consumer Satisfaction. Annals of Tourism Research, Vol. 38, No. 3, pp. 1009–1030 Parasuraman, A., Zeithaml, V. A., & Malhotra, A. (2005). E-S-QUAL a multiple-item scale for assessing electronic service quality. Journal of Service Research, 7(3), 213–233. Pradiani, Theresia. 2014. Pengaruh Trait Competitiveness Terhadap Sales Performance (Studi Kasus di PT Allianz Life Indonesia). Jurnal JIBEKA, volume 8, 55 – 62. Rauyruen Papassapa, Miller Kenneth.E, Groth Markus. 2009. B2B services: linking service loyalty and brand equity, Journal of Service Marketing 23/3 175–186 Rayport, Jeffrey F and Jaworski, Bernard J. 2002. Introduction to E-commerce. Mcgraw Hill Rong Huang and Emine Sarigollu. 2011. How Brand Awareness Relates to Market Outcome, Brand Equity and the Marketing Mix. Journal of Business Research, vol.65, pp.92-99. S. Muylle, A. Basu, 2008. Online support for business processes by electronic intermediaries, Decision Support Systems 45 (4) 845–857. Savrul Mesut, Incekara Ahmet, Sener Sefer. 2014. The Potential of E-Commerce for SMEs in a Globalizing Business Environment, Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 150 35 – 45 Sekaran, Uma, Bougie, Roger, 2010. Research methods for business: a skill building approach. Bandung: Alfabeta Severi Erfan, and Ling Kwek Choon. 2013. The Mediating Effects of Brand Association, Brand Loyalty, Brand Image and Perceived Quality on Brand Equity, Asian Social Science; Vol. 9, No. 3; 2013 Sugiyono. 2002. Metode Penelitian Administrasi. Bandung: CV Alfabeta ------------. 2008. Metode Penelitian Bisnis. Cetakan Keduabelas. Bandung: Alfabeta -----------. 2010. Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif Kualitatif & RND. Bandung: Alfabeta Syuhada Ahmad Anshorimuslim, dan Gambetta Windy. 2013. Online Marketplace for Indonesian Micro Small and Medium Enterprises Based on Social Media. Procedia Technology 11, 446 – 454 Tabachnick BG dan Fidel L.S, 2007. “Using Multivariate Statistic” (Fifth Edition) USA: Pearson Eduction Inc. Umar, Husein. 200. Metodologi Penelitian Untuk Skripsi dan Tesis Bisnis, Jakarta: PT. Gramedia Pustaka. White, A., Daniel, E., Ward, J., & Wilson, H., 2007. The adoption of consortium B2B emarketplaces: An exploratory study. Journal of Strategic Information Systems, 16, 71–103. Wu, Jen-Her., & Hisa, Tzyh-lih. 2004. Analysis of E-commerce innovation and impact: a hypercube model, Electronic Commerce Research and Applications Volume 3, Issue 4, Pages 389–404 Wang Shan, and Archer Norm. 2007. Business-to-business collaboration through electronic marketplaces: An exploratory study. Journal of Purchasing & Supply Management 13 113–126 Zhao Jing, Wang Shan, Huang Wilfred.V. 2008. A study of B2B e-market in China: E-commerce process perspective. Information & Management 45, 242–248 Zhao Kexin, Xia Mu, Shaw Michael.J., Subramaniam Chandrasekar. 2009. The sustainability of B2B e-marketplaces: Ownership structure, market competition, and prior buyer–seller connections. Decision Support Systems 47, 105–114 Zikmund, William G. 2003. Customer Relationship Management: Integrating Marketing Strategy and Information Technology. New Jersey: John Wiley and Sons Zuo Wenming, Huang Qiuping, Fan Chang, Zhang Zhenpeng. 2013. Quality management of B2C e-commerce service based on human factors engineering, Electronic Commerce Research and Applications 12, 309–32

    Qualidade da informação estratégica organizacional utilizando a casa da qualidade

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia e Gestão do Conhecimento, Florianópolis, 2016Viver na Era do Conhecimento significa viver em busca de inovação, informações com qualidade e conhecimentos com alto valor agregado que possam levar as empresas e pessoas a ter destaque frente ao mundo hipercompetitivo. As informações são consideradas matéria-prima para criação de conhecimento, este, por sua vez, agrega valor, proporciona inovação e dá destaque às organizações. Informações estratégicas organizacionais são aquelas que a direcionam para o alcance de suas metas. Quando definidas as informações estratégicas, faz-se necessário certificar que tenham qualidade, permitindo que as decisões tragam benefícios para a organização. Assim, têm-se como objetivo deste estudo propor uma ferramenta para analisar a qualidade da informação estratégica organizacional utilizando a Casa da Qualidade. A Casa da Qualidade é o nome dado à Matriz do QFD (Quality Function Deployment), por seu formato de apresentação, ela torna visível a relação existente entre as necessidades dos clientes e os requisitos técnicos utilizados no desenvolvimento de produtos. Sua aplicação varia desde a agroindústria até o setor de serviços, passando pelo desenvolvimento de produtos e melhoramento de processos. Neste estudo, ela foi adaptada para avaliação da qualidade da informação estratégica organizacional. Como resultado, tem-se a proposta de uma ferramenta para avaliar a qualidade da informação estratégica organizacional com duas fases. A primeira fase é composta de duas matrizes, na primeira é possível fazer a análise de informações e suas fontes, e na segunda matriz faz-se a análise das informações estratégicas. Na segunda fase a análise acontece entre as dimensões da qualidade da informação e as práticas de orientação à informação. Proporcionando à organização uma análise criteriosa para melhorarias em seus processos e ferramentas que de fato transformem sua informação estratégica em vantagem competitiva. Abstract : Living in the Age of Knowledge means living in search of innovation. That is, quality information and high valued added knowledge that can lead companies and individuals to the spotlight in a highly competitive world. Information is considered to be raw material for creating knowledge, which in turn, adds value, propels innovation and puts organizations in the spotlight. Organizational strategic information is that which directs a company to reach its goals. When strategic information is defined, it becomes necessary to attest the information is of quality, which will allow decisions to bring benefits to the organization. Thus, the main objective of this study is to propose the use of a tool to analyze the quality of organizational strategic information while using the House of Quality. The House of Quality is the given name of Quality Function Deployment (QFD) Matrix. As a result of its presentation format, it makes the existing relation between client needs and technical requirements in product development. Its application varies from agribusiness to the services sector, working in areas such as product development and processes improvement. In this study the House of Quality was tailored for evaluating the quality of organizational strategic information. The result of this study brings the proposal of a tool used to evaluate organizational strategic information in two phases. The first phase is composed of two matrixes. In the first matrix, data and its sources are assessed; and in the second, an analysis of the strategic information is made. In the second phase the analysis takes place between the dimensions of information quality and information guidance practices. The result will offer the organization a meticulous analysis that will actually improve processes and tools, truly transforming strategic information into competitive advantage

    Development of a Cross-border Business-to-Business-to-Consumer (B2B2C) System to Enhance Enterprise Performance: A Case Study of Legend Harvest Group

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    This research focused on the efforts of Legend Harvest Group (LHG), a California startup, to realise its cross-border business-to-business-to-consumer (B2B2C) e-commerce business opportunities. The issues identified during the research demonstrated that an operational B2B2C system is more complicated than a manually operated business-to-business (B2B) trade. The complexities of cross-border e-commerce platforms include insufficient data transparency, logistical obstacles, and Customs hurdles. LHG encountered difficulties in understanding and dealing with these obstacles. My research focused on analysing the technological, operational and organisational requirements and finding the critical elements and leverage points of adopting a new B2B2C system. I developed a platform–system–technology–human (PSTH) conceptual framework based on my literature review that served as the theoretical blueprint of this action research. I adopted a participatory action research (PAR) method and a purposeful sampling strategy to conduct an action research study. The sampling population comprised LHG’s executives, as well as board members, officers, employees, and consultants associated with the company. I applied a qualitative approach as the most suitable choice in action research study, using interviews, semi-structured discussions, and observations to collect data. This research was based on three action cycles. Each action cycle consisted of four phases: reflect, plan, act and observe. The first action cycle (AC1) focused on scanning the environment to identify the barriers preventing LHG from adopting a B2B2C system. The second action cycle (AC2) addressed the technological, operational and organisational requirements, and collaborated with a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) provider to implement a trial run and collect actual data. The third action cycle (AC3) involved an in-depth thematic analysis to evaluate the trial-run results and proposed an integrators network for LHG’s future B2B2C system development. Research accomplishments include initial identification of sixty-one emergent codes as barriers to LHG’s supply chain automation quest, categorisation of these codes into fifteen actionable themes, and, finally, selection of five actionable themes as critical elements to follow in adopting a B2B2C system, namely, process automation (A), SaaS adoption (S), supply chain integration (I), collaboration (C) and trust (T). From post-trial-run analysis, I recognised these five themes as the key integrators and proposed a B2B2C supply chain model to cope with the cross-border e-commerce platforms. The interdependent nature of these five integrators led to the conceptualisation of an “ASICT” network that can be used to tackle the platforms’ demands. Based on the research findings, I learned that a sustainable B2B2C system will depend not only on technology implementation such as SaaS adoption, supply chain integration and process automation, but also on human interaction such as collaboration and trust. This research concluded that these five “ASICT” integrators are critical elements, and that trust and collaboration are the key leverage points in the company’s efforts to develop a cross-border B2B2C system. The benefits projected by adopting the B2B2C system included not only reducing LHG’s transactional costs but also enhancing its enterprise performance by automating and integrating the supply chain, allowing the management to map operational efficiency with financial outcome and to transform the e-commerce supply chain into a value chain