653 research outputs found

    Scalability of parallel video decoding on heterogeneous manycore architectures

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    This paper presents an analysis of the scalability of the parallel video decoding on heterogeneous many core architectures. As benchmark, we use a highly parallel H.264/AVC video decoder that generates a large number of independent tasks. In order to translate task-level parallelism into performance gains both the video decoder and the architecture have been optimized. The video decoder was modified for exploiting coarse-grain frame-level parallelism in the entropy decoding kernel which has been considered the main bottleneck. Second, a heterogeneous combination of cores is evaluated for executing different type of tasks. Finally, an evaluation of the memory requirements of the whole system has been carried out. Experiments conducted using a trace-driven simulation methodology shows that the evaluated system exhibits a good parallel scalability up to 68 cores. At this point the parallel video decoder is able to decode more than 200 HD frames per second using simple low power processors.Postprint (published version

    Parallel architectures for entropy coding in a dual-standard ultra-HD video encoder

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    Thesis (S.M.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2010.Includes bibliographical references (p. 97-98).The mismatch between the rapid increase in resolution requirements and the slower increase in energy capacity demand more aggressive low-power circuit design techniques to maintain battery life of hand-held multimedia devices. As the operating voltage is lowered to reduce power consumption, the maximum operating frequency of the system must also decrease while the performance requirements remain constant. To meet these performance constraints imposed by the high resolution and complex functionality of video processing systems, novel techniques for increasing throughput are explored. In particular, the entropy coding functional block faces the most stringent requirements to deliver the necessary throughput due to its highly serial nature, especially to sustain real-time encoding. This thesis proposes parallel architectures for high-performance entropy coding for high-resolution, dual-standard video encoding. To demonstrate the most aggressive techniques for achieving standard reconfigurability, two markedly different video compression standards (H.264/AVC and VC-1) are supported. Specifically, the entropy coder must process data generated from a quad full-HD (4096x2160 pixels per frame, the equivalent of four full-HD frames) video at a frame rate of 30 frames per second and perform lossless compression to generate an output bitstream. This block will be integrated into a dual-standard video encoder chip targeted for operation at 0.6V, which will be fabricated following the completion of this thesis. Parallelism, as well as other techniques applied at the syntax element or bit level, are used to achieve the overall throughput requirements. Three frames of video data are processed in parallel at the system level, and varying degrees of parallelism are employed within the entropy coding block for each standard. The VC-1 entropy encoder block encodes 735M symbols per second with a gate count of 136.6K and power consumption of 304.5 pW, and the H.264 block encodes 4.97G binary symbols per second through three-frame parallelism and a 6-bin cascaded pipelining architecture with a critical path delay of 20.05 ns.by Bonnie K. Y. Lam.S.M

    Algorithms and Hardware Co-Design of HEVC Intra Encoders

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    Digital video is becoming extremely important nowadays and its importance has greatly increased in the last two decades. Due to the rapid development of information and communication technologies, the demand for Ultra-High Definition (UHD) video applications is becoming stronger. However, the most prevalent video compression standard H.264/AVC released in 2003 is inefficient when it comes to UHD videos. The increasing desire for superior compression efficiency to H.264/AVC leads to the standardization of High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC). Compared with the H.264/AVC standard, HEVC offers a double compression ratio at the same level of video quality or substantial improvement of video quality at the same video bitrate. Yet, HE-VC/H.265 possesses superior compression efficiency, its complexity is several times more than H.264/AVC, impeding its high throughput implementation. Currently, most of the researchers have focused merely on algorithm level adaptations of HEVC/H.265 standard to reduce computational intensity without considering the hardware feasibility. What’s more, the exploration of efficient hardware architecture design is not exhaustive. Only a few research works have been conducted to explore efficient hardware architectures of HEVC/H.265 standard. In this dissertation, we investigate efficient algorithm adaptations and hardware architecture design of HEVC intra encoders. We also explore the deep learning approach in mode prediction. From the algorithm point of view, we propose three efficient hardware-oriented algorithm adaptations, including mode reduction, fast coding unit (CU) cost estimation, and group-based CABAC (context-adaptive binary arithmetic coding) rate estimation. Mode reduction aims to reduce mode candidates of each prediction unit (PU) in the rate-distortion optimization (RDO) process, which is both computation-intensive and time-consuming. Fast CU cost estimation is applied to reduce the complexity in rate-distortion (RD) calculation of each CU. Group-based CABAC rate estimation is proposed to parallelize syntax elements processing to greatly improve rate estimation throughput. From the hardware design perspective, a fully parallel hardware architecture of HEVC intra encoder is developed to sustain UHD video compression at 4K@30fps. The fully parallel architecture introduces four prediction engines (PE) and each PE performs the full cycle of mode prediction, transform, quantization, inverse quantization, inverse transform, reconstruction, rate-distortion estimation independently. PU blocks with different PU sizes will be processed by the different prediction engines (PE) simultaneously. Also, an efficient hardware implementation of a group-based CABAC rate estimator is incorporated into the proposed HEVC intra encoder for accurate and high-throughput rate estimation. To take advantage of the deep learning approach, we also propose a fully connected layer based neural network (FCLNN) mode preselection scheme to reduce the number of RDO modes of luma prediction blocks. All angular prediction modes are classified into 7 prediction groups. Each group contains 3-5 prediction modes that exhibit a similar prediction angle. A rough angle detection algorithm is designed to determine the prediction direction of the current block, then a small scale FCLNN is exploited to refine the mode prediction

    Design and Implementation of HD Wireless Video Transmission System Based on Millimeter Wave

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    With the improvement of optical fiber communication network construction and the improvement of camera technology, the video that the terminal can receive becomes clearer, with resolution up to 4K. Although optical fiber communication has high bandwidth and fast transmission speed, it is not the best solution for indoor short-distance video transmission in terms of cost, laying difficulty and speed. In this context, this thesis proposes to design and implement a multi-channel wireless HD video transmission system with high transmission performance by using the 60GHz millimeter wave technology, aiming to improve the bandwidth from optical nodes to wireless terminals and improve the quality of video transmission. This thesis mainly covers the following parts: (1) This thesis implements wireless video transmission algorithm, which is divided into wireless transmission algorithm and video transmission algorithm, such as 64QAM modulation and demodulation algorithm, H.264 video algorithm and YUV420P algorithm. (2) This thesis designs the hardware of wireless HD video transmission system, including network processing unit (NPU) and millimeter wave module. Millimeter wave module uses RWM6050 baseband chip and TRX-BF01 rf chip. This thesis will design the corresponding hardware circuit based on the above chip, such as 10Gb/s network port, PCIE. (3) This thesis realizes the software design of wireless HD video transmission system, selects FFmpeg and Nginx to build the sending platform of video transmission system on NPU, and realizes video multiplex transmission with Docker. On the receiving platform of video transmission, FFmpeg and Qt are selected to realize video decoding, and OpenGL is combined to realize video playback. (4) Finally, the thesis completed the wireless HD video transmission system test, including pressure test, Web test and application scenario test. It has been verified that its HD video wireless transmission system can transmit HD VR video with three-channel bit rate of 1.2GB /s, and its rate can reach up to 3.7GB /s, which meets the research goal

    Algoritmo de estimação de movimento e sua arquitetura de hardware para HEVC

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    Doutoramento em Engenharia EletrotécnicaVideo coding has been used in applications like video surveillance, video conferencing, video streaming, video broadcasting and video storage. In a typical video coding standard, many algorithms are combined to compress a video. However, one of those algorithms, the motion estimation is the most complex task. Hence, it is necessary to implement this task in real time by using appropriate VLSI architectures. This thesis proposes a new fast motion estimation algorithm and its implementation in real time. The results show that the proposed algorithm and its motion estimation hardware architecture out performs the state of the art. The proposed architecture operates at a maximum operating frequency of 241.6 MHz and is able to process 1080p@60Hz with all possible variables block sizes specified in HEVC standard as well as with motion vector search range of up to ±64 pixels.A codificação de vídeo tem sido usada em aplicações tais como, vídeovigilância, vídeo-conferência, video streaming e armazenamento de vídeo. Numa norma de codificação de vídeo, diversos algoritmos são combinados para comprimir o vídeo. Contudo, um desses algoritmos, a estimação de movimento é a tarefa mais complexa. Por isso, é necessário implementar esta tarefa em tempo real usando arquiteturas de hardware apropriadas. Esta tese propõe um algoritmo de estimação de movimento rápido bem como a sua implementação em tempo real. Os resultados mostram que o algoritmo e a arquitetura de hardware propostos têm melhor desempenho que os existentes. A arquitetura proposta opera a uma frequência máxima de 241.6 MHz e é capaz de processar imagens de resolução 1080p@60Hz, com todos os tamanhos de blocos especificados na norma HEVC, bem como um domínio de pesquisa de vetores de movimento até ±64 pixels

    Rinnakkainen toteutus H.265 videokoodaus standardille

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    The objective of this study was to research the scalability of the parallel features in the new H.265 video compression standard, also know as High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC). Compared to its predecessor, the H.264 standard, H.265 typically achieves around 50% bitrate reduction for the same subjective video quality. Especially videos with higher resolution (Full HD and beyond) achieve better compression ratios. Also a better utilization of parallel computing resources is provided. H.265 introduces two novel parallelization features: Tiles and Wavefront Parallel Processing (WPP). In Tiles, each video frame is divided into areas that can be decoded without referencing to other areas in the same frame. In WPP, the relations between code blocks in a frame are encoded so that the decoding process can progress through the frame as a front using multiple threads. In this study, the reference implementation for the H.265 decoder was augmented to support both of these parallelization features. The performance of the parallel implementations was measured using three different setups. From the measurement results it could be seen that the introduction of more CPU cores reduced the total decode time of the video frames to a certain point. When using the Tiles feature, it was observed that the encoding geometry, i.e. how each frame was divided into individually decodable areas, had a noticeable effect on the decode times with certain thread counts. When using WPP, it was observed that what was mostly synchronization overhead, sometimes had a negative effect on the decode times when using larger (4-12) amounts of threads.Tämän tutkimuksen aiheena oli tutkia uuden H.265 videonpakkausstandardin (tunnetaan myös nimellä HEVC (engl. High Efficiency Video Coding)) rinnakkaisuusominaisuuksien skaalautuvuutta. Verrattuna edeltäjäänsä, H.264 videonpakkaustandardiin, H.265 tyypillisesti saavuttaa samalla kuvanlaadulla noin 50% pienemmän pakkauskoon. Erityisesti suuren resoluution videoilla (Full HD ja suuremmat) pakkaustehokkuuden paremmuus korostuu. Huomiota on kiinnitetty myös moniydinprosessoreiden hyödyntämiseen videokoodauksessa. H.265 tarjoaa kaksi uutta rinnakkaisuusominaisuutta: niin kutsutut Tiles- ja WPP-menetelmät (engl. \emph{Wavefront Parallel Processing}). Tiles-menetelmässä jokainen videon kuva jaetaan alueisiin, jotka voidaan purkaa viittaamatta saman kuvan muihin alueisiin. WPP-menetelmässä suhteet kuvan lohkoihin pakataan siten että purkamisprosessi pystyy etenemään kuvan läpi rintamana hyödyntäen useampia säikeitä. Tässä tutkimuksessa H.265 videodekooderin referenssitoteutusta laajennettiin tukemaan molempia näistä rinnakkaisuusominaisuuksista. Suorituskykyä mitattiin käyttäen kolmea eri mittausasetelmaa. Mittaustuloksista ilmeni, että prosessoriydinten lukumäärän kasvattaminen nopeutti videoiden purkamista tiettyyn pisteeseen asti. Tiles-menetelmää mitatessa havaittiin, että alueiden geometrialla, eli kuinka kuva jaettiin riippumattomiin alueisiin, on huomattava vaikutus purkamisnopeuteen tietyillä säiemäärillä. WPP-menetelmää mitattaessa havaittiin että korkeampiin säiemääriin (4-12) siirryttäessä purkamisnopeus alkoi hidastua. Tämä johtui pääasiassa säikeiden keskinäiseen synkronointiin kuluvasta ajasta