3,824 research outputs found

    A component-based middleware framework for configurable and reconfigurable Grid computing

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    Significant progress has been made in the design and development of Grid middleware which, in its present form, is founded on Web services technologies. However, we argue that present-day Grid middleware is severely limited in supporting projected next-generation applications which will involve pervasive and heterogeneous networked infrastructures, and advanced services such as collaborative distributed visualization. In this paper we discuss a new Grid middleware framework that features (i) support for advanced network services based on the novel concept of pluggable overlay networks, (ii) an architectural framework for constructing bespoke Grid middleware platforms in terms of 'middleware domains' such as extensible interaction types and resource discovery. We believe that such features will become increasingly essential with the emergence of next-generation e-Science applications. Copyright (c) 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd

    Context modeling and constraints binding in web service business processes

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    Context awareness is a principle used in pervasive services applications to enhance their exibility and adaptability to changing conditions and dynamic environments. Ontologies provide a suitable framework for context modeling and reasoning. We develop a context model for executable business processes { captured as an ontology for the web services domain. A web service description is attached to a service context profile, which is bound to the context ontology. Context instances can be generated dynamically at services runtime and are bound to context constraint services. Constraint services facilitate both setting up constraint properties and constraint checkers, which determine the dynamic validity of context instances. Data collectors focus on capturing context instances. Runtime integration of both constraint services and data collectors permit the business process to achieve dynamic business goals

    Model Based Development of Quality-Aware Software Services

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    Modelling languages and development frameworks give support for functional and structural description of software architectures. But quality-aware applications require languages which allow expressing QoS as a first-class concept during architecture design and service composition, and to extend existing tools and infrastructures adding support for modelling, evaluating, managing and monitoring QoS aspects. In addition to its functional behaviour and internal structure, the developer of each service must consider the fulfilment of its quality requirements. If the service is flexible, the output quality depends both on input quality and available resources (e.g., amounts of CPU execution time and memory). From the software engineering point of view, modelling of quality-aware requirements and architectures require modelling support for the description of quality concepts, support for the analysis of quality properties (e.g. model checking and consistencies of quality constraints, assembly of quality), tool support for the transition from quality requirements to quality-aware architectures, and from quality-aware architecture to service run-time infrastructures. Quality management in run-time service infrastructures must give support for handling quality concepts dynamically. QoS-aware modeling frameworks and QoS-aware runtime management infrastructures require a common evolution to get their integration

    A Framework for QoS-aware Execution of Workflows over the Cloud

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    The Cloud Computing paradigm is providing system architects with a new powerful tool for building scalable applications. Clouds allow allocation of resources on a "pay-as-you-go" model, so that additional resources can be requested during peak loads and released after that. However, this flexibility asks for appropriate dynamic reconfiguration strategies. In this paper we describe SAVER (qoS-Aware workflows oVER the Cloud), a QoS-aware algorithm for executing workflows involving Web Services hosted in a Cloud environment. SAVER allows execution of arbitrary workflows subject to response time constraints. SAVER uses a passive monitor to identify workload fluctuations based on the observed system response time. The information collected by the monitor is used by a planner component to identify the minimum number of instances of each Web Service which should be allocated in order to satisfy the response time constraint. SAVER uses a simple Queueing Network (QN) model to identify the optimal resource allocation. Specifically, the QN model is used to identify bottlenecks, and predict the system performance as Cloud resources are allocated or released. The parameters used to evaluate the model are those collected by the monitor, which means that SAVER does not require any particular knowledge of the Web Services and workflows being executed. Our approach has been validated through numerical simulations, whose results are reported in this paper
