12 research outputs found

    Automating Processing and Intake in the Institutional Repository with Python

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    The Charles B. Sears Law Library at the University at Buffalo School of Law recently completed a seven-month project to load the entire backfile of the school\u27s six law journals onto its Digital Commons repository. The vast majority went fairly quickly, but some of the early volumes required a large amount of additional processing. For its first 22 volumes, the Buffalo Law Review covered current legal developments through case notes, including 14 years of in-depth coverage of the previous year\u27s New York Court of Appeals term. These case notes provide a contemporary review of the development of New York law through the 1950s and 1960s. Unfortunately, these case notes were trapped in large files that contained every case note for a single issue. Additionally, there was no indexing to help users find individual case notes. For the library to make these notes available individually, 100 PDF files would have to be split into almost 1,600 articles, and metadata created for each. In the past, this processing would have been completed by multiple librarians and student workers. Right now, however, the libraries are facing severe staffing shortages and budget shortfalls. So, instead, through the power of Python, one faculty scholarship librarian was able to split and upload all 1,600 articles within six weeks. Using Python and a few free libraries, the library built a small suite of tools that were used to scan each large file, pull metadata from its embedded text, split the PDFs, and output everything into Digital Commons upload format. In this session, you will learn about useful Python libraries for this type of project, the workflows used, problems encountered and their solutions, if any. You will also learn about the code structure used and how you can use this in your own repository projects. This session will be useful to any IR manager, whether using Digital Commons or another platform, who has or might have resources needing similar processing. The session does not assume previous Python programming experience, as the presenter had none before starting the project. Some coding knowledge will be helpful to someone embarking on a similar project, but is not necessary


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    This article does not aim to erase the border, rather vague, between natural and artificial languages, but to offer the researcher in the field of language analysis a useful tool for their logical generation and interpretation. After processing the available literature and setting the theoretical framework, a case study was conducted concerning the application of the functional approach in natural languages, and the obtained results indicate the following conclusion: The only difference between functional and natural language is that the condition of interrupting recursive calls may be external to the calling auto function in the case of natural language. Basically, once the message is understood or transmitted, it leaves the loop, this aspect being part of the communication protocol between peopl

    Company Performance during Covid-19: Impact of Leverage, Liquidity and Cash Flows

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    Due to the movement control order, company performance is predicted to be highly affected by Covid-19 pandemic.  Thus, this study seeks to examine the impact of leverage, liquidity and cash flows from operations towards company performance during the Covid-19 pandemic. Using secondary data from public listed companies on Bursa Malaysia with two financial quarters in the financial year 2020, it is found that there is a significant impact of liquidity and cash flows from operations on company performance. This study may contribute as additional literature to future studies and provide sights to regulators in dealing with the pandemic outbreak. Keywords: Covid-19; leverage; liquidity; cash flows eISSN: 2398-4287© 2021. The Authors. Published for AMER ABRA cE-Bs by e-International Publishing House, Ltd., UK. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/). Peer–review under responsibility of AMER (Association of Malaysian Environment-Behaviour Researchers), ABRA (Association of Behavioural Researchers on Asians/Africans/Arabians) and cE-Bs (Centre for Environment-Behaviour Studies), Faculty of Architecture, Planning & Surveying, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia. DOI: https://doi.org/10.21834/ebpj.v6i17.287

    GIS-technologies and mathematical simulation to predict lightning-caused forest fire danger

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    Context. The components of the geoinformation system for monitoring, forecasting and assessment of forest fire danger caused bythunderstorm activity are developed. Objective of the work is to create an embedded software tool for physically based forecasting, monitoring and evaluation of the probability of forest fire occurrence as a result of the impact of a lightning discharge on a tree trunk. Method. Structural analysis is used to design elements and information flows inside and outside of the developed geographic information system. Mathematical modeling is used to determine the parameters of tree ignition by the cloud-to-ground lightning discharge. Mathematically, the process of tree trunk heating is described using a system of non-stationary heat conduction equations with a source part responsible for the heat release according to the Joule-Lenz law in the core of the tree trunk. The finite difference method is used to solve the differential heatequation. Finite-difference analogues are solved by the double-sweep method. Program realization is implemented in the built-in high-levellanguage. The probability theory (conditional probability) is used to develop a probabilistic criterion for forest fire danger estimation.Results. A software tool is developed to estimate the tree ignition delay time as a result of the impact of a cloud-to-ground lightningdischarge. The GIS-system component is developed in the high-level programming language Python. We have obtained probability distribution of forest fire occurrences from thunderstorms for the territory of the Timiryazevsky forestry in the Tomsk region is obtained.Conclusions. We have proposed a physically proved method for forecasting, monitoring and assessing forest fire danger caused bythunderstorm activity

    Evaluation of static network equivalent models for N-1 line contingency analysis

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    Although large scale simulation models may better represent the behavior of practical power systems, they are time-consuming and turn out to be impractical for some desired applications, particularly when the focus of the study is on only a small portion of the entire system and the use of a complete model would dramatically increase the computational effort and time. Therefore, network equivalent models can be used in this case to facilitate and accelerate the completion of the required analysis related to the specific subsystem. In this sense, and considering here small and large sample networks, the evaluation of static equivalents derived from popular Ward and REI reduction methods is presented in this paper. The performance of the reduced networks is assessed under the N-1 contingency criteria, and takes into account not only the base case condition but also post contingency response with the whole set of lines in the particular area of study. Obtained equivalents are compared in simulation in terms of deviations from the original system and average computational time needed to complete the involved power flow calculations

    Modélisation et simulation thermique des circuits intégrés tridimensionnels

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    Depuis leur apparition, les circuits intégrés connaissent une évolution exponentielle dans de nombreux axes. Les circuits intégrés tridimensionnels (3D) gagnent de l'intérêt sur le marché en raison d’une multitude d’avantages comme une taille réduite, un grand nombre de fonctionnalités, une faible consommation d'énergie et une bande passante élevée. Mais en raison de leur architecture tridimensionnelle basée sur une superposition de couches multiples dans une dimension compacte, ces circuits présentent de nouveaux défis en termes de contrôle de température. Le recours à la simulation thermique est incontournable pour permettre de prédire la température et aider le concepteur de ce type de circuit à évaluer de multiples alternatives avant la phase de fabrication. Une simulation efficace doit être précise, facile à réaliser, générique et doit prendre en compte l’aspect évolutif des circuits. Les simulateurs thermiques actuels sont couteux, gourmands en mémoire et peinent à modéliser les futurs circuits intégrés et à suivre leur évolution. Ce mémoire introduit ICTherm : un outil de simulation thermique précis, générique, code ouvert et facile à utiliser. ICTherm est basé sur un ensemble de solveurs numériques et de méthodes d'optimisation assurant une simulation efficace pour les états permanents et transitoires. Une implémentation flexible de l'approche proposée assure la portabilité du code et la facilité de la mise à jour de l'outil. Une interface utilisateur ergonomique est proposée pour permettre une représentation simple des données à saisir ainsi qu’un module de sortie graphique facilitant l'interprétation des résultats pour les utilisateurs. Un ensemble de modules et d'options est proposé pour assurer la modélisation de tout type de circuit intégré tridimensionnel. Nous avons validé l’outil ICTherm proposé à travers divers problèmes thermiques représentatifs. La précision des résultats est semblable à celle des outils commerciaux comme Comsol et nos résultats montrent la capacité de l'outil à modéliser et à simuler de futurs circuits avec de nouvelles contraintes comme les circuits optiques.----------ABSTRACT : Since their appearance, the integrated circuit experiencing an exponential evolution in many axis. The three-dimensional integrated circuits are a class of those new ICs that gain more and more interest in many market fields due to their considerable benefits as small size, big number of functionalities, low power consumption and high bandwidth. Because of this 3D architecture based on a superposition of multiple layers in a compact dimension, the 3D ICs carries new challenges in terms of design complexity, devices testing and effective temperature control. Making an efficient design of such devices require multi-discipline skills in electrical, mechanical and thermodynamic fields which constitute a big challenge for the designers. Therefore new, efficient thermal modelling and simulation solutions are required. Thermal modelling and simulation of an integrated circuit aims to reproduce its thermal behaviour in order to predict its components temperature. An efficient heat transfer simulation of the circuit allows to predict the heat and help the designer to evaluate multiple alternatives while the layout and power output of the device are still subject to modifications. This work present ICTherm: an efficient, accurate, generic, open source and easy to use thermal simulation tool. ICTherm is based on a set of numerical solvers and optimization methods ensuring an efficient simulation for both steady and transient states. Flexible software implementation of the proposed approach is offered ensuring the code portability and the ease upgrade of the tool. An ergonomic user interface is proposed as a representation of the needed inputs; like circuit architecture, geometries, simulation parameters; and the thermal schema output to facilitate the use of the simulation tool and results interpretation for users. A set of modules and options are proposed to increase the ability to model any type of three-dimensional integrated circuits. We evaluated the tool on a various representative thermal problems. The accuracy of the results is similar to commercial state of art tools like Comsol and our results show up the capacity of the tool to model and simulate future circuits with new constraints like optical circuits

    La enseñanza-aprendizaje del periodismo de datos en las facultades españolas: estudios y propuestas de viabiliad

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    La revolución digital ha traído consigo el almacenamiento de millones de datos tanto públicos como privados. Internet ha cambiado nuestros hábitos: leemos la información online, nos comunicaciones con otras personas a través del ciberespacio y compramos y pagamos por Internet, entre otras muchas actividades. Todos esos movimientos que hacemos a través de la web quedan guardados y estructurados.Este cambio tecnológico desafía al periodista. Ante tanta información almacenada en bases de datos y con tantas historias que contar, es necesario formar a los periodistas en el tratamiento de esos datos. El Big Data ha traído un perfil profesional que consiste en un interrogatorio continuo a las bases de datos. Pero, de nada sirve que se tenga toda la materia prima si las universidades no proporcionan los procedimientos y las herramientas necesarias a los futuros periodistas para que puedan buscar y extraer información de las bases de datos. Por ello, esta investigación tiene como objetivo poner de manifiesto el potencial que tiene el periodismo de datos y dar a conocer el panorama actual de la enseñanza del periodismo de datos en las universidades españolas..

    Pengaruh ekstrak etanol daun sirsak (Annona muricata L.) terhadap kadar enzim transaminase (SGPT dan SGOT) pada mencit (Mus musculus) yang diinduksi DMBA

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    Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimenta menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan lima kelompok perlakuan dan empat kali ulangan. Kelompok perlakuan Acak Lengkap tikus yang diinduksi dengan 7,12-dimetilbenz(alfa) antrasen (DMBA) dan diberi ekstrak daun sirsak dosis 0 mg/kgBB (K+), dosis 100 mg/kg bb (P1). DOSIS 150 MG/KG BB (P2), Dosis 200 mg/kg bb (P3) dan tikus normal yaitu tikus tanpa diinduksi dengan 7,12-dimetilbenz(alfa) antrasen (DMBA) dan tanpa diberi ekstrak daun sirsak (K-). Data kemudian dianalisis dengan menggunakan Analisis Varians (One Way Anova) satu arah. Jika menunjukan ada pengaruh maka dilakukan uji lanjut dengan BNT taraf signifikan alfa=1%. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, diketahui kadar SGPT pada (K+) yaitu 154,472+/-4,09 U/L, sedangkan pada P1, P2, dan P3 masing-masing adalah 134,352+/-3,03 U/I , 118,137+/-2,69 U/L, 88,950+/-3,34 U/L dan (K-) 11,516+/-1.62. Kadar SGOT pada (K+) adalah 132,174+/-2,63 U/L, sedangkan pada P1, P2, dan P3 masing-masing adalah 1174,674+/-2,63 U/L, 105,232+/-2,34 U/L, 79,717+/-3,56 U/L dan (K-) 8,339+/-1,25. Oleh karena itu dapat disimpulkan bahwa ekstrak etanol daun sirsak (Annona muricata L.) berpengaruh terhadap kadar enzime transminase (SGPT dan SGOT) pada mencit (Mus muscullus)yang diinduksi dengan 7,12-dimetilbenz(alfa) antvrasen (DMBA) secara in vivo. Sedangkan dosis yang efektif untuk menurunkan kadar enzim transaminase SGPT dan SGOT adalah P3 yaitu 200 mg/kg bb