171 research outputs found

    Control of Acacia farnesiana and of Mimosa pteridofita in pastures

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    Resumo ¾ Conduziu-se um experimento com o objetivo de estudar a eficácia agronômica e econômica de herbicidas para o controle de duas sérias plantas daninhas de pastagens: Acacia farnesiana e Mimosa pteridofita. Os produtos utilizados, por meio de pincelamento no toco, foram o óleo diesel, óleo lubrificante usado de trator, solução aquosa de 2,4-D + picloram e solução oleosa de 2,4-D + picloram. À exceção do óleo lubrificante, os herbicidas foram testados em dois tamanhos de planta daninha e duas alturas de corte. Avaliaram-se a porcentagem de controle e o vigor de brotação das plantas não-controladas. Concluiu-se que o corte das plantas só é eficiente no controle das duas espécies, quando realizado no nível do solo e seguido da aplicação de herbicida específico, como o 2,4-D + picloram. O óleo diesel também controla totalmente ambas as espécies, e com menores custos que o 2,4-D + picloram, porém apenas quando aplicado nas plantas mais jovens. Há incompatibilidade entre o óleo diesel e o 2,4-D + picloram no controle das duas espécies. O óleo lubrificante usado não apresenta nenhum efeito herbicida em plantas adultas destas espécies.An experiment was carried out to study the efficacy of herbicide treatments in controlling two serious pasture weeds: Acacia farnesiana and Mimosa pteridofita. The following herbicides were applied to the stump, after cutting: diesel oil, used engine lubricant oil, 2,4-D + picloram diluted in water or diesel oil and a control treatment without herbicide. All herbicide treatments were tested on two sizes of the plants and two heights of cutting, except the lubricant oil. The shrub control and sprouting vigor were evaluated in all treatments. The results showed that cutting of plants is effective only when it is carried out at the soil surface level and followed by a specific herbicide treatment, such as 2,4-D + picloram. Diesel oil controlled 100% of the younger plants of both species, at lower costs. There is an antagonistic effect between diesel oil and 2,4-D + picloram to control both species. The lubricant oil did not show any herbicide effects on these species


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    HANAN NURROHMAN. Pengembangan Video Interaktif Pakuta (Paku Kota) Berorientasi Pada Pengetahuan Keanekaragaman Paku Perkotaan. Skripsi, Program Studi Pendidikan Biologi, Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam, Universitas Negeri Jakarta. Februari 2021. Media Pembelajaran adalah salah satu komponen yang penting dalam proses pembelajaran dan penggunaannya yang tepat akan mempengaruhi pemahaman peserta didik terhadap materi tertentu dalam pembelajaran. Materi keanekaragaman tumbuhan paku merupakan materi yang cukup sulit karena tidak sedikit penggunaan bahasa latin didalamnya. Penelitian dan pengembangan ini bertujuan untuk menciptakan media video interaktif Pakuta yang berorientasi pada pengetahuan keanekaragaman tumbuhan paku kota yang bertujuan untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut. Metode yang digunakan pada penenlitian dan pengembangan ini adalah Borg and Gall, serta dibatasi pada tahap ke enam (Main Field Test). Penelitian ini di mulai pada bulan Maret-November 2020. Video interaktif Pakuta mendapatkan nilai dari hasil validasi aspek materi sebesar 4 (validasi baik), aspek bahasa sebesar 4,18 (validasi baik), dan aspek media sebesar 4,18 (validasi baik). Media juga diuji coba oleh kelompok kecil dan guru biologi SMAN 3 Setiabudi, Jakarta. Hasil penilaian validasi dari guru sebesar 4,6 (validasi sangat baik) dan peserta didik 4,16 (validasi baik). Video interaktif Pakuta yang dikembangkan layak untuk dijadikan media pembelajaran materi keanekaragaman tumbuhan paku kota yang berorientasi pada pengetahuan peserta didik. Kata Kunci Video Pembelajaran Biologi, Camtasia, Keanekaragaman, Pteridofita, Borg and Gall. HANAN NURROHMAN. Development of Pakuta (Paku Kota) Interactive Video Oriented On Urban Fern Diversity Knowledge. Undergraduate Thesis, Biology Education, Faculty Of Mathematic and Natural Sciences, State University Of Jakarta. February 2021. Learning media is one of the important components in the learning process and its proper use will affect learners' understanding of certain materials in learning. Material diversity of fern plants is a material that is quite difficult because of the scientific name is used in it. This research and development aim to create interactive video media Pakuta oriented to the knowledge of city fern diversity that aims to overcome the problem. The methods used in this research and development are Borg and Gall and are limited to the sixth stage (Main Field Test). This research was started in March-November 2020. Pakuta's interactive video gets a value from the validation of material aspects of 4 (good validation), language aspect of 4.18 (good validation), and media aspect of 4.18 (good validation). The media was also tested by a small group and biology teacher of SMAN 3 Setiabudi, Jakarta. The result of the validation assessment from the teachers is 4.6 (excellent validation) and the students 4.16 (good validation). The development of Pakuta interactive video is worthy to be a learning medium of city fern diversity material oriented to the knowledge of learners. Keywords. Biology Learning Video, Camtasia, Diversity, Pteridophytes, Borg and Gall

    Kajian Fenetik Tumbuhan Paku (Pteridofita) di Kecamatan Benai Kabupaten Kuantan Singingi, Provinsi Riau

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    Kabupaten Kuantan Singingi khususnya Kecamatan Benai merupakan salah satu tempat distribusi tumbuhan paku. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk melakukan kajian fenetik jenis – jenis tumbuhan paku yang tumbuh di Kecamatan Benai Kabupaten Kuantan Singingi Provinsi Riau. Sampel di lapangan dikumpulkan dengan metode eksplorasi. Untuk memperoleh dendrogram dari tumbuhan paku yang ada di Kecamatan Benai, identifikasi dilakukan berdasarkan karakteristik morfologi, dan data dianalisis menggunakan program NTSys pc 2.02. Sebanyak 23 jenis tumbuhan paku dari 18 genus dan 13 famili telah diidentifikasi pada penelitian ini. Famili Polipodiaceae merupakan famili dengan jumlah jenis terbanyak (5 jenis) dari sampel yang yang dikumpulkan. Dendrogram yang diperoleh dibagi menjadi dua kelompok berdasarkan jenis daun yaitu jenis daun monomorfik dan dimorfik.

    Kajian Fenetik Tumbuhan Paku (Pteridofita) di Kecamatan Benai Kabupaten Kuantan Singingi, Provinsi Riau

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    Kabupaten Kuantan Singingi khususnya Kecamatan Benai merupakan salah satu tempat distribusi tumbuhan paku. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk melakukan kajian fenetik jenis – jenis tumbuhan paku yang tumbuh di Kecamatan Benai Kabupaten Kuantan Singingi Provinsi Riau. Sampel di lapangan dikumpulkan dengan metode eksplorasi. Untuk memperoleh dendrogram dari tumbuhan paku yang ada di Kecamatan Benai, identifikasi dilakukan berdasarkan karakteristik morfologi, dan data dianalisis menggunakan program NTSys pc 2.02. Sebanyak 23 jenis tumbuhan paku dari 18 genus dan 13 famili telah diidentifikasi pada penelitian ini. Famili Polipodiaceae merupakan famili dengan jumlah jenis terbanyak (5 jenis) dari sampel yang yang dikumpulkan. Dendrogram yang diperoleh dibagi menjadi dua kelompok berdasarkan jenis daun yaitu jenis daun monomorfik dan dimorfik.

    Jenis – jenis tumbuhan paku (Pteridofita) dari Hutan Universitas Riau, Provinsi Riaudan Pola Pita DNA berdasarkan Penanda DNA M13Primer

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    University of Riau Forest, Riau Province is one of distribution area of ferns (Pteridophytes). This study aimed to identify fern species at University of Riau Forest and examined the DNA band pattern based on M13 DNA marker. Samples were collected from the field using exploration method and were then identified. DNA isolation was carried out using DNAeasy Plant Mini Kit (Qiagen), and amplified based on PCR method using DreamTaq Green PCR Master Mix (2X) (Thermo Scientific) with M13 DNA Marker. The inventorisation result showed a total of 26 fern species belong to 8 families were identified in this study. The electrophoresis result of PCR product gave the variaous DNA band pattern ranged from 200 to 2000 bp. DNA band pattern using M13 primer can be used to support the taxonomical data of fern taxaKawasan hutan di Universitas Riau, Provinsi Riau merupakan salah satu daerah distribusi tumbuhan paku (Pteridofita). Kajian ini bertujuan mengidentifikasi jenis-jenis tumbuhan paku di Hutan Universitas Riau dan mengetahui pola pita DNA menggunakan penanda DNA universal M13. Sampel dikoleksi  dari lapangan menggunakan metode eksplorasi dan kemudian diidentifikasi. Isolasi DNA menggunakan DNeasy Plant Mini Kit (Qiagen), dan diamplifikasi berdasarkan metode PCR menggunakan DreamTaq Green PCR Master Mix (2X) (Thermo Scientific) denganpenanda DNA M13 (GAGGGTGGCGGTTCT),. Hasil inventarisasi menunjukan 26 jenis paku dari 8 famili telah diidentifikasi pada kajian ini. Hasilelektroforesis PCR menunjukanbahwa pola pita DNA yang dihasilkan bervariasi dengan ukuran berkisar antara 200 bp sampai 2000 bp. Pola pita DNA menggunakan penanda universal M13 dapat dijadikan data pendukung dalam taksonomi tumbuhan paku


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    Ferns is one kind of plants in Lho Fat Phun Fie Nature Reserve that has important function in forest ecosystem. This study aimed to describe the species of ferns and to obtain the value of ferns diversity index. This study was using a survey methode with multiple plot sampling technique. The plots placed purposively in areas where many types of ferns were found. The plot area used is 10 m x 10 m each 78 plot. The results showed that there were 19 species of 13 fern families. 19 spesies of fern were 17 types of terrestrial ferns and 2 types of epiphytic ferns. The highest important value index (INP) is the lemiding fern (Stenochlaena palustris), the dominance index value (C) was not dominant (0.21), the diversity index value (H’) is moderate (1,9) and the abundance index value (e) is high (0,6).Keywords: Diversity, Epiphytic ferns, Ferns, Terrestrial ferns.AbstrakTumbuhan paku merupakan salah satu tumbuhan yang terdapat di Cagar Alam Lho Fat Phun Fie yang mempunyai peran penting terhadap ekosistem hutan. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mendeskripsikan jenis-jenis tumbuhan paku dan mendapatkan nilai indeks keanekaragaman jenis tumbuhan paku di Cagar Alam Lho Fat Phun Fie. Penelitian menggunakan metode survei dengan teknik pengambilan contoh petak ganda. Petak pengamatan dibuat sebanyak 78 petak berukuran 10 m x 10 m yang diletakkan secara purposive berdasarkan keberadaan tumbuhan paku dan tutupan lahan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian terdapat 19 jenis tumbuhan paku yang termasuk dalam 13 famili. 19 jenis tersebut terdiri dari 17 jenis paku terestrial dan 2 jenis paku epifit. Nilai indeks nilai penting (INP) tertinggi adalah jenis paku lemiding (Stenochlaena palustris), nilai indeks dominansi (C) tumbuhan paku di Cagar Alam Lho Fat Phun Fie tergolong kecil atau tidak mendominansi (0,21), nilai indeks keanekaragaman jenis (H’) tergolong sedang (1,9) dan nilai indeks kelimpahan (e) tergolong tinggi (0,6).Kata kunci: Keanekaragaman jenis, Paku epifit, Tumbuhan paku, Paku terestria

    Economic injury level of canjiqueira in native pastures in Pantanal of Nhecolândia.

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    Pantanal plain has large extensions of land formed by many types of landscapes suitable to extensive livestock system. Open grasslands and lowlands are formed by forage such as grasses and forbs widely consumed by cattle. However, climatic and human factors can promote the dissemination of invasive shrub species such as canjiqueira (Byrsonima cydoniifolia A. Juss) making it necessary, in many cases, the human intervention to control the invasion. The present work had as objective to determine the economic threshold level to control canjiqueira through two methods: tractor driven blade and link chains pulled by tractor in different invasion levels plants per hectare. Economic Threshold proved to be a tool for efficient and effective management for making decisions of when and how to do the control of canjiqueira in natural pastures of Pantanal of Nhecolândia.e019177106

    Las plantas acuáticas invasoras. El caso de azolla en Doñana

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    Las plantas acuáticas incluyen diversas especies como: Eichhornia crassipes, Hydrilla verticillata o Salvinia molesta, que, debido a sus especiales características fisiológicas y reproductivas y a las alteraciones que producen en el medio, constituyen una excelente manera para conocer la forma de actuar de las especies exóticas invasoras. Una de estas especies: Azolla filiculoides ha aparecido recientemente en el Parque Nacional de Doñana (SW España), extendiéndose rápidamente por toda la marisma y alcanzando incluso las lagunas sobre las arenas. Su forma de crecimiento, formando densos tapetes que cubren por completo la superficie del agua y la posibilidad de fijar nitrógeno atmosférico, auguran importantes cambios en los ecosistemas acuáticos del Parque Nacional de Doñana. Asimismo, la presencia de otras especies en las inmediaciones del Parque Nacional de Doñana indica que el problema de Azolla, no es un problema aislado, sino que está incluido en el proceso global de expansión de las especies exóticas invasoras, consecuencia de las alteraciones de los hábitat naturales producidos por el hombreAquatic plants include some species as: Eichhornia crassipes, Hydrilla verticillata or Salvinia molesta, which due to special physiological and reproductive characters and the problems they cause in native ecosystems, they constitute an excellent way to know the behavior of Invasive exotic species. One of this kind of species: Azolla filiculoides, has recently been found in the Doñana National Park (SW Spain). It has quickly spread over Doñana’s marshland and has arrived to the sandy ponds even. Its growing mode, that makes a dense carpet over the water surface, and its ability to fix the atmospheric nitrogen, predicted important changes in the marshland ecosystem of Doñana National Park. Besides, the appearance of others exotic species in the neighborhood of Doñana National Park, points to Azolla is not an isolated case. It is part of the global process, effect of the men’s disturbances on natural habitat


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    Hulu Kuantan Subdistrict, Kuantan Singingi Regency, is one of the distribution area of ferns in Riau Province. The purpose of this study was to determine the diversity of ferns (Pteridophytes) in the region. The research was conducted from September to December 2018. Samples were collected using exploration method, and prepared for herbarium specimens in Botanical Laboratory, Biology Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Riau. The results identified a total of 26 fern species, belong to 15 families. i.e Athyriaceae (1 species), Dennstaedtiaceae (1 species), Dryopteridaceae (1 species), Lycopodiaceae (1 species), Gleicheniaceae (1 species), Nephrolepidaceae (1 species) Selaginellaceae (1 species), Therypteridaceae (1 species), Tectariaceae (1 species), Aspleniaceae (2 species), Lygodiaceae (2 species), Blechnaceae (3 species), Pteridaceae (4 species), Polypodiaceae (5 species). Each family is characterized by stem and leaf morphology, as well as shape and position of sori.Hulu Kuantan Subdistrict, Kuantan Singingi Regency, is one of the distribution area of ferns in Riau Province. The purpose of this study was to determine the diversity of ferns (Pteridophytes) in the region. The research was conducted from September to December 2018. Samples were collected using exploration method, and prepared for herbarium specimens in Botanical Laboratory, Biology Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Riau. The results identified a total of 26 fern species, belong to 15 families. i.e Athyriaceae (1 species), Dennstaedtiaceae (1 species), Dryopteridaceae (1 species), Lycopodiaceae (1 species), Gleicheniaceae (1 species), Nephrolepidaceae (1 species) Selaginellaceae (1 species), Therypteridaceae (1 species), Tectariaceae (1 species), Aspleniaceae (2 species), Lygodiaceae (2 species), Blechnaceae (3 species), Pteridaceae (4 species), Polypodiaceae (5 species). Each family is characterized by stem and leaf morphology, as well as shape and position of sori