283 research outputs found

    A Digital Manufacturing Process For Three-Dimensional Electronics

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    Additive manufacturing (AM) offers the ability to produce devices with a degree of three-dimensional complexity and mass customisation previously unachievable with subtractive and formative approaches. These benefits have not transitioned into the production of commercial electronics that still rely on planar, template-driven manufacturing, which prevents them from being tailored to the end user or exploiting conformal circuitry for miniaturisation. Research into the AM fabrication of 3D electronics has been demonstrated; however, because of material restrictions, the durability and electrical conductivity of such devices was often limited. This thesis presents a novel manufacturing approach that hybridises the AM of polyetherimide (PEI) with chemical modification and selective light-based synthesis of silver nanoparticles to produce 3D electronic systems. The resulting nanoparticles act as a seed site for the electroless deposition of copper. The use of high-performance materials for both the conductive and dielectric elements created devices with the performance required for real-world applications. For printing PEI, a low-cost fused filament fabrication (FFF); also known as fused deposition modelling (FDM), printer with a unique inverted design was developed. The orientation of the printer traps hot air within a heated build environment that is open on its underside allowing the print head to deposit the polymer while keeping the sensitive components outside. The maximum achievable temperature was 120 °C and was found to reduce the degree of warping and the ultimate tensile strength of printed parts. The dimensional accuracy was, on average, within 0.05 mm of a benchmark printer and fine control over the layer thickness led to the discovery of flexible substrates that can be directly integrated into rigid parts. Chemical modification of the printed PEI was used to embed ionic silver into the polymer chain, sensitising it to patterning with a 405 nm laser. The rig used for patterning was a re-purposed vat-photopolymerisation printer that uses a galvanometer to guide the beam that is focused to a spot size of 155 µm at the focal plane. The positioning of the laser spot was controlled with an open-sourced version of the printers slicing software. The optimal laser patterning parameters were experimentally validated and a link between area-related energy density and the quality of the copper deposition was found. In tests where samples were exposed to more than 2.55 J/cm^2, degradation of the polymer was experienced which produced blistering and delamination of the copper. Less than 2.34 J/cm^2 also had negative effect and resulted in incomplete coverage of the patterned area. The minimum feature resolution produced by the patterning setup was 301 µm; however, tests with a photomask demonstrated features an order of magnitude smaller. The non-contact approach was also used to produce conformal patterns over sloped and curved surfaces. Characterisation of the copper deposits found an average thickness of 559 nm and a conductivity of 3.81 × 107 S/m. Tape peel and bend fatigue testing showed that the copper was ductile and adhered well to the PEI, with flexible electronic samples demonstrating over 50,000 cycles at a minimum bend radius of 6.59 mm without failure. Additionally, the PEI and copper combination was shown to survive a solder reflow with peak temperatures of 249°C. Using a robotic pick and place system a test board was automatically populated with surface mount components as small as 0201 resistors which were affixed using high-temperature, Type-V Tin-Silver-Copper solder paste. Finally, to prove the process a range of functional demonstrators were built and evaluated. These included a functional timer circuit, inductive wireless power coils compatible with two existing standards, a cylindrical RF antenna capable of operating at several frequencies below 10 GHz, flexible positional sensors, and multi-mode shape memory alloy actuators

    Selective laser melting of silica glass powders

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    Additive manufacturing (AM) has recently amassed great media coverage thanks to its unique capabilities and its appeal towards practicality; contrary to popular belief, these technologies have been used or developed for decades and are continuously improving. Currently, they have managed to allow a new method for fast prototyping, and new practices for producing complex structures with relative ease. The variety of AM technologies currently available is large and employs different approaches to the process. Similarly, a multitude of materials are available for production which further broadens the reach of AM products. There is however, a lack of success in the field of glass AM as there have not been many significant developments in the field which would make this process as versatile as with other materials. Furthermore, the produced components with current glass AM methods do not fulfill the requirements that traditionally-manufactured glass components require, thus preventing these developments from getting past the experimental phase. This study attempts to give a better understanding of the causes for these limitations, as well as provide a solution to these recurring issues by testing theories which presumably could solve them. This process was systematically and qualitatively documented and a conclusion, as well as an own attempt to solve recurring problems, is detailed

    Finite Element Methods in Smart Materials and Polymers

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    Functional polymers show unique physical and chemical properties, which can manifest as dynamic responses to external stimuli such as radiation, temperature, chemical reaction, external force, and magnetic and electric fields. Recent advances in the fabrication techniques have enabled different types of polymer systems to be utilized in a wide range of potential applications in smart structures and systems, including structural health monitoring, anti‐vibration, and actuators. The progress in these integrated smart structures requires the implementation of finite element modelling using a multiphysics approach in various computational platforms. This book presents finite element methods applied in modeling of the smart structures and materials with particular emphasis on hydrogels, metamaterials, 3D-printed and anti-vibration constructs, and fibers

    Advanced Applications of Rapid Prototyping Technology in Modern Engineering

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    Rapid prototyping (RP) technology has been widely known and appreciated due to its flexible and customized manufacturing capabilities. The widely studied RP techniques include stereolithography apparatus (SLA), selective laser sintering (SLS), three-dimensional printing (3DP), fused deposition modeling (FDM), 3D plotting, solid ground curing (SGC), multiphase jet solidification (MJS), laminated object manufacturing (LOM). Different techniques are associated with different materials and/or processing principles and thus are devoted to specific applications. RP technology has no longer been only for prototype building rather has been extended for real industrial manufacturing solutions. Today, the RP technology has contributed to almost all engineering areas that include mechanical, materials, industrial, aerospace, electrical and most recently biomedical engineering. This book aims to present the advanced development of RP technologies in various engineering areas as the solutions to the real world engineering problems

    Parasitic drag analysis of a high inertia flywheel rotating in an enclosure

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    There are currently millions of people throughout the world who live in isolated, rural communities without electricity. An ongoing effort has been initiated to provide reliable power to such communities. These efforts are being made to utilize renewable energy sources such as wind and solar power to solve this problem. Renewable energy sources can be both intermittent and unpredictable. Thus, an effective energy storage system is sought to store excess energy when available to disperse during times of scarcity.;The use of a high-inertia flywheel was proposed as a means of energy storage due to its simplicity, low cost, and reliability. A previously proposed design integrated a flywheel with a windmill and grid system to effectively distribute consistent power for a village of approximately 200 residents. The flywheel was designed to store enough energy for the residents for up to two days without input. The proposed design consists of a cylindrical flywheel with a diameter of 5.9 meters, a thickness of almost 0.9 meters, and a mass of 152 tons. A rotating disk with these proportions creates a large amount of parasitic drag at its maximum angular velocity. The amount of drag created causes major losses to the overall power output of the wind energy storage system.;Parasitic drag is predominantly caused by the skin friction an object moving through a viscous fluid experiences. This skin friction is strongly influenced by the viscosity of the surrounding fluid. Viscosity is a function of pressure and temperature and can be greatly reduced as the atmospheric pressure surrounding the concerned object is lowered. A drag analysis was completed to assess the benefits of reducing the air pressure within the chamber created between the flywheel and its enclosing walls. It was found that placing the flywheel within a housing alone reduces the frictional losses by approximately 15 percent; this reduction is governed by proper spacing based on boundary layer interactions. As the chamber pressure is reduced, the friction moment of the flywheel can be diminished even further. It was found that at one-twentieth of an atmosphere, the parasitic drag was reduced by an additional 80 percent. Several design methods are considered in order to reduce the pressure around the flywheel to a target of 1/20 of an atmosphere. With the help of a reduced pressure chamber tightly fit around the flywheel, the overall viscous torque of the flywheel can be reduced by over ninety percent when compared to the same flywheel operating in free space at atmospheric conditions. Using CFD methods (FLUENT) as a simulated design tool, the optimum gap spacing for the housing was analyzed; a variety of casing geometries were considered in an attempt to determine optimal clearance. A central low pressure drag reduction system can be created by enclosing the rotating flywheel, leaving an optimal spacing of 0.0826 meters in the axial direction and 0.0826 meters in the radial direction (optimization based on comparison between specific geometries modeled using FLUENT) using a vacuum pump to evacuate the region between the spinning flywheel and stationary housing down to a target of 1/20 of an atmosphere

    Development of specialized base primitives for meso-scale conforming truss structures

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    The advent of rapid manufacturing has enabled the realization of countless products that have heretofore been infeasible. From customized clear braces to jet fighter ducts and one-off dental implants, rapid manufacturing allows for increased design complexity and decreased manufacturing costs. The manufacturing capabilities of this process have evolved to the point that they have surpassed current design capabilities. Meso-scale lattice structures can now be built that contain more lattice struts than it is reasonable to efficiently define. This work has attempted to create a method for designing such lattice structures that is efficient enough to allow for the design of large or complex problems. The main hindrance to the design of complex meso-scale lattice problems is essentially the need to define the strut diameters. While it is obvious that a large design would contain more struts than can be specified by hand, designs also quickly surpass the current capabilities of computational optimization routines. To overcome this problem, a design method has been developed that uses a unit-cell library correlated to finite element analysis of the bounding geometry to tailor the structure to the anticipated loading conditions. The unit-cell library is a collection of base lattice primitives, or unit-cells, that have been specialized for certain applications. In this case, primitives have been created that perform best under the types of stress analyzed by finite element analysis. The effectiveness of this process has been demonstrated through several example problems. In all cases, the unit-cell library approach was able to create structures in less time than current methods. The resulting structures had structural performance slightly lower than similar models created through optimization methods, although the extent of this degradation was slight. The method developed in this work performs extremely well, and is able to create designs for even the most complex lattice structures. There is room for future development, however, in the streamlining of the design process and consideration of higher-order affects within unit-cells.M.S.Committee Chair: David, Rosen; Committee Member: Chris, Paredis; Committee Member: Seung-Kyum, Cho

    Digitally driven microfabrication of 3D multilayer embedded electronic systems

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    The integration of multiple digitally driven processes is seen as the solution to many of the current limitations arising from standalone Additive Manufacturing (AM) techniques. A technique has been developed to digitally fabricate fully functioning electronics using a unique combination of AM technologies. This has been achieved by interleaving bottom-up Stereolithography (SL) with Direct Writing (DW) of conductor materials alongside mid-process development (optimising the substrate surface quality), dispensing of interconnects, component placement and thermal curing stages. The resulting process enables the low-temperature production of bespoke three-dimensional, fully packaged and assembled multi-layer embedded electronic circuitry. Two different Digital Light Processing (DLP) Stereolithography systems were developed applying different projection orientations to fabricate electronic substrates by selective photopolymerisation. The bottom up projection orientation produced higher quality more planar surfaces and demonstrated both a theoretical and practical feature resolution of 110 μm. A top down projection method was also developed however a uniform exposure of UV light and planar substrate surface of high quality could not be achieved. The most advantageous combination of three post processing techniques to optimise the substrate surface quality for subsequent conductor deposition was determined and defined as a mid-processing procedure. These techniques included ultrasonic agitation in solvent, thermal baking and additional ultraviolet exposure. SEM and surface analysis showed that a sequence including ultrasonic agitation in D-Limonene with additional UV exposure was optimal. DW of a silver conductive epoxy was used to print conductors on the photopolymer surface using a Musashi dispensing system that applies a pneumatic pressure to a loaded syringe mounted on a 3-axis print head and is controlled through CAD generated machine code. The dispensing behaviour of two isotropic conductive adhesives was characterised through three different nozzle sizes for the production of conductor traces as small as 170 μm wide and 40 μm high. Additionally, the high resolution dispensing of a viscous isotropic conductive adhesive (ICA) also led to a novel deposition approach for producing three dimensional, z-axis connections in the form of high freestanding pillars with an aspect ratio of 3.68 (height of 2mm and diameter of 550μm). Three conductive adhesive curing regimes were applied to printed samples to determine the effect of curing temperature and time on the resulting material resistivity. A temperature of 80 °C for 3 hours resulted in the lowest resistivity while displaying no substrate degradation. ii Compatibility with surface mount technology enabled components including resistors, capacitors and chip packages to be placed directly onto the silver adhesive contact pads before low-temperature thermal curing and embedding within additional layers of photopolymer. Packaging of components as small as 0603 surface mount devices (SMDs) was demonstrated via this process. After embedding of the circuitry in a thick layer of photopolymer using the bottom up Stereolithography apparatus, analysis of the adhesive strength at the boundary between the base substrate and embedding layer was conducted showing that loads up to 1500 N could be applied perpendicular to the embedding plane. A high degree of planarization was also found during evaluation of the embedding stage that resulted in an excellent surface finish on which to deposit subsequent layers. This complete procedure could be repeated numerous times to fabricate multilayer electronic devices. This hybrid process was also adapted to conduct flip-chip packaging of bare die with 195 μm wide bond pads. The SL/DW process combination was used to create conductive trenches in the substrate surface that were filled with isotropic conductive adhesive (ICA) to create conductive pathways. Additional experimentation with the dispensing parameters led to consistent 150 μm ICA bumps at a 457 μm pitch. A flip-chip bonding force of 0.08 N resulted in a contact resistance of 2.3 Ω at a standoff height of ~80 μm. Flip-chips with greater standoff heights of 160 μm were also successfully underfilled with liquid photopolymer using the SL embedding technique, while the same process on chips with 80 μm standoff height was unsuccessful. Finally the approaches were combined to fabricate single, double and triple layer circuit demonstrators; pyramid shaped electronic packages with internal multilayer electronics; fully packaged and underfilled flip-chip bare die and; a microfluidic device facilitating UV catalysis. This new paradigm in manufacturing supports rapid iterative product development and mass customisation of electronics for a specific application and, allows the generation of more dimensionally complex products with increased functionality

    Long- and short-term solutions for mitigating hazardous noise exposure and noise levels on board vessels from the small-scale fishing fleet of Newfoundland and Labrador

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    Fish harvesting in Newfoundland and Labrador (NL) is prominently a small-scale industry. This is an important activity in the rural NL, providing a mean of livelihood and identity to many coastal communities. Fishing is also one of the most dangerous professions both in the province and worldwide, with high incidence of reported casualties, accidents, and injuries. Among many health and safety issues of the fish harvesting profession, elevated noise levels pose a subtle threat. Prolonged exposure to noise is known to induce noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL), and high noise levels are known to reduce the habitability of fishing vessels, increase fatigue, and ultimately add to the risk of accidents and injuries. This PhD research aims to assess noise-related hazards on the small-scale NL fishing fleet (less than 24m length overall) and to provide short-term (minimal vessel and gear modification, use of protection devices), and long-term (integration of an acoustic design for noise control on fishing vessels) solutions to mitigate on-board high noise levels and exposures. The research features: a) a comprehensive survey of noise levels and occupational noise exposures on-board a representative sample of 12 vessels, in order to identify the dominant noise sources, measure the in-situ acoustic insulation, assess the compliance with habitability criteria of living spaces and the risk of hazardous noise exposures; b) the study of the perception of risk of noise-related hazards from owner/operators of the fleet; c) the development of a numerical model validated using experimental data for the acoustic transmission and the study of possible noise control interventions to mitigate noise to acceptable levels on a case study vessel. In this research activity a job-based method for noise exposure assessment was used, as opposed to the task-based method used in other studies on fishing vessels, and the noise components that lead to hazardous noise exposures were identified in order to provide effective solutions to mitigate noise exposure. Furthermore, for the first time state-of-the-art Statistical Energy Analysis (SEA) and graph theory were used to model noise transmission on a small-sized fishing vessel and reveal the dominant noise transmission mechanisms. Based on these findings, effective noise control interventions were proposed and evaluated. These assessments are necessary to provide recommendations and guidelines, and introduce design and operational criteria to control noise levels on small fishing vessels from NL and worldwide more in general. Indeed, noise control solutions identified in the case-study vessel can be used on similar vessels, and the numerical method based on SEA as shown in this research can be applied to design of noise control on new vessels

    Variational mechanics and stochastic methods applied to structural design

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    This thesis explores a very well understood area of physics: computational structural dynamics. The aim is to stretch its boundaries by merging it with another very well established discipline such as structural design and optimization. In the recent past both of them have made significant advances, often unaware one of each other for different reasons. It is the aim of this thesis to serve as a bridging tool between the realms of physics and engineering. The work in divided in three parts: variational mechanics, structural optimization and implementation. The initial part deals with deterministic variational mechanics. Two chapters are dedicated to probe the applicability of energy functionals in the structural analysis. First, by mapping the state of the art regarding the vast field of numerical methods for structural dynamics; second, by using those functionals as a tool to compare the methods. It is shown how, once the methods are grouped according to the kind of differential equations they integrate, it is easy to establish a framework for benchmarking. Moreover, if this comparison is made using balance of energy the only parameter needed to observe is a relatively easy to obtain scalar value. The second part, where structural optimization is treated, has also two chapters. In the first one the non-deterministic tools employed by structural designers are presented and examined. An important distinction between tools for optimization and tools for analysis is highlighted. In the following chapter, a framework for the objective characterization of structural systems is developed. This characterization is made on the basis of the thermodynamics and energetic characteristics of the system. Finally, it is successfully applied to drive a sample simulated annealing algorithm. In the third part the resulting code employed in the numerical experiments is shown and explained. This code was developed by means of a visual programming environment and allows for the fast implementation of programs within a consolidated CAD application. It was used to interconnect simultaneously with other applications to seamlessly share simulation data and process it. Those applications were, respectively, a spreadsheet and a general purpose finite element.La presente tesis explora un area de la fisica ampliamente establecida: dinamica computacional de estructuras. El proposito es expandir los limites de la misma mediante la combinacion con otra disciplina como es el diseño y la optimizacion estructurales. Recientemente, ambas han experimentado avances significativos que, frecuentemente, han ocurrido de forma ajena una de la otra. Esta tesis busca servir de nexo entre el campo de la fisica y la ingenieria. El trabajo esta dividido en tres partes: mecanica variacional, optimizacion estructural e implementacion de una aplicacion de software para su uso en la practica real. La parte inicial trata la mecanica variacional desde el punto de vista determinista. Se dedican dos capitulos a demostrar la aplicabilidad de los funcionales energeticos en el analisis estructural. Primero, se hace un recorrido por el estado del arte de los metodos numericos para dinamica estructural; posteriormente, se emplean estos funcionales para comparar dichos metodos de forma objetiva y eficaz. Se demuestra como, una vez que los metodos han quedado agrupados de acuerdo al tipo de ecuaciones diferenciales que resuelven (ordinarias, parciales o algebraicas), es facil crear un marco de referencia para su evaluacion. Al hacerse la comparacion mediante equilibrio energetico el resultado es un valor escalar cuyo manejo es relativamente facil de interpretar. La segunda parte, donde se trata la optimizacion estructural, abarca tambien dos capitulos. En el primero se presentan y examinan las herramientas no deterministas utilizadas por los diseñadores estructurales y se pone de relevancia la importante distincion entre las herramientas de analisis y las de optimizacion. A continuacion, se desarrolla un marco para la caracterizacion objetiva de sistemas estructurales elaborado sobre la base de la mecanica estadistica y las caracteristicas energeticas de las estructuras. Finalmente, el marco se combina con un algoritmo de "Simulated Annealing" para la optimizacion de estructuras. En la tercera parte de la tesis el codigo resultante empleado en los experimentos numericos de los capitulos anteriores queda explicado. Este codigo, desarrollado mediante herramientas de programacion visual, permite la rapida implementacion de aplicaciones dentro de un entorno de CAD. para su posterior aplicacion a problemas reales