11 research outputs found

    Optimization of Educational Mobile Game Design 'Ayo Wisata ke Riau' based on User's Perspective

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    Educational Mobile Game ‘Ayo Wisata ke Riau’ is a mobile-based educational game application that was developed in 2017 on the Android platform. The quality requirements used in this game development have been adjusted for the available Educational Mobile Games. Even though it went well, there were many complaints from users during the direct implementation survey. This becomes material for re-evaluation, whether the game is ready to be disseminated to the public. Based on this occurence, a gap analysis was carried out to see the feasibility and the need for improvements to the game application that had been built. Based on the results of the gap analysis that has been carried out, it is indicated that there is a need for significant improvements in the areas of performance and user satisfaction. So that in this study, a design reengineering was carried out that was focused on improving the two things that were considered crucial, so that the results of the design and implementation that had been improved could provide better performance and user satisfaction scores than previous developments.Educational Mobile Game ‘Ayo Wisata ke Riau’ is a mobile-based educational game application that was developed in 2017 on the Android platform. The quality requirements used in this game development have been adjusted for the available Educational Mobile Games. Even though it went well, there were many complaints from users during the direct implementation survey. This becomes material for re-evaluation, whether the game is ready to be disseminated to the public. Based on this occurence, a gap analysis was carried out to see the feasibility and the need for improvements to the game application that had been built. Based on the results of the gap analysis that has been carried out, it is indicated that there is a need for significant improvements in the areas of performance and user satisfaction. So that in this study, a design reengineering was carried out that was focused on improving the two things that were considered crucial, so that the results of the design and implementation that had been improved could provide better performance and user satisfaction scores than previous developments

    Automated Testing of Motion-based Events in Mobile Applications

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    Automated test case generation is one of the main challenges in testing mobile applications. This challenge becomes more complicated when the application being tested supports motion-based events. In this paper, we propose a novel, hidden Markov model (HMM)-based approach to automatically generate movement-based gestures in mobile applications. A HMM classifier is used to generate movements, which mimic a user’s behaviour in interacting with the application’s User Interface (UI). We evaluate the proposed technique on three different case studies; the evaluation indicates that the technique not only generates realistic test cases, but also achieves better code coverage when compared to randomly generated test case


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    Game  tersusun atas aturan-aturan dengan skenario serta audio-visual yang menarik untuk tujuan untuk menghibur pengguna. Dengan berkembangnya perangkat mobile, maka game juga bermunculan di perangkat mobile. Dengan demikian dibutuhkan suatu model kualitas yang diharapkan oleh setiap pengembang game. Karakteristik perangkat lunak mobile game lebih unik dibandingkan perangkat lunak game pada umumnya, terutama menyangkut mobilitas dan portabilitas. Kualitas dari sebuah mobile game dapat dilihat dari aspek yang diukur dan diuji sesuai dengan metriks untuk kebutuhan kualitas mobile game. Untuk menentukan kebutuhan kualitas perangkat lunak, diperluakan karakteristik-karakteristik dari perangkat lunak tersebut sehingga menjadi dasar pembentukan kebutuhan kualitas yang sesuai dengan kasus yang digunakan. Kebutuhan kualitas untuk game berbasis mobile didapat dari karakteristik aplikasi berbasis mobile dan game berbasis mobile.  Evaluasi terhadap kebutuhan kualitas yang diusulkan akan digunakan sebagai acuan untuk mengukur kualitas suatu mobile gam

    iOS Applications Testing

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    Mobile applications conquer the world, but iOS devices hold the major share of tablets market among the corporate workers. This study aims to identify the aspects (i.e. features and/ or limitations) that influence the testing of the native iOS applications. The aspects related to general mobile applications testing are identified through the systematic literature review of academic sources. iOS applications testing aspects are identified through the review of non-academic (multivocal) literature sources. The identified aspects are merged and discussed in detail using the reviewed sources and based on the author’s professional experience in iOS applications testing. The references to the credible sources are provided in order to support the professional experience findings. The study eliminates the gap that exists in the academic world in regards to iOS applications testing. The practitioners are also encouraged to fulfill their iOS applications testing strategies with the identified aspects

    Software Quality Assurance and Android Application Development: A Comparison among Traditional and Agile Methodology

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    This paper focuses on software quality assurance in android application development with focus on approaches to confirm software quality in android applications. In this work, we compare the waterfall model with agile-scrum methodologies to realize software quality assurance with special focus on mobile applications. This research allows us to answer, “Which process model and practices are available for android software development along with focus on quality assurance?” The other research focus in this paper is “How auditors, developers and testers play their defined roles to maintain quality in mobile application development?” Agility for software development has transformed into a preferred and favored method for mobile application development. The major aim of this research is to contribute for a better knowledge for mobile application development methodologies practiced by the organizations for the development of applications based on systematic literature review

    Quality Properties of Execution Tracing, an Empirical Study

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    The authors are grateful to all the professionals who participated in the focus groups; moreover, they also express special thanks to the management of the companies involved for making the organisation of the focus groups possible.Data are made available in the appendix including the results of the data coding process.The quality of execution tracing impacts the time to a great extent to locate errors in software components; moreover, execution tracing is the most suitable tool, in the majority of the cases, for doing postmortem analysis of failures in the field. Nevertheless, software product quality models do not adequately consider execution tracing quality at present neither do they define the quality properties of this important entity in an acceptable manner. Defining these quality properties would be the first step towards creating a quality model for execution tracing. The current research fills this gap by identifying and defining the variables, i.e., the quality properties, on the basis of which the quality of execution tracing can be judged. The present study analyses the experiences of software professionals in focus groups at multinational companies, and also scrutinises the literature to elicit the mentioned quality properties. Moreover, the present study also contributes to knowledge with the combination of methods while computing the saturation point for determining the number of the necessary focus groups. Furthermore, to pay special attention to validity, in addition to the the indicators of qualitative research: credibility, transferability, dependability, and confirmability, the authors also considered content, construct, internal and external validity

    Practical Consequences of Quality Views in Assessing Software Quality

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    open access articleThe authors’ previously published research delved into the theory of software product quality modelling, model views, concepts, and terminologies. They also analysed this specific field from the point of view of uncertainty, and possible descriptions based on fuzzy set theory and fuzzy logic. Laying a theoretical foundation was necessary; however, software professionals need a more tangible and practical approach for their everyday work. Consequently, the authors devote this paper to filling in this gap; it aims to illustrate how to interpret and utilise the previous findings, including the established taxonomy of the software product quality models. The developed fuzzy model’s simplification is also presented with a Generalized Additive Model approximation. The paper does not require any formal knowledge of uncertainty computations and reasoning under uncertainty, nor does it need a deep understanding of quality modelling in terms of terminology, concepts, and meta-models, which were necessary to prepare the taxonomy and relevance ranking. The paper investigates how to determine the validity of statements based on a given software product quality model; moreover, it considers how to tailor and adjust quality models to the particular project’s needs. The paper also describes how to apply different software product quality models for different quality views to take advantage of the automation potential offered for the measurement and assessment of source code quality. Furthermore, frequent pitfalls are illustrated with their corresponding resolutions, including an unmeasured quality property that is found to be important and needs to be included in the measurement and assessment process

    Software Product Quality Models, Developments, Trends and Evaluation

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    The file attached to this record is the author's final peer reviewed version. The Publisher's final version can be found by following the DOI link.Software product quality models have evolved in their abilities to capture and describe the abstract notion of software quality since the 1970’s. Many models constructed deal with a specific part of software quality only which makes them ineligible to assess the quality of software products as a whole. Former publications failed to thoroughly examine and list all the available models which attempt to describe each known property of software product quality. This paper discovers such complete software product quality models published since 2000; moreover, it endeavours to measure the relevance of each model quantitatively by introducing indicators with regard to the scientific and industrial community. The identified 23 software product quality model classes differ significantly in terms of publication intensity, publication range, quality score average, relevance score and the 12-month average of the Google Relative Search Index. The results offer a foundation for selecting the appropriate software product quality model for use or for extension if newly identified quality properties need to be connected to a general context. Furthermore, the experiences accumulated on the field of software product quality modelling motivated researchers to successfully transfer the concepts to other areas where abstract entities need to be compared or assessed including the quality of higher educational teaching and business processes, which is also briefly highlighted in the paper

    Cloud Platform for Research Crowdsourcing in Mobile Testing

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    Mobile application testing and testing over a cloud are two highly topical fields nowadays. Mobile testing presents specific test activities, including verification of an application against a variety of heterogeneous smartphone models and versions of operating systems (OS), build distribution and test team management, monitoring and user experience analytics of an application in production, etc. Cloud benefits are widely used to support all these activities. This study conducts in-depth analyses of existing cloud services for mobile testing and addresses their weaknesses regarding research purposes and testing needs of the critical and business-critical mobile applications.   During this study, a Cloud Testing of Mobile Systems (CTOMS) framework for effective research crowdsourcing in mobile testing was developed. The framework is presented as a lightweight and easily scalable distributed system that provides a cloud service to run tests on a variety of remote mobile devices. CTOMS provides implementation of two novel functionalities that are demanded by advanced investigations in mobile testing. First, it allows full multidirectional testing, which provides the opportunities to test an application on different devices and/or OS versions, and new device models or OS versions for their compatibility with the most popular applications in the market, or just legacy critical apps, etc. Second, CTOMS demonstrates the effective integration of the appropriate testing techniques for mobile development within such a service. In particular, it provides a user with suggestions about coverage of configurations to test on using combinatorial approaches like a base choice, pair-wise, and t-way. The current CTOMS version supports automated functional testing of Android applications and detection of defects in the user interface (UI). This has a great value because requirements for UI and user experience are high for any modern mobile application.    The fundamental analysis of possible test types and techniques using a system like CTOMS was conducted, and ways of possible enhancements and extensions of functionality for possible research are listed. The first case studies prove the work of implemented novel concepts, their usefulness, and their convenience for experiments in mobile testing. The overall work proves that a study of cloud mobile testing is feasible even with small research resources.  M.S

    Mobilo lietotņu testēšana.

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    Darbā ir sniegts pārskats par programmatūras testēšanu metalīmenī. Autors ir izpētījis aspektus, kas ietekmē funkcionālo testēšanu jo īpaši iOS lietotnēm, kā arī mobilajām lietotnēm kopumā. Darbā ir izpētītas arī drošības iespējas un izstrādes/testēšanas “pārpalikumi”, kas bieži tiek atstāti bez ievērības un nesakārtoti lietotņu ātrākai pieejamībai tirgū. Atsevišķa nodaļa ir veltīta mobilo lietotāju saskarņu automātisko testēšanas rīku pētīšanai un klasterizācijai. “Ārā no kastes” Apple UIAutomation rīka ierobežojumu pārvarēšana ir apvienota tTap ietvarā, kuru izstrādāja autors. Analizējot paveikto, tika izveidots “ideāla” starpplatformu mobilo lietotāja saskarnes testēšanas automatizācijas rīka priekšlikums. Promocijas darbam piemīt praktiskais raksturs. Visa ar mobilo lietotņu testēšanas saistītā informācija tika savākta vai pārbaudīta reālo mobilo lietotņu projektu izstrādes laikā.The thesis gives an overview of software testing on the meta-level. Aspects that influence functional testing of iOS apps in particular, and mobile – in general, were investigated by the author. The thesis also exposes the security capabilities and development/ testing leftovers that often are neglected and not cleaned up in favor of time to market rush. A separate chapter of the thesis deals with mobile UI test automation tools investigation and clustering. Solutions aimed at overcoming the limitations of out of the box Apple UIAutomation are united in tTap framework developed by the author. The analysis performed on mobile UI test automation tools united with the solutions used in tTap framework resulted in the ideal cross-platform mobile UI test automation tool proposal. The whole thesis has a practical flavor. All mobile testing related information has been verified or gathered during the real mobile software development projects executio