98 research outputs found

    Ekonomicky dostupný aktivní exoskeleton pro dolní končetiny pro paraplegiky

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    After a broad introduction to the medical and biomechanical background and detailed review of orthotic devices, two newly developed lower limbs exoskeletons for paraplegics are presented in this study. There was found out the main challenges of designing devices for paraplegic walking can be summarized into three groups, stability and comfort, high efficiency or low energy consumption, dimensions and weight. These all attributes have to be moreover considered and maintained during manufacturing of affordable device while setting a reasonable price of the final product. A new economical device for people with paraplegia which tackles all problems of the three groups is introduced in this work. The main idea of this device is based on HALO mechanism. HALO is a compact passive medial hip joint orthosis with contralateral hip and ankle linkage, which keeps the feet always parallel to the ground and assists swinging the leg. The medial hip joint is equipped with one actuator in the new design and the new active exoskeleton is called @halo. Due to this update, we can achieve more stable and smoother walking patterns with decreased energy consumption of the users, yet maintain its compact and lightweight features. It was proven by the results from preliminary experiments with able-bodied subjects during which the same device with and without actuator was evaluated. Waddling and excessive vertical elevation of the centre of gravity were decreased by 40% with significantly smaller standard deviations in case of the powered exoskeleton. There was 52% less energy spent by the user wearing @halo which was calculated from the vertical excursion difference. There was measured 38.5% bigger impulse in crutches while using passive orthosis, which produced bigger loads in upper extremities musculature. The inverse dynamics approach was chosen to calculate and investigate the loads applied to the upper extremities. The result of this calculation has proven that all main muscle groups are engaged more aggressively and indicate more energy consumption during passive walking. The new @halo device is the first powered exoskeleton for lower limbs with just one actuated degree of freedom for users with paraplegia.První část práce je věnována obsáhlému úvodu do zdravotnické a biomechanické terminologie a detailnímu souhrnnému představení ortopedických pomůcek. Následně jsou představeny dva nově vyvinuté exoskelety aplikovatelné na dolní končetiny paraplegiků. Bylo zjištěno, že hlavní úskalí konstrukčního návrhu asistenčních zařízení pro paraplegiky lze shrnout do tří hlavních skupin, jako první je stabilita a komfort, druhá je vysoká účinnost a nízká energetická náročnost uživatele a do třetí lze zahrnout rozměry a hmotnost zařízení. Toto všechno je navíc podmíněno přijatelnou výslednou cenou produktu. Nový ekonomicky dostupný exoskelet pro paraplegiky, který řeší problematiku všech tří zmíněných skupin je představen v této práci. Hlavní myšlenka tohoto zařízení je postavena na mechanismu HALO ortézy. HALO je kompaktní pasivní ortéza s mediálním kyčelním kloubem umístěným uprostřed mezi dolními končetinami. Speciální mediální kyčelní kloub je kontralaterálně propojen s kotníkem soustavou ocelových lanek což zajištuje paralelní polohu chodidla se zemí v každém okamžiku chůze a navíc asistuje zhoupnutí končetiny. Tento mediální kyčelní kloub je redesignován a v novém provedení je vybaven jedním aktuátorem, nové řešení aktivního exoskeletu dostalo název @halo. Díky tomuto vylepšení lze dosáhnout stabilnější a plynulejší chůze s výrazně redukovanou energetickou náročností uživatele přičemž dochází k zachování nízké hmotnosti a kompaktnosti zařízení. Toto bylo dokázáno během předběžných experimentů se zdravými subjekty, během kterých byla testována aktivní chůze se zařízením vybaveným odnímatelnou pohonnou jednotkou a pasivní chůze se stejným zařízením bez této aktivní jednotky. Nadměrné naklánění se během chůze ze strany na stranu a nadměrná výchylka pohybu těžiště těla ve vertikálním směru byly sníženy o necelých 40% s velmi významně menšími standardními odchylkami v případě chůze s pohonem. Z rozdílu výchylky pohybu těžiště těla ve vertikální poloze bylo vypočítáno snížení energetické náročnosti uživatele o 52% při chůzi s aktivní konfiguraci @halo. Při pohybu s pasivní ortézou byl naměřen o 38,5% větší reakční silový impuls v berlích, což znamená nárůst zátěže pro svalový aparát horních končetin. Pro podrobné vyšetření zátěže ramenních kloubů byl aplikován model inverzní dynamiky. Výsledek tohoto výpočtu jednoznačně indikuje agresivnější a hlubší zapojení všech svalových skupin ramenního kloubu a tím vyšší spotřebu energie uživatelem během pasivní chůze. Nové asistenční zařízení @halo je prvním exoskeletem svého druhu pro paraplegiky s jediným poháněným stupněm volnosti.354 - Katedra robotikyvyhově

    Smart Sensors for Healthcare and Medical Applications

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    This book focuses on new sensing technologies, measurement techniques, and their applications in medicine and healthcare. Specifically, the book briefly describes the potential of smart sensors in the aforementioned applications, collecting 24 articles selected and published in the Special Issue “Smart Sensors for Healthcare and Medical Applications”. We proposed this topic, being aware of the pivotal role that smart sensors can play in the improvement of healthcare services in both acute and chronic conditions as well as in prevention for a healthy life and active aging. The articles selected in this book cover a variety of topics related to the design, validation, and application of smart sensors to healthcare

    Design and evaluation of a multimodal assistive technology using tongue commands, head movements, and speech recognition for people with tetraplegia

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    People with high level (C1-C4) spinal cord injury (SCI) cannot use their limbs to do the daily life activities by themselves without assistance. Current assistive technologies (ATs) use remaining capabilities (tongue, muscle, brain, speech, sniffing) as an input method to help them control devices (computer, smartphone). However, these ATs are not very efficient as compared to the gold standards (mouse and keyboards, touch interfaces, joysticks, and so forth) which are being used in everyday life. Therefore, in this work, a novel multimodal assistive system is designed to provide better accessibility more intuitively. The multimodal Tongue Drive System (mTDS) utilizes three key remaining abilities (speech, tongue and head movements) to help people with tetraplegia control the environments such as accessing computers, smartphones or driving wheelchairs. Tongue commands are used as discrete/switch like inputs and head movements as proportional/continuous type inputs, and speech recognition to type texts faster compared to any keyboards to emulate a mouse-keyboard combined system to access computers/ smartphones. Novel signal processing algorithms are developed and implemented in the wearable unit to provide universal access to multiple devices from the wireless mTDS. Non-disabled subjects participated in multiple studies to find the efficacy of mTDS in comparison to gold standards, and people with tetraplegia to evaluate technology learning abilities. Significant improvements are observed in terms of increasing accuracy and speed while doing different computer access and wheelchair mobility tasks. Thus, with sufficient learning of mTDS, it is feasible to reduce the performance gap between a non-disabled and a person with tetraplegia compared to the existing ATs.Ph.D

    Design and Development of Biofeedback Stick Technology (BfT) to Improve the Quality of Life of Walking Stick Users

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    Biomedical engineering has seen a rapid growth in recent times, where the aim to facilitate and equip humans with the latest technology has become widespread globally. From high-tech equipment ranging from CT scanners, MRI equipment, and laser treatments, to the design, creation, and implementation of artificial body parts, the field of biomedical engineering has significantly contributed to mankind. Biomedical engineering has facilitated many of the latest developments surrounding human mobility, with advancement in mobility aids improving human movement for people with compromised mobility either caused by an injury or health condition. A review of the literature indicated that mobility aids, especially walking sticks, and appropriate training for their use, are generally prescribed by allied health professionals (AHP) to walking stick users for rehabilitation and activities of daily living (ADL). However, feedback from AHP is limited to the clinical environment, leaving walking stick users vulnerable to falls and injuries due to incorrect usage. Hence, to mitigate the risk of falls and injuries, and to facilitate a routine appraisal of individual patient’s usage, a simple, portable, robust, and reliable tool was developed which provides the walking stick users with real-time feedback upon incorrect usage during their activities of daily living (ADL). This thesis aimed to design and develop a smart walking stick technology: Biofeedback stick technology (BfT). The design incorporates the approach of patient and public involvement (PPI) in the development of BfT to ensure that BfT was developed as per the requirements of walking stick users and AHP recommendations. The newly developed system was tested quantitatively for; validity, reliability, and reproducibility against gold standard equipment such as the 3D motion capture system, force plates, optical measurement system for orientation, weight bearing, and step count. The system was also tested qualitatively for its usability by conducting semi-informal interviews with AHPs and walking stick users. The results of these studies showed that the newly developed system has good accuracy, reported above 95% with a maximum inaccuracy of 1°. The data reported indicates good reproducibility. The angles, weight, and steps recorded by the system during experiments are within the values published in the literature. From these studies, it was concluded that, BfT has the potential to improve the lives of walking stick users and that, with few additional improvements, appropriate approval from relevant regulatory bodies, and robust clinical testing, the technology has a huge potential to carve its way to a commercial market

    Wearable Movement Sensors for Rehabilitation: From Technology to Clinical Practice

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    This Special Issue shows a range of potential opportunities for the application of wearable movement sensors in motor rehabilitation. However, the papers surely do not cover the whole field of physical behavior monitoring in motor rehabilitation. Most studies in this Special Issue focused on the technical validation of wearable sensors and the development of algorithms. Clinical validation studies, studies applying wearable sensors for the monitoring of physical behavior in daily life conditions, and papers about the implementation of wearable sensors in motor rehabilitation are under-represented in this Special Issue. Studies investigating the usability and feasibility of wearable movement sensors in clinical populations were lacking. We encourage researchers to investigate the usability, acceptance, feasibility, reliability, and clinical validity of wearable sensors in clinical populations to facilitate the application of wearable movement sensors in motor rehabilitation

    Haptic interface based on tactile sensors for assistive devices

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    Tesis leída el 14 de febrero de 2018.Los países desarrollados deben hacer frente al creciente envejecimiento de su población. Un proceso de envejecimiento adecuado requiere capacidad funcional en las actividades del día a día. Así, las tecnologías de asistencia deben lidiar con uno de los principales problemas asociados con la edad: el deterioro de la movilidad. Los bastones y los andadores son prescritos para personas con movilidad reducida, pero aún con capacidad de andar. Sin embargo, hay un considerable número de personas en la tercera edad que necesitan otro tipo de ayuda. En este sentido, las sillas de ruedas eléctricas suponen un medio para el aumento de la participación y de la actividad de sus usuarios. Normalmente, estas sillas se conducen mediante un joystick alojado al final de uno de los reposabrazos. No obstante, este dispositivo no es adecuado para todo tipo de usuarios. Algunos de ellos lo encuentran difícil de usar y, para otros, su manejo no es posible y necesitan de la asistencia de otra persona (aquellos que padecen ciertas enfermedades del sistema nervioso, lesiones en la médula espinal, discapacidad mental, etc.). De esta manera, hay casos en que se requiere la ayuda de un cuidador que desplace la silla. Empujar una silla de ruedas de forma habitual produce distintos tipos de lesiones, por lo que es interesante que los asistentes o cuidadores también se beneficien de las ventajas de las sillas de ruedas eléctricas. En este caso, la solución más común consiste en otro joystick situado en la parte trasera de la silla. Como se ha apuntado anteriormente, este no es un dispositivo cómodo e intuitivo para muchos usuarios. Con respecto a la investigación, con frecuencia los dispositivos de asistencia propuestos basan su interfaz con el asistente en sensores de fuerza. Estos componentes son caros y suponen por tanto una barrera de cara a que el dispositivo llegue al mercado

    Sensing Systems for Respiration Monitoring: A Technical Systematic Review

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    Respiratory monitoring is essential in sleep studies, sport training, patient monitoring, or health at work, among other applications. This paper presents a comprehensive systematic review of respiration sensing systems. After several systematic searches in scientific repositories, the 198 most relevant papers in this field were analyzed in detail. Different items were examined: sensing technique and sensor, respiration parameter, sensor location and size, general system setup, communication protocol, processing station, energy autonomy and power consumption, sensor validation, processing algorithm, performance evaluation, and analysis software. As a result, several trends and the remaining research challenges of respiration sensors were identified. Long-term evaluations and usability tests should be performed. Researchers designed custom experiments to validate the sensing systems, making it difficult to compare results. Therefore, another challenge is to have a common validation framework to fairly compare sensor performance. The implementation of energy-saving strategies, the incorporation of energy harvesting techniques, the calculation of volume parameters of breathing, or the effective integration of respiration sensors into clothing are other remaining research efforts. Addressing these and other challenges outlined in the paper is a required step to obtain a feasible, robust, affordable, and unobtrusive respiration sensing system

    Book of Abstracts 15th International Symposium on Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering and 3rd Conference on Imaging and Visualization

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    In this edition, the two events will run together as a single conference, highlighting the strong connection with the Taylor & Francis journals: Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering (John Middleton and Christopher Jacobs, Eds.) and Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering: Imaging and Visualization (JoãoManuel R.S. Tavares, Ed.). The conference has become a major international meeting on computational biomechanics, imaging andvisualization. In this edition, the main program includes 212 presentations. In addition, sixteen renowned researchers will give plenary keynotes, addressing current challenges in computational biomechanics and biomedical imaging. In Lisbon, for the first time, a session dedicated to award the winner of the Best Paper in CMBBE Journal will take place. We believe that CMBBE2018 will have a strong impact on the development of computational biomechanics and biomedical imaging and visualization, identifying emerging areas of research and promoting the collaboration and networking between participants. This impact is evidenced through the well-known research groups, commercial companies and scientific organizations, who continue to support and sponsor the CMBBE meeting series. In fact, the conference is enriched with five workshops on specific scientific topics and commercial software.info:eu-repo/semantics/draf